Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch


Gandalf Grey

Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch

By Brent Budowsky

Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm

Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.

For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time to
maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) is the lion of the Senate and the lion of American
progressivism, while Caroline Kennedy is America's first daughter who treats
her father's legacy as a precious trust. They endorsed Sen. Barack Obama
(D-Ill.) with a passion and a conviction that was extraordinary, and their
comparing Obama to John Kennedy was one of those special and unique moments,
so rare in American politics.

There have been many "new Kennedys" over the years, public officials who
sought to claim the mantle, some with more merit than others.

What is extraordinary about this moment, this week, in this campaign is that
Ted and Caroline Kennedy spoke so clearly, so passionately and with such
conviction on behalf of one leader, Barack Obama, whom they believe is the
inheritor of that mantle and that legacy.

It was a rare, special and extraordinary moment full of a passion for
justice and a very profound sense of history, mission and idealism. This
past week I wrote a column in The Hill, entitled "A President Like Her
Father," which follows in full, here:

Imagine this: On Jan. 20, 2009 a new young American president lifts the
nation and rallies the friends of freedom around the world with an inaugural
address to open a new chapter of a great nation.

Every so often there is a golden moment in the life of a generation when the
Rubicon is crossed, the page is turned, the torch is passed, and America
rises again.

One night when I was a young man, and the Senate worked late and the action
was slow, Lloyd Bentsen told me of the day he first met Jack Kennedy.

They had been elected to Congress as two young heroes returned from war. On
the floor one day, Bentsen spotted Kennedy and showed him his campaign
literature. Kennedy read it with that quizzical smile and said: "Lloyd, this
looks awfully familiar."

Turns out Bentsen had borrowed heavily from Kennedy's brochure. The fighting
sailor of the Pacific had become the brave bomber of the Atlantic. Two young
Americans entered Congress with great dreams for themselves and our country.

Lloyd Bentsen won landslides in Texas, bringing together whites, blacks and
Hispanics. President Kennedy, in June of 1963, in one of the greatest
presidential moments since Lincoln, told the nation that civil rights was a
moral duty that Americans must face with courage and principle.

It was a profile in true courage for JFK to challenge his electoral base in
the South. Fanning the flames of division is easy; dousing those flames is
hard; challenging those flames in times of crisis is presidential

Faced with his own great crisis, while others panicked with tactics that do
not make us proud, Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) was cool, calm, and right. At
the highest levels of leadership, under the greatest of attacks, Barack
Obama acted like a president.

And now the first daughter of America speaks from her heart and the lion of
the Senate roars with his passion for justice.

The torch is passed, the legacy lives on.

If God would grant me one wish in this season of discontent and hope, it
would be this: for a Kennedy, a King, and an Obama to stand together on the
soil that Cesar Chavez once graced, for an America that is forever young.

When Caroline Kennedy says that Obama would be a president like her father,
she speaks a thundering truth in her quiet and dignified voice. There are
many arguments for Obama but none stronger than this: He touches young
people in America who are inspired to lift our democracy, and young people
around the world who are America's greatest weapon in the battle of ideas of
our times.

Forty years ago this April, we lost Martin. Forty years ago this June, we
lost Bobby. Fifteen years ago this April, we lost Cesar. But in our America
that is forever young, we will never lose the dream or surrender the torch.

This is why Barack Obama has such powerful appeal to political independents
who make landslides possible. He speaks to the voice of a generation that
hungers to be heard, the heart of a nation that hungers to be healed, and
the spirit of a world that hungers to be inspired by an American president
once again.

[Brent asks that you crosspost your comments to The Hill, where this blog
entry also appears [1]. --JT]

NOTICE: This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not
always been authorized by the copyright owner. I am making such material
available to advance understanding of
political, human rights, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues. I
believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of such copyrighted material as
provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107

"A little patience and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their
spells dissolve, and the people recovering their true sight, restore their
government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are
suffering deeply in spirit,
and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public
debt. But if the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have
patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning
back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at
-Thomas Jefferson
On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
<valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:

>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>By Brent Budowsky
>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time to
>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
includes all the present candidates.

WB Yeats
<wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>By Brent Budowsky
>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time to
>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
> includes all the present candidates.
> WB Yeats

I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
"100% republican free" <see@fountain.net> wrote in message
> <wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
> news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>>By Brent Budowsky
>>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
>>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time
>>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
>>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

>> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
>> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
>> includes all the present candidates.
>> WB Yeats

> I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
> candidate.

if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them to libs
and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the libs and
dems would have approved?

betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother which he
has fought against throughout his career.


No One Important wrote:
> "100% republican free" <see@fountain.net> wrote in message
> news:FP3qj.7190$J41.2408@newssvr14.news.prodigy.net...
>> <wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
>> news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
>>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>>> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>>> By Brent Budowsky
>>>> Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>>> Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
>>>> those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>>> For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time
>>>> to
>>>> maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
>>>> best offer or take the easy and convenient path.
>>> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>>> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>>> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>>> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>>> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
>>> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
>>> includes all the present candidates.
>>> WB Yeats

>> I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
>> candidate.

> if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them to libs
> and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the libs and
> dems would have approved?
> betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother which he
> has fought against throughout his career.

Jimmy Hoffa, does...

Miles "Historical Trip Down Memory Lane" Long
On Feb 5, 5:14 pm, "No One Important" <somewh...@someplace.net> wrote:
> "100% republican free" <s...@fountain.net> wrote in messagenews:FP3qj.7190$J41.2408@newssvr14.news.prodigy.net...
> > <wbye...@ireland.com> wrote in message
> >news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
> >> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
> >> <valino...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch

> >>>By Brent Budowsky

> >>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm

> >>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
> >>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.

> >>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time
> >>>to
> >>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
> >>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

> >> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
> >> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
> >> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
> >> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
> >> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
> >> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
> >> includes all the present candidates.

> >> WB Yeats

> > I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
> > candidate.

> if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them to libs
> and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the libs and
> dems would have approved?
> betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother which he
> has fought against throughout his career.
> .

Another vapid repug heard from. There is no similarity between
present day repugs and the Kennedy's of yore. They didn't support the
liberation of our African-American citizens. They didn't seek full
rights for women and jews. There moment of glory was Barry Goldwater,
a nice person but a ludicrous candidate. Just about every thing that
Barry supported has proven to be a failure.

Of course failure is the repug way.
On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 20:39:01 GMT, "100% republican free"
<see@fountain.net> wrote:

><wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>>By Brent Budowsky
>>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
>>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time to
>>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
>>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

>> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
>> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
>> includes all the present candidates.
>> WB Yeats

>I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a

That went right over your head, didn't it?

WB Yeats
On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 14:14:03 -0800, "No One Important"
<somewhere@someplace.net> wrote:

>"100% republican free" <see@fountain.net> wrote in message
>> <wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
>> news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
>>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>>> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>>>By Brent Budowsky
>>>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
>>>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time
>>>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
>>>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.
>>> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>>> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>>> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>>> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>>> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
>>> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
>>> includes all the present candidates.
>>> WB Yeats

>> I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
>> candidate.

>if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them to libs
>and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the libs and
>dems would have approved?
>betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother which he
>has fought against throughout his career.

Ya just don't get it, do you? It's a game of my Kennedy can beat up
your Kennedy. Geez.

WB Yeats
"Kevin Cunningham" <smskjc@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> On Feb 5, 5:14 pm, "No One Important" <somewh...@someplace.net> wrote:
>> "100% republican free" <s...@fountain.net> wrote in
>> messagenews:FP3qj.7190$J41.2408@newssvr14.news.prodigy.net...
>> > <wbye...@ireland.com> wrote in message
>> >news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
>> >> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>> >> <valino...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> >>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch

>> >>>By Brent Budowsky

>> >>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm

>> >>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are
>> >>>for
>> >>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.

>> >>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no
>> >>>time
>> >>>to
>> >>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for
>> >>>the
>> >>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

>> >> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>> >> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>> >> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>> >> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>> >> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
>> >> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
>> >> includes all the present candidates.

>> >> WB Yeats

>> > I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
>> > candidate.

>> if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them to
>> libs
>> and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the libs
>> and
>> dems would have approved?
>> betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother which
>> he
>> has fought against throughout his career.
>> .

> Another vapid repug heard from. There is no similarity between
> present day repugs and the Kennedy's of yore. They didn't support the
> liberation of our African-American citizens.



stop with your idiot recitation of leftist lies. do some research.


note that a far higher percentage of republicans voted in favor of the civil
rights act of 1964. for the 1968 bill republican senators supported by a far
higher percentage than dems. in the house the dems edged out the

thats all you leftists do is repeat the lies your masters tell you.

>They didn't seek full
> rights for women and jews.

prove it. show us some real data on votes

>There moment of glory was Barry Goldwater,
> a nice person but a ludicrous candidate. Just about every thing that
> Barry supported has proven to be a failure.

like what, you raving leftist robot?


> Of course failure is the repug way.
On Feb 5, 8:55 pm, "No One Important" <somewh...@someplace.net> wrote:
> "Kevin Cunningham" <sms...@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> news:7e99b281-97fe-443b-8cdc-38da166c9b2a@u10g2000prn.googlegroups.com...
> > On Feb 5, 5:14 pm, "No One Important" <somewh...@someplace.net> wrote:
> >> "100% republican free" <s...@fountain.net> wrote in
> >> messagenews:FP3qj.7190$J41.2408@newssvr14.news.prodigy.net...

> >> > <wbye...@ireland.com> wrote in message
> >> >news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
> >> >> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
> >> >> <valino...@gmail.com> wrote:

> >> >>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch

> >> >>>By Brent Budowsky

> >> >>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm

> >> >>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are
> >> >>>for
> >> >>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.

> >> >>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no
> >> >>>time
> >> >>>to
> >> >>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for
> >> >>>the
> >> >>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

> >> >> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
> >> >> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
> >> >> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
> >> >> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
> >> >> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
> >> >> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
> >> >> includes all the present candidates.

> >> >> WB Yeats

> >> > I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
> >> > candidate.

> >> if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them to
> >> libs
> >> and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the libs
> >> and
> >> dems would have approved?

> >> betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother which
> >> he
> >> has fought against throughout his career.

> >> .

> > Another vapid repug heard from. There is no similarity between
> > present day repugs and the Kennedy's of yore. They didn't support the
> > liberation of our African-American citizens.

> huh?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964#Vote_totals
> stop with your idiot recitation of leftist lies. do some research.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1968#Passage_of_the_...
> note that a far higher percentage of republicans voted in favor of the civil
> rights act of 1964. for the 1968 bill republican senators supported by a far
> higher percentage than dems. in the house the dems edged out the
> republicans.
> thats all you leftists do is repeat the lies your masters tell you.
> >They didn't seek full
> > rights for women and jews.

> prove it. show us some real data on votes
> >There moment of glory was Barry Goldwater,
> > a nice person but a ludicrous candidate. Just about every thing that
> > Barry supported has proven to be a failure.

> like what, you raving leftist robot?
> .
> > Of course failure is the repug way.

HUAC for one.

Oh, by the way, how many repugs marched with Rev. Dr. Martin Luther
King? How many Dixiecrats switched over to being repugs? How many
Dixiecrat presidential candidates switched over to the repug party and
had a black daughter?

The repug party had a little thing called the "southern strategy"
designed by Nixon. Civil rights? Who needs civil rights?
On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 17:55:09 -0800, "No One Important"
<somewhere@someplace.net> wrote:

>>> >> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>>> >> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>>> >> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>>> >> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>>> >> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
>>> >> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
>>> >> includes all the present candidates.
>>> >> WB Yeats

>>> if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them to
>>> libs
>>> and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the libs
>>> and
>>> dems would have approved?
>>> betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother which
>>> he
>>> has fought against throughout his career.

>> Another vapid repug heard from. There is no similarity between
>> present day repugs and the Kennedy's of yore. They didn't support the
>> liberation of our African-American citizens.

>stop with your idiot recitation of leftist lies. do some research.
>note that a far higher percentage of republicans voted in favor of the civil
>rights act of 1964. for the 1968 bill republican senators supported by a far
>higher percentage than dems. in the house the dems edged out the
>thats all you leftists do is repeat the lies your masters tell you.

The vast majority of those Democrats that voted against the civil
rights bill are now called ........... Republicans. They were mostly
Dixiecrats or followers of 'that great Republican Strom Thurmond'
(and I quote Trent Lott here). What don't you understand about the
phrase 'modern day Republicans?' As usual a Republican with about as
much depth as an empty urinal. Beep - you lose again. But keep trying
- one of these days you have to be right if only by accident.

WB Yeats
No One Important wrote:
> "100% republican free" <see@fountain.net> wrote in message
> news:FP3qj.7190$J41.2408@newssvr14.news.prodigy.net...
>> <wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
>> news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
>>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>>> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>>>By Brent Budowsky
>>>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell
>>>>are for those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no
>>>>time to
>>>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out
>>>>for the best offer or take the easy and convenient path.
>>> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>>> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>>> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>>> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>>> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit
>>> thru the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK.
>>> That includes all the present candidates.
>>> WB Yeats

>> I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were
>> a candidate.

> if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present them
> to libs and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really
> think the libs and dems would have approved?


> betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother
> which he has fought against throughout his career.

List a few right here ===>

Then provide proof that Ted Kennedy has fought against them throughout his career ===>
No One Important wrote:
> "Kevin Cunningham" <smskjc@mindspring.com> wrote in message
> news:7e99b281-97fe-443b-8cdc-38da166c9b2a@u10g2000prn.googlegroups.com...
>> On Feb 5, 5:14 pm, "No One Important" <somewh...@someplace.net>
>> wrote:
>>> "100% republican free" <s...@fountain.net> wrote in
>>> messagenews:FP3qj.7190$J41.2408@newssvr14.news.prodigy.net...
>>> > <wbye...@ireland.com> wrote in message
>>> >news:jhbhq3lnpt9b332bvovke108ovkit910cm@4ax.com...
>>> >> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>>> >> <valino...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>> >>>By Brent Budowsky
>>> >>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>> >>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in
>>> >>>hell are for
>>> >>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>> >>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was
>>> >>>no time
>>> >>>to
>>> >>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out
>>> >>>for the
>>> >>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.
>>> >> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>>> >> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the
>>> >> political arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she
>>> >> goes down and RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up
>>> >> pops Maria and WHACK ad nauseum. The major problem with the game
>>> >> is Ted - he can't fit thru the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to
>>> >> Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That includes all the present
>>> >> candidates.
>>> >> WB Yeats
>>> > I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I
>>> > were a candidate.
>>> if you were to take the policies and actions of JFK and present
>>> them to libs
>>> and dems without them knowing whose it was, do you really think the
>>> libs and
>>> dems would have approved?
>>> betcha even Teddy doesn't even remember the policies of his brother
>>> which he
>>> has fought against throughout his career.
>>> .

>> Another vapid repug heard from. There is no similarity between
>> present day repugs and the Kennedy's of yore. They didn't support
>> the liberation of our African-American citizens.

> huh?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964#Vote_totals
> stop with your idiot recitation of leftist lies. do some research.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1968#Passage_of_the_bill
> note that a far higher percentage of republicans voted in favor of
> the civil rights act of 1964. for the 1968 bill republican senators
> supported by a far higher percentage than dems. in the house the dems
> edged out the republicans.

That's because Southern Democrats voted against it. All of them became Republicans about 4 years later when Nixon implemented his
Southern Stategy to absorb all of the country's rednecks into the Republican Party. They still reside there.

> thats all you leftists do is repeat the lies your masters tell you.

List a few right here ===>
Interesting that Ted's state of Massachusetts went for Hillary instead of

On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 20:39:01 GMT, "100% republican free" <see@fountain.net> wrote:

><wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>>By Brent Budowsky
>>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell are for
>>>those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no time to
>>>maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or hold out for the
>>>best offer or take the easy and convenient path.

>> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit thru
>> the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK. That
>> includes all the present candidates.
>> WB Yeats

>I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
AnAmericanCitizen wrote:
> Interesting that Ted's state of Massachusetts went for Hillary
> instead of Obama....AAC

How so? Ted is their senior Senator. He does not have their proxy.

> On Tue, 05 Feb 2008 20:39:01 GMT, "100% republican free"
> <see@fountain.net> wrote:
>><wbyeats@ireland.com> wrote in message
>>> On Tue, 5 Feb 2008 10:29:14 -0800, "Gandalf Grey"
>>> <valinor20@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>Ted Kennedy and Caroline Kennedy Pass the Torch
>>>>By Brent Budowsky
>>>>Created Feb 3 2008 - 6:27pm
>>>>Robert Kennedy often quoted Dante that the hottest places in hell
>>>>are for those who in times of crisis maintain their neutrality.
>>>>For Caroline Kennedy and for Ted Kennedy, the 2008 campaign was no
>>>>time to maintain neutrality. They did not calculate the odds or
>>>>hold out for the best offer or take the easy and convenient path.
>>> As all the Democratic candidates seek to link their name with a
>>> Kennedy (any Kennedy), a brand new game has emerged in the political
>>> arena - Whack-a-Kennedy. Ethel pops up and WHACK - she goes down and
>>> RFK Jr. pops up and WHACK - he goes down and up pops Maria and WHACK
>>> ad nauseum. The major problem with the game is Ted - he can't fit
>>> thru the holes. As Lloyd Bentsen said to Dan Quayle, you're no JFK.
>>> That includes all the present candidates.
>>> WB Yeats

>>I'd rather have the association with a Kennedy than a Bush if I were a
CliffB wrote:
> On Feb 6, 4:04 pm, AnAmericanCitizen <NoAmne...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> > Interesting that Ted's state of Massachusetts went for Hillary
> > instead of Obama....AAC
> >
> >

> Infortunately the torch combusted and exploded when Teddy exhaled on
> it.
> Moot Romney should run against Teddy for U.S. Senator after he finally
> hangs up on his doomed presidental bid.

Yeah, he might as well add one more checkmark to the loss column.