SOTW: Week 17 - Discussion thread

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SOTW: Week 17

Official SOTW#17 Discussion Thread

This is where any and all posts dealing with this weeks SOTW belongs. So let the discussion begin!

Also it can be used for next weeks SOTW them discussion if you have any ideas.

Week 18 the theme will be "Pre-determined render".. Meaning a render will be provided and your sig for that week must have the render in it.. If anyone knows of a good render, PM it to me, and I will think it over for next week.



Active Members
What do you guys think about taking way the size restiction this week? That way you are free to do basically anything in Paint.. Or maybe just make it like 500x500 or something like that?


New member
well idk most (like me) people have started with the normal size and i like teh size :)

but hey i dont mind going bigger



Active Members
It was just I thought I had, we don't have to.. and I really don't care.. i didn't think about it untill earlier today.


New member
What we should really do is make the size restriction bigger for the entire forum... The old restriction was for 800x600 users but since the forums now show up at 1024x768 regardless of whos using them, we could possibly allow wider (not taller, but wider) sigs...

Anyway, thats off topic, the topic is MS Paint sigs and I have no clue what Im gonna do yet... heh, this should definetly be interseting.



New member
Hmmm, everyone is saving to .jpg and are thus losing quality...

24-bit Bitmap is the way to go. Either that or copy what youve created into another program to save it at higher quality.

I still wish I knew why Paint kills jpg quality though...

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