Splitting the DNA!


New member
Ive just heard something about a album called Splitting the DNA that LP apparentley made...anyone got any info?


New member
i heard about it too.. i think its a album for the victims of the 11 sept

i dont know maybe its wrong im not sure



New member
what's wrong with it? It's a 2cd album which includes demos, a live concert performance. The CD2 includes all songs Chester sang with his previous band, Gray Daze (from albums "wake me" and "no sun today").

If you want to download it, go to http://www.linkin-inside.com/index_0.htm

And please, before posting this kind of threads, go back and look for previous threads about "Splitting the DNA" in the forums, im sure you will find the same info im writting right now. Dont be lazy guys

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