Taliban torture,execute 5 Afghan police,Dem Congress has 4 day work week


Harry Dope

Taliban torture, execute 5 Afghan police
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - Taliban militants tortured five abducted policemen
in southern Afghanistan and then hung their mutilated bodies from trees in a
warning to villagers against working with the government, officials said

The discovery of the bodies came as officials said that recent violence and
clashes had left at least 63 other people dead across Afghanistan.

The officers had been abducted two months ago from their checkpoint in
southern Uruzgan province, said Juma Gul Himat, the provincial police chief.
The Taliban slashed their hands and legs and hung the bodies on trees
Saturday in Gazak village of Derawud district, he said.

"The Taliban told the people that whoever works with the government will
suffer the same fate as these policemen," Himat said. "This village is under
Taliban control. There are more than 100 Taliban in this village."

Two tribal elders received the bodies of the policemen on Sunday, he said.

Insurgency-related violence in Afghanistan has soared this year, killing
more than 6,000 people, a record number, according to an Associated Press
count based on figures from Western and Afghan officials.

The executions followed several days of violence in the country's south
which left at least 63 people dead, including 58 militants and two Canadian

Also in Uruzgan, police shot and killed two suspected Taliban militants on
Sunday as they approached a police checkpoint on a motorbike, Himat said.

In Zabul province, the Taliban ambushed and clashed with an Afghan army
patrol Saturday night, leaving 11 suspected insurgents dead and four
soldiers wounded, said Qasem Khan, a provincial police official.

Authorities recovered the bodies of the 11 militants alongside their
weapons, Khan said.

In southern Helmand province, a suicide bomber attacked a NATO patrol Sunday
in Gereshk district, damaging a vehicle but causing no casualties, said
provincial police chief Mohammad Hussein Andiwal.

In Kandahar province, Canadian and Afghan troops battled militants and
called in airstrikes in Zhari district on Saturday, leaving an Afghan
soldier and at least 20 suspected militants dead, said provincial police
chief Sayed Agha Saqeb.

A roadside bomb hit a NATO vehicle during the same battle, killing two
Canadian soldiers and their translator and wounding three other Canadian
troops, officials said.

Separately, a suicide bomber on a motorbike attacked a NATO convoy in
Nangarhar province's Chaparhar district, killing an Afghan civilian and
wounding another NATO soldier, officials said Saturday.

Elsewhere, 23 Taliban militants were killed during a U.S.-led coalition
operation on Thursday aimed at disrupting a weapons transfer in southern
Afghanistan, the coalition said

Quote Of The Week
"The Clintons Are A Terminally Unethical And Vulgar Couple, And They?ve
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NY Times Clinton