Support Our Troops


Thomas Keske


All-White Brownie Troop 33 and the Rhythm Methodists,
No-girls-allowed DeKalb Boy Scout Troop 33
Jew-free Safety Zone Hiawatha Canoe Troop 333
Lord Bryon's Battle-Ready Boy Scout 5th Battalion
Loud Siren State Troopers of Southern Louisiana
Segregated-Black Folks Flak Jacket Troops of Iraq
The American Free Speech Don't Ask Task Force
PT-109 JFK Coal Miner 69er Military Career Corps
The Greater Galveston Girl Scout Field Trip Troops
The High Five Homeboy Basketball Hoop Troops
Enron Corporation Cash Flow Core Competency Corps
The Texas Taxpayers Select Citizens Self-Pity Committee
The Peoples' PowerPoint Presentation Platoon
Hate Radio Battlemouth Bulldozing Brigade
The Georgia Backwoods Squirrel Hunter Anti-Gay Marriage Militia
The Off-Broadway Banned-in-Boston Blue Man Troops
Top Banana Fruit-Loop Freedom-Fightin Hot Gun Totin' Troops
The Secret Order of the Halliburton Old Boys' Brotherhood
Revolutionary Trails Cicero Sweet Sixteen Troop 116
Blackwater Boy Scout Merciless Mercenary Missionaries
Conservative Coalition of Contrary Countrymen
Traditional Marriage Messiah Complex Fundamentalist Defense Fund
Patriotic Pigeon Patrol 33
Pirate's Prophetic Parrot Paranormal Paratrooper Crop Circle Corps

Troop 33 - DeKalb, Illinois
"Always an Adventure"

Bicycle Safety - Our Cycling Adventures -
Trip Descriptions -

Black Jack 100k (63 miles)
This route begins in Hanover, Illinois then north along
the Blackjack road to Galena, Illinois,
west to Dubuque, Iowa, and north to Balltown, Iowa.
Lunch in Balltown, Iowa is one of the highlights.

This is a 100 mile century ride circling from DeKalb to Oregon,
Illinois and return. Our route is mostly flat with some
hills on the western portion on rural hard surface roads.
Small towns passed along the way; Malta, Creston, Rochelle,
Flag Center, Daysville, Oregon, Holcomb, Lindenwood, Esmond,
Clare, and DeKalb. Some notable landmarks we pass are
the Blackhawk Statue at Lowden State Park,
and the Byron Nuclear Power Plant.
Sep 27, 2004 ... May and his associates, Ghost Troop
(you can find them under the .... the supreme cult number
(of the Masons, inter alios) of 33 (11x3). ...
Waffen SS, rebel flag, confederate flag, panzer,
civil war flags ...

American Flags ? US Flags ? Civil War flags ? Rebel Flags ....
Hitler Youth Troop 33. HF13 Hitler Youth Troop 33.
nazi germany $25.00 +s/h ...

Suppose members of a scout troop were throwing snowballs
at each other, a kind of small civil war.
One way to express this would be

Troop 33 were throwing snowballs.

Suppose now members of the same troop, their differences
resolved at last, were banded together as one, throwing snowballs
at other scouts:

Troop 33 was throwing snowballs.

31. PA Civil War Map - 33 - Field of Gettysburg,
July 1st, 2nd & 3rd, ...
Oval-shaped map depicting troop and artillery positions,
relief by hachures, drainage, roads ...
19. RED DEVIL IMAGE HISTORY PART 2 - dvlhist2.htm
.... and was welcome in the Camp McGill patrol,
since we were too small for a troop.

So I joined the Blue Devils. I am sure it was the only
patrol in the Boy Scouts of America with such a name.
I am sure that it was named to go with the Yo-Hi Red Devils.
We were proud of our patrol and our name and we carried it
from Troop 48 in Yokohama to Troop 33 in Yokosuka.

In Kunselman v. Board of Education of the Western Reserve Local
School District, 1995 FED. App. 0358P (6th Cir.), the parents
of three students sued the district claiming that the
blue devil mascot was an improper establishment of religion
and a violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The issue before the appeals court was whether the
principal or primary effect of the use of the blue devil
mascot was to advance or inhibit religious beliefs in the
eyes of a reasonable observer.

This URL ( has
information regarding the Japan District of the
Department of Defense Dependent (DODD) School-Pacific Area.
In it are details about the curriculum, mission statement,
etc. Perhaps some of this can be useful in stating
to the board of what kinds of issues they should focus
on or be responding to as part of this meeting's agenda.

Core Beliefs of the Japan District Superintendent's Office

As a part of the community of learners that includes all
stakeholders in the educational process, we ascribe to the
following student outcomes:

All students acquire meaningful skills and knowledge with
support from the community of learners. All students will
be prepared to live in a world in which the ideas of
democracy, tolerance for others, acceptance of differences,
multi-cultural awareness, and the need for global
interdependence are essential.

The last sentence is the key one that discusses tolerance.
True, it is possible that a religious group may try to plea
that they have a right to our tolerance to their wishes.
But I would counter that with the need for their tolerance
and understanding to maintain a tradition that we have had
for so many years.

Me: "No. Nope. Not at all. Your tax dollars never entered
the picture at all. I promise. No sir, not a penny.
Our good Christian congressmen would never let something
like that happen. Nope. Never. Bye."

Texas. What a country

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose."

In the last email dispatch of the Texas City Inquest
I wrote Stan Norred, the Congressional candidate from
Delay's District 22 (who is following the TC Inquest)
and a couple of ministers in the city about the true
origin of the 3/24/2004 alert issued to the Gulf Coast
of a possible terror attack on a petro plant.
I informed them what you've known since the day
two years ago when I did it: I called KTRH's
Tara Howard and let her know the intelligence data
that Ghost Troop -- and you and other cops, who were
following it all as part of our police posse --
were working with. When I got to the part about how
the FBI was threatening me and mine to shut our
analysis down she got riled on behalf of the
threatened city of Houston and called FBI National
to get facts straight -- then they came back with
the cover-our-ass "alert," although they changed
the story considerably to avoid having to admit that
the scenario that had everyone riled up was one
involving them as the bad guys, Boy George Bush's
little helpers in setting up Houston for a nuke and
the nation for the ensuing World War Three.

The date of the second British Petroleum explosion
is as much as code as the first date. The first
explosion was on 3/30, which is a cult number of "33,"
the supreme number

GG said he was from the "Hidden Hand," and was working
under cover to warn us.

What happened on the night of 7/28/2005 was awesome,
and I quite agree with you that the "special effect"
they set up to go along with the (aborted) nuke event
looked very much like a nuclear explosion. Had it not
been for the efforts of Ghost Troop, its infowar allies
-- and police posse like you

-- Texas City would have been destroyed

I salute all Ghost Troops, the most loyal Americans.
alt.surrealism | Google Groups
Texas Explosion Expressionism. Thomas Keske
07:33 PM. People are born. Someone please ...
24. A Xeno Boy in Sg: A Catch-33 Situation -- Kuan and the 4 Horsemen
A Catch-33 Situation -- Kuan and the 4 Horsemen ...
The Catch-33 effect will not last forever.
It is a window to an alternative political ...

The weakness of the Gods comes when they become predictable.

The show of force by the Police is a show of force. Nothing more.
It would have worked many years ago. Now it no longer strikes fear.

The approach of the Government to this political action is again
striking. Not because of its obvious sledgehammer tenor,
but because of its PREDICTABILITY. It is the same tactic used
when concerts are held, when vigils are held, when forums are
held. It works if REAL force is used. It fails when it is
repeated and repeated and the baton stays in the sheath.

This is the conundrum : the contradictions as dictated and e
mbodied by the incumbent government have permeated into a
strange fluxial effect on its instruments of power.
25. The Dangers of Plutonium Transportation Revised
and Re-Released May 3 ...
From Savannah River 33 tons of plutonium in mixed oxide fuel
would be transported across hundreds of miles of isolated
countryside to utility reactors in North Carolina and South ...
FECL 33 (April 1995): ... The Plutonium deal "was a successful
action, and important too. It brought us cooperation with Russia",
Schmidbauer boasted. ...
36. Energy officials can't account for plutonium loaned abroad
3/27/02 ...
The United States loaned or gave two to three kilograms of plutonium
to 33 countries as part of the Atoms for Peace program,
according to a 1996 Energy report.
5. Romans 9:33 Just as it is written, "BEHOLD, I LAY IN ZION
.... Stone Stumble Stumbling Stumblingstone Stumbling-Stone
Trip Written Zion ... Bible Gateway: Romans Chapter 9 Verse 33
NIV ESV NKJV NLT KJV Message Amplified ...
Isaiah 33. The Lord Will Restore Zion. 33:1
The destroyer is as good as dead,
1. you who have not been destroyed!
The deceitful one is as good as dead,
10 years after plant closed, Zion slowly regains its glow

Ronald Schuster remembers exactly how he felt when he heard the
Zion Nuclear Power Station would close, a decision that rocked
the community that relied on it for much more than electricity.

"It was literally like someone got hit in the solar plexus,"
said Schuster, a radiation-protection safety officer who was
herded into a meeting at 8:05 a.m. Jan. 15, 1998, to hear the news.

Ten years later, new owner Exelon has proposed dismantling
the plant near Lake Michigan, opening up more than 250 acres
of prime lakefront property by 2018. The plan calls for taking
the two-reactor facility apart and moving everything but spent
fuel rods out of state by rail
Ambition this shall tempt to rise,
Then whirl the wretch from high
To bitter Scorn a sacrifice
And grinning Infamy.
The stings of Falsehood those shall try,
And hard Unkindness' alter'd eye,
That mocks the tear it forced to flow;
And keen Remorse with blood defil'd,
And moody Madness laughing wild
Amid severest woe.

Lo, in the vale of years beneath
A griesly troop are seen,
The painful family of Death,
More hideous than their queen:
This racks the joints, this fires the veins,
That every labouring sinew strains,
Those in the deeper vitals rage;
Lo! Poverty, to fill the band
That numbs the soul with icy hand,
And slow-consuming Age.

nasil desem, creepy bi tablo...

her ne kadar classicism ve impressionism hayrani
biri olsam da klimt'e merak salmaya basladim
son zamanlarda. keske "modern art"
26. Mildred Reeves Burnett
Meanwhile, Scouts of Troop 33 sponsored by the Methodist Church
were picking up and saving all newspapers and magazines
Stay clear of the underwater intakes for the
Byron Nuclear Power Plant. ... Boy Scout Troop 33 -
First Lutheran Church - DeKalb, Illinois ...
67. Race Matters - A Chance To Study Hard, Long & Late

The gay school," they called it. Byron had learned to shed the
barbs. ... benefactors, shopkeepers and Eagle Scouts to overhaul
the saunas, lockers .
23. History - NIU - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender
Resource Center
.... many people might wonder, "DeKalb? Can you possibly
be gay in DeKalb? ... yes, you can be gay or lesbian,
bisexual, transgender or queer in DeKalb. ...
3. Printer Friendly Version

And I tend to pick on Catholics and not Protestants, because
there's a Methodist to my madness. And yes, I make these
comments knowing full-well that nothing bombs quite like ..
26. Mildred Reeves Burnett
Meanwhile, Scouts of Troop 33 sponsored by the Methodist Church
were picking up and saving all newspapers and magazines
2. Lord Byron
"Lord Byron is only great as a poet; as soon as he reflects, ....
By the end of Byron's stay in Greece he was boasting to his
Methodist friends that he had .
Exelon | Byron Generating Station
Byron Generating Station, located near Byron in northern
Illinois, about 90 miles west of Chicago. It's a two-unit
nuclear power facility capable of ...
64. Fantasy Meltdown - Where you have the last say in football!

Rant or rave on your favorite players using Fantasy Meltdown's
forum software and rating system! ... Byron Leftwich. RB. Week 5.
Dolphins. Ronnie Brown. RB .

The Byron plant has been subject to some controversy since
its construction began, starting with a 1981 lawsuit and
continuing into the present with concerns over tritium
contaminated groundwater. Tritium contamination at Byron
and other Illinois nuclear power plants led the state of
Illinois to pass legislation requiring plants to report
such contamination to the state within 24 hours.
Plant security was increased after the terrorist attacks
on September 11, 2001 and is managed by the Wackenhut Corporation
3. Those wacky Wackenhut guys