Stop The Coup



Stop The Coup

We have long been suspicious of the so-called CIA leak case.

When it turned out that Colin Powell's long time friend and deputy,
Richard Armitage, was the original source of the Valerie Plame leak
to Robert Novak we were not at all surprised. The extremely anti-
Israel Novak has long been an admirer of the extremely anti-Israel
Colin Powell.

Vice President Cheney must be enraged over the fact that it was
Colin Powell's long time friend and deputy Richard Armitage who was
the original
source of the Valerie Plame leak to Robert Novak.

President Bush must be furious at Armitage. And well both Vice
President Cheney and
President Bush should be. What was the end game behind the so-called
CIA leak case?

Was it to somehow lay a perjury trap for Vice President Cheney's
aide, I.Lewis "Scooter" Libby,in the hope that Libby could
be "turned" against Vice President Cheney, which,
might well have led to Vice President Cheney's forced resignation
from office,
and in President Bush being forced to name Colin Powell to replace
Vice President Cheney,
only to be later forced out of office himself, so that Colin Powell
could become President of the United States?

In other words, is what we have here in this so-called "case",
actually the outlines of
an attempted coup against President Bush and Vice President Cheney?

If so, was Colin Powell involved in any way, either directly or

What did Powell know, if anything, and when did Powell know it?

Former Tennesse Senator Fred Thompson, served on the advisory
board of the legal defense fund for Libby, and urged President Bush
to pardon him. If Fred Thompson
enters the race for the Republican nomination for President in 2008
he may be the odds on favorite to win that nomination, at least
according to a variety of political observers, and could thus be
well on the way to becoming the next President of the United States.

It is refreshing to note that Fred Thompson, who played a prosecutor
on TV's "Law and Order" series, was not taken in by real life
prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

"I am very happy for Scooter Libby," Thompson said. "I know that
this is a great relief to him, his wife and children. This will
allow a good American, who has done a lot for his country, to resume
his life."

Happily Fred Thompson is not the only person not to be taken in by
real life federal
prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald.

Another real life federal prosecutor, GOP presidential candidate and
former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said: "After evaluating the
facts, the president came to a reasonable decision and I believe the
decision was correct."

Predictably the appeasers were vocal in their criticism of President
Bush's brave
decision in the Libby case.

Democratic presidential candidate and Illinois Sen. Barack Obama
offered a different take.
"This decision to commute the sentence of a man who compromised our
national security cements the legacy of an administration
characterized by a politics of cynicism and division, one that has
consistently placed itself and its ideology above the law," Obama
said. "This is exactly the kind of politics we must change so we can
begin restoring the American people's faith in a government that
puts the country's progress ahead of the bitter partisanship of
recent years."
Presidential candidate and New York Sen. Hillary Clinton described
actions that led to Libby's conviction as part of a larger effort by
the White House to silence critics of the war in Iraq.
"Today's decision is yet another example that this administration
simply considers itself above the law," said Clinton of Bush's
decision to commute Libby's sentence. "This case arose from the
administration's politicization of national security intelligence
and its efforts to punish those who spoke out against its policies.
"Four years into the Iraq war, Americans are still living with the
consequences of this White House's efforts to quell dissent. This
commutation sends the clear signal that in this Administration,
cronyism and ideology trump competence and justice."
Fellow 2008 hopeful and former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards also
blasted the commuted sentence.
"Only a president clinically incapable of understanding that
mistakes have consequences could take the action he did today,"
Edwards said. "President Bush has just sent exactly the wrong signal
to the country and the world. In George Bush's America, it is
apparently okay to misuse intelligence for political gain, mislead
prosecutors and lie to the FBI.
"George Bush and his cronies think they are above the law and the
rest of us live with the consequences. The cause of equal justice in
America took a serious blow today."
"Last week Vice President Cheney asserted that he was beyond the
reach of the law," added Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, another
presidential candidate. "Today, President Bush demonstrated the
lengths he would go to, ensuring that even aides to Dick Cheney are
beyond the judgment of the law. It is time for the American people
to be heard -- I call for all Americans to flood the White House
with phone calls tomorrow expressing their outrage over this blatant
disregard for the rule of law."
Other partisans also expressed outrage.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said: "The president's decision to
commute Mr. Libby's sentence is disgraceful. Libby's conviction was
the one faint glimmer of accountability for White House efforts to
manipulate intelligence and silence critics of the Iraq war. Now,
even that small bit of justice has been undone.
"Judge (Reggie) Walton correctly determined that Libby deserved to
be imprisoned for lying about a matter of national security," Reid
said. "The Constitution gives President Bush the power to commute
sentences, but history will judge him harshly for using that power
to benefit his own vice president's chief of staff who was convicted
of such a serious violation of law."

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said: "The president's commutation of
Scooter Libby's prison sentence does not serve justice, condones
criminal conduct and is a betrayal of trust of the American people.
"The president said he would hold accountable anyone involved in the
Valerie Plame leak case. By his action today, the president shows
his word is not to be believed," Pelosi said. "He has abandoned all
sense of fairness when it comes to justice, he has failed to uphold
the rule of law, and he has failed to hold his administration
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said:"It is very disappointing
that the president has chosen to substitute his judgment for that of
the trial judge who heard all the evidence in Mr. Libby's case, as
well as the federal appellate panel which ruled today that Mr. Libby
could not delay serving his prison term.
"The charges against Mr. Libby were not insubstantial; a jury
convicted him of lying to authorities and obstructing the
investigation into the public disclosure of a CIA operative's
identity." Stoyer said. " In the last election, accountability for
wrongdoing was a major issue. With this decision today in the Libby
case, the president continues to demonstrate that he rejects
accountability for wrongdoing in his administration."
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry also criticized the decision as a
misstep of justice.
"President Bush's 11th hour commutation of Scooter Libby's sentence
makes a mockery of the justice system and betrays the idea that all
Americans are expected to be held accountable for their actions,
even close friends of Vice President Cheney," Kerry said. "It's a
tragedy that with young Americans paying the ultimate price in Iraq
for this administration's mistakes, this White House continues to
avoid accountability and reward deceit for their friends and

Kerry betrayed the 2004 Democratic Primary voters, whom he had
conned into
voting for him by appearing to be against appeasement only to turn
to be an appeaser himself after he was nominated in 2004. We will
oppose Howard the Coward Dean if he runs in 2008. When Dean said on
December 15th, 2003 that : "It is not my policy that you have to end
before you can have negotiations. That is not my policy at all."

It was the last straw for us, and we hope for you.Kerry correctly
skewered Dean for calling members of Hamas soldiers. Dean
said, "there is a war going on in the Middle East, and members of
Hamas are soldiers in that war."

Kerry said: "Dean insults the memory of every innocent man, woman,
child killed by these murderers. Hamas militants are not soldiers in
a war - they are terrorists who need to be stopped."

Now that Colin Powell has called for talks with Hamas will Kerry
skewer Powell for saying that? Don't hold your breath waiting for
that speech
from Kerry, who has turned out to be an appeaser himself.

Saddam paid the families of terrorists $25,000 bounties for the
murder of Jews.
It is time that President Bush and Secretary of State Rice
recognized that a lot
of those terrorists worked for Arafat and for his long time aide and
Abu Abbas, a.k.a. Abu Mazen, the head of Fatah and the so-
called "PLO", the
so-called P.A.", etc. and stop dealing with, arming, and aiding that
and the gangs he now leads.

Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders also chimed in.
"A jury of his peers found Libby guilty of lying about his role in
revealing the identity of a covert CIA operative," Sanders said. "It
is unfortunate that President Bush in commuting his sentence has
once again put political considerations above the interests of our
judicial system."
Republican congressional leaders countered with statements of
support for the reduced penalty for Vice President Dick Cheney's
former chief of staff.
"President Bush did the right thing today in commuting the prison
term for Scooter Libby," said House Republican Whip Roy Blunt. "The
prison sentence was overly harsh and the punishment did not fit the
crime. The sentence was based on charges that had nothing to do with
the leak of the identity of a CIA operative."

elements from the material excerpted from above appeared at:,2933,287790,00.html

Was Armitage acting on his own or on Colin Powell's orders?
Will Powell and Armitage be called to testify under oath regarding
that key question?

We certainly hope so. We wonder what the end game of the so-called
CIA leak case
actually was.

We note that the special prosecutor in the case Patrick J.
Fitzgerald had a rather interesting background, to say the least.
Was Patrick J. Fitzgerald really more concerned with
covering himself and his failure to recognize the hand of Saddam
Hussein in cases he handled, such as the first attack on the World
Trade Center in 1993, than he was in pursuing the truth in the so-
called CIA leak case? After all the gist of the argument underlying
that case as made by the appeasers is that Wilson was being smeared
by some mythical vast right-wing conspiracy that sought to reveal
Wilson's wife's career in an effort to diminish Wilson's
effectiveness in his role as a critic of the liberation of Iraq.

But if it could be shown that the liberation of Iraq was totally
justifiable, and that
Saddam Hussein was behind both the 1993 attack on the World Trade
and the September 11th, 2001 attacks on America, wouldn't the
American people
demand to know why Patrick J. Fitzgerald had failed to see Saddam's
hand in the
first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993?

In fact, wouldn't the families of those who died on September 11th,
2001 begin litigation
against Patrick J. Fitzgerald personally for his failure to
recognize Saddam's hand in the
first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993?

After all, if Patrick J. Fitzgerald, who prosecuted the case on the
first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993, had recognized
Saddam's hand in the
first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993 the U.S. could well
have used that attack
as a Casus belli a case to go to war against Saddam Hussein then.

If it had, Iraq would have been liberated then. The events of
September 11th, 2001,
which were masterminded by Saddam Hussein would never have happened.

"In June of 1994, he" (Patrick J. Fitzgerald)
"became counsel in the prosecution of the 'blind sheik', Omar Abdel
Rahman and 11 other defendants, who were accused of a seditious
conspiracy involving the bombing of the World Trade Center and a
plot to bomb the United Nations, the FBI Building in New York, the
Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, and to assassinate President Hosni
Mubarak of Egypt. The nine-month trial resulted in convictions.
"The following year, Fitzgerald was named Co-Chief of the Organized
Crime and Terrorism Section of the Office of the United States
Attorney for the Southern District of New York. Shortly thereafter
he became National Security Coordinator for the Office. In these
capacities, he was responsible for supervising the investigation and
development and prosecution of the case against Osama bin Laden. He
was the chief counsel in the prosecution of those alleged to have
perpetrated the bombings of the U.S. Embassies in Nairobi, Kenya and
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania."

"Fitzgerald also served as trial counsel in United States v. Arnaout,

(United States v. Arnaout Enaam M. Arnaout Prosecutors alleged that
Arnaout participated in a RICO enterprise - an ostensible charity
known as Benevolence International Foundation ("BIF") - aiming to
channel funding and support to militant jihad activities around the
world. Ultimately, Arnaout pled guilty to one RICO count based on
failure to disclose to donors that BIF funds were used to buy boots,
tents, and like items for fighters in Chechnya and Bosnia."


in which the executive director of Benevolence International
Foundation, Inc., a charitable organization based in south suburban
Chicago, was sentenced to 11 years in prison. Arnaout pleaded guilty
to racketeering conspiracy for fraudulently obtaining charitable
donations to provide financial assistance to persons engaged in
violent activities overseas, including to fighters in Chechnya and
Bosnia, instead of using donations strictly for peaceful,
humanitarian purposes."

"In New York, Mr. Fitzgerald participated in the prosecution of
United States v. Usama Bin Laden, et al., in which 23 defendants
were charged with various offenses, including conspiracy to murder
United States nationals overseas and the August 1998 bombings of the
United States embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania. Four defendants went on trial in January 2001 in New York
and four months later a jury returned guilty verdicts against all
four. The defendants were sentenced to life in prison.
Mr. Fitzgerald also participated in the trial of United States v.
Omar Abdel Rahman, et al., a nine-month trial in 1995 of 12
defendants who participated in a seditious conspiracy that involved
the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center and a plot to bomb the
United Nations, the FBI building in New York, and the Holland and
Lincoln tunnels, as well as a conspiracy to assassinate President
Hosni Mubarak of Egypt. He also supervised the case of United States
v. Ramzi Yousef, et al., the 1996 prosecution of three defendants
who participated in a conspiracy in the Philippines in late 1994 and
early 1995 to detonate bombs simultaneously on 12 American

We wonder how Patrick J. Fitzgerald

could have missed the connections to Saddam Hussein and Arafat in
those cases.

Why would arafat want Sirhan Sirhan, convicted palestinian assassin
of Robert F. Kennedy, freed Is it because DEAD MEN TELL NO TALES?

"The one who killed Kennedy was trained for three years Salem then
asked (Sheikh
Omar Abdul) Rahman what he thought of the plan to bomb [the Federal
Building]. Rahman responded, Well, uh, a little bit later. We'll talk
about this. When Salem indicated that the plan was currently in
motion, Rahman responded, It doesnt matter. Slow down. Slow down a
little bit. The one who killed Kennedy was trained for three years." see also
February 1993 Bombing of the World Trade Center in New York City Sheik Omar Abdel
Rahman and nine other militant Muslims (Sudanese, Egyptian, American,
and Jordanian citizens) were convicted of conspiracy and other
"A number of important circumstantial links connect Arafat to the
Trade Center bombing.

Cousin of Kennedy assassin Sirhan Sirhan suspected in kibbutz
By Margot Dudkevitch Nov. 13, 2002 Security forces arrested a number
of Palestinian terrorist suspects in Judea and Samaria on Tuesday as
manhunt continued for Tanzim terrorist Sirhan Sirhan, blamed for the
shooting attack in Kibbutz Metzer on Sunday night November 10th,
Security sources confirmed Wednesday that they suspect that Sirhan, a
resident of Tulkarm, carried out the attack and Palestinian reports
claimed that his uncle was among those arrested on Tuesday by
forces. The suspect is related to Sirhan B. Sirhan, the Jerusalemite
who assassinated US Senator Robert Kennedy in 1968. Kennedy was shot
dead in 1968 at Los Angeles Ambassador Hotel by Sirhan Sirhan, a
25-year-old Palestinian immigrant who said he felt betrayed by
Kennedy's support for Israel in the Six-Day War of 1967. At the time,
Kennedy was a Democratic senator running for president. Israeli
security sources said they believe the gunman in the Kibbutz Metzer
attack is a cousin of the Kennedy assassin, and may have been named
after his infamous relative. The Kennedy assassin is serving a life
sentence in a California state prison. His lawyers have suggested
if he was released from prison he could return to the so
called palestinian
territories. Sirhan has been denied parole 10 times and prosecutors
say his return to Judea and Samaria could further enflame the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Meanwhile, the Tanzim Al-Aksa Brigades
on Tuesday vowed to continue attacks against Israeli civilians and
soldiers, after claiming Sundays attack at Metzer in which five
people were killed."
Full&cid 37076677290
Tanzim - Arafat loyalists schooled in the first intifada n 1995 the
Fatah leadership instituted its own militia, the Tanzim. It has also
served as a pro-Arafat offensive force. Fatah was founded by Mr
and a handful of close comrades in the late 1950s. The group came out
into the open in 1965; under Mr Arafat's effective leadership it
became the strongest and best-organised of the Palestinian factions
and it has remained so ever since."

New York Post
December 15, 2001 -- JERUSALEM - Yasser Arafat personally ordered the
execution of two American diplomats in 1973, a former U.S.
intelligence officer says. James Walsh said he knew of a tape
recording in which Arafat calmly discussed an attack on the Saudi
Arabian Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan. In February 1973 gunmen had burst
into the embassy and seized American Ambassador Cleo Noel and his
charge d'affaires, George Curtis Moore. The Black September terrorist
organization took responsibility for the assault and demanded the
release of Sirhan Sirhan, the imprisoned assassin of Robert F.
Kennedy. and other jailed Palestinians. Walsh, then a member of the
National Security Agency based in Cyprus, said his organization
intercepted a conversation between Arafat and Black September in
the PLO chairman ordered the killing of the Americans and a Belgian
diplomat. Walsh told the Israeli newspaper Haaretz that the
conversation was never disclosed by U.S. officials because it would
compromise American eavesdropping resources. Walsh said the NSA had
intercepted a series of phone calls between Arafat and the Black
September kidnappers. Officials in Jerusalem said the United States
had been informed of the conversation through another channel. They
said then-Prime Minister Golda Meir told then-President Richard Nixon
that Israel had also intercepted a conversation between Arafat and
kidnap leader Khalil al-Wazir, in which they discussed killing the
Americans.. Two weeks before he was murdered Doctor King had
the Presidential Candidacy of Eugene McCarthy, Democrat of Minnesota
for the 1968 Democratic Presidential Nomination. Senator McCarthy,
(not to be confused with Republican Senator Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin
who was Eugene McCarthys opposite in more ways than one), campaigned
on a platform of opposition to the Vietnam War in 1968, a war that
McCarthy called: Illegal, Immoral, and unconstitutional. Two weeks
later Dr. King was murdered in Memphis. Had he lived he would have
gone on to campaign for McCarthy, who was 7 points ahead of Nixon in
the polls. With Dr. King by his side McCarthy would have gone on to
nominated by the Democratic Party in 1968 and elected President in
November 1968. Robert F. Kennedy would have ended his campaign and
joined with Gene McCarthy and Dr. King to end the war. Instead Dr.
Kings murder caused disunity in the Democratic Party. Bobby Kennedy
sought the Democratic Presidential nomination, only to be murdered
himself on June 4th, 1968 2 months to the day after Dr. King was
murdered. June 4th, 1968 was also the first anniversary of the Six-
War. As the US Senator from New York State, a state that McCarthy
would have carried handily in the June 1968 Democratic Primary, Bobby
Kennedy would have to have obeyed the wishes of the people of his
state and dropped out of the Presidential race after that primary and
endorsed Gene McCarthy. But the primary came after Bobby Kennedy had
been killed. Beating a dead Bobby Kennedy was no victory. Not having
live Bobby Kennedy on hand to concede defeat and endorse Gene
meant that Hubert Humphrey, a supporter of the war in Vietnam, would
go on to become the Democratic Presidential nominee, only to lose to
Richard M. Nixon in November of 1968. Thus the war in Vietnam would
continue no matter who, Humphrey, or Nixon, won. Keeping America
tied down in Vietnam was essential for Israel's arab enemies who
hoped that America would be reluctant to come to Israel's aid when
the eventual arab attack came.
That attack came on October 6th, 1973, with a Pearl Harbor surprise
attack on the Holiest Day in Judaism, Yom Kippur. The arab attackers
however, had failed to comprehend that President Nixon would come to
the aid of Israel.
Sadat was assassinated, it seems to us, on the orders of Saddam
Hussein on the 8th anniversary to the day of the Yom Kippur War,
October 6th, 1981, for his failure to defeat Israel in that war.
Saddam used the same gang, Sheik Rahman's gang, which he would later
use to hit the Speaker of the Egyptian Parliament when Egypt sided
with America in the Gulf War, the same gang would later be used by
Saddam for the first attack on the World Trade Center in 1993.
"The World Trade Center bombers managed to vaporize President
Clinton's limo. President Clinton was scheduled for an appearance
at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey the following
Monday, but he could easily have chosen to spend the weekend in
Manhattan or nearby New Jersey with friends in either location. So
he could have been at the World Trade Center on the Friday it was
bombed. the World Trade Center in Manhattan which had a heliport .
would have presumably taken a chopper to that heliport, gone down to
the basement, gotten into his limo and then someone on site would
detonated the van blowing the limo up with Clinton inside it. Iraq
may well have had a hand in this as another key member of that gang
said to have escaped to Iraq using documents provided by
Iraq. During the Gulf War the same gang killed the Speaker of the
Egyptian Parliament when Egypt broke ranks with Iraq over the
of Kuwait. The same gang is alleged to have assassinated Sadat.More
than likely, like the attempt on the
life of Al Haig when he was at NATO some years back, or the hit on
some important Russians in Chechnya , the World Trade Center bomb
could have been remote controlled. "The first battle of the first
war of
the twenty-first century began and ended in under 30 seconds
sometime after 12:18 on the afternoon of Friday, February 26th,
1993, with the detonation of a relatively small explosive device
that took out four levels of parking garage beneath New York City's
World Trade Center- some people made note of the fact that the
limousine President Clinton uses when in New York was berthed in the
garage where the bomb was detonated. OSAMA BIN LADEN BIDES HIS TIME;
TO STRIKE THE USA AGAIN US airmen. There is also evidence that bin
Laden may had been connected to the February 1993 bombing of the
World Trade Center in New York City that killed six."
Was McVeigh tasked by Saddam Hussein to assassinate General
Schwarzkopf during the 1991 Gulf War
Criminal Action No. 96-CR-68
(Trial to Jury - Volume 137)

Proceedings before the HONORABLE RICHARD P. MATSCH,
Judge, United States District Court for the District of
Colorado, commencing at 1:00 p.m., on the 6th day of June,
1997, in Courtroom C-204, United States Courthouse, Denver,
Royal Witcher - Direct
know where they took them. And then after the cease-fire was
called, we went to Safwan for the peace talks, and we were the
inner circle of defense for that.
Q. From the point at which you were-at which you engaged
this resistance, how far was that to Safwan Is that
A. Yes.
Q. Where the peace talks were being held
A. Distancewise
Q. Well, how long did it take you to get there
A. I guess about a week or so, from what I recall.
Q. And your unit was ordered to go there; is that right
A. Yes.
Q. And what was it you did when you got there
A. We were to stay at defense, defensive ring or barrier, I
guess you would call it, around the tents and the air base that
the peace talks were going to be held at.
Q. Now, who actually came to conduct the talks for the warring
A. General Schwarzkopf.
Q. Did you have occasion to meet General Schwarzkopf
A. Yes, I did.
Q. Did Mr. McVeigh, too
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know whether your meeting with him was photographed
Royal Witcher - Direct
by anyone
A. Yes, it was.
Q. Who was it Do you know
A. Lieutenant Rodriguez.
Q. Was there any-any video made of that meeting, do you
A. I think there was."
"McVeigh-as has been extensively reported-was a Gulf War vet who
out for the elite Special Forces. He didn't make the cut. But in his
tryout, he says in an excerpt of a McVeigh letter printed in the
Times, he learned that Special Forces duties include "helping the CIA
fly drugs into the U.S. to fund many covert operations" and to "work
hand-in-hand w/civilian police agencies to `quiet' anyone who was
deemed a `security risk.'" He adds: "We would be gov't-paid
assassins!" In his letter, McVeigh says he learned this stuff at a
Fort Bragg intelligence briefing attended by McVeigh and nine other
soldiers." "Andreas ("Andy")
Strassmeir, a German national with McVeigh at Elohim City. He worked
for the FBI and CIA operative Air Force Colonel Petruskie and was
known to Louis Freeh"
"Did McVeigh's sister say McVeigh told her he had worked for a
operations Army group that was engaged In criminal activity Not
exactly. She said something like that. That her brother told her such
a special operations group existed. Yes. But more than that. That
had recruited him and he turned them down. Yes.
"Strange Links Between the Bombing of The World Trade Center,
the Bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, and Osama bin
Yousef's lawyer, Bernard V. Kleinman, said by phone that his client
has had conversations with McVeigh through the fence and also as they
have been moved from their cells to the recreation area. "They talk
about innocuous things like the movies," Kleinman said. "They don't
talk about anything that they shouldn't be talking about"
The Philippines is the basis an interesting link between Ramsey
and the bombing of the World Trade Center, Terry Nichols and the
bombing of the Murrah Building, Osama bin Laden. April 25, 1997
Electronic Telegraph Issue 700 A prosecutor in Denver said yesterday
that the "hate-filled" mastermind of the bombing in Oklahoma City
killed 168 people was involved in a Right-wing plot . McVeigh's
lawyer, Stephen Jones, is expected to suggest that a foreign
government, "probably Iraq" hired "a Middle Eastern bombing engineer"
to detonate the explosion with the help of neo-Nazis. In a court
petition, lawyers say the attack was "contracted out" through an
base in the Philippines and it was "possible that those who carried
out the bombing were unaware of the true sponsor". Was Stephen Jones
on the right track and what was behind the evidence he wanted to
introduce into the McVeigh trial but could not Some clues may lie in
another link with the Phillipines that involved McVeigh's
co-conspirator Terry Nichols November 22, 1994 (See NY Times
December 24, 1997) Terry Nichols left for a 59 day stay in the
Phillipines. He left letters, with his ex-wife, Lana Padilla,
explaining what to do in case he died. Three days after he returned
January 16, 1995, he was sharing a motel room in Kansas with Mr.
Mc.Veigh. What was the purpose of this visit Why was he so concerned
that he might die Did he meet with Ramsey Yousef, who at the same
time was testing a plan to blow up airliners in the Philippines and
who was later convicted in the bombing of the World Trade Center Did
Nichols receive training there on how to construct and detonate large
bombs Was he fearful that there could be an accident during his
training December, 1994 (See TIME magazine July 29, 1996) Ramsey
Yousef tests his plan for attacking U.S. carriers by boarding a
Philippine Airlines flight on the first leg from the Philippines to
Japan. He carried with him the components of a bomb, unassembled in
his carry-on bag. On board he assembled the bomb, which was made of
gun cotton, a nitroglycerine solution packed into a contact-lens
bottle. He tucked the bomb under a cushion and left the plane after
its first stop in the Philippine city of Cebu. Two hours later the
device exploded killing a passenger. Cebu is the city where in July
1990 Nichols travelled to find a mail-order bride and met Marife
Torres. He was 35, she was 17 and they were married there on November
20, 1990. (NY Times December 24, 1997) An associate of Ramsey Yousef,
Edwin Angeles, had been arrested in the Phillipines where he was
contacted by McVeigh's attorney, Stephen Jones. Angeles linked
(a.k.a. `the farmer') to Yousef in a meeting on the island of
Mindanao. In his book `Others Unknown', Jones describes that at a
meeting in Davao, Angeles met an American who introduced himself as
`the farmer'. Among those present at the meeting were Ramsey Yousef,
Abdul Hakim Murad, and Wali Khan Amin Shah. The meeting was to
terrorism and Murad, Khan and Yousef would later be defendants in the
plot to blow up twelve U.S. airliners. All were convicted on
5, 1996 and are in American prisons. On April 19, 1995, Murad told
his guard in his New York cell that the Oklahoma city bombing was the
work of Islamic Jihad. But back to Yousef and the World Trade Center
bombing where we find a link also between him and Iraq .September 15,
1996 The Telegraph (U.K. Electronic Edition) Issue 480 According
to Dr Mylroie, the attempt to blow up the twin towers of the World
Trade Centre in New York on February 26, 1993 .... was an act of
state- sponsored terrorism conducted by proxies. After studying the
telephone records and document archives from the trial, she has
concluded that the mastermind said to be behind the bombing, a
figure called Ramsi Yousef, was working for Iraqi intelligence. The
Justice Department did not address this issue in the official
investigation. It concluded that the bombing was the work of Islamic
fundamentalists loyal to a blind Egyptian cleric. Jim Fox, then head
of the New York FBI office, suspected Iraqi involvement but says that
the Washington headquarters refused to look at the evidence. June 3,
1997 Electronic Telegraph Issue 739 Painted by prosecutors as a
fanatical bomber obsessed with a warped sense of patriotism, Timothy
McVeigh, convicted of the Oklahoma bombing, gave his attorneys no
in establishing an alibi.... Judge Richard Matsch kept a tight hold
the trial,the judge refused to allow Stephen Jones, McVeigh's lawyer,
to present an alternative theory, gathered after spending $10 million
travelling the world, that an international conspiracy was
responsible. Many of the victim's relatives are so concerned at
evidence of this aspect that they are suing the government, insisting
that the FBI had prior knowledge of the blast. March 30, 1997
Electronic Telegraph Issue 674 Dennis Mahon must lead a charmed life.
The FBI has pursued endless leads into the 1995 Oklahoma bombing,
collecting more than 26,000 witness statements. But it has never been
to visit him at his bungalow in Tulsa. The omission is curious.
47, is an associate of the government's chief suspect, Tim McVeigh.
Indeed, McVeigh's defence team says Mahon sent a tape to their client
in prison urging him to accept his "sacrifice" and reminding him in a
subtle way that members of his family were vulnerable. Before the
bombing on April 19, 1995, he was the subject of a terrorism
investigation which generated allegations that he was plotting to
up a federal building in Oklahoma. In case the authorities had
overlooked this, an undercover informant reminded the FBI two days
after the bombing that she had told them that Mahon had made three
trips to Oklahoma City. On one visit in 1994, the informant said he
"cased" the building that was attacked. A former Imperial Wizard of
the Ku Klux Klan and now a leader of the more militant White Aryan
Resistance, Mahon has never made a secret of his extremism. He has
called for the overthrow of the United States government by "any
means" and regards it as an honour to have been barred from Britain
and Canada. "I always deliver my bombs in person, in disguise," he
said mischievously. "I can look like a hispanic or even a Negro. I'm
the master of disguise." He has kept his sense of humour, despite
being the chief target of McVeigh's defence team in the trial that
starts tomorrow. McVeigh's lawyers have introduced documents in court
asserting a "high probability" that Mahon and his friend Andreas
Strassmeir, a former German army officer, were behind the Oklahoma
bombing. "This is where I make my bombs," he said, giving me a tour
a workshop attached to his house. "Just kidding. Everybody seems to
think I did the bombing. Even the Iraqis think I did it," he
explained, saying he had been on the Iraqi payroll as a propagandist
for more than three years. "They paid me $100 a month."
Yousef's sponsor, Osama bin Laden, continues to build his base in the
December 3, 1998 Global Intelligence Update (T)he terrorist group
Abu Sayyaf, linked to Saudi terrorist Osama Bin Laden, has increased
its activities in the southern Philippines, and a new Bin Laden
group, the Salafiya Fighters, has reportedly surfaced near Zamboanga
Mindanao. While Yousef and Nichol's partner, McVeigh, chat in a
Federal prison.
March 11, 1999 The New York Times When the nation's most infamous
terrorists-the Oklahoma City bomber, the Unabomer, and the World
Center bomber-are allowed out of solitary confinement so that they
have one hour of exercise in the nation's
most secure Federal prison, what do they do Apparently, they just
chat Timothy J. McVeigh convicted of carrying out the Oklahoma City
bombing, while Ramzi Ahmed Yousef is a Muslim terrorist who
masterminded the World Trade Center attack. The prison, the United
States Penitentiary Administrative Maximum Facility in Florence,
Colo., is so secure that it is known as Super Max. McVeigh, Kaczynski
and Yousef, who are otherwise allowed no contact with each other, are
permitted to spend their one-hour exercise period in separate cages
the prison yard, speaking to each other through mesh fences. Because
of their distance from each other, they must speak loudly, so guards
can hear what they say. ... Lawrence K. Feitell, wrote to the judge
that he had seen on a television news program that McVeigh, Kaczynski
and Yousef were allowed to have their daily exercise chats in the
prison yard. He asked that Felipe be allowed "to share" with the
"in their outdoor mutual recreation." ..... Precisely what the
discuss through the prison fence is not known. Yousef's lawyer,
Bernard V. Kleinman, said by phone that his client has had
conversations with McVeigh through the fence and also as they have
been moved from their cells to the recreation area. "They talk about
innocuous things like the movies," Kleinman said. "They don't talk
about anything that they shouldn't be talking about." The FBI refuses
to accept the evidence March 21, 2001 WorldNet Daily
A former investigative reporter for the NBC affiliate in Oklahoma
last night told Fox News Channel's Bill O'Reilly she has gathered
massive evidence of a foreign conspiracy involving Saudi terrorist
leader Osama bin Laden in the 1995 bombing of the federal building
that killed 168 people. Jayna Davis, former reporter for KFOR-TV in
Oklahoma City, says she took her evidence-including hundreds of court
records, 24 sworn witness statements and reports from law
intelligence and terror experts-to the FBI, which refused even to
accept the material. Two men were convicted of murder and conspiracy
charges in the bombing-Timothy McVeigh, who faces execution May 16,
and Terry Nichols, who yesterday asked that Oklahoma charges against
him be dismissed as he has already been convicted in federal court.
Nichols, 45, is serving a life prison sentence for his federal
conviction on eight involuntary manslaughter counts and conspiracy
the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building.
State prosecutors are seeking the death penalty against Nichols. But
defense attorneys said yesterday constitutional protection against
double jeopardy bars the state from seeking the death penalty. Davis
said federal authorities investigating the bombing decided early on
the probe that the blast was the result of a domestic conspiracy, not
a foreign one, ignoring all evidence to the contrary. She said a
Middle East terrorist cell was in operation only blocks from the
federal building, and that an Iraqi national who formerly served in
Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard was in contact with McVeigh the day
of the bombing. She said this suspect arrived at the crime scene in a
Ryder truck moments before the blast and sped away in a brown
Chevrolet pickup truck immediately after. An all-points bulletin was
issued for this suspect, but was later withdrawn inexplicably. Davis
said her evidence indicates a conspiracy involving McVeigh, Nichols
and at least seven men of Middle Eastern ethnic background. She
bin Laden the mastermind of the conspiracy. "The evidence we have
gathered definitely implicates McVeigh and Nichols," she said. "I
to make that very clear. They were in it up to their eyeballs."
also points to court records offered in the Nichols defense that
suggest he had contacts with a member of bin Laden's terrorist
organization in the Philippines prior to the bombing. When she took
her hundreds of pages of documentation of conspiracy in the bombing
the FBI, Davis said agents "turned me away and refused to take my
statements." "I was flabbergasted," she told O'Reilly. "I am unable
to imagine any reason they would not accept it." But McVeigh supplies
strange hints to both Osama bin Laden and Ramsey Yousef Friday, April
27, 2001 1:41 a.m. EDT A month after a former NBC News
reporter went public with evidence of links between Oklahoma City
bomber Timothy McVeigh and Middle Eastern terrorist Osama bin Laden,
McVeigh himself has cited bin Laden in a letter to the Fox News
Channel., McVeigh -tossed in the chilling reference to the notorious
Muslim terrorist. McVeigh mentioned convicted World Trade Center
bomber Ramzi Yousef, in perhaps another indication of a Middle
connection to his own crime. "For all else, I would refer you to my
enclosed paper `Hypocrisy,' and to Ramzi Yousef's statement to the
court just prior to his sentencing. I filter all labels and insults
thusly." In the Jan. 8, 1998, court statement to which McVeigh
referred, Yousef proclaimed, "Yes, I am a terrorist and proud of it
long as it is against the U.S. government," before being sentenced to
240 years in jail.Last month former NBC reporter Jayna Davis told Fox
News Channel's Bill O'Reilly that compelling evidence links McVeigh
a Middle Eastern terrorist cell ultimately controlled by bin Laden.
"What we discovered, an intelligence source at one of the highest
levels in the federal government later confirmed, was a Middle
terrorist cell living and operating in the heart of Oklahoma City
a few miles from the Alfred P. Murrah building," Davis said. Her NBC
affiliate had located several witnesses who claimed that an Iraqi
national with ties to Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard was seen in
the company of McVeigh just prior to the bombing, Davis said. The
Iraqi was also seen driving away from the bomb scene in a car
identified by the FBI as a possible getaway vehicle. "We have 24
witness affidavits that tie seven to eight Arab men to various stages
of the bombing plot from the beginning all the way to the day in
the plot was executed," the former NBC reporter told O'Reilly. "It
really is a foreign conspiracy masterminded and funded by Osama bin
Laden, according to my intelligence sources," she asserted. Davis is
not alone in that belief. In his 1999 book on the Oklahoma City
tragedy, "Others Unknown," McVeigh's lawyer Stephen Jones made
claims, citing a meeting in the early 1990s between World Trade
bomber Yousef and McVeigh's partner, Terry Nichols, in the
Philippines, which he called a "hotbed of fundamentalist Muslim
activity." Jones said his research shows that bin Laden was in the
Philippines at the same time as Yousef and Nichols. Both Jones and
Davis said federal investigators were uninterested in exploring any
possible Middle Eastern connection to the crime. [For further details
see `From Dublin to Oklahoma City'. Also recommended is the book
`Others Unknown' by Stephen Jones.]"
"The one Army link established in the case so far is the bond shared
by McVeigh and Terry Nichols. The two men joined up on the same day
May 1988 and went through basic training together at Fort Benning,
Georgia. They were then stationed together in the same company at
Riley enter Iraq during the Gulf War. Nichols was discharged for
undisclosed reasons in May 1989, but McVeigh rose to sergeant and
on to serve in Operation Desert Storm, where he won several medals,
including a Bronze Star. Although the awards were described by
Pentagon officials as "typical" for those who served in the theater,
officer notes, "Some captains and majors didn't get Bronze Stars, so
he must have been a half-decent soldier." That is an understatement,
says Robin Littleton, McVeigh's army roommate and one of his closest
friends in the service. "Tim was the perfect soldier," Littleton told
Time. "I swear to God he could have been sergeant major of the Army -
he was that good of a soldier." One of his former commanders, Captain
Terry Guild, 28, now stationed in Hawaii, agrees: "He was a very
normal, good American serving his country." according to the
Anti-Defamation League last week, McVeigh in 1993 ran an ad to sell a
military launcher in the Spotlight, a publication put out by the
right-wing Liberty Lobby. Though the notice ran under an alias, T.
Tuttle, it listed a Kingman address, and authorities say McVeigh has
been known to use Tuttle as an alias."
Tuttle, it should be noted is the fictional character from the cult
film "Brazil".
On the eve of the anniversary of the assassination of Senator Robert
F. Kennedy on the night of June 4th, 1968, which itself was the
first anniversary of the Six Day War, in which Israel re-united
Jerusalem, and liberated Judea and Samaria from arab despotism,
Canada has arrested "alleged" terrorists with "alleged" links to
international arab terrorists.
Moreover the "alleged" terrorists arrested by Canada
were "allegedly" planning to use the same type of explosive
concoctions used in other terrorist attacks, including the Iraqi
sponsored attack on the Oklahoma City Federal Building which housed
the records of the Iran-Contra scandal which tied Saddam Hussein to
George Herbert Walker Bush and would have proven to be an
embarrassment to Saddam in the arab world. In the Iran-Iraq War then
Vice President George Herbert Walker Bush sent messages to Saddam
telling him to start bombing Iran. The following weekend Saddam
conducted 300 to 400 bombing attacks on Iran, which was then
approached by the U.S. with an offer of missiles to protect itself
from Saddam. Thus began the Iran-Contra scandal which culminated in
the indictment of former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger at the
Oklahoma City Federal Building on election eve 1992.
The same type of explosive concoction was also used in the first
bombing of the World Trade Center on February 26th, 1993, which was
the 2nd anniversary to the day of the liberation of Kuwait City in
the 1991 Gulf War and the eleventh anniversary to the day of the
infamous and highly incorrect declaration on February 26th, 1982,
that Iraq was no longer a state sponsor of terror, and was thus
eligible for U.S. grants and "loans", which it subsequently received.
" The AMIA bombing was an attack on the Asociaci