SP1 Failed Install - Error Code 0x800f0a12



Service Pack 1 won't install for me. I've dug through a bunch of the other posts on here in regards to this issue. I use this post as one of the more helpful sources for me.
Now I have Ubuntu loaded on another partition and I use GRUB to load to it. When I run BCDeditlog.txt I get this:
The boot configuration data store could not be opened.
The system cannot find the file specified.
I did include a the zip file of the logs from CBS and a few of the other logs asked for
<iframe title ="Preview" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" frameborder="0" style="width:98px;height:115px;padding:0;background-color:#fcfcfc;" src="http://cid-1b2eeb1d15a0f38f.office.live.com/embedicon.aspx/Logs/Logs.zip"></iframe>
In that other forum post there is a link to 'repair the BCD'. I haven't proceeded with that part simply because I don't know if that is something that will screw up using grub and my ubuntu partition.

I hope I have included everything to make this as smooth for those who can provide help.

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