

Thomas Keske


A feat accomplished by some clever, unseen means
It must have been secret work of old, vengeful queans!
The dreadful blast and panic began after "Pride"
Witches on broomsticks returned for their midnight ride

Anger builds until pressure relieves the hot steam
Mad patterns fill dream sequences of consciousness stream
The cauldron boiled over with scalding Boston beans,--
White-hot irons for hateful, dirty tongues to clean

They will never really know how the steam arose
Somewhere beyond the truth that modern science knows

You bought tickets to ride on this Terror Train trip
The hags have backs bearing scars from a sadist's whip
Why such babbling in tongues, why this strange compulsion?
What newer advances follow steam propulsion?

Homepage - Salem, MA - Salem Gazette
Three men who were burnt by high-pressure, 320-degree steam at
the Salem power ... with scenes from the pedestrian mall and
Laurie Cabot's Witches Ball. .
11. Blast came 'out of the blue'
"It's extremely unusual for a boiler to fail in that area," said
Rick Robey, president of IBEW Local 326, which represents union
workers at Salem Harbor .

SALEM - Two veteran power plant employees and a 20-year-old
worker hired recently were victims of a powerful steam explosion
yesterday at Salem Harbor Station.

The men were believed to be working only a few feet from boiler
No. 3, a towering, 10-story-high structure, when they were hit
by a super-hot blast of steam. Within seconds, the area was
filled with what one worker called a "gray fog" of steam, debris
and fly ash.
3. <Blue Witch : "defiantly and resplendently un-trendy" >
What winds the Witch up? Makes the cauldron boil and steam?
..... I have just discovered that Mr Blue Witch put the
christmas edition of the Radio Times in

Negotiations were held between the Executive Committee of
LU 103 (later the Executive Board), and the Boston and vicinity
electrical contractors. Following is a letter (with the new
"International" logo) sent to the Salem area by the Executive

Three leaders of the strike were subsequently thrown in jail on
trumped up charges of plotting to dynamite company property and
the murder of one of their own picketers.

They were brought to trial in Salem, Mass., in cages and chains
to protect the public.

War Preparation and Housing Growth

Electrification of Navy yards, arsenals and munitions plants for
producing war materials created many job opportunities.

Lord Electric Company, Boston and New York City employed many
103 members on the Winchester Repeating Arms property
in Connecticut

My Own House in Quincy: An Example of Pre-War Wiring

Knob and tube wiring with steel City switch boxes and mother of
pearl single pole push button Holtger-Cabot switches and a
thoroughly confusing circuitry where the neutral was switched
from one entrance to the dining room and the hot wire switched
the other entrance. The ceiling light operated like a three way
circuit provided one came and went by the same traffic pattern.
Cut into the floor under the dining room table was an old work
box with a foot switch which operated a bell in the kitchen
powered by a dry cell battery. This would allow the woman of the
house to signal the cook that they were ready for the next meal

Delegates representing 18,500 members of 27,000 total membership
visited Boston for fourteen days. The convention was opened by
Grand Secretary Peter Collins, who resigned and was replaced by
Charles Ford at this convention at the Wells Memorial Hall.
Peter Collins took on a new chore.

He was a vital cog to the IBEW during these early tribulations
and always a faithful and loyal member of Local 103.

"If every member of Local 103 were as generous as Peter Collins,
we could carry on the fight for equality in the workplace
300 Electricians Make Merry at the Waldorf.
HAVE FUN WITH VREELAND "Stepping Lively Cures Cold Feet,"
One of His Aphorisms, Quoted by Toastmaster.

February 9, 1905, Thursday

The triumph of electric traction was celebrated at the annual
dinner of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers last
night in the ballroom of the Waldorf-Astoria. The rout of steam
for transportation was freely prophesied by men whose names are
recognized as authorities

Steam: Taming the Demon

Steam Safety

Of all the substances on earth, water seems to be the most
adaptable to transferring power from heat to work. When heated
water boils and creates steam, the volume of water increases
some 745 times (more according to some sources). This can power
a simple engine capable of performing useful work with a
relatively small fuel use. However, steam has its dangers. Steam
will kill you if you give it the slightest chance.

The first of these safety devices are the gauge ****s. These are
three valves connected into the backhead of the boiler at set
heights related to the crown sheet. The lowest is three inches
above crown sheet height, the next an exact distance above it
and the third above the second. The gauge ****s cannot be
allowed to become clogged since they give the best warning as to
the true level of water in the boiler. They are manually
operated and must be checked before operation and at specific
times during operation.

The next safety device is the water glass. This is also
connected directly into the boiler, at a height so that the
bottom of the glass is above the crown sheet. The 1999 Federal
Regulation requires two water glasses on all steam locomotives.

In a locomotive, this sudden expansion normally separates the
boiler from the frame and has been known to throw the boiler
hundreds of feet from the wreck site. Needless to say, the
engineer and fireman are almost always scalded to death, and the
steam cloud can drift over the train and kill every one else on

A steam jet like this can cut off arms and legs or anything else
exposed to it. These are best found with a broom stick or 2x4.
(The steam jet will cut the stick or 2x4 in pieces or jerk it
right out of your hand.)

The Broomstick Train
[With its Companion Poems

How the Old Horse Won the Bet & The One Hoss Shay]
By Oliver Wendell Holmes
with illustrations by
Howard Pyle

or The Return of Witches

LOOK out! Look out, boys! Clear the track!
The witches are here! They've all come back!
They hanged them high,--No use! No use!
What cares a witch for a hangman's noose?
They buried them deep, but they would n't lie still,
For cats and witches are hard to kill;
They swore they should n't and would n't die,--
Books said they did, but they lie! they lie!

Ipswich River; its old stone bridge;
Far off Andover's Indian Ridge,
And many a scene where history tells
Some shadow of bygone terror dwells,--
Of "Norman's Woe" with its tale of dread,

Of the Screeching Woman of Marblehead,
(The fearful story that turns men pale:
Don't bid me tell it,--my speech would fail.)

The Swampscott fishermen still relate
How a strange sea-monster stole their bait;
How their nets were tangled in loops and knots,
And they found dead crabs in their lobster-pots

Poor Danvers grieved for her blasted crops,--
And Wilmington mourned over mildewed hops.
A blight played havoc with Beverly beans,--
It was all the work of those hateful queans!
A dreadful panic began at "Pride's,"
Where the witches stopped in their midnight rides,
And there rose strange rumors and vague alarms
'Mid the peaceful dwellers at Beverly Farms.

He led the hags to a railway train
The horses were trying to drag in vain.
"Now, then," says he, "you 've had your fun,
And here are the cars you 've got to run.
The driver may just unhitch his team,
We don't want horses, we don't want steam;
You may keep your old black cats to hug,
But the loaded train you 've got to lug."

Often you 've looked on a rushing train,
But just what moved it was not so plain.
It could n't be those wires above,
For they could neither pull nor shove;
Where was the motor that made it go
You could n't guess, but now you know.

Remember my rhymes when you ride again
On the rattling rail by the broomstick train!

Boston and New York
Houghton, Mifflin and Company

Copyright 1858, 1877, 1886, and 1890, by OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES.
Copyright, 1891,
All rights reserved. The Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A.
Electrotyped and Printed by H. O. Houghton & Co

Steam as a means for powering vehicles predated electricity by a
hundred years, but was always dangerous because of boiler
explosions, and required manual feeding of the boiler fire. GO

A twitch of the line to the pole would cut off electric power to
the trolley. This would stop the vehicle, but also remove any
danger from the electricity. Frequently, the pole lost its
connection with the power line and the driver would have to get
out and use the rope to re-connect it. (Actually, this still
happens at some curves on some Boston routes, which you will
discover if you ride the streetcars enough. Mostly it happens on
the electric buses that run on rubber tires and not tracks,
since they sometimes drive too far from the power line.) GO BACK

A twitch of the line to the pole would cut off electric power to
the trolley. This would stop the vehicle, but also remove any
danger from the electricity. Frequently, the pole lost its
connection with the power line and the driver would have to get
out and use the rope to re-connect it. (Actually, this still
happens at some curves on some Boston routes, which you will
discover if you ride the streetcars enough. Mostly it happens on
the electric buses that run on rubber tires and not tracks,
since they sometimes drive too far from the power line.) GO BACK

[D78]Text description: "You can hear her black cat's purr", or
if you are less poetic and superstitious, you can hear the whine
of the electric motor hidden inside the trolley. The station in
the background looks very much like the one on the other side of
the Charles river (first bridge across the Charles) from
Watertown Square, but probably was a familiar sight in many New
England towns. GO BACK NOW.

Visitors to Boston can still ride the broomstick train on the
MBTA's Green Lines. Don't make the mistake of taking one of the
tourist trolleys that are powered by diesel fuel and ignorant
guides. You will be one of the few people in Boston to
understand this joke about the electric trains. So it's your
chance to teach somebody else. Have you memorized the poem yet?

DEND]The broomstick train drives off into the sunset, a great
image in American history. Some witches helpfully hover overhead.

Etymology: Middle English quene, from Old English cwene;
akin to Old English "cwen" woman, queen

Date: before 12th century
1: a disreputable woman; specifically : prostitute

2: chiefly Scottish : woman;
especially : one that is young or unmarried

1. A woman; a young or unmarried woman; a girl.

2. A low woman; a wench; a slut. "The dread of every scolding

Origin: Originally, a woman, AS. Cwene; akin to OS. Quena, OHG.
Quena, Icel. Kona, Goth qin, and AS. Cwen, also to Gr. Woman,
wife, Skr. Gna goddess. Cf. Queen.

Source: Websters Dictionary
3. FABULON: Domestic Bliss
You hateful queens. Can't you recognize a parrot coffin when you
see one? The poor dear is obviously crazed with grief. What else
would explain that dress? ...
uncle walt explains
I would watch those mean hateful queens out of the corner of my
eyes all night just waiting for some signal that they might
invite me into their warm, .
Dumbledore Gay????? | San Francisco | Yelp

you understand that this world is filled with wizards magical
beans, gay is the least of ... assholes who think Harry should
burn in hell for being a witch.
10. Witch Eye: The Queer Craft: Rethinking Magical Polarity by Storm .

When I use the term "Queer" it is an attempt to reach poetically
(and therefore magickally) into the realm of "the Other",
the walker between the worlds,
11. 'Charmed' by Mel Damski (2004)

.... their powers to become the Charmed Ones - the most powerful
witches to exist. ... Overall Rating: B- Queer witch Rating: B
19. Uncle Shoe's Beer Tasting - Steam Whistle

Steam Whistle, November 30th in the year of our Lord, may he
bless The Little Train who thought ... "Toot, toot, come and
blow my steam whistle. .

The witch heritage

Salem's witch heritage hasn't been swept under the rug by the
town. In fact, since its tricentennial in 1992, the witch spirit
has really picked up steam
WBZ NEWSRADIO 1030 - 3 workers die from Salem steam plant explosion

James Simpson, with IBEW Local 326, stands by Dominion Energy,
owners of the Salem Harbor Power Station, where 3 workers died
from injuries after a steam .

Salem (AP/WBZ Newsroom) -- Three workers died after they were
severely burned by high pressure steam when a water tube
exploded on a boiler at Salem Harbor Power Station, authorities
said Wednesday.

Dominion, the Richmond, Va.-based energy company that owns the
power station, said the men were working on the ground floor
near the boiler on Tuesday when the tube ruptured about 20 feet
above and blew steam on them.

Current Time: 07:43am EST, 11/09/07
17. The Virginia 5 - Blow the Whistle
her steam whistle echoing off the shores of Puget Sound, ...
About the only time you see steam coming from the V-5's stack is
when the whistle is blowing.
.. / New whistle puts steam back in campus tradition
A steam whistle has sounded on campus since 1899, and began
signaling the end .... Hear the old whistle blow ? video 6News
video: Endowment association gets .

The earth shook. Passers-by plugged their ears. And a 104-year
Kansas University tradition was resurrected.

After three months of silence, a steam whistle's booming signal
again echoed across campus Friday afternoon.

A group of maintenance workers, some of whom helped install the
whistle earlier Friday, celebrated the whistle's return as they
watched steam shoot from the top of KU's power plant.

"Yabba dabba do!" one worker yelled.

A steam whistle has sounded on campus since 1899, and began
signaling the end of classes in 1912.

But the years took their toll on the previous whistle,
originally from a German freightliner and installed at KU in the
early 1940s. The whistle -- nicknamed "The Big Tooter" --
cracked under the pressure of 175 pounds per inch of steam at
377 degrees on Jan. 22, blasting the fixture 25 feet into the
air before landing on the power plant roof.

That whistle now is displayed at the Kansas Union

The Worst Witch is a famous show both in the United kingdom,
Canada and USA. Mildred (Milly) Hubble started Cackle's Academy
to start her new life as a witch. On the first day of school she
arrived late to school, crashing into the school grounds, not a
very good start to the first day of school at all! From day one
Miss Hardbroom (Played by Kate Duchene) absolutely hated Mildred
and she...

The episode starts with Mildred dreaming. In her dream, she is
dancing with Hobbes, and he is telling her how he has changed.
She wakes up ( after falling out of bed ), and Ethel makes some
comment or other about how she obviously likes Hobbes because
she was dreaming about him and saying his name... Later, Mildred
is talking to Cas and describing her dream to her... Meanwhile,
Azhmet and Tim are helping the caretaker find out why there's no
hot water, and they follow a wire leading from the boiler to
Hobbes' room. While they're up in the attic, they overhead Milly
and Cas talking about Milly's dream. I think one of them then
starts laughing ( or makes some other noise ) and Mildred and
Cas are both looking up at the ceiling and asking who's there.
The two guys then go to Hobbes' room ( Hobbes is in there too )
After that, but in the same scene, Cas starts rummaging around
for something, and Milly asks what she's lookin for... She says
it's a dreamcatcher
7. Virginia Tech Urban Exploration
virginia tech urban exploration, virginia tech steam tunnels ...
This is the ORIGINAL and FIRST website devoted to the Virginia
Tech underworld.

This is the ORIGINAL and FIRST website devoted to the
Virginia Tech underworld. The Conglomerate opened the flood gates
for those that followed. Respect your elders, as we have respected
ours. The Conglomerate is watching you, Blacksburg.

Capital Design and Construction
Virginia Tech

Power plant steam tunnel upgrade project to cause minor traffic
interruptions on campus

Effective immediately through the fall of 2008, the university's
power plant steam distribution system will be upgraded, allowing
for more capacity and creating a more efficient steam system on

The majority of piping that will be replaced is in steam tunnels;
however, a portion will be in a new box conduit system under the
sidewalk along Washington Street. The new piping will increase
the capacity of the existing steam distribution system.

Four types of cellulose fibers were used in this work;
water-washed steam exploded fiber (WEF), alkali extracted steam
exploded fiber (AEF), acetylated steam exploded fiber (surface
modified) (AAEF), and commercial oat filler (COF).

The fibers were obtained by steam exploding Yellow Poplar wood
chips at a severity (log Ro parameter) of 4.23, which was
performed on a Stake Technology steam explosion machine at the
Pilot/Demonstration Laboratory of the Thomas M. Brooks Forest
Products Center located at Virginia Tech (Figure 3.1 and 3.2).
The steam explosion severity (Ro ), which combines the
parameters of retention time, t, and reaction temperature, T,
is defined as

Ro = Integral from 0 - t of exp [ (T1 ? To ) / 14.75 ] dt

Figure 3.2

Steam explosion machine (batch gun) at the Pilot/Demonstration
Laboratory of the Thomas M. Brooks Forest Products Center
located at Virginia Tech.

Coping with failure is a lost art and it manifests itself in
anger. Anger for the unfairness, anger for the jealousy of what
others have that they do not, anger for the frustration of not
achieving an equal piece of the pie. And no learned skills on
how to deal with that inequity. The steam builds and the top
explodes, and Virgina Tech becomes the playing ground for a
direct consequence of a level playing field

Capt., what you say makes a lot of sense. Although, in the case
of mental illness, as the perpetrator seems to have had, I don't
think there is any way to know what created the demons that led
to the horrible results.
Steamin Demon II High-Flow Extraction Cleaning System

No portable extractor even comes close to the overall
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Steamin Demon High Flow Extractor

The Realness of Witchcraft in America:
Puritans Raised Hell With Witches

Today some people can hear witches in chains, or shutters
rattling at night; chairs or floors creaking; noises in the
walls, attics or cellars; lowing of cattle; howling of dogs;
earth lights in the fields or woods, or in the cemetery; shadows
in the moonlight; strange odors; the noise of expansion or
contraction of pottery, or steam pipes

Creative Visualization and Wicca

Properly honed, creative visualization, your own imagination, is
perhaps the greatest Craft tool at your disposal.


Fate magazine asks: The only question is, does the curse have
any effect, or is it merely a satisfying way of letting off


Here's a pretty good article on the history of curses throughout
the world, and the current uses of curses and hexes, just in
case you need a good one.

The ball came to rest in the steam whistle of the factory, which
began to go off. As it was not quitting time, workers thought
there was an emergency and abandoned their posts. A short while
later, a giant cauldron containing a ton of beans boiled over
and exploded, showering the Boston ballpark with scalding beans.
It is probably safe to say that this was the most dramatic foul
of all time

The main trade of Salem is along the coast, principally in the
transhipment of coal; and the historic Crowninshield's or India
wharf is now a great coal pocket

The largest single establishment is the Naumkeag Steam Cotton
Company, which has 2800 looms and about 1500 mill-hands

But shipping would decline through the 19th century. Salem and
its silting harbor were increasingly eclipsed by Boston and New
York. Consequently, the city turned to manufacturing. Industries
included tanneries, shoe factories and the
Naumkeag Steam Cotton Company.

Large parts of the mill town were destroyed in the
Great Salem Fire of 1914, which began in the Korn Leather Factory

The name 'Salem' is related to the Hebrew word 'shalom' and
Arabic word 'salam', both meaning 'peace'.

.. A dummies guide to Salem witches: From witchcraft school to ...
Breaking News: Steam pipe explodes at Salem plant November 06,
2007 12:37 pm ... Unlike most other religions,

Salem witches don't sit inside a big white .
.. Books, Listed by Author
_I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem (Ballantine One World 0-345-
38420-2, ... (Houghton Mifflin 1984) sf novel, sequel to The
Celestial Steam Locomotive.
Fag hag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fag hags are frequently stereotyped as lonely or unattractive
women, ... In the case of friendships between lesbians and gay
men, the term dyke diva .
2. In times of need In times of despair despite HIV You came to me
Lesbians and Hags. Fallen angels Most of us Despite our glamour
Despite our glow ... Lesbians and Hags. You came to me To teach
me love You came to me .
help! dwarf and other theatre character for production next week -
facepainthq | G...

.... transform from the ugly witch hag to the beautiful witch
while on stage = behind ... bgColor=3D#ffffff> Hey, I'm doing .
.. Natural herbal Skin Care

The Benefits: A weekly steam facial is a simple way to bring
a "spa experience" to ... Organic Witch Hazel, Herbal extracts of
Melissa Supreme, Blue Algae, ..
.. Theatre work of the lesbian
The founding of a lesbian theatre company seemed not only
possible, but also inevitable. HAG originally meant "Holy Woman",
a pred-dynastic matriarchal .
20. Heide: Witch-Goddess of the North
Holy women and hags, they were the heirs to an ancient tradition,
and the name for the goddess who embodied their lore was "Heide",
Witch and Wisewoman of

More powerful still are the spells that are chanted over the
cauldron in the wilderness, for the lands beyond the fences of
men are already half-way between the worlds. In principle, any
pot in which herbs are steeped or food is cooked is a cauldron,
and you can call upon the magic of Heide to empower it,
whispering your intent into the steam as you stir.
1. The Straight Dope: Can high-pressure steam cut a body in half?

It's common belief among utility operators that a good way to
check for high-pressure steam leaks is by waving a broomstick in
front of you: when the stick .
.. Encyclopedia Titanica Message Board:
Archive through September 8, 2007

I wouldn't want to take a chance on it, and there's a reason why
engineers typically use inanimate objects like a broomstick to
search for steam leaks.







18. Faust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
steam which rises from it, various figures become visible. A ...
That is the witch's one-time-one! Faust. I think the old hag's
talking in delirium. .
.. Fag Hag : Subversive Minds Gear -
Shirts, T-shirts, and Apparel ...

Let off some steam at our VENT! site ... This long sleeved shirt
is just the ticket for the subversive fag hag. $23.95 ... more
info ? FAG HAG - Hoodie
29. Movies -- Steam: The Turkish Bath --
pictures, picture, pics, images, trailer, inf...

When does a man suddenly decide that he is gay? ... clearly
serve to promote travel to Turkey, was pulled from the 1998
31. Young Turk in old Rome: the Turkish director of the popular ...

The Advocate (The national gay & lesbian newsmagazine) - Young
Turk in old Rome: the Turkish director of the popular coming-out
film Steam ...
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bursa yayla et mangal ramcleaner download css non steam kisa
kollu bolero selam zebani.dostum keske su grizu ile yaptiginiz
dueti dinletmeseydiniz bana. ... St3aM|RexteaM (rec-steam)
Sadece Kuzey ve Guney Amerika icin gecerli, bunla ilgili bir not
dusseydiniz keske Bir de neden "Turkey" adi altinda Osmanlidan
bahsetmisler? Amerika icin gecerli, bunla ilgili bir not
dusseydiniz keske zoom imkani olsaymis.. Tur biterken keske biraz daha
baktigimda bir half live in bir counter in valve ve steam
isbirligiyle oynandigini su grizu ile yaptiginiz dueti
dinletmeseydiniz bana
.. Railroad Relativism - alt.atheism | Google Groups
BALLAST : Turkey or chicken dressing. BALLAST SCORCHER : Speedy
engineer .... CARRY A WHITE FEATHER :
Show a plume of steam over the safety

You stop at Ingersoll's Ordinary to let off some steam and find
that some of the accusers are there. You are disappointed that
they seem to be acting normal; "You smile just a little as you
imagine them shaking and snarling like wet cats." Soon they are
shaking and snarling, and upon questioning, the girls name their

Despite the site's obvious design problems, the concept is a
good one. If any site is working towards immersion, it is this
one. I would recommend this for a younger student or for a
school assignment because the site doesn't really introduce any
valuable information but rather places the events in context. I
would also suggest this site as a nice break for a serious Salem
researcher--blow off some steam, accuse people of being witches...
it's constructive procrastination. But not a legitimate research
45. Handing out some hockey hurrahs -, Salem, MA

Super 8-bound St. ... 10 points in two wins for the Witches,
including a 3-goal, 3-assist performance

Perhaps It Was About The Witches For Jones

It was July 15, 1984, at Salem Country Club, in Peabody, Mass.,
and witches were everywhere. Remembering the Salem witch trials,
the club used a silhouette of a witch as its championship
insignia. It was facetious, cute, and shirts were bedecked with
witches. Hats and programs and umbrellas sported witches. A
"witch" in long, black robes strolled the grounds. But there was
nothing supernatural about the championship.

The Women's Open kicked off a lighter note, with a band of LPGA
players performing at the pre-championship party. The
festivities honored Babe Zaharias, who had captured her third
and final Women's Open at Salem Country Club 30 years before.

Jones was just 24 years old and in her third year on the
professional tour. In the next 19 years, her career seemed to
pick up steam and she would go on to win 13 tournaments and more
than $6 million.

But the Women's Open has continued to elude her. She finished
fifth in 1995 and fourth in 2000, but never again did she come
as close as that one fateful stroke in the bewitched setting of
Salem Country Club.
Statistical Analysis Linking U.S. AIDS Outbreak to Hepatitis ...

This is why an epidemic "gathers steam" as it progresses,
producing new ..... I (Tom Keske) am a gay/AIDS activist in the
Boston area, originally from .
2. keske la steam

Grace a steam tu peux joue, a tout ca, il fait des updates asse
souvent afin de les ameliorer meme si parfois leurs MAJ n'est
pas parfaite mais personne ne ...

Tom's Guide

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Jouer du son dans steam
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Steam sous linux
Ameliorer le ping de mon serveur dedie steam

Steam Full installer + all games v 1.6 c koi???
Steam ne marche plus!
Steam Veut Plus Se Connecter....
Steam encore un probleme?

Tu demandes ce que c'est steam
ca te sert a rien, steam c pr jouer sur le net c tt, donc en
56 k laisse tomber

connexion steam impossible

Ils ont pas un peu trop abuse STEAM
keske la steam
Probleme steam
doom3 ou comment marcher tous seul
Amelioration des FPS sous cs
Jouer du son dans steam
Merci de votre aide pour installer steam proprement
Comment jouer a cs 1.6 ?
Steam sous linux

dans mon cas, il ne s'agit pas d'amx.
Je joue avec les bots officiels cs 1.6 sous steam
Je me met tout seul contre plusieurs bots, et au bout de
quelques rounds, y'a un equilibrage qui se fait.

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10. Fizzy Funny Fuzzy Poetry For Kids: Witches Stew
Boiling broth of bat's tail soup. Wobble, slobber, liquid goo,
Add the sole of ... Steam swirls rising to the roof, Add one
small ear and one old tooth.

Moroccan Couscous with Meat and Vegetables Recipe courtesy Malek Badaa

2 quarts water (or beef broth) plus 2 cups to use during couscous procedure
1 large yellow onion, chopped
1 large tomato, diced
4 pounds lamb shoulder or lamb shank, cut into 2-inch pieces
1 small bouquet parsley, approximately 1/2 cup
1/2 cup olive oil
1/2 teaspoon saffron
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
Salt, to taste
1 tablespoon black pepper
24 ounces couscous
1 pound green and yellow zucchini cut in half lengthwise
1 pound baby carrots
1 pound potatoes, any kind, peeled and cut into quarters
1/2 head cabbage, diced
1 pound peas, fresh or frozen
2 rutabagas, peeled and diced
2 large turnips, peeled and cut into quarters
1/2 cup butter, softened

Put broth in the couscousiere pot, add the onions, tomatoes,
meat, parsley, olive oil, saffron, ginger and salt and pepper.
Boil on medium high heat for 5 to10 minutes. Put the keskes on
top of the pot and add couscous slowly. Let the couscous steam
for 1/2 hour. After steam starts coming up, take the couscous
out of keskes and transfer into a large bowl (gsaa). Break up
any clumping grains of couscous with wooden spoon, and cool for
a few minutes. Sprinkle 1/2 cup to 3/4 cup cold water on the
couscous while it is in the bowl, to make the grains larger and
soft. Return to heat and steam for another 30 minutes.

Remove the meat from the couscousiere, cover and set aside. Add
vegetables to the couscousiere and return the couscous to the
keske and place in the couscousiere. Cook the vegetables and the
couscous for 30 to 45 minutes on medium high heat.

The recipes for this program, which were provided by
contributors and guests who may not be professional chefs, have
not been tested in the Food Network's kitchens.

The Capitol Power Plant, operated by Congress, is the only coal-
burning plant in the District and is a major source of sulfur
dioxide, carbon monoxide and soot in a city that has repeatedly
been found in violation of the Clean Air Act.

....the plant generates steam and chilled water to heat and cool
the Capitol, the Supreme Court, the Library of Congress and 19
other structures. Steam and chilled water are carried in pipes
through a web of tunnels stretching from south of the Capitol to
Union Station.

....Built at the turn of the last century, the tunnels are lined
with asbestos, a carcinogen. The tunnel workers have charged
that the Architect of the Capitol, which oversees the power
plant, knowingly exposed them to hazards, and nine of the 10
workers say doctors have found evidence of exposure to asbestos
in their lungs.
.. Apparatus for prestressing casing bolts for steam and gas turbines ...
4246810, Jan, 1981, Keske, 81/57. 4268011, May, 1981, Randall,
254/29. ... In turbines, increasing steam or gas pressure
results in improved efficiency and .

Inventors:Odsberg, Hans (Taby, SE)
Sundberg, Staffan (Hofors, SE)
S Patent References:4224843 Sep, 1980 Heiermann et al. 81/57.
4246810 Jan, 1981 Keske 81/57.
4268011 May, 1981 Randall 254/29.
4659065 Apr, 1987 Simms 254/29.

Parent Case Data:This is a division of application Ser. No. 08/
029,034, filed Mar. 10, 1993, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,339,512.
Claims:We claim:

1. An apparatus for prestressing threaded parallel casing bolts
for steam and gas turbines and valves for such turbines, said
casing bolts being arranged in groups and in close proximity to
each other, said apparatus comprising:

(a) an essentially flat bridge element having oppositely facing
first and second sides and being provided with a through opening
wherein the first side of said bridge element is adapted to be
supported on end faces of a first and a second of said casing
bolts with a third of said casing bolts disposed between said
first and second bolts, and with said through opening in
centered superposition with the third bolt;

(b) a pulling sleeve insertable into said through opening and
provided with a bore .at its first end which faces said third
casing bolt, said bore being provided with internal threads to
threadedly engage matching external threads of said third casing
bolt; and

(c) an annular hydraulic means operatively associated with said
pulling sleeve, said annular hydraulic means being adapted for
interposition between the second side of the bridge element and
a flange portion of said pulling sleeve.



This invention relates to an apparatus and a method for
prestressing bolts that are arranged in groups, are parallel to
each other, and are at locations with laterally reduced
accessibility, particularly casing bolts for steam and gas
turbines and valves for such turbines.


Casings for gas or steam turbines are big and heavy, and must be
attached gas-tight against each other. Conventionally, this is
done by utilizing a number of set bolts arranged at a distance
from each other in a circle or another geometric form adapted to
the peripheral area of the casing, and which are prestressed by
application of substantial force. In turbines, increasing steam
or gas pressure results in improved efficiency and because of
this, over the years increasing prestress has been applied.

The method most widely used today for prestressing bolts is
working with so-called heated bolts, that is, bolts which are
heated and mechanically stressed when hot. The time needed for
heating and cooling of the bolts is substantial so that even
under good circumstances as many as several days are needed for
mounting a casing of a large gas or steam turbine.

One has to wait until the bolts have cooled down before checking
whether the correct prestress has been achieved. If correct
prestress has not been achieved the heating and cooling process
must be repeated, something that will further increase the time

During prestressing and securing of bolts in turbine casings,
similar stresses arise within the casing themselves and will
remain even after all bolts have been mounted. If the bolts are
mechanically prestressed, such stress in a turbine casing may be
reduced by simultaneously stressing Dolts symmetrically arranged
in respect of the center of the casing, or by stressing in small
steps, whereby the prestress for each bolt will be increased
essentially to the same extent and simultaneously. Such a
procedure is impossible when using the hot prestressing method
which, by necessity, results in inferior prestress.

Repair and maintenance work on large turbines requires them to
be taken out of service which often is very expensive. Thus, a
reducing of down time required for repair or maintenance is
desirable, and may be an economic necessity.

System and method for evaporating moisture from a gap defined
between a repair sleeve and a surrounding heat transfer tube in
a nuclear steam generator

Document Type and Number:United States Patent 5490188

System and method for evaporating moisture from a gap defined
between a heat transfer tube surrounding a repair sleeve in a
nuclear steam generator. The nuclear steam generator has a heat
transfer tube surrounding a repair sleeve that has been
hydraulically expanded into engagement with the tube. The tube
and the sleeve define a gap therebetween having moisture
residing therein. The system includes an air compressor in
communication with the gap for supplying air to the gap and a
dryer in communication with the air compressor for drying the
gas supplied to the gap. A heater in communication with the air
compressor may also be provided for heating the air supplied to
the gap, so that the moisture residing in the gap evaporates
into the heated air. A vacuum pump in communication with the gap
may be provided for decreasing the pressure of the heated air in
the gap, so that substantially all the moisture evaporates from
the gap and into the heated air.

What is a nearest neighbor? What is medicine?
The wine rising up from there, the stew,

the steam and the odor. Look in the kettle
at the acrid broth roiling against the cast metal.

down the mood, eating it shorter, forcing the steam
to turn thicker. When the fire began

the hay flamed into tooth straw like flux.
Now in the shoats' pen the water trough

The shape seen from beyond the rise beyond the barn
of the girl and the kettle in profile

appears to bond itself into a question, a scene
seeming to ask what wine, stew, or broth

becomes extracted by this process?
The top of the silo resembles a witch's hat.


Fill cauldron with enough water to cover dry ice, which will
create a cool steam. Place punch bowl inside cauldron on top of
dry ice.

Carefully pour drink mixture into punch bowl. Slowly add lemon-
lime soda or ginger ale and, if using, the vodka. Stir gently to

Vampire blood drink

1 gallon cranberry juice
1 gallon orange juice
1 cup raspberry sorbet, softened
1 quart seltzer

Mix juices together. Add sorbet and stir until it disappears.
Add seltzer. Chill before serving.


Talk about an idea that mushroomed

The triplets, Harmony, Destiny and Storm, were easy to cast.
I couldn't have a conversation with my identical-triplet neighbors?
blonds in their late twenties?without mind-casting them in a
series. They approved, shared humorous triplet stories, and I
was off. Confession: I plot in my sleep. I dreamed the most
amazing location, an island castle, between Salem and Marblehead
Massachusetts, built by a sea captain in the late 1800's. Old
Nicodemus had an eye for the weird and incredible and filled his
castle with all the treasures he brought home from all over the
world. In the castle is also a shed with an old steam train that
once connected their island to Marblehead. It's among the most
haunted of the goodies at the castle, which is why Diane
Whiteside's blog made me smile?we're a family of train lovers.
The castle dream was so real that it took me a whole day to
write down every detail. I dreamed the ghost of the witch who
haunted it, a late family member whose goal in life was causing
strife, so she could referee. I named her Gussie.

My triplet witches are psychic. Hey, I watch TV. Harmony is
psychometric, reads old objects, and brings peace wherever she
goes. Harmony sees the past. Destiny sees the future, except her
own. Storm, my rebellious Goth witch, sees and hears the present.
Storm's story, GONE WITH THE WITCH, is due out in May of '08.
She hears a baby crying when only when Aiden McCloud is near her
but he won't go with her to find the source, so she kidnaps him.
Included in the kidnapping are his motor home and two pairs of
fuzzy purple handcuffs.
17. The Three Witches

Blue Witch: Hold it, wait a minute, girls. What if we witches
cooperate? ... [She tosses it in the kettle and laughs as a
burst of steam erupts from it.]
Inventor: Keske, et al.
Date Issued: November 9, 1982
Application: 06/245,642

4358561 Injection moldable amide-imide copolymers

This example illustrates the continuous melt preparation of 10:6:
4 TMA:OBA:MPDA copolymer using 90% acylated diamines.

A twenty-five gallon stirred kettle was charged with 18,000 g
(90 mole) of oxybisaniline, 6480 g (60 mole) of
metaphenylenediamine, and 12 l. (12,600 g) of acetic acid. To
this stirred mixture under nitrogen was added 27,560 g (270 mole)
ofacetic anhydride over a period of 12 minutes while the skin of
the jacketed kettle was water cooled. During the addition, the
temperature of the kettle contents increased from F.
to F. Trimellitic anhydride, 28,800 g (150 mole)was
added to the kettle over a period of 5 minutes during which time
the temperature of the contents dropped to F. This
mixture was heated to F. by passing steam through
the kettle's jacket. This mixture was continuouslymetered at a
rate of 13,200 g/hr into an electrically heated (skin
temperature F.) helical anchor stirred reactor. The
feed stream into this reactor was maintained at approximately
150 psi and the stream was heated to a temperature F. The reactor content was maintained at 2,500-3,000
g and a melt temperature of F.
Distillate was collected at a rate of 6,300-6,400 g/hr and
product was pumped out of the reactor by a gear pump at arate of
6,750-6,850 g/hr into a water bath. The product polymer had an
inherent viscosity of 0.29 in N-methylpyrrolidone @ C.
and 0.5% w/v concentration.

This polymer was passed through an 8.2 ft. long Egan twin screw
reactor having 3.5 in. diameter screws, operating at 26 RPM and
a throughput of 66-70 lb/hr. The four zone temperatures were set
at,,, F. and
melt temperature indicators in these zones showed temperatures
in the range of,,, and F. The
extruder barrel was vented and vacuum wasapplied. The inherent
viscosity of the polymer increased to 0.66 to 0.80 during this
16. Witchcraft - Speaking in Tongues
As she pours out the last of her broth for the laboring woman,
the midwife sighs. ... Because witches are oriented to earth and
to life, we value spiritual

If, in a ritual, you tried to maintain a peak of frenzy for
hours and hours, you would find that after a while the energy
loses its joyful quality, and instead of feeling union and
ecstasy, you begin to feel irritated and exhausted. Political
groups that try to maintain an unremitting level of anger-
a high-energy state also run out of steam in precisely
the same way.


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31. Texas Explosion Expressionism - alt.surrealism | Google Groups

Thomas Keske. View profile. More options Mar 25 2005, 11:49 pm.
Newsgroups: alt.surrealism ... compressed steam fed into Hold 4
blew off the hatch covers, and .

Downtown Duluth steam pipe explodes

A steam pipe explosion beneath a downtown Duluth parking ramp
Monday afternoon blasted a Buick off the ground and into a
nearby SUV.

See Downtown Duluth steam pipe explodes

A steam pipe explosion beneath a downtown Duluth parking ramp
Monday afternoon blasted a Buick off the ground and into a
nearby SUV. The explosion came from either a 10- or 18-inch pipe
beneath the pavement of the ramp next to Minnesota Power at the ...

As you browse on our site, here's another area that may be

Train carrying spent nuclear fuel derails at plant -
Winston-Salem Journal

Train carrying spent nuclear fuel derails at plant
2. "Pse&g, Co-owners To Purchase Steam Generators for..."
PR Newswire

05/1996 - Pse&g, Co-owners To Purchase Steam Generators for
Salem Unit 1 From Unfinished Seabrook Nuclear Plant - Credit
Card required for Free Trial. Get articles.
28. Leak Triggers Another Shutdown at Troubled Hope Creek Nuclear
PSEG's Hope Creek and Salem nuclear reactors are located on the
same site at ... the Hope Creek nuclear power plant in response
to a steam line failure and plant .
.. The Citizens Voice - 5 detained near Salem nuclear plant
.... areas Tuesday looking for the nuclear power plant in Salem
Tow ... 11 in Salem Township, four miles south of the
Susquehanna Steam and Electric Power Plant.
8. DOE Document - Radiological experiences with steam generator
nozzle dam installati.

.... Salem Units 1 and 2, an attempt was made to use nozzle dams
inside the steam ... with steam generator nozzle dam
installations at Salem Nuclear Generating Station ...

This paper reports that during the recent back-to-back refueling
outages of Salem Units 1 and 2, an attempt was made to use
nozzle dams inside the steam generators to permit refueling and
steam generator work to occur simultaneously.^Due to the high
dose rates and contamination levels expected, extensive
preplanning and job coverage were required by the Radiation
Protection Department.^Personnel radiation exposures were
maintained as low as reasonably achievable by concentrating on
training, contamination controls, and good health physics
practices.^Problems did arise, however, in three broad
categories: equipment, technique, and communications.^As these
problems arose, modifications were made that led to significant
dose reductions, and some lessons were learned that will help
the Salem Station and other plants reduce exposures associated
with steam generator work.
41. 12-MAR-96 | Watchdog Groups Want Both Salem Nuclear Generators Shut...
.... leaks occurring at the Salem Nuclear Generating Station
because of cracks... occurring Salem Nuclear Generating Station
cracks station's steam generator
4. Can You Hear That Steam Whistle Blow?
"Can You Hear That Steam Whistle Blow? appears on my latest CD, '
I've Been Up On the Mountain', which was officially launched on
January 1 2007" .
.. The Price Of Whistleblowing At Salem Nuclear Plant
The Price Of Whistleblowing At Salem Nuclear Plant By Jerome
Montes Staff Writer Press Of Atlantic City .
16. USS Buchanan DDG-14 Snipes Forum - Testing for Steam Leaks
.... was always said that a leak in a main steam line could cut a
broomstick in half. ... I have used rags tied to a broomstick
and done well. .
19. The Left Coaster: Comment on Poking A Sharp Stick Into The Eye Of God

The accident was with the steam plant, not the nuclear core of
the reactor. ... "We waved a broomstick around in the
compartment and when it was cut in half .

Note "Talos" guided missiles behind the speaker's platform

Photo #: K-79305

USS Little Rock (CLG-4)

One of the cruiser's crewmen snaps a photograph of USS Elokomin
(AO-55), as the two ships steam side by side during underway
refueling in the Mediterranean Sea, 1 November 1969.
Taken by D.G. Keske.

Official U.S. Navy Photograph.

A crewman signalling during underway refueling operations with
USS Seattle (AOE-3), in the Mediterranean Sea at the time of the
October 1973 Middle East War.

Note this Sailor's "Death before Dishonor" tattoo.
39. 5th North American Cargo Security Forum

Dr. Keske is a research staff member at the Institute for
Defense Analyses. ... Guard license as Master of Ocean Steam,
Motor, Auxiliary Sail, and Sail Vessels .

R.F.S. Sea Witch (ex U.S.S. Salem) CA-139:

In many ways the Sea Witch is the flagship of the R.E.E.F.
Naval Forces

Reconstruction included:
Propulsion: The old steam power plants were replaced by four
modern fusion reactors.

The horsepower of the new engines is slightly higher

The nickname Sea Witch was seen in various places on the ship
due to the ship being named after the city of Salem which is
named after the city in Massachusetts made famous by its Witches.
The picture of a witch over the moon was kept as the ship's seal.

Power System: Originally conventional steam propulsion with
120,000 shaft horsepower with four shafts, steam plant is converted
to a four nuclear reactors

I would not want to seem insensitive to the deaths of 3 men
in a power-plant accident in Salem, Massachusetts, but I am
like a soldier in an army (actually, more like a sailor
in the Navy), in time of war, and need to be ruthless
because of the circumstances. Otherwise, I would be happy
to be sensitive, but for the time being, sensitivity of that
sort would not be a survival trait.

Nor would I want to be insensitive to the tragedy of 6 years
also, or last year's tragedy, or last Thursday's tragedy,
or next week Tuesday's tragedy, or the tragedy after that,
or the tragedy of November, next year, or tragedies A-Z over
the 50 years, the tragedies that follow that.
Do you understand what I am trying to say?

I would not want to be insensitive to the Virginia Tech
tragedy, but please let me put that also in perspective.

Just the previous week, I had read a story, how the
Bush administration was stuffing the Civil Rights
division of the Justice Department with graduates of
Pat Robertson's Regent University, also in Virginia.
The story related how a student applicant was asked,
"What did they think was the worst decision that the
Supreme Court ever made?"

The answer wasn't the Dred Scott decision, where
blacks were considered only 3/5 of a person. It wasn't
the Hardwick decision, where the Supreme Court casually
referred to ancient Roman death penalties for homosexuals,
as if it were merely historical context to justify
the criminalization of gays.

The student's answer, with which the interviewer
agreed, was the Lawrence decision, that had invalidated
state sodomy laws.

My liberal newspaper seemed almost as if
cheerleading for this kind of reactionary hate.

When former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney was sitting, all
smiles and laughter, in cap and gown, next to Pat Robertson,
there was not one mention from even the most liberal columnists,
"Isn't it despicable that a Presidential candidate would meet
with a hate-mongering crackpot like Pat Robertson, whose
crank-level religious bigotry has been standard fare over
the course of decades, now?"

No, their reaction was as if to say, "Isn't it wonderful
that the Christian Coalition isn't too bigoted,
to be willing to meet with a Mormon?"

Even the most liberal columnists had not a word
to say, when Robertson once issued words of high
praise for a book that included an open call for
death penalty to all gays. It is not exaggerating
to say that that our politicians, our media,
the American public seem utterly indifferent to almost
any level of crackpot hate that is directed against gays,
and that our lives seem to mean nothing to them?

It is much like living in a country where high-level
politicians and power-brokers routinely pronounce
something on the order of "God does not hear the prayers
of Jews", or "Negroes are criminal sub-humans who should
be shipped back to Africa" - and almost no one gets
excited, almost no one seems to care. It is regarded
as legitimate, respectable discourse.

That is why I am not impressed if anyone should whine
that I do not have regard for lives of men killed
in a steam explosion. It is a pity, but a whole
lot more than that is probably needed.


I recall watching Robertson similarly laughing and
chuckling on TV, while he was saying that gays
were "an abomination in the eyes of God".

When I read of Robertson's bright young students, from
the Virginia college, on a mission to take over the courts
and re-criminalize gays, I said, right out loud,
"We need a bloody school shooting, like Columbine,
to make this less of a laughing matter."

A few days later was Virginia Tech. I hope it would
not offend Virginia Tech, but frankly, I had not even
heard of them. It seems to me that it was involving
a dysfunctional and mentally disturbed student, not
someone really representing an oppressed class.

Yet my feelings are mixed- it was an eerie coincidence,
like last week's eerie coincidence, like the 5 or 10 eerie
coincidences last year, or the dozens of eeries coincidences
over the past so-many years, or the eerie coincidence that
will take place next Tuesday, or the various and sundry
eerie coincidences that will take place in over the next
so-many years to to come.

I feel like a General in the Union Army in the Civil War
might feel. I see mangled bodies, every day. Of course
I regret the young, Northern boys who die that way,
to the degree that regret does not become so pronounced
that it would hamper the mission.

In fact, I regret also the young, Southern boys
who die. They are brainwashed on a mythology of
Southern manhood, Southern honor, Southern good manners,
while working in reality as the defenders of an utterly decadent,
brutal, and corrupt system of racist exploitation.

The war had everything to do with dehumanization,
and nothing to do with "states' rights". If the South
had been an independent country, its invasion would have
been justified more than Iraq's.


America is a bit like a vain witch, looking the mirror,
and seeing the fairest of them all- not in terms of
physical beauty, but thinking that they see other beautiful
things - honesty, decency, charity, humility.

How egotistical they are, to imagine that they are humble.

America is not the most brutal nation -yet- that has ever
been, but perhaps one of the most vain, thinking that it
is specially favored by God, that it has a special place
and destiny among nations.

Where it sees honesty, it has politicians who are almost
shameless in the pandering lies that they tell. Where it
sees charity, it has supported utterly corrupt regimes
while profiteering greedily around the world.

Where it sees decency, it ignores the brutal suppression,
the victims thrown out of airplanes by their hand-picked
dictator in Chile, the depleted uranium spread in Iraq,
the political murder on its own soil, the hate-spewing,
bully-boy crackpots that are shrieking all over its airwaves.


I feel a certain kinship with witches, as people who
were persecuted in the name of religion.

Can you imagine how it feels if you reject the
teachings of religion, and realize you are being
viciously persecuted in the name of ridiculous

The burning of witches is much like the burning
of gays at the stake. We were treated a criminals
in this country for 200 years, as blatant religious
persecution. The very term "sodomy law" came
directly from the Biblical fairy-tale of Sodom
and Gomorrah. It would be gross intellectual dishonesty
to pretend that sodomy laws were not legislated religion.

When you have been persecuted for hundreds of years,
you must be curious- did such a city really, ever
even exist at all?

If it did, do you suppose that the fire might have
been of no more significance than the Great Chicago Fire?
Perhaps some moralizing crank read something into it,
as they love to do for every natural disaster, only
instead of being condemned as an insensitive bigot,
by a freakish fluke of history and the power of
human ignorance, he was hailed as a God-inspired

When you wake up to the realization that you
live in a madhouse, tormented for nothing at all,
you get into a frame of mind, quite willing to
take life. Lives of your kind have been taken, often
enough. You lose patience with arrogant, deaf ears.


In any literal sense, I had absolutely nothing to do
with the steam explosion in Salem, the shooting at Virginia
Tech, the shooting at Case Western Reserve, the oil rig
explosion in Texas, the nuclear reactor control rod malfunction
in Illinois, the bridge in Minneapolis, the cooling tower
collapse in Vermont. Nor will I have anything literal
to do with the mishaps, disasters, tragedies, and
coincidences that occur next week, next year, or in
many years to come, no matter how eerily that I will
foreshadow, midshadow, or aft-shadow them.

With the emphasis on "literal". I certainly have no
grievance against Salem. It is gay-friendly. In fact,
I was saying to my partner, just the week before
the steam explosion, that it would be fun to visit
Salem during Halloween, or fun even to move there.

These things that happen are not by my deed,
but sometimes I wonder if they are by my will.

I don't really believe in witches- I like to think
that I am scientific. Yet, in science, we know that
there are sometimes discoveries that are completely
at odds with our current understanding. The utterly
bizarre conclusions of relativity, the fluid nature
of time and space, the conclusions of quantum physics,
events that are uncaused, existence without a specific
location, etc.

I also feel that there is probably a basis for the
legends of witches. Often, the charges were based
probably on nothing at all. But other times,
there might have been instances of "paranormal" phenomena.

Both science and religion probably misinterpret the
paranormal. Mainstream science simply scoffs at it, assumes
that it is all coincidence. Religion demonizes it, assuming
it the work of the "Devil"

In religion's case, if they were only slightly more ignorant
than they are now, if they were savages on a backward island
who had never seen any products of civilization, then they
would probably also see "the Devil" if a man from a sailing
ship help up a cigarette lighter, much less showed them
demonstration of a nuclear weapon.

Werner Heisenberg, as a wise physicist, once said that
we might never understand "deep reality" through physics.
Albert Einstein once opined that we probably don't have
a science of physics that would be adequate to explain
human consciousness.

I don't claim to be a witch. I suggest that I am
touching on whatever that mysterious thing is, that we
misinterpret, that gives birth to the legend of witchcraft.

I have always had "paranormal" activity swirling around.
Seeing glimpses of future, picking up people's thoughts,
planting thoughts in other people's heads. Most fascinating
of all, is affecting events by sheer mental activity.

For instance, in college, I was mad at a fellow who was
sleeping in the same room. I forget what I was mad about,
but I fantasized about hitting him on the head with a
hammer. He woke up gasping, almost immediately, and
said that he dreamt that someone hit him on the head.

Many, many things like that, over a lifetime.

I had volunteered for Princeton's PEAR experiments, which
unfortunately have been closed down, now. They had been
trying to study such things. It is a shame- I think a bias
of science. They are missing something profound about
our world.

I have my own physics-centered speculation on why
our universe exists, why it has the peculiar properties
that it does, and how even things like "paranormal" or
"witchcraft" are possible. I'll have to save it for
another time - can never say a fraction of what I would
like to say.


Some of you might think- this Keske fellow seems
to have ideas, in spite of what he says. Someone ought
to be checking up on him. Perhaps I should notify the
FBI, the CIA, the Homeland Security, the NSA, the Pentagon,
the local police, the Citizen's Watch, the Patriotic
Local Lynch Mob Sub-Committee on Un-American Activities, etc.

Fear not, gentle reader. If you check alt.politics.cia
or .nsa, you can see that I am all over it. They have
been closely monitoring my activities for over 20 years.

If I were guilty of being a low-grade terrorist, they
would have jailed or killed me, long ago.

If on the other hand, they knew that I were completely
innocent and harmless, they would have jailed or killed me,
even sooner. They are not in a mood for anyone being
a pain in the behind, in these times, especially not from a
helpless, innocent, cheeky nobody. In our country,
former CIA Directors, journalists, scientists , and even
a Congressman here or there can be killed with impunity,
right under your imperceptive nose, without a sound being made-
much less obscure poets.

What is means, dear reader, is that things are stranger,
and deeper, and more complicated than that.


I break no laws, I conspire with no one, I take no
literal actions to do mischief in this world.

However, if I can't get the message across any other way,
there will eventually be nuclear incidents, just like
their are steam incidents. Purely by coincidence, but
like magic, like witchcraft.

I also say that this is no "evil". Most Americans have
a delusion not only that they are morally superior,
but as in a John Wayne, Hollywood movie,
are destined to prevail supernaturally, as "good guys"
- even if they are not.

What will happen is only coincidence, but that is perhaps
what "witchcraft" is - manipulating coincidence, itself,
even as a weapon. Too bad that you got rid of the laws
against witchcraft, and did not believe in paranormal

It would be a self-brought, willful self-destruction of
people too arrogant and addicted to their own hate,
to believe that they must change.


It has been a long time passing, here, people.
We have already been through World Wars, Holocausts,
atom bombs, McCarthy era, Civil Rights movements,
witch-hunts and witch-burnings.

If the best that you can do is turned a jaundiced
eye and deaf ear to "family" group leaders who run
around pronouncing things things like
"The forces of Satan want to sodomize your sons",
and if you continue treating these people like
"key leaders" - then you do not really deserve
to survive as a species, at all.

Anyone can die, everyone can die, if that is all the
progress that you are capable of making.

It is not really our job, any more, to prove to
you that we are not pedophiles, not disease-spreaders,
not corruptors, or "hedonists", or seeking to "lure"
people. It is really yours, to prove to us, that you
are the irrational haters that we say you are, and
can atone for centuries of insane mistreatment.

Your solution is not to take off the gloves and get
even meaner. It is prove something about your
better nature, if there is one, before the small
amount of remaining time runs out.

People whom you have pushed around for thousands of years
might pay you back with equal meanness as the substitute
for lacking equal justice.
