
Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.

The Culture Gap
July 9, 2007; Page A15

Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
deserves public concern.

Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.

In part this development is cause for celebration. Rising demand for
analytical and interpersonal skills has been driving the change, and
surely it is good news that economic signals now so strongly encourage
the development of human talent. Yet -- and here is the cause for
concern -- the supply of skilled people is responding sluggishly to
the increased demand.

Despite the strong incentives, the percentage of people with college
degrees has been growing only modestly. Between 1995 and 2005, the
share of men with college degrees inched up to 29% from 26%. And the
number of high school dropouts remains stubbornly high: The ratio of
17-year-olds to diplomas awarded has been stuck around 70% for three

Something is plainly hindering the effectiveness of the market's
carrots and sticks. And that something is culture.

Before explaining what I mean, let me go back to the squid ink and
clarify what's not worrisome about the inequality statistics. For
those who grind their ideological axes on these numbers, the increase
in measured inequality since the 1970s is proof that the new, more
competitive, more entrepreneurial economy of recent decades (which
also happens to be less taxed and less unionized) has somehow failed
to provide widespread prosperity. According to left-wing doom-and-
gloomers, only an "oligarchy" at the very top is benefiting from the
current system.

Hogwash. This argument can be disposed of with a simple thought
experiment. First, picture the material standard of living you could
have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
$16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
family enjoys.

Much of the increase in measured inequality has nothing to do with the
economic system at all. Rather, it is a product of demographic
changes. Rising numbers of both single-parent households and affluent
dual-earner couples have stretched the income distribution; so, too,
has the big influx of low-skilled Hispanic immigrants. Meanwhile, in a
2006 paper published in the American Economic Review, economist Thomas
Lemieux calculated that roughly three-quarters of the rise in wage
inequality among workers with similar skills is due simply to the fact
that the population is both older and better educated today than it
was in the 1970s.

It is true that superstars in sports, entertainment and business now
earn stratospheric incomes. But what is that to you and me? If the
egalitarian left has been reduced to complaining that people in the
99th income percentile in a given year (and they're not the same
people from year to year) are leaving behind those in the 90th
percentile, it has truly arrived at the most farcical of intellectual
dead ends.

Which brings us back to the real issue: the human capital gap, and the
culture gap that impedes its closure. The most obvious and
heartrending cultural deficits are those that produce and perpetuate
the inner-city underclass. Consider this arresting fact: While the
poverty rate nationwide is 13%, only 3% of adults with full-time, year-
round jobs fall below the poverty line. Poverty in America today is
thus largely about failing to get and hold a job, any job.

The problem is not lack of opportunity. If it were, the country
wouldn't be a magnet for illegal immigrants. The problem is a lack of
elementary self-discipline: failing to stay in school, failing to live
within the law, failing to get and stay married to the mother or
father of your children. The prevalence of all these pathologies
reflects a dysfunctional culture that fails to invest in human

Other, less acute deficits distinguish working-class culture from that
of the middle and upper classes. According to sociologist Annette
Lareau, working-class parents continue to follow the traditional,
laissez-faire child-rearing philosophy that she calls "the
accomplishment of natural growth." But at the upper end of the
socioeconomic scale, parents now engage in what she refers to as
"concerted cultivation" -- intensively overseeing kids' schoolwork and
stuffing their after-school hours and weekends with organized
enrichment activities.

This new kind of family life is often hectic and stressful, but it
inculcates in children the intellectual, organizational and networking
skills needed to thrive in today's knowledge-based economy. In other
words, it makes unprecedented, heavy investments in developing
children's human capital.

Consider these data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, an
in-depth survey of educational achievement. Among students who
received high scores in eighth grade mathematics (and thus showed
academic promise), 74% of kids from the highest quartile of
socioeconomic status (measured as a composite of parental education,
occupations and family income) eventually earned a college degree. By
contrast, the college graduation rate fell to 47% for kids from the
middle two quartiles, and 29% for those in the bottom quartile.
Perhaps more generous financial aid might affect those numbers at the
margins, but at the core of these big differentials are differences in
the values, skills and habits taught in the home.

Contrary to the warnings of the alarmist left, the increase in
economic inequality does not mean the economic system isn't working
properly. On the contrary, the system is delivering more opportunities
for comfortable, challenging lives than our culture enables us to take
advantage of. Far from underperforming, our productive capacity has
now outstripped our cultural capacity.

Alas, there is no silver bullet for closing the culture gap. But the
public institutions most directly responsible for human capital
formation are the nation's schools, and it seems beyond serious
dispute that in many cases they are failing to discharge their
responsibilities adequately. Those interested in reducing meaningful
economic inequality would thus be well advised to focus on education
reform. And forget about adding new layers of bureaucracy and top-down
controls. Real improvements will come from challenging the moribund
state-school monopoly with greater competition.

Mr. Lindsey is vice president for research at the Cato Institute and
author of the just-published book, "The Age of Abundance: How
Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture" (Collins,
On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:55:52 -0700, EdwardATeller
<> wrote:

>Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
>incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
>suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
>brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
>liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.

hey moron, might be some valid points there, except that your whole
system is based on one great big pyramid scheme, without any regard
whatsover that it is based on a finite pool of resources. Wouldn't
expect you to understand what that means however. You are too busy
blathering on about right wingers economic justifications for greed.

>Contrary to the warnings of the alarmist left, the increase in
>economic inequality does not mean the economic system isn't working
>properly. On the contrary, the system is delivering more opportunities
>for comfortable, challenging lives than our culture enables us to take
>advantage of. Far from underperforming, our productive capacity has
>now outstripped our cultural capacity.
On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:55:52 -0700, EdwardATeller wrote:


Another con trying to convince us that it isn't piss raining down on the
average American, it's lemonade.

You people are pathetic.
On Jul 9, 12:55 pm, EdwardATeller <> wrote:
> Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.
> <quote>
> The Culture Gap
> July 9, 2007; Page A15
> Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
> economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
> deserves public concern.
> Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
> risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
> failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
> be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
> around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
> degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
> out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.
> In part this development is cause for celebration. Rising demand for
> analytical and interpersonal skills has been driving the change, and
> surely it is good news that economic signals now so strongly encourage
> the development of human talent. Yet -- and here is the cause for
> concern -- the supply of skilled people is responding sluggishly to
> the increased demand.
> Despite the strong incentives, the percentage of people with college
> degrees has been growing only modestly. Between 1995 and 2005, the
> share of men with college degrees inched up to 29% from 26%. And the
> number of high school dropouts remains stubbornly high: The ratio of
> 17-year-olds to diplomas awarded has been stuck around 70% for three
> decades.
> Something is plainly hindering the effectiveness of the market's
> carrots and sticks. And that something is culture.
> Before explaining what I mean, let me go back to the squid ink and
> clarify what's not worrisome about the inequality statistics. For
> those who grind their ideological axes on these numbers, the increase
> in measured inequality since the 1970s is proof that the new, more
> competitive, more entrepreneurial economy of recent decades (which
> also happens to be less taxed and less unionized) has somehow failed
> to provide widespread prosperity. According to left-wing doom-and-
> gloomers, only an "oligarchy" at the very top is benefiting from the
> current system.
> Hogwash. This argument can be disposed of with a simple thought
> experiment. First, picture the material standard of living you could
> have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
> $16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
> 2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
> the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
> of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
> family enjoys.
> Much of the increase in measured inequality has nothing to do with the
> economic system at all. Rather, it is a product of demographic
> changes. Rising numbers of both single-parent households and affluent
> dual-earner couples have stretched the income distribution; so, too,
> has the big influx of low-skilled Hispanic immigrants. Meanwhile, in a
> 2006 paper published in the American Economic Review, economist Thomas
> Lemieux calculated that roughly three-quarters of the rise in wage
> inequality among workers with similar skills is due simply to the fact
> that the population is both older and better educated today than it
> was in the 1970s.
> It is true that superstars in sports, entertainment and business now
> earn stratospheric incomes. But what is that to you and me? If the
> egalitarian left has been reduced to complaining that people in the
> 99th income percentile in a given year (and they're not the same
> people from year to year) are leaving behind those in the 90th
> percentile, it has truly arrived at the most farcical of intellectual
> dead ends.
> Which brings us back to the real issue: the human capital gap, and the
> culture gap that impedes its closure. The most obvious and
> heartrending cultural deficits are those that produce and perpetuate
> the inner-city underclass. Consider this arresting fact: While the
> poverty rate nationwide is 13%, only 3% of adults with full-time, year-
> round jobs fall below the poverty line. Poverty in America today is
> thus largely about failing to get and hold a job, any job.
> The problem is not lack of opportunity. If it were, the country
> wouldn't be a magnet for illegal immigrants. The problem is a lack of
> elementary self-discipline: failing to stay in school, failing to live
> within the law, failing to get and stay married to the mother or
> father of your children. The prevalence of all these pathologies
> reflects a dysfunctional culture that fails to invest in human
> capital.
> Other, less acute deficits distinguish working-class culture from that
> of the middle and upper classes. According to sociologist Annette
> Lareau, working-class parents continue to follow the traditional,
> laissez-faire child-rearing philosophy that she calls "the
> accomplishment of natural growth." But at the upper end of the
> socioeconomic scale, parents now engage in what she refers to as
> "concerted cultivation" -- intensively overseeing kids' schoolwork and
> stuffing their after-school hours and weekends with organized
> enrichment activities.
> This new kind of family life is often hectic and stressful, but it
> inculcates in children the intellectual, organizational and networking
> skills needed to thrive in today's knowledge-based economy. In other
> words, it makes unprecedented, heavy investments in developing
> children's human capital.
> Consider these data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, an
> in-depth survey of educational achievement. Among students who
> received high scores in eighth grade mathematics (and thus showed
> academic promise), 74% of kids from the highest quartile of
> socioeconomic status (measured as a composite of parental education,
> occupations and family income) eventually earned a college degree. By
> contrast, the college graduation rate fell to 47% for kids from the
> middle two quartiles, and 29% for those in the bottom quartile.
> Perhaps more generous financial aid might affect those numbers at the
> margins, but at the core of these big differentials are differences in
> the values, skills and habits taught in the home.
> Contrary to the warnings of the alarmist left, the increase in
> economic inequality does not mean the economic system isn't working
> properly. On the contrary, the system is delivering more opportunities
> for comfortable, challenging lives than our culture enables us to take
> advantage of. Far from underperforming, our productive capacity has
> now outstripped our cultural capacity.
> Alas, there is no silver bullet for closing the culture gap. But the
> public institutions most directly responsible for human capital
> formation are the nation's schools, and it seems beyond serious
> dispute that in many cases they are failing to discharge their
> responsibilities adequately. Those interested in reducing meaningful
> economic inequality would thus be well advised to focus on education
> reform. And forget about adding new layers of bureaucracy and top-down
> controls. Real improvements will come from challenging the moribund
> state-school monopoly with greater competition.
> Mr. Lindsey is vice president for research at the Cato Institute and
> author of the just-published book, "The Age of Abundance: How
> Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture" (Collins,
> 2007).
> </quote>

You are comparing apples to oranges. The third quintile has actually
lost income since 1979. See The
difference in goods and services is a red herring. China has a lot to
do with the differences in goods form 1979 which has affected US
employment and the service industry.
On Jul 9, 11:55 am, EdwardATeller <> wrote:
> Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.
> http:

Rationalist drivel at the same level of the Global Warming
climatologists. This country better straighten out or we'll be
having civil wars just like they do in Mexico. Start spreading the
wealth, or else.
On Jul 9, 10:55 am, EdwardATeller <> wrote:
> Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.
> <quote>
> The Culture Gap
> July 9, 2007; Page A15
> Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
> economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
> deserves public concern.
> Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
> risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
> failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
> be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
> around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
> degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
> out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.
> In part this development is cause for celebration. Rising demand for
> analytical and interpersonal skills has been driving the change, and
> surely it is good news that economic signals now so strongly encourage
> the development of human talent. Yet -- and here is the cause for
> concern -- the supply of skilled people is responding sluggishly to
> the increased demand.
> Despite the strong incentives, the percentage of people with college
> degrees has been growing only modestly. Between 1995 and 2005, the
> share of men with college degrees inched up to 29% from 26%. And the
> number of high school dropouts remains stubbornly high: The ratio of
> 17-year-olds to diplomas awarded has been stuck around 70% for three
> decades.
> Something is plainly hindering the effectiveness of the market's
> carrots and sticks. And that something is culture.
> Before explaining what I mean, let me go back to the squid ink and
> clarify what's not worrisome about the inequality statistics. For
> those who grind their ideological axes on these numbers, the increase
> in measured inequality since the 1970s is proof that the new, more
> competitive, more entrepreneurial economy of recent decades (which
> also happens to be less taxed and less unionized) has somehow failed
> to provide widespread prosperity. According to left-wing doom-and-
> gloomers, only an "oligarchy" at the very top is benefiting from the
> current system.
> Hogwash. This argument can be disposed of with a simple thought
> experiment. First, picture the material standard of living you could
> have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
> $16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
> 2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
> the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
> of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
> family enjoys.
> Much of the increase in measured inequality has nothing to do with the
> economic system at all. Rather, it is a product of demographic
> changes. Rising numbers of both single-parent households and affluent
> dual-earner couples have stretched the income distribution; so, too,
> has the big influx of low-skilled Hispanic immigrants. Meanwhile, in a
> 2006 paper published in the American Economic Review, economist Thomas
> Lemieux calculated that roughly three-quarters of the rise in wage
> inequality among workers with similar skills is due simply to the fact
> that the population is both older and better educated today than it
> was in the 1970s.
> It is true that superstars in sports, entertainment and business now
> earn stratospheric incomes. But what is that to you and me? If the
> egalitarian left has been reduced to complaining that people in the
> 99th income percentile in a given year (and they're not the same
> people from year to year) are leaving behind those in the 90th
> percentile, it has truly arrived at the most farcical of intellectual
> dead ends.
> Which brings us back to the real issue: the human capital gap, and the
> culture gap that impedes its closure. The most obvious and
> heartrending cultural deficits are those that produce and perpetuate
> the inner-city underclass. Consider this arresting fact: While the
> poverty rate nationwide is 13%, only 3% of adults with full-time, year-
> round jobs fall below the poverty line. Poverty in America today is
> thus largely about failing to get and hold a job, any job.
> The problem is not lack of opportunity. If it were, the country
> wouldn't be a magnet for illegal immigrants. The problem is a lack of
> elementary self-discipline: failing to stay in school, failing to live
> within the law, failing to get and stay married to the mother or
> father of your children. The prevalence of all these pathologies
> reflects a dysfunctional culture that fails to invest in human
> capital.
> Other, less acute deficits distinguish working-class culture from that
> of the middle and upper classes. According to sociologist Annette
> Lareau, working-class parents continue to follow the traditional,
> laissez-faire child-rearing philosophy that she calls "the
> accomplishment of natural growth." But at the upper end of the
> socioeconomic scale, parents now engage in what she refers to as
> "concerted cultivation" -- intensively overseeing kids' schoolwork and
> stuffing their after-school hours and weekends with organized
> enrichment activities.
> This new kind of family life is often hectic and stressful, but it
> inculcates in children the intellectual, organizational and networking
> skills needed to thrive in today's knowledge-based economy. In other
> words, it makes unprecedented, heavy investments in developing
> children's human capital.
> Consider these data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, an
> in-depth survey of educational achievement. Among students who
> received high scores in eighth grade mathematics (and thus showed
> academic promise), 74% of kids from the highest quartile of
> socioeconomic status (measured as a composite of parental education,
> occupations and family income) eventually earned a college degree. By
> contrast, the college graduation rate fell to 47% for kids from the
> middle two quartiles, and 29% for those in the bottom quartile.
> Perhaps more generous financial aid might affect those numbers at the
> margins, but at the core of these big differentials are differences in
> the values, skills and habits taught in the home.
> Contrary to the warnings of the alarmist left, the increase in
> economic inequality does not mean the economic system isn't working
> properly. On the contrary, the system is delivering more opportunities
> for comfortable, challenging lives than our culture enables us to take
> advantage of. Far from underperforming, our productive capacity has
> now outstripped our cultural capacity.
> Alas, there is no silver bullet for closing the culture gap. But the
> public institutions most directly responsible for human capital
> formation are the nation's schools, and it seems beyond serious
> dispute that in many cases they are failing to discharge their
> responsibilities adequately. Those interested in reducing meaningful
> economic inequality would thus be well advised to focus on education
> reform. And forget about adding new layers of bureaucracy and top-down
> controls. Real improvements will come from challenging the moribund
> state-school monopoly with greater competition.
> Mr. Lindsey is vice president for research at the Cato Institute and
> author of the just-published book, "The Age of Abundance: How
> Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture" (Collins,
> 2007).
> </quote>

"First, picture the material standard of living you could
have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
$16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
family enjoys."

I don't know Brink Lindsey from a hole in the ground, but his head is
up his ass on this one.

I grew up in NYC in the 1940s and 1950s living with both parents and
my older brother. My dad was a postal inspector who never made more
than $6K/year. That is equivalent to about $47K in 2004 according to
the CPI. Nevertheless, we were the first in the neighborhood (a
middle class section of the Bronx) with a TV. We ate steak at least
twice a week and ate out as a family at a real sit down restaurant
(not a fast food factory) at least once a week. Throughout the late
1940s and through the mid 1950s, my mother and I spent 2 1/2 months
each summer in Miami Beach where my dad would join us for a month on
his vacation. My brother preferred sleep away camp which he attended
for the entire summer. We usually went as a family to the movies on
Saturday night each week and I could watch a ball game at Yankee
Stadium or the Polo Grounds for fifty cents and even get a chance to
talk to Mickey Mantle or Willy Mays during batting practice. For
several years my brother and I attended every NY Giant home football
game including the playoffs and NFL championship game in 1956 with our
own money earned doing neighborhood chores. My dad took us to Madison
Square Garden on a regular basis to watch the NY Rangers play hockey.
We had bikes, music systems and just about anything else kids have

If Lindsey thinks that a family of four making $47K/yr could match
that, then he is truly an idiot.
"EdwardATeller" <> wrote in message
> Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.
> <quote>
> The Culture Gap
> July 9, 2007; Page A15

> the Cato Institute

This is all you need to know -- Cato Institute. Truly an unbiased source
that starts with no pre-conceptions. Right??
On Jul 9, 2:29 pm, "" <>
> On Jul 9, 10:55 am, EdwardATeller <> wrote:
> > Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> > incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> > suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> > brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> > liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.

> >

> > <quote>
> > The Culture Gap
> > July 9, 2007; Page A15

> > Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
> > economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
> > deserves public concern.

> > Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
> > risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
> > failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
> > be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
> > around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
> > degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
> > out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.

> > In part this development is cause for celebration. Rising demand for
> > analytical and interpersonal skills has been driving the change, and
> > surely it is good news that economic signals now so strongly encourage
> > the development of human talent. Yet -- and here is the cause for
> > concern -- the supply of skilled people is responding sluggishly to
> > the increased demand.

> > Despite the strong incentives, the percentage of people with college
> > degrees has been growing only modestly. Between 1995 and 2005, the
> > share of men with college degrees inched up to 29% from 26%. And the
> > number of high school dropouts remains stubbornly high: The ratio of
> > 17-year-olds to diplomas awarded has been stuck around 70% for three
> > decades.

> > Something is plainly hindering the effectiveness of the market's
> > carrots and sticks. And that something is culture.

> > Before explaining what I mean, let me go back to the squid ink and
> > clarify what's not worrisome about the inequality statistics. For
> > those who grind their ideological axes on these numbers, the increase
> > in measured inequality since the 1970s is proof that the new, more
> > competitive, more entrepreneurial economy of recent decades (which
> > also happens to be less taxed and less unionized) has somehow failed
> > to provide widespread prosperity. According to left-wing doom-and-
> > gloomers, only an "oligarchy" at the very top is benefiting from the
> > current system.

> > Hogwash. This argument can be disposed of with a simple thought
> > experiment. First, picture the material standard of living you could
> > have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
> > $16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
> > 2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
> > the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
> > of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
> > family enjoys.

> > Much of the increase in measured inequality has nothing to do with the
> > economic system at all. Rather, it is a product of demographic
> > changes. Rising numbers of both single-parent households and affluent
> > dual-earner couples have stretched the income distribution; so, too,
> > has the big influx of low-skilled Hispanic immigrants. Meanwhile, in a
> > 2006 paper published in the American Economic Review, economist Thomas
> > Lemieux calculated that roughly three-quarters of the rise in wage
> > inequality among workers with similar skills is due simply to the fact
> > that the population is both older and better educated today than it
> > was in the 1970s.

> > It is true that superstars in sports, entertainment and business now
> > earn stratospheric incomes. But what is that to you and me? If the
> > egalitarian left has been reduced to complaining that people in the
> > 99th income percentile in a given year (and they're not the same
> > people from year to year) are leaving behind those in the 90th
> > percentile, it has truly arrived at the most farcical of intellectual
> > dead ends.

> > Which brings us back to the real issue: the human capital gap, and the
> > culture gap that impedes its closure. The most obvious and
> > heartrending cultural deficits are those that produce and perpetuate
> > the inner-city underclass. Consider this arresting fact: While the
> > poverty rate nationwide is 13%, only 3% of adults with full-time, year-
> > round jobs fall below the poverty line. Poverty in America today is
> > thus largely about failing to get and hold a job, any job.

> > The problem is not lack of opportunity. If it were, the country
> > wouldn't be a magnet for illegal immigrants. The problem is a lack of
> > elementary self-discipline: failing to stay in school, failing to live
> > within the law, failing to get and stay married to the mother or
> > father of your children. The prevalence of all these pathologies
> > reflects a dysfunctional culture that fails to invest in human
> > capital.

> > Other, less acute deficits distinguish working-class culture from that
> > of the middle and upper classes. According to sociologist Annette
> > Lareau, working-class parents continue to follow the traditional,
> > laissez-faire child-rearing philosophy that she calls "the
> > accomplishment of natural growth." But at the upper end of the
> > socioeconomic scale, parents now engage in what she refers to as
> > "concerted cultivation" -- intensively overseeing kids' schoolwork and
> > stuffing their after-school hours and weekends with organized
> > enrichment activities.

> > This new kind of family life is often hectic and stressful, but it
> > inculcates in children the intellectual, organizational and networking
> > skills needed to thrive in today's knowledge-based economy. In other
> > words, it makes unprecedented, heavy investments in developing
> > children's human capital.

> > Consider these data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, an
> > in-depth survey of educational achievement. Among students who
> > received high scores in eighth grade mathematics (and thus showed
> > academic promise), 74% of kids from the highest quartile of
> > socioeconomic status (measured as a composite of parental education,
> > occupations and family income) eventually earned a college degree. By
> > contrast, the college graduation rate fell to 47% for kids from the
> > middle two quartiles, and 29% for those in the bottom quartile.
> > Perhaps more generous financial aid might affect those numbers at the
> > margins, but at the core of these big differentials are differences in
> > the values, skills and habits taught in the home.

> > Contrary to the warnings of the alarmist left, the increase in
> > economic inequality does not mean the economic system isn't working
> > properly. On the contrary, the system is delivering more opportunities
> > for comfortable, challenging lives than our culture enables us to take
> > advantage of. Far from underperforming, our productive capacity has
> > now outstripped our cultural capacity.

> > Alas, there is no silver bullet for closing the culture gap. But the
> > public institutions most directly responsible for human capital
> > formation are the nation's schools, and it seems beyond serious
> > dispute that in many cases they are failing to discharge their
> > responsibilities adequately. Those interested in reducing meaningful
> > economic inequality would thus be well advised to focus on education
> > reform. And forget about adding new layers of bureaucracy and top-down
> > controls. Real improvements will come from challenging the moribund
> > state-school monopoly with greater competition.

> > Mr. Lindsey is vice president for research at the Cato Institute and
> > author of the just-published book, "The Age of Abundance: How
> > Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture" (Collins,
> > 2007).
> > </quote>

> "First, picture the material standard of living you could
> have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
> $16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
> 2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
> the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
> of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
> family enjoys."
> I don't know Brink Lindsey from a hole in the ground, but his head is
> up his ass on this one.
> I grew up in NYC in the 1940s and 1950s living with both parents and
> my older brother. My dad was a postal inspector who never made more
> than $6K/year. That is equivalent to about $47K in 2004 according to
> the CPI. Nevertheless, we were the first in the neighborhood (a
> middle class section of the Bronx) with a TV. We ate steak at least
> twice a week and ate out as a family at a real sit down restaurant
> (not a fast food factory) at least once a week. Throughout the late
> 1940s and through the mid 1950s, my mother and I spent 2 1/2 months
> each summer in Miami Beach where my dad would join us for a month on
> his vacation. My brother preferred sleep away camp which he attended
> for the entire summer. We usually went as a family to the movies on
> Saturday night each week and I could watch a ball game at Yankee
> Stadium or the Polo Grounds for fifty cents and even get a chance to
> talk to Mickey Mantle or Willy Mays during batting practice. For
> several years my brother and I attended every NY Giant home football
> game including the playoffs and NFL championship game in 1956 with our
> own money earned doing neighborhood chores. My dad took us to Madison
> Square Garden on a regular basis to watch the NY Rangers play hockey.
> We had bikes, music systems and just about anything else kids have
> today.
> If Lindsey thinks that a family of four making $47K/yr could match
> that, then he is truly an idiot.- Hide quoted text -

Nobody thinks that. The problem with prices in New York City
today is that most New York idiots today STILL think Madison Square
Garden is a hockey arena,
Rather than what it really is:
a Donald Trump pre-fab psychotic ward.

> - Show quoted text -
We've been waiting for the Hoover Inst. economists to spin the high
tax Clinton economic boom but all they want to discuss is Monica, not

Bret Cahill
"P.Henry" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:55:52 -0700, EdwardATeller wrote:
> Another con trying to convince us that it isn't piss raining down on the
> average American, it's lemonade.

You're NOT suppossed to be STANDING AROUND WAITING for lemonade.

Lazy rat-**** Socialist.

You're suppossed to GET A JOB and MAKE YOUR OWN RAIN.

Lazy rat-**** Socialist.

> You people are pathetic.

Lazy rat-**** Socialist.
"Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
> On Jul 9, 11:55 am, EdwardATeller <> wrote:
> This country better straighten out or we'll be
> having civil wars just like they do in Mexico.

Its coming.

> Start spreading the wealth, or else.

Start earning your way, or else.
"EdwardATeller" <> wrote in message
> Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.
> <quote>
> The Culture Gap
> July 9, 2007; Page A15
> Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
> economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
> deserves public concern.
> Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
> risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
> failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
> be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
> around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
> degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
> out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.

I understand what you're saying, but I also understand it is totally

FIRST of all, the gap in the income that people talk about is NOT between
those making less than 50 - 100,000 dollars, and those at poverty
it is between those making millions and millions of dollars, and everyone

High school drop outs, working at a factory, are no dumber than they were
forty years ago, but their income (adjusted for inflation, has either
decreased or grown very little - while the corporate CEOs - again, not any
better than they were forty years ago, has grown majestically.
On Jul 9, 8:26 pm, "John Smith" <> wrote:
> "EdwardATeller" <> wrote in message
> > Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> > incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> > suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> > brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> > liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.

> >

> > <quote>
> > The Culture Gap
> > July 9, 2007; Page A15

> > Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
> > economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
> > deserves public concern.

> > Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
> > risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
> > failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
> > be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
> > around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
> > degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
> > out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.

> I understand what you're saying, but I also understand it is totally
> corrupt.
> FIRST of all, the gap in the income that people talk about is NOT between
> those making less than 50 - 100,000 dollars, and those at poverty
> level......
> it is between those making millions and millions of dollars, and everyone
> else.

The serious gap is those making 50-100K a year and everybody else.
Since they're the scientists and engineers, and they've
given up trying to educate the moronic US, that having
CEO's of CD factories in China making $1,000,000,000
a year does not work a viable US economy.

And so the best scientists and engineers have already
said **** the neo-Israel US and moved to Venuzula.

> High school drop outs, working at a factory, are no dumber than they were
> forty years ago, but their income (adjusted for inflation, has either
> decreased or grown very little - while the corporate CEOs - again, not any
> better than they were forty years ago, has grown majestically.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
On Jul 9, 10:16 pm, "" <>
> On Jul 9, 8:26 pm, "John Smith" <> wrote:
> > "EdwardATeller" <> wrote in message

> >

> > > Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> > > incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> > > suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> > > brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> > > liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.

> > >

> > > <quote>
> > > The Culture Gap
> > > July 9, 2007; Page A15

> > > Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
> > > economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
> > > deserves public concern.

> > > Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
> > > risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
> > > failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
> > > be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
> > > around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
> > > degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
> > > out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.

> > I understand what you're saying, but I also understand it is totally
> > corrupt.

> > FIRST of all, the gap in the income that people talk about is NOT between
> > those making less than 50 - 100,000 dollars, and those at poverty
> > level......
> > it is between those making millions and millions of dollars, and everyone
> > else.

> The serious gap is those making 50-100K a year and everybody else.
> Since they're the scientists and engineers, and they've
> given up trying to educate the moronic US, that having
> CEO's of CD factories in China making $1,000,000,000
> a year does not work a viable US economy.
> And so the best scientists and engineers have already
> said **** the neo-Israel US and moved to Venuzula.

Or most of them just say these days, that the US military
and the US Goverrment both were born to work in
rice paddies.
Since the first is bothing but Air Farce imbeciles,
and the second is nothing but moronic Sony subcontractors.

> > High school drop outs, working at a factory, are no dumber than they were
> > forty years ago, but their income (adjusted for inflation, has either
> > decreased or grown very little - while the corporate CEOs - again, not any
> > better than they were forty years ago, has grown majestically.- Hide quoted text -

> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

> - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
"Bret Cahill" <> wrote in message
> We've been waiting for the Hoover Inst. economists to spin the high
> tax Clinton economic boom but all they want to discuss is Monica, not
> markets.

The smartest thing Clintoon ever did was raise taxes.

The dumbest thing Clintoon did (not counting Monica) was NOT LOWERING taxes
AFTER he began recording a surplus.....

Had Bill "I never had sexual relations with that woman" Clinton LOWERED
taxes toward the end of his Administration, instead of having sexual
relations with that woman, the Republicans would have had NOTHING to
campaign on....

Bubba-Stiffy was and still is a FOOL.
"John Smith" <> wrote in message
> I understand what you're saying, but I also understand it is totally
> corrupt.
> FIRST of all, the gap in the income that people talk about is NOT between
> those making less than 50 - 100,000 dollars, and those at poverty
> level......
> it is between those making millions and millions of dollars, and everyone
> else.


> High school drop outs, working at a factory, are no dumber than they were
> forty years ago, but their income (adjusted for inflation, has either
> decreased or grown very little

Why should it (adjusted for inflation) have grown AT ALL? What have they
done to EARN more? As you admit they are equally dumb, STILL doing the SAME
job. Therefore they have NOT done anything to earn more.

Which is why they don't get more.

> - while the corporate CEOs - again, not any better than they were forty
> years ago, has grown majestically.

Anybody can be a CEO and anybody can be a millionaire.

You just have to go EARN it.
"Patriot Games" <> wrote in

> "Bret Cahill" <> wrote in message
>> We've been waiting for the Hoover Inst. economists to spin the high
>> tax Clinton economic boom but all they want to discuss is Monica, not
>> markets.

> The smartest thing Clintoon ever did was raise taxes.
> The dumbest thing Clintoon did (not counting Monica) was NOT LOWERING
> taxes AFTER he began recording a surplus.....
> Had Bill "I never had sexual relations with that woman" Clinton
> LOWERED taxes toward the end of his Administration, instead of having
> sexual relations with that woman, the Republicans would have had
> NOTHING to campaign on....
> Bubba-Stiffy was and still is a FOOL.

Republicans never have anything to campaign on. That's doesn't stop them
from lying about it, though.
On Jul 9, 11:29 am, "" <>
> On Jul 9, 10:55 am, EdwardATeller <> wrote:
> > Here is a nuanced analysis of the source of the widening gap in
> > incomes observed lately. Since it is nuanced and well-reasoned, I'd
> > suggest most liberals skip reading this since it will require actual
> > brain power to understand. If you read the 2nd grade crap posted as
> > liberal analysis, you certainly understand what I mean.

> >

> > <quote>
> > The Culture Gap
> > July 9, 2007; Page A15

> > Cut through all the statistical squid ink surrounding the issue of
> > economic inequality, and you'll find a phenomenon that genuinely
> > deserves public concern.

> > Over the past quarter-century or so, the return on human capital has
> > risen significantly. Or to put it another way, the opportunity cost of
> > failing to develop human capital is now much higher than it used to
> > be. The wage premium associated with a college degree has jumped to
> > around 70% in recent years from around 30% in 1980; the graduate
> > degree premium has soared to over 100% from 50%. Meanwhile, dropping
> > out of high school now all but guarantees socioeconomic failure.

> > In part this development is cause for celebration. Rising demand for
> > analytical and interpersonal skills has been driving the change, and
> > surely it is good news that economic signals now so strongly encourage
> > the development of human talent. Yet -- and here is the cause for
> > concern -- the supply of skilled people is responding sluggishly to
> > the increased demand.

> > Despite the strong incentives, the percentage of people with college
> > degrees has been growing only modestly. Between 1995 and 2005, the
> > share of men with college degrees inched up to 29% from 26%. And the
> > number of high school dropouts remains stubbornly high: The ratio of
> > 17-year-olds to diplomas awarded has been stuck around 70% for three
> > decades.

> > Something is plainly hindering the effectiveness of the market's
> > carrots and sticks. And that something is culture.

> > Before explaining what I mean, let me go back to the squid ink and
> > clarify what's not worrisome about the inequality statistics. For
> > those who grind their ideological axes on these numbers, the increase
> > in measured inequality since the 1970s is proof that the new, more
> > competitive, more entrepreneurial economy of recent decades (which
> > also happens to be less taxed and less unionized) has somehow failed
> > to provide widespread prosperity. According to left-wing doom-and-
> > gloomers, only an "oligarchy" at the very top is benefiting from the
> > current system.

> > Hogwash. This argument can be disposed of with a simple thought
> > experiment. First, picture the material standard of living you could
> > have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
> > $16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
> > 2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
> > the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
> > of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
> > family enjoys.

> > Much of the increase in measured inequality has nothing to do with the
> > economic system at all. Rather, it is a product of demographic
> > changes. Rising numbers of both single-parent households and affluent
> > dual-earner couples have stretched the income distribution; so, too,
> > has the big influx of low-skilled Hispanic immigrants. Meanwhile, in a
> > 2006 paper published in the American Economic Review, economist Thomas
> > Lemieux calculated that roughly three-quarters of the rise in wage
> > inequality among workers with similar skills is due simply to the fact
> > that the population is both older and better educated today than it
> > was in the 1970s.

> > It is true that superstars in sports, entertainment and business now
> > earn stratospheric incomes. But what is that to you and me? If the
> > egalitarian left has been reduced to complaining that people in the
> > 99th income percentile in a given year (and they're not the same
> > people from year to year) are leaving behind those in the 90th
> > percentile, it has truly arrived at the most farcical of intellectual
> > dead ends.

> > Which brings us back to the real issue: the human capital gap, and the
> > culture gap that impedes its closure. The most obvious and
> > heartrending cultural deficits are those that produce and perpetuate
> > the inner-city underclass. Consider this arresting fact: While the
> > poverty rate nationwide is 13%, only 3% of adults with full-time, year-
> > round jobs fall below the poverty line. Poverty in America today is
> > thus largely about failing to get and hold a job, any job.

> > The problem is not lack of opportunity. If it were, the country
> > wouldn't be a magnet for illegal immigrants. The problem is a lack of
> > elementary self-discipline: failing to stay in school, failing to live
> > within the law, failing to get and stay married to the mother or
> > father of your children. The prevalence of all these pathologies
> > reflects a dysfunctional culture that fails to invest in human
> > capital.

> > Other, less acute deficits distinguish working-class culture from that
> > of the middle and upper classes. According to sociologist Annette
> > Lareau, working-class parents continue to follow the traditional,
> > laissez-faire child-rearing philosophy that she calls "the
> > accomplishment of natural growth." But at the upper end of the
> > socioeconomic scale, parents now engage in what she refers to as
> > "concerted cultivation" -- intensively overseeing kids' schoolwork and
> > stuffing their after-school hours and weekends with organized
> > enrichment activities.

> > This new kind of family life is often hectic and stressful, but it
> > inculcates in children the intellectual, organizational and networking
> > skills needed to thrive in today's knowledge-based economy. In other
> > words, it makes unprecedented, heavy investments in developing
> > children's human capital.

> > Consider these data from the National Education Longitudinal Study, an
> > in-depth survey of educational achievement. Among students who
> > received high scores in eighth grade mathematics (and thus showed
> > academic promise), 74% of kids from the highest quartile of
> > socioeconomic status (measured as a composite of parental education,
> > occupations and family income) eventually earned a college degree. By
> > contrast, the college graduation rate fell to 47% for kids from the
> > middle two quartiles, and 29% for those in the bottom quartile.
> > Perhaps more generous financial aid might affect those numbers at the
> > margins, but at the core of these big differentials are differences in
> > the values, skills and habits taught in the home.

> > Contrary to the warnings of the alarmist left, the increase in
> > economic inequality does not mean the economic system isn't working
> > properly. On the contrary, the system is delivering more opportunities
> > for comfortable, challenging lives than our culture enables us to take
> > advantage of. Far from underperforming, our productive capacity has
> > now outstripped our cultural capacity.

> > Alas, there is no silver bullet for closing the culture gap. But the
> > public institutions most directly responsible for human capital
> > formation are the nation's schools, and it seems beyond serious
> > dispute that in many cases they are failing to discharge their
> > responsibilities adequately. Those interested in reducing meaningful
> > economic inequality would thus be well advised to focus on education
> > reform. And forget about adding new layers of bureaucracy and top-down
> > controls. Real improvements will come from challenging the moribund
> > state-school monopoly with greater competition.

> > Mr. Lindsey is vice president for research at the Cato Institute and
> > author of the just-published book, "The Age of Abundance: How
> > Prosperity Transformed America's Politics and Culture" (Collins,
> > 2007).
> > </quote>

> "First, picture the material standard of living you could
> have afforded back in 1979 with the median household income then of
> $16,461. Now picture the mix of goods and services you could buy in
> 2004 with the median income of $44,389. Which is the better deal? Only
> the most blinkered ideologue could fail to see the dramatic expansion
> of comforts, conveniences and opportunities that the contemporary
> family enjoys."
> I don't know Brink Lindsey from a hole in the ground, but his head is
> up his ass on this one.
> I grew up in NYC in the 1940s and 1950s living with both parents and
> my older brother. My dad was a postal inspector who never made more
> than $6K/year. That is equivalent to about $47K in 2004 according to
> the CPI. Nevertheless, we were the first in the neighborhood (a
> middle class section of the Bronx) with a TV. We ate steak at least
> twice a week and ate out as a family at a real sit down restaurant
> (not a fast food factory) at least once a week. Throughout the late
> 1940s and through the mid 1950s, my mother and I spent 2 1/2 months
> each summer in Miami Beach where my dad would join us for a month on
> his vacation. My brother preferred sleep away camp which he attended
> for the entire summer. We usually went as a family to the movies on
> Saturday night each week and I could watch a ball game at Yankee
> Stadium or the Polo Grounds for fifty cents and even get a chance to
> talk to Mickey Mantle or Willy Mays during batting practice. For
> several years my brother and I attended every NY Giant home football
> game including the playoffs and NFL championship game in 1956 with our
> own money earned doing neighborhood chores. My dad took us to Madison
> Square Garden on a regular basis to watch the NY Rangers play hockey.
> We had bikes, music systems and just about anything else kids have
> today.
> If Lindsey thinks that a family of four making $47K/yr could match
> that, then he is truly an idiot.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

During the period you discuss, most married women did not work outside
the home. Today, most middle-income families require both spouses to
earn incomes to surpport their life-style.

One big difference is the nature of homes then and now. The typical
middle-class home during the 1940s and 50s had two or three small
bedrooms and one bath, and was located on a small lot. Today, houses
are larger, with at least two, and usually three baths, with bigger
rooms and are on bigger lots. Though today's homes are not as well
constructed and do not last as long.

How many families had more than one car during the 1940s and 1950s?
Now, most families have at least two cars, often three or four. Of
course, bus and rail travel was a lot easier in the past

If one is willing to live a more modest lifestyle, they can avoid the
need for both spouses working and get back to a 40 hour week instead
of the 50-60 hours so many are working today.
On Jul 9, 5:25 pm, "Patriot Games" <>
> "Jerry Kraus" <> wrote in message
> > On Jul 9, 11:55 am, EdwardATeller <> wrote:
> > This country better straighten out or we'll be
> > having civil wars just like they do in Mexico.

> Its coming.
> > Start spreading the wealth, or else.

> Start earning your way, or else.

You are quite the Social Darwinist, Patriot. Are you sure that's the
best approach?
On Jul 10, 12:38 pm, "Patriot Games" <>
> "John Smith" <> wrote in message
> news:SmAki.7245$MV6.3080@trnddc01...
> > I understand what you're saying, but I also understand it is totally
> > corrupt.
> > FIRST of all, the gap in the income that people talk about is NOT between
> > those making less than 50 - 100,000 dollars, and those at poverty
> > level......
> > it is between those making millions and millions of dollars, and everyone
> > else.

> Whining....
> > High school drop outs, working at a factory, are no dumber than they were
> > forty years ago, but their income (adjusted for inflation, has either
> > decreased or grown very little

> Why should it (adjusted for inflation) have grown AT ALL? What have they
> done to EARN more? As you admit they are equally dumb, STILL doing the SAME
> job. Therefore they have NOT done anything to earn more.
> Which is why they don't get more.
> > - while the corporate CEOs - again, not any better than they were forty
> > years ago, has grown majestically.

> Anybody can be a CEO and anybody can be a millionaire.

We always knew anybody can be a millionaire,
that's why we also let just about anybody be billionaires.
But, the trick obviously is, that the only game
moron millionaires know is poker, and the only
game idiot billionaires know is bridge.
So, that's we invented new games for the assholes,
Computer poker for the morons,
and fusion bridges for the idiots.

> You just have to go EARN it.