Sunday in the Baghdad Market With McCain ( t r u t h o u t )



Iraq war funds won't be cut off, says Senate Armed Service Committee
chair; J. Sri Raman writes about Asian "crusades against democracy";
military medical centers ill-equipped to treat traumatic brain
injuries; and more ... Browse our continually updating front page at

t r u t h o u t | 04.08

Levin: Senate Won't Withhold Iraq Funds
The Senate will not stop paying for the Iraq war nor relent from
insisting that President Bush keep pressing the Baghdad government for
a negotiated end to the violence, a Democratic leader said Sunday.

J. Sri Raman | Crusades Against Democracy in South Asia
Was Mission Democracy weighing on Richard A. Boucher's mind, as he sat
in deafening silence through a two-day regional summit in New Delhi
this week? The US assistant secretary for South and Central Asian
affairs, as an observer at the Fourteenth summit of the South Asian
Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), could not have been
unmindful of President George Bush's counsel to host-state India on a
"crusade for democracy." Not a few here had bristled at Bush spelling
out the names of India-friendly nations, where the "strategic partner"
of the US was expected to intervene for the sacred cause.

Frank Rich | Sunday in the Market With McCain
"John McCain's April Fools' Day stroll through Baghdad's Shorja market
last weekend was instantly acclaimed as a classic political pratfall.
Protected by more than a hundred American soldiers, three Black Hawk
helicopters, two Apache gunships and a bulletproof vest, the senator
extolled the 'progress' and 'good news' in Iraq. Befitting this loopy
brand of comedy, the star had a crackerjack cast of supporting
buffoons: Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, who told reporters
'I bought five rugs for five bucks!,' and Representative Mike Pence of
Indiana, who likened the scene to 'a normal outdoor market in Indiana
in the summertime.' Five rugs for five bucks: boy, we've really got
that Iraq economy up and running now!" says Frank Rich.

CIA Tortured Me in Iraq, Claims Freed Iranian Diplomat
An Iranian diplomat who was freed last week, two months after being
seized in Iraq, said yesterday that he had been tortured by the CIA
while in captivity at an Iraqi government installation.

White House Looked Past Alarms on Kerik
When former New York mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani urged President Bush to
make Bernard B. Kerik the next secretary of homeland security, White
House aides knew Kerik as the take-charge top cop from September 11,
2001. But it did not take them long to compile an extensive dossier of
damaging information about the would-be Cabinet officer.

A Shock Wave of Brain Injuries
About 1,800 US troops are now suffering from traumatic brain injuries
(TBIs) caused by penetrating wounds. But neurologists worry that
hundreds of thousands more - at least 30 percent of the troops who've
engaged in active combat for four months or longer in Iraq and
Afghanistan - are at risk of potentially disabling neurological
disorders from the blast waves of IEDs and mortars, all without
suffering a scratch. For the first time, the US military is treating
more head injuries than chest or abdominal wounds, and it is
ill-equipped to do so.

Battle Grows Over Renewing Landmark Education Law
When President Bush and Democratic leaders put together the bipartisan
coalition behind the federal No Child Left Behind Act, they managed to
sidestep, override or flat out ignore decades of sentiment that
education is fundamentally a prerogative of state and local government.

VIDEO | The GOP's Quiet Revolution
By Geoffrey Millard and Scott Galindez
Sen. Ted Kennedy addressed a gathering organized by the Alliance for
Justice. Kennedy spoke about the Bush administration's lack of respect
for the rule of law. Following his remarks, a documentary film titled
"Quiet Revolution" was screened. The film chronicles 30 years of
Republican efforts to turn back the clock on civil liberties.
