Stock 04 TRX450R part out


Active Members
I'm parting out a complete 04 450r. I'll be taking pics and posting prices this week but if you need something now let me know and I'll get pics and prices.

Parting out the engine too.



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Brand new... John at racers edge is supposed to be sending me some money for it. I'll let you know what happens.

On a side note... WHERE YA BEEN!?!?



New member
That does suck for me! Let me know. I haven't been riding anything lately, so that keeps my interest here low. I'll be around now.

How you been?



Active Members
Been good... Just had a baby boy 8 weeks ago so we've been busy.

And he took the case... There's a few used ones floating around tho.



New member
A new baby boy for Dad! That's wonderful. Give all your kids a big hug! A lot of families hurting right now.

I'm not having much luck finding a good left side. Please, if you see one, give me a holler. Thanks.



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Get ahold of Bvet4dog and tell him I sent you... Last I heard he had one, not sure on condition. He's a good dude.

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