Study : Sex Averages 3 to 13 Minutes - Are Women Lying About "60-Second Wonders" ?



NEW YORK (AP) -- Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take
long to satisfy a woman in bed.

It's difficult for men of all ages to make sexual intercourse last
much longer, a psychologist says.

A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for
sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published
in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the
notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.

If that sounds like good news to you, don't cheer too loudly. The time
does not count foreplay, and the therapists did rate sexual
intercourse that lasts from 1 to 2 minutes as "too short."

Researcher Eric Corty said he hoped to ease the minds of those who
believe "more of something good is better, and if you really want to
satisfy your partner, you should last forever."

The questions were not gender-specific, said Corty. But he said prior
research has shown men and women want foreplay and sexual intercourse
to last longer.

Dr. Irwin Goldstein, editor of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, cited a
four-week study of 1,500 couples in 2005 that found the median time
for sexual intercourse was 7.3 minutes. (Women in the study were armed
with stopwatches.)

- - - - -

Hmmm ... if you listen to groups of women talking
amongst themselves, you'd be convinced that 95% of
men were actually "60-second wonders" and with
skills inferior to the average babboon. Are they
exaggerating, or is this study flawed ?

Probably means the schools should have REAL 'sex-ed',
for the benifit of future generations of women :)
In our last episode, <>, the lovely
and talented B1ackwater broadcast on alt.politics:

> NEW YORK (AP) -- Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take
> long to satisfy a woman in bed.

> It's difficult for men of all ages to make sexual intercourse last
> much longer, a psychologist says.

> A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for
> sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published
> in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the
> notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.

This is just bullshit meant to make the hopelessly inadequate feel better.
Remember that 'average penis is 6"' stuff? What crap!

Lars Eighner <>
Countdown: 292 days to go.
"B1ackwater" <> wrote in message
> NEW YORK (AP) -- Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take
> long to satisfy a woman in bed.
> It's difficult for men of all ages to make sexual intercourse last
> much longer, a psychologist says.
> A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for
> sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published
> in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the
> notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.
> If that sounds like good news to you, don't cheer too loudly. The time
> does not count foreplay, and the therapists did rate sexual
> intercourse that lasts from 1 to 2 minutes as "too short."
> Researcher Eric Corty said he hoped to ease the minds of those who
> believe "more of something good is better, and if you really want to
> satisfy your partner, you should last forever."
> The questions were not gender-specific, said Corty. But he said prior
> research has shown men and women want foreplay and sexual intercourse
> to last longer.
> Dr. Irwin Goldstein, editor of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, cited a
> four-week study of 1,500 couples in 2005 that found the median time
> for sexual intercourse was 7.3 minutes. (Women in the study were armed
> with stopwatches.)
> - - - - -
> Hmmm ... if you listen to groups of women talking
> amongst themselves, you'd be convinced that 95% of
> men were actually "60-second wonders" and with
> skills inferior to the average babboon. Are they
> exaggerating, or is this study flawed ?
> Probably means the schools should have REAL 'sex-ed',
> for the benifit of future generations of women :)

How does a real man make a woman come?
He beats it out of her. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't...

Why can't women measure objects?
Because they have always been told that 6" is really 12".

A man went to the doctor to find out how to give his wife better sex.
The doctor told him to tape a penny to his belly, a nickel to his left hip,
and dime to his right hip, and a quarter to his ass. After that move your
hips in this sequence...penny, nickel, dime, quarter, penny, nickel, dime,
quarter, etc....
The man practiced for two weeks. After that he tried it on his wife, all the
while muttering under his breath, "...penny, nickel, dime, quarter, penny,
nickel, dime, quarter..."
After ten minutes his wife became annoyed and screamed, "For crying out cut
that crap out, you're nickel and diming me to death!"

One day two ants were walking in the jungle and one saw an elephant and
claimed he was gonna screw her.
So he climbed up the elephants leg and started humping her.
All of a sudden a mouse appeared and the elephant shrieked in fear.
Confused, the ant yelled back, "Oh yeah baby, take it all, take it take it
take it, yeah!"

What is the difference between lust, love, and TRUE love?
Spitting, swallowing, and gargling.

How do you make a hormone?
Screw her in the ass.

"Hey doctor," the 58 year old man said, "I wanted to get some Viagra to make
my sex life better, but the commercial told me to consult a doctor to see if
I was still able to have sex!"
The doctor started unzipping his pants and said, "Well let's find out..."

The newlywed man was talking to his Uncle about sex life after marriage.
The Uncle said, "Well, there are three phases to married sex. The first
phase is Anywhere's sex. That is where you have sex anywhere's in the house
at any time."
The newlywed said, "Hell Yeah!!!"
"The next phase is Bedroom sex, that is where you have sex in the bedroom
and ONLY in the bedroom.
The newlywed said, "Uhhh, ok!"
"After that comes Hallways sex..."
The newlywed says, "WOW!!! What is that? It sounds so kinky!"
The Uncle says, "That is where you two may be walking in the hallway at any
given moment, bump into one another, and yell 'SCREW YOU ****ER!'"

B1ackwater wrote:
> NEW YORK (AP) -- Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take
> long to satisfy a woman in bed.
> It's difficult for men of all ages to make sexual intercourse last
> much longer, a psychologist says.
> A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for
> sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published
> in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the
> notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.

Let's see what the professionals do:

A number of prostitutes now charge by the quarter hour. You get 15
minutes of sex from them unless you're willing to pay extra. That's how
Senator Debbie Stabenow's husband got caught by cops: He had paid a
prostitute $150 for just 15 minutes of sex.

If most men needed a lot more than 15 minutes, then prostitutes couldn't
get away with charging by the quarter hour.

Steven L.
Remove the NOSPAM before replying to me.
On Thu, 03 Apr 2008 07:53:52 -0500, Lars Eighner
<> wrote:

>In our last episode, <>, the lovely
>and talented B1ackwater broadcast on alt.politics:
>> NEW YORK (AP) -- Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take
>> long to satisfy a woman in bed.

>> It's difficult for men of all ages to make sexual intercourse last
>> much longer, a psychologist says.

>> A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for
>> sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published
>> in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the
>> notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.

>This is just bullshit meant to make the hopelessly inadequate feel better.
>Remember that 'average penis is 6"' stuff? What crap!

Yea ... more like 5" ... 'white' guys and Chinese anyway :)
On Thu, 3 Apr 2008 12:24:55 -0600, "littleoleme" <> wrote:

>"B1ackwater" <> wrote in message
>> NEW YORK (AP) -- Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take
>> long to satisfy a woman in bed.
>> It's difficult for men of all ages to make sexual intercourse last
>> much longer, a psychologist says.
>> A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for
>> sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published
>> in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the
>> notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.
>> If that sounds like good news to you, don't cheer too loudly. The time
>> does not count foreplay, and the therapists did rate sexual
>> intercourse that lasts from 1 to 2 minutes as "too short."
>> Researcher Eric Corty said he hoped to ease the minds of those who
>> believe "more of something good is better, and if you really want to
>> satisfy your partner, you should last forever."
>> The questions were not gender-specific, said Corty. But he said prior
>> research has shown men and women want foreplay and sexual intercourse
>> to last longer.
>> Dr. Irwin Goldstein, editor of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, cited a
>> four-week study of 1,500 couples in 2005 that found the median time
>> for sexual intercourse was 7.3 minutes. (Women in the study were armed
>> with stopwatches.)
>> - - - - -
>> Hmmm ... if you listen to groups of women talking
>> amongst themselves, you'd be convinced that 95% of
>> men were actually "60-second wonders" and with
>> skills inferior to the average babboon. Are they
>> exaggerating, or is this study flawed ?
>> Probably means the schools should have REAL 'sex-ed',
>> for the benifit of future generations of women :)

>How does a real man make a woman come?
>He beats it out of her. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't...

Pouring a basket of $20s over her nekked body will get
a more reliable response :)
"Steven L." <> wrote:

>B1ackwater wrote:
>> NEW YORK (AP) -- Maybe men had it right all along: It doesn't take
>> long to satisfy a woman in bed.
>> It's difficult for men of all ages to make sexual intercourse last
>> much longer, a psychologist says.
>> A survey of sex therapists concluded the optimal amount of time for
>> sexual intercourse was 3 to 13 minutes. The findings, to be published
>> in the May issue of the Journal of Sexual Medicine, strike at the
>> notion that endurance is the key to a great sex life.

>Let's see what the professionals do:
>A number of prostitutes now charge by the quarter hour. You get 15
>minutes of sex from them unless you're willing to pay extra. That's how
>Senator Debbie Stabenow's husband got caught by cops: He had paid a
>prostitute $150 for just 15 minutes of sex.
>If most men needed a lot more than 15 minutes, then prostitutes couldn't
>get away with charging by the quarter hour.

Hmmm ...

Clearly that 15 minutes ... you've gotta indulge the usual
small-talk, negotiate prices, drop your drawers, deal with
condom issues, pull-UP your drawers, make yourself presentable
again, plan your exit strategy ...... probably leaves only
about five minutes for the actual sex act.

As for senators ... given the totally HOT hookers they can
afford ... seems like a serious WASTE to only spend 15 minutes
and 5 or less minutes doing the deed ........