Speaking of rightwing wackadoodles -- let's see what Pat Robertson isup to -- he predicted the NW mu

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Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names

On Monday's "700 Club," the show looked at the devastating storms that
have wracked the Pacific Northwest, and recalled Pat Robertson's
warnings on the show from 2006. After a private retreat, Robertson
announced (on the January 5, 2006 "700 Club") what he said God had
told him about the coming year. Perhaps inspired by Hurricane Katrina
and the tsunami that hit Indonesia, Robertson listed off all kinds of
natural disasters: "earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes,
volcanic eruptions, the coasts will be lashed by storms and disasters
...." Robertson called it "the birth pangs of a more glorious order."

Of course, it's 2007 now, not 2006, but nobody's perfect.

What else did Robertson predict for 2006? A "successful conclusion" to
the Iraq war, "inconclusive" midterm elections, the confirmation of
Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court and the retirement of a "liberal"
justice, and a strengthening of Bush's and the Republican Party's
power in Washington. Well, Alito was confirmed, anyway.

Robertson also made his retreat at the beginning of this year, and
while 2007 is almost over, there are still a couple weeks left for
what Robertson said God had in store for us:

I don't know if it'll be in the fall or September or later on, but
it'll be the second half somehow of 2007. There will be some very
serious terrorist attacks. The evil people will come after this
country and there's a possibility - not a possibility, a definite
certainty - that chaos is going to rule. And the Lord said the
politicians will not have any solutions for it. There's just going to
be chaos. ... It's going to happen. I'm not saying necessarily
nuclear, the Lord didn't say nuclear, but I do believe it'll be
something like that, that'll be a mass killing - possibly millions of
people, major cities injured. I hope I'm wrong and I hope people will
pray and that won't happen, but nevertheless that seems to be what's
coming up. And then the Lord said he will restrain the evil people,
but he will not restrain them necessarily initially. And, you know,
He doesn't have to restrain people.

More specifically, Robertson warned that "their targets are New York,
Washington, Miami, Houston, Chicago, Las Vegas, Los Angeles."