Terrorist Hater to the Guillotine! (or idiot box)

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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
Terrorist Hater has gotten on my last nerve. He needs to be put in his place. ASAP. He is now harassing me because he didn't like my vote on his poll.

I do not appriciate your vote in my recent poll. If you were going to vote you could've had the CLASS to post a thread reply with your reasons.

Since you didn't, it appears that you are just a mindless follower of foolish moderator abuse.
I didn't comment because quite frankly I thought the vote spoke for itself. And I didn't feel particularly obligated to comment.
Cinsidering the bahaviour on the site lately, this is par for the course. A week ago I would have said give him the box, but right now he is just a victim of the idiot virus that seems to be creating an epidemic of itself. We need to quarentine ourselves from the source (sucksbbs). Give the guy 24 hours to get over it, then box him if he can't get over HIMSELF lOL
I'm just sick of his drama. Not to mention harassing people needlessly because he doesn't like their opinion.
I can think of a few that should be boxed before him, but again I stand by my theory of the epidemic at the moment ;)
Stomps Feet
(Can I have some cheese with that wine? :p )

it's much cuter when I do it, don't you think?

Absolutely Angie...MUCH more cute!

Got any nude 8x10 High Color glossies? :D
OK you can change my vote for a month. He really has flipped his dick on this one! LOL
tizz said:
OK you can change my vote for a month. He really has flipped his dick on this one! LOL
Request noted and changed as per members instruction.

Just keeping it all Legal here:rolleyes:
angie said:
Stomps Feet
(Can I have some cheese with that wine? :p )

it's much cuter when I do it, don't you think?

Absolutely Angie...MUCH more cute!

Got any nude 8x10 High Color glossies? :D
Dude you are SUCH an ass...I love it!
(No, sorry, no nudes)
Legal threats against members, the site, and the admin changes things.

Regardless whether or not the threats are lame and ineffective, they still change things. Legal threats against the site puts TH in the category of "enemy". A member - not just a nitwit guest -who is willing (or proclaims to be willing) to try to shut the site down...is an enemy to all of the members who want the site to flourish.

An enemy of the group is no longer a group member - he's an enemy!

To rejoin the group, the enemy must come to his senses, must realize that he has been being an enemy, realize who he really is, (handling being an enemy) and decide which side he wants to be on. (handling his doubt) He then must make up the damage. After making up the damage the erstwhile enemy may apply to re-enter the group. (handling being a liability)

My vote would be a vote for, "idiot box until is no longer a liability to the group" or "perm. ban if actions continued".
skategreen said:
Legal threats against members, the site, and the admin changes things.

Regardless whether or not the threats are lame and ineffective, they still change things. Legal threats against the site puts TH in the category of "enemy". A member - not just a nitwit guest -who is willing (or proclaims to be willing) to try to shut the site down...is an enemy to all of the members who want the site to flourish.

An enemy of the group is no longer a group member - he's an enemy!

To rejoin the group, the enemy must come to his senses, must realize that he has been being an enemy, realize who he really is, (handling being an enemy) and decide which side he wants to be on. (handling his doubt) He then must make up the damage. After making up the damage the erstwhile enemy may apply to re-enter the group. (handling being a liability)

My vote would be a vote for, "idiot box until is no longer a liability to the group" or "perm. ban if actions continued".


Just remember that you and your buddies initiated this fight. It's amazing to me how one little e-mail to PAY PAL gets me out of the idiot box. It's sad that I had to contact PAY PAL to get the admin of this site to answer an e-mail.

In any event, I am well within my rights.

Don't help a group of idiots make me look evil... then brand me "enemy" ... it just makes you look bad.
angie said:
I'm just sick of his drama. Not to mention harassing people needlessly because he doesn't like their opinion.

I don't here you spewing that rhetoric on the mods who make it their business to harass me.

As such, your opinion is ****.\

Just like this poll ... it's fixed.
speaking of TH...

anyone else noticed he is shown as the last person posting...and he is clearly not the last post?

This thead has it and poll in the booth has it too....

this a deleted post thing?
I was wondering the same thing....Thought maybe I was just nuts.
(I very well may be, but at least I had that right!)
I voted for 1 month, because it was the maximum choice (I would have voted 20 years, had there been the option) TH is not your average idiot, He is the true idiot's idiot!
nahh..he is probably just showing his age.........

that does usually say alot!
Mohammed_Rots_In_Hell said:
I voted for 1 month, because it was the maximum choice (I would have voted 20 years, had there been the option) TH is not your average idiot, He is the true idiot's idiot!
MRIH, when I created the poll, things hadn't escalated to the point they are at now. Had they, I probably would've included a life sentence.
I think what should happen is we need to put up a clause that says if a Premium member is being a problem, then premium members can simply vote to have such member expunged from GF Premium status and refunded their money less usage charges that have incurred. $12 a year is 1`big ****ing dollar a month, since TH joined on Join Date: 05-16-2005 and made use of GF's Premium package for well over 4 months, almost 5, he should be accountable for the time he spent.. It's like saying I rent a house for 30 days but lived there 13 and want my money back cuz my neighbor is an asshole.. The paper said peaceful neighborhood, it's not like I expected.

No matter how you look at it, being a premium member does not give you any exclusive rights to GF.

As a matter of fact, Premium Avatar sizes WERE at 75x75 up until a couple months ago. I had asked Bob to bump up the sizes myself, and he did so at my request.. It was NEVER a stipulation of a premium membership that one could have a bigger avatar or even a custom sized one until AFTER TH had already become a member.

What it comes down to, is group privileges.

3 groups, Regular, Legacy, Premium

Regular: Can post messages
Legacy:Can post messages, are allowed to start polls, are allowed an OPTIONAL avatar/profile pic/signature
Premium:Given an OPTIONAL E-mail address, ability to have a custom heading under there name.

And that is it.

All that needs to be proven, is he got EXACTALLY what he paid for. Which was an optional e-mail address, and a custom heading.

His premium membership did NOT at the time allow him any other options as a part of the purchase. And this was never stated by the admin as being an option either.

GF states at the bottom of it's page :
All posts are the property of the respective poster. Everything else is Copyright
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