system-check virus not picked up by MSE?



Hi All

I run MSE on my home PC for security. OS is XP professional and all security and other microsoft updates are up to date. MSE updates daily and a full scan is also performed daily. Over the weekend, MSE detected a Trojan and suggested it be removed. As I was on the machine at the time this was done. MSE then picked up the same trojan a minute or so later and the same suggestion/removal took place.
However the Trojan (system-check virus), has deployed and one of the user log in accounts, for that machine is now infected. I have closed down and logged back in as the system administrator and re run MSE but it has not picked up or removed any of the virus components. I was relcutant to download anything that I wasn't sure of (to fix) and had never heard of system check being on my PC, so thankfully did not take up that offer to correct. Found out more about the virus from iphone as files are hidden and not working correctly.
Should MSE have stopped the virus from deploying and how do I now remove it? Suggestions for a non technical person greatly appreciated.



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