
I was wondering if there could be a sub forum in general talk where you can discuss issues like politics, religeon, science, curent affairs, debates etc... Like have a smart place if you will. I know I would post in there and I'm sure people like Clogz would too. It's just sometimes there forums seem kind of lacking in proper discussions. It's just a suggestion...


New member
No need for a sub forum. Just post away in General Talk.

Back during the Us elections I was making Anti-Bush arguments in several threads.

We've had a few religion threads in the past.

We will censor insulting comments. Back up your opinions with reason and fact.

Yeah but there are alot of people who just make irrelevent statements or the topic changes and after like a few seconds its gone from the first page. Ok, I will not bug any further though, whatever the mods and ATLien want is fine I guess.


Active Members
A debate forum would result in people just fighting all the time, I don't want that on this site.
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