Spleefman's Platform


New member
A Platform I would like to see!

National Security

The security of our Nation would come down to securing the North and South borders of the United States. Especially to the South



New member
I had to split this up......here is the rest.


Investigation and removal of all guilty Representatives that have been paid off by greedy oil companies that have held this country hostage for a long, long, time.

Possible removal and separation between the United States and the United Nations



New member
I will be sending this to my congressman to get his approval as I agree with the better part of it. I


New member
Yah, the propogating of rich wieners is definatly one of Democracy's biggest problems. There is really no chance for the greatest leader on the planet to hold a position of power unless he is a multi-millionaire. its really sick.


New member
Found some great answers for Social Security......This is from the Dallas Morning News.

William McKenzie:

We can save Social Security. Here's how...

08:45 AM CDT on Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Don't let anyone fool you: Social Security is careening toward a ditch because 78 million baby boomers start retiring in six years. But Congress can remedy the cash-flow crisis

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