Take a walk in the Rain


New member
Just wondering how many people here absolutely enjoy walking in the rain or dancing in the rain like a little kid. It just makes me happy and feels so peaceful. I love it, every problem goes away. It hads been raining for the past two weeks here and now I have a cold which sucks. Can't go out but I'm loving the cold weather and the water/rain on the windows. I'm just too happy now maybe.


New member
Yup I do that, I love summer rain cause its not that cold all the time. I wanted to go out today but it rained only for 2 minutes or something.


New member
lol, awwwwwww...thats savage, New Zealand is full of rain its been raining like i dont know how long now,beautiful cold weather


New member
Yea about two weeks ago we would have rain everyday and it was heavy rain, also the neighbors looked at me like I was some freak :p .


New member
Boy do I hate that..whenever I jump around in puddles people just htink I'm a freak or something. I remember this once when I was playing with my mate and jumping around in my skool, htis random techer said "Manners, young lady. Babies od that". It was a crack up.


New member
I <3<3<3 the rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its beautiful and refreshing.........

its rained only once in the last 2 months tho :(



New member
i <3 running, streaking ( not really but in a batheing suit) , dancing, sitting. i also love to get soaked by jumping into huge toxic puddles!


New member
i love the rain, i love the clouds, i love jumping,moshing, running, singing , dancing in the rain......

lol i just love the rain in general, i usually walk to school swinging my umbrella if it rains...because my mum tells me to use one...but i like walking in the rain



New member
I love going for walks in the rain. My family think I'm mad lol. ^^

Rain is pretty beautiful, although sometimes it can make the world look a depressing place. The sky can look so blank when it's raining. I prefer thunder storms, and I love the sort of inky-black colour the clouds take on.



New member
It depends on what mood I am in as to whether I like the rain or not. I just recently took a walk in the rain, but with an umbrella. I was at a friend's house, so I didn't want my clothes getting soaked. It was a peaceful rain. :D I hate days after rain because it gets really hot a humid here which is the worst type of weather ever.


New member
if theres a girl there i love to but other then that i gota have a bike:) i rode my bike in a thunder storm without a rain cout before. it was owsome. anyone els have done that?
I dont really like walking in the rain that much but i like the warm cosy feeling when your sat inside all warm and its raining hard against the window

But if there is a thunder storm with really heavy rain i cant resist going out in it. I get strange looks all the time when theres a storm and i suddenly go dancing around outside but i dont care because it makes me happy :D And i like it when you come back in afterwards and change into warm dry clothes.



New member
I like to walk in the rain,and sometimes when it rains a lot I use my umbrella to protect me from it.

I remember when I was kid and I was going to primary school,the students from there used to play by jumping on the puddles and wetting ppl who passed around them,I even did it once and one teacher told me to behave properly....meh **** him lol:p.

What I do hate when it´s ranning is as the cars passes by and I´m walking on the street,and they pass through those huge puddles and you sometimes can get wet by them and what is worse you can get dirty by them:mad:

But other than that I sometimes enjoy walking while it rains.



New member
^true, i hate that too, 4everlp_shinoda, when htose cars go past, luckily we don't get big puddles in New Zealand, that was only in India.

Gosh, I'm sick right now which sucks, all because I decided to go out in the rain, dammit can't go protesting on Sunday.



New member
I looove the rain...I wish it would rain everyday! although at like the beginning of june, it rained for lke 2 weeks straight (I loved it!) and the river in the city where I live, flooded. But anyways, yeah I love the rain, i remember once i was with some friends in the rain, and we decided to roll aroung on the sidewalk. Then w went on her trampoline. it was pretty fun. And kind of off topic, but immortal89, what are you protesting?
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