Sony PlayStation Vita sales plummet during second week of availability


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
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Sony’s PlayStation Vita portable gaming console <a href="">launched in Japan with wind in its sails</a>, but the device’s success appears to have been short lived. A recent report from <em>4Gamer</em> suggests Sony sold just 72,479 units during the week ended December 25th, down from the estimated 324,859 units <em>4Gamer</em> said Sony sold during the Vita’s first week of availability. Nintendo sold 482,200 3DS units during the same time period and Sony also sold 101,121 units of its older PSP console. Perhaps Sony will need to follow in <a href="">Nintendo’s footsteps and initiate a price drop</a> to help spur continued sales, and a wider launch ahead of the holiday shopping season surely would have helped the portable console as well. The PlayStation Vita will launch in the United States on February 22nd for $250, and a 3G-enabled version is expected to launch at a later date.<span id="more-118621"></span>
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Via BRG - Boy Genius Report