Dr. Jai Maharaj

Forwarded message from D. M.

Take note!

Please read this (posted elsewhere) but very relevant to
- D. M.

balkans means a bunch of ineffective quarrelsome states,
the muslims invaders centuries ago invaded turkey(former
christian byzinte) and then worked their way into christian
lands, so today in serbia, bosnia croatia montenegro
albania what was formely known as Yugoslavia etc you have
the muslims clashing with the indigenous christians sounds
familiar? ofcourse it does, same deal with india, today
pakistan pushing to claim more land for muslims inside
india,indigenous hindus made to flee and what did the idiot
nehru a kashmiri himself do to appease the muslims, make it
illegal for indians in india to emmigrate to kahsmir??

as the american C I A, noted the muslims use a two prong
strategy known as the medina phase then the mecca phase

the medina phase is where the prophet settled and said he
came in peace once he garnered enough troops and power he
captured medina then set out for mecca per the prophet, all
truce with infidels are non valid hence breaking truce with
infidels is hallal (sanctioned)

this is what is happening , with the usa and europe
acknowledging the new muslim state of kosovo with the
christian indigenous serb population made a minority in
their own land both in population and religious what
message are we sending to the muslims terrorists? exactly
the infidels are capitulating allah is with us victory is
ours forward march muslim soliders the world belongs to

read the following

The West has lost credibility by breaking its promise to
Serbia. Terrorists will take note

Many Kosovars celebrated wildly after winning an
independence vote. But not all. Serbian Kosovars blanched
at the loss of their ancient homeland, known as the cradle
of Serbia, to ethnic Muslim Albanians who had moved in,
started a guerrilla war and, with the weekend balloting,
finally took over

Awash in corruption and mafias, free market reforms will be
tough, and many unemployed young Muslims will be looking
for a purpose. "Its instability risks attracting Islamic
extremists from around the world," warned ex-U.S. envoy to
the U.N. John Bolton

Russia's appetite for payback is whetted. Unlike smaller
nations, Russia has a global reach and engages in tit for

In response to our setting up military bases in Central
Asia, Russia sold advanced weapons to Venezuela. With
Russia ramping up jet production and buzzing U.S. aircraft
carriers in the Pacific, there's little doubt it'll be
looking for ways to create trouble.

But on Monday, the U.S. and the European Union said it's a
done deal. They extended fast recognition to Kosovo and
waved off the Serbs. After all, wouldn't a new Muslim state
in Europe show the Arab world that the West wanted
successful Muslim democracies?

New Pandoran Box

Posted 2/20/2008

Geopolitics: The breakup of the distinct nations of the
former Yugoslavia was a good thing. But splitting Serbia
from its Kosovo province goes beyond that. It's trouble,
not just for the Balkans, but for the rest of the world.

Many Kosovars celebrated wildly after winning an
independence vote. But not all. Serbian Kosovars blanched
at the loss of their ancient homeland, known as the cradle
of Serbia, to ethnic Muslim Albanians who had moved in,
started a guerrilla war and, with the weekend balloting,
finally took over.

It was bitter, because Serbs had cleaned up their country,
thrown out their dictator and banked on United Nations
assurances guaranteeing their territorial integrity in
Security Council resolution 1244, passed in 1999.

"It's frustrating that the (Boris) Tadic administration is
being punished for acts that took place under (Slobodan)
Milosevic, because the new administration helped oust him,"
Illinois congresswoman Melissa Bean, co-chair of the House
Serbian Caucus, told IBD.

She and seven other members of Congress, including Sen. Jim
Inhofe of Texas and Rep. Dan Burton of Indiana, pleaded in
a letter with President Bush to hold the line until a
mutually acceptable solution could be reached with all

But on Monday, the U.S. and the European Union said it's a
done deal. They extended fast recognition to Kosovo and
waved off the Serbs. After all, wouldn't a new Muslim state
in Europe show the Arab world that the West wanted
successful Muslim democracies?

Diplomacy is all about taking risks. But the West's gamble
in Kosovo is too high for the possible rewards in terms of
its interests. Five reasons spring to mind:

o Kosovo has just 2 million people. Sure, some
microstates, such as Singapore and Panama, make it. But
more often, the story is like East Timor's, a nonviable
state in turmoil since its 1999 independence. With a GDP
per capita of $250, 50% unemployment and half the
population under 16, the odds against Kosovo are long.
Awash in corruption and mafias, free market reforms will be
tough, and many unemployed young Muslims will be looking
for a purpose. "Its instability risks attracting Islamic
extremists from around the world," warned ex-U.S. envoy to
the U.N. John Bolton.

o Ramming independence through for Kosovo with no regard
for Serbia opens the door to new secession movements.
Countries such as Spain, which faces a similar situation
with Basque terrorist secessionists, tellingly declined to
recognize Kosovo.

Canada has reason to worry about Quebec. Russia, China and
Iraq fear breakaway regions, too. Meanwhile, Macedonia and
Montenegro, which have ethnic Albanian populations, now
fear a precedent for parts of their territory to be pulled
into a greater Albania.

o The West has lost credibility by breaking its promise
to Serbia. Terrorists will take note.

o Alliances are weakened. As the U.S. and dominant
nations of the EU push through Kosovo statehood, the nearby
nations of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Greece and Israel
oppose it. This not only splits the EU with its eastern
members. It separates the U.S. from its New Europe allies --
not the least of which is Serbia, a country that allied
itself to the West in two world wars.

o Russia's appetite for payback is whetted. Unlike
smaller nations, Russia has a global reach and engages in
tit for tat.

In response to our setting up military bases in Central
Asia, Russia sold advanced weapons to Venezuela. With
Russia ramping up jet production and buzzing U.S. aircraft
carriers in the Pacific, there's little doubt it'll be
looking for ways to create trouble.

In short, a successful Kosovo state is speculative. But the
potential for trouble in the wake of trying to create it is
certain. If it isn't reversed, it could become a global
Pandora's box opened to new problems. This is going to take
some major diplomatic repair work.

End of forwarded message from D. M.

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

Hindu Holocaust Museum

Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy

The truth about Islam and Muslims


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