Sprint iPad reportedly appears in Best Buy inventory system


Active Member
Nov 17, 2003
South of Nowhere
<center><a href="http://www.bgr.com/2012/03/12/sprint-ipad-reportedly-appears-in-best-buy-inventory-system"><img class="size-full wp-image-131292 aligncenter" title="ipadsprint1" src="http://www-bgr-com.vimg.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ipadsprint1.jpg" alt="" width="601" height="450" /></a></center>
At launch, AT&T and Verizon will be the exclusive carriers of the new 4G-enabled iPad in the United States. In the spring, however, Sprint will <a href="http://www.bgr.com/2012/01/05/sprint-reveals-initial-4g-lte-markets-rollout-begins-in-coming-months/">also be launching its own 4G LTE network</a>. With the carrier already selling Apple’s flagship smartphone, users were shocked to see the Cupertino-based company shun its new partner’s network — but this may not be the case. According to images obtained by <em>Engadget</em>, Sprint iPad models have begun to show up in Best Buy’s inventory system. Nothing is confirmed at this point, but it is possible that a Sprint iPad could launch around the same time as <a href="http://www.bgr.com/2012/01/05/galaxy-nexus-to-be-sprints-first-4g-lte-phone/">the carrier’s first batch of 4G LTE smartphones</a>. A second image of Best Buy’s system can be seen after the break.<span id="more-131287"></span>
<center><img class="size-full wp-image-131293 aligncenter" title="ipadnewsprint2" src="http://www-bgr-com.vimg.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/ipadnewsprint2.jpg" alt="" width="600" height="450" /></center>
<a href="http://www.engadget.com/2012/03/09/exclusive-sprint-ipad-best-buy/">Read</a>
<img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/TheBoyGeniusReport/~4/nip42ZVdSfQ" height="1" width="1"/>

Via BRG - Boy Genius Report