Survey - Teens Having Less Sex - Or Better Liars, Depending



WASHINGTON (AP) -- Fewer high school students are having sex these
days, and more are using condoms. The teen birth rate has hit a record

In 2005, 47 percent of high school students reported having sexual
intercourse, down from 54 percent in 1991.

More young people are finishing high school, too, and more little kids
are being read to, according to the latest government snapshot on the
well-being of the nation's children. It's good news on a number of key
wellness indicators, experts said of the report being released Friday.

"The implications for the population are quite positive in terms of
their health and their well-being," said Edward Sondik, director of
the National Center for Health Statistics. "The lower figure on teens
having sex means the risk of sexually transmitted diseases is lower."

In 2005, 47 percent of high school students -- 6.7 million -- reported
having had sexual intercourse, down from 54 percent in 1991. The rate
of those who reported having had sex has remained the same since 2003.

Of those who had sex during a three-month period in 2005, 63 percent
-- about 3 million -- used condoms. That's up from 46 percent in 1991.

The teen birth rate, the report said, was 21 per 1,000 young women
ages 15-17 in 2005 -- an all-time low. It was down from 39 births per
1,000 teens in 1991.

"This is very good news," said Sondik. "Young teen mothers and their
babies are at a greater risk of both immediate and long-term

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More blowjobs ?

Hopefully the teens have wised-up and now just LIE about
how much sex they have. Tell the blue-noses exactly what
they want to hear ... then get on with life as you see fit.

Oh yea, is it really a good thing if they're having
less sex ? I don't mean so much from a statistical
pregnancy/disease/heartbreak perspective, but from
an ideological perspective. Would it mean that the
Ameriban theofascists are winning the hearts and
minds ? What are the long-term implications of that ?