South Park Scientology episode



For those who have not seen the South Park episode "Trapped in the
Closet", which details some of the oddball beliefs of the Co$ (Church
of $cientology), you can
download it here:

We have the AVI and Real Media (RAM) formats available. Ideally, you
should use a BitTorrent client (such as uTorrent) and get the Torrent
file (AVI format only, for now) to help distribute this instructive

I found the SP episode to be less than 100% accurate (based on what I
have read on great sites like Operation Clambake at,
but not much less than 100%. I have shown the episode to several
people who reacted with utter disbelief that anyone could be drawn
into such a religion / cult / pseudoscience; they thought that the SP
creators were just up to their usual tricks. When I explained that
this was "real", they began to see the Co$ for what it is.

For SP fans, Yes, this is the episode that Isaac Hayes ("Chef") quit

Happy Viewing!

Webmaster of Top Searches & News

We support Operation Clambake!
On 1 Mar 2007 10:59:38 -0800, "David"
<> claimed:

>For those who have not seen the South Park episode "Trapped in the
>Closet", which details some of the oddball beliefs of the Co$ (Church
>of $cientology),

Which btw, was a true summation of their beliefs.


If only the people would believe Jesus! He said
that He was coming back in the same generation
and yet, they rant that He didn't and still call
themselves believers. He said that the Kingdom
would be spiritual and could not be seen with
the eye and yet, they somehow believe that it's
all about national Israel and that it will be
physical and Earthly. Huh???
From "David" <>:

> I found the SP episode to be less than 100% accurate

I gather you're not a regular viewer of the show, then?
"David" <> wrote in message
> For those who have not seen the South Park episode "Trapped in the
> Closet", which details some of the oddball beliefs of the Co$ (Church
> of $cientology), you can
> download it here:
> We have the AVI and Real Media (RAM) formats available. Ideally, you
> should use a BitTorrent client (such as uTorrent) and get the Torrent
> file (AVI format only, for now) to help distribute this instructive
> show.
> I found the SP episode to be less than 100% accurate (based on what I
> have read on great sites like Operation Clambake at,
> but not much less than 100%. I have shown the episode to several
> people who reacted with utter disbelief that anyone could be drawn
> into such a religion / cult / pseudoscience; they thought that the SP
> creators were just up to their usual tricks. When I explained that
> this was "real", they began to see the Co$ for what it is.
> For SP fans, Yes, this is the episode that Isaac Hayes ("Chef") quit
> over.
> Happy Viewing!
> David
> Webmaster of Top Searches & News
> We support Operation Clambake!

LOL so the main religion in the US of A (Christianity) and the belief of a
god ****ing Mary to produce Jesus (Yashua) isn't a weird twisted religion?