Taking Islam down a few pegs!


New member
These are the Islamic quotes pertaining to fighting, Terrorism, War, Jihad, Martyrs/Mercenaries, and Muslim Militants


Murder, Torture, Theivery & Slavery, "Peace, Islam style," Peaceful Muslims, "No Freedom, No Choice," Deception, and Intolerance


Eye Witnesses, Megalomania, Inspiration, "Allah, Islam's Ilah," Ar Rahman


Demon's and Devils, Predestination, Muhammad's Morality, Love of Money, ****, Muhammad's Paradise, Allah's ****, Jews


Christians, Racism, Women in Islam, Stupidity, Islamic Science, Allah's Astronomy


Islamic Science always gives me a good laugh



New member
We have the information and resources to defeat islam, but because of our western multiculturalism we are eventually inclined to become islamic. It's true, our doom is at hand. But, if we educate people of what islam really is and lean more conservatively in our governments we could defeat the one thing which has been the biggest threat to our way of life for 1400 years.


New member
We have the information and resources to defeat islam, but because of our western multiculturalism we are eventually inclined to become islamic. It's true, our doom is at hand. But, if we educate people of what islam really is and lean more conservatively in our governments we could defeat the one thing which has been the biggest threat to our way of life for 1400 years.
You think that educating the public and pressure on the government will change foreign policy regarding Islam. You think this will make our government go into Islamic countries to stop the spread.

That same strategy has got us so far in the war on drugs and the drug cartels in other countries. Way to stick to a plan with a proven track record. :cool:



New member
You think that educating the public and pressure on the government will change foreign policy regarding Islam. You think this will make our government go into Islamic countries to stop the spread.
That same strategy has got us so far in the war on drugs and the drug cartels in other countries. Way to stick to a plan with a proven track record. :cool:
I don't think there is a correct analogy between drugs and islam. "Converts" to drugs get into it either for the money or the power that comes from money and they sell it to the bottom rung of society which needs an escape. Coverts to islam either find something wrong with other religions (understandable) and go into it because it is very inclusive (e.g. former christians can still believe in jesus and former jews can still believe in moses) or they have had a bad experience with another religion.

I'm not suggesting that the government should "go into islamic counrtries" I'm just saying that things like open challenges and televised debate could prove to most of the world the things wrong with islam. Also pressure on the government could certainly work e.g. stop funding terrorism with the oil we get from islamic countries and start investing our money in alternate energy sources.



New member
Can't reply to the accusation so you attack the accuser, typical muslim evasion tactic. :rolleyes:

My reply: hey Hamza123, here's more on how dumb your religion is: Bukhari:V1B4N163 “The Prophet said, ‘Whoever cleans his private parts with stones should do it with an odd number of stones. And whoever wakes up should wash his hands before putting them in the water for ablution. Nobody knows where his hands were during sleep.’”

For those of you who don't know, the verse above is from Sahih Bukhari which is one of the compilations of 'hadith' or deeds and sayings of the prophet mohammed. Muslims consider the hadith in Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim to be true.



New member
Wow, too bad sunni muslims don't even believe in hadiths as Muhammed did not...

And back then what could you clean yourself with ??

They used sharp rocks to cut there hair... Cutting your pubes is only cleansing yourself as you can get dirty if you don't.

You say how Muhammed was this and that, Aesha this that.... Wow, in the Quran it's self it says Muhammed ONLY took Aesha into his home along with her FATHER Abdul Qad'r... And he only did it so the Arab Atheists wouldn't hurt them, as Muhammed was going to DEMOCRATICALLY pass things to Abdul Qad'r... Before he died, Abdul Qad'r told him to marry Aeshia for protection from Abu Soufyane...

Soufyane, said so himself... "Yes, Muhammed is my Enemy, but he would never harm anyone, steal, or tell a lie."... This is all written down...

Don't believe it? Than what, you believe what a preacher might say about Islam? Or wait wasn't the Bible written down hundreds of years ago too?



New member
You must also keep in mind of the situation 400 years ago..

Lionheart slept with men? So did Alexander the great... Before you tell lies and rant on Muhammed, you should check yourself.

You have all the right to do so, but you're not being Patriotic by doing so. :D



New member
shakes head I don't know where to begin...

Saying you don't believe in hadiths and then quoting from one- nice.

Even the most respected SUNNI scholars believe that SAHIH (correct) hadiths are truth. So if you want to use the old "weak hadith" excuse then you are claiming to have more knowledge about islam than they are.

If you don't want me to use hadith then I will quote right from the quran to show how rediculous your religion is, and since you brought up Alexander the Great how about we see what Allah has to say about him:




New member
As for Lionheart- not interested. We could go on all day about this 'christian' does this or this 'muslim' does that. I think we should focus on the founders and their teachings and actions so we don't let this thread go astray.

I get my knowledge about Mohammed from his words and deeds, not from any preacher.

I quoted that particular verse from bukhari because I just think that it's rediculous how a muslim has to wash a certain way to please Allah. He can't please Allah just because he didn't wash his privates with an ODD number of stones? Would it really make a difference if he washed himself with an EVEN number of stones?

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