Staff changes...

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New member
Update: December 03, 2006 :: Staff Changes


Well, as many of you may have already noticed, we recently made some changes to the staff. These changes included promoting UnhingedMouse0 and Vash_the_Stampede to Administrators, Hahninator and Victim to Moderators, and removing the position of 'Newscaster' all together. These changes were mostly due to the increase in spam we have been having lately and the lessened activity of some of the mods. Also, do not think of this as simply losing two mods and gaining two new ones, Unhinged and Vash will still continue their moderating duties as always. So welcome the new mods to the staff, they will be watching you.


  • New Administrators:


  • Vash_the_Stampede


New Moderators:

  • Hahninator

  • Victim


Returned to Elites:

  • Chester_Chaz00

  • linkinpark-1

  • o0SugaxNxSpice0o



New member
Congrats peoples =]

Yeah good idea making Vash and Mousey admins, atleast they'll be actually around and about the forum^^



New member
I plan on bribing a certain staff member by kidnapping them and bringing them to Bamboozle with me.



crazy robster

New member
Congratulations to all of you guys! I'm thrilled to know that Unhinged and Vash are admins now cause they have always been two of the best Mods around and they're certainly active so what better choice than them?? I feel safer now. Perfect Mod choices too!! The forum is in good hands... ;)


New member
I plan on bribing a certain staff member by kidnapping them and bringing them to Bamboozle with me. :p
Better than my plan......I was gonna hold one at gunpoint and demand to become an elite :p



New member
Whoa cool wasnt't expectin this =D

Congratz to you all....For some reason...

I think this place will be alot better now.

(not saying it was worse before.)



New member
  • New Administrators:

  • Vash_the_Stampede

[*]New Moderators:

  • Hahninator

  • Victim

[*]Returned to Elites:

  • Chester_Chaz00

  • linkinpark-1

  • o0SugaxNxSpice0o
CONGRATS to ya'll!!!!!

*gives everyone cookies*



New member
bullshit Mark, don't be humble, you know you love that banana yellow!


But honestly, congrats. Long live LPF... forever.

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