Smart American

Ain't that a hoot? WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WASHINGTON -- Federal Reserve policymakers at their December meeting
worried about the potential for a vicious cycle to develop in which
credit problems could worsen. That could hurt economic growth and
force the Fed to act more aggressively in cutting rates, according to
meeting minutes made public Wednesday.

"Some members noted the risk of an unfavorable feedback loop in which
credit market conditions restrained economic growth further, leading
to additional tightening of credit," the minutes said. "Such an
adverse development could require substantial further easing" of
rates, the minutes revealed.

Problems in the housing, credit and financial markets drove the Fed to
do an about-face on Dec. 11 and slice its key interest rate yet again
in the hope it would bolster an economy that was losing speed.

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke and all but one of his colleagues agreed to
trim the Fed key rate by one-quarter percentage point to 4.25 percent,
a two-year low. The central bank ordered its key rate lowered three
times last year; the December reduction was most recent one.

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The decision to cut rates essentially marked a reversal for the
central bank, which had hinted at its previous meeting in October that
the Fed's two rate cuts probably would be enough to help the economy
survive the housing and credit stresses. But the economy's problems
intensified after that meeting, forcing the Fed to change its stance.

"Members judged that the softening in the outlook for economic growth
warranted an easing of the stance of policy at this meeting," the
minutes said. "In view of the further tightening of credit and
deterioration of financial market conditions, the stance of monetary
policy now appeared to be somewhat restrictive," the minutes said.

The 9-1 decision for a quarter-point reduction in December was opposed
by Eric Rosengren, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. He
preferred a bolder, half-percentage point cut.

In Rosengren's view, the worsening housing slump, high energy prices
and more cautious spending by individuals and businesses raised the
risk of continued economic weakness, the minutes said. "In light of
that possibility, a more decisive policy response was called for to
minimize that risk," the minutes said, explaining Rosengren's

Wall Street, disappointed by the quarter-point cut, took a nosedive
Dec. 11; The Dow Jones plunged more than 290 points.

Fed policymakers had concerns that rising energy prices could spread
inflation through the economy. That concern figured into the Fed's
decision to cut rates by a modest one-quarter point cut in December,
the minutes suggested.

"Inflation pressures and risks remained," according to the minutes.

To bolster the economy, many economists predict the Fed will slice
rates yet again at its next meeting, on Jan. 29-30, the first
regularly scheduled gathering of 2008.

The economy is believed to have slowed sharply in the October-to-
December quarter, probably to a pace of just 1.5 percent or less,
according to analysts' projections. Economic growth in the first three
months of 2008 also is expected to be weak.

Economists' big worry is that individuals will reduce spending and
businesses will become reluctant to hire workers, throwing the economy
into a tailspin. The odds of a recession have grown, with some
economists putting it at just under 50 percent.

At the December meeting, Fed policymakers suggested that all the
housing, credit and financial problems have increased economic
uncertainty. That has made it more difficult for the Fed to assess the
country's economic outlook and give clear signals about its next move.

"The committee agreed on the need to remain exceptionally alert to
economic and financial developments and their effects on the outlook,
and members would be prepared to adjust the stance of monetary policy
if prospects for economic growth or inflation were to worsen," the
minutes said.

If economic conditions were to improve more rapidly than expected, "a
reversal of some of the rate cuts might be appropriate," according to
the record of the meeting.

Although Fed policymakers agreed in December that rates must be cut
yet again, "they also recognized that the situation was quite fluid
and the economic outlook unusually uncertain," the minutes said.
The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:

Cut federal gas taxes
Standardize blends
Open exploration
Fast-track refinery construction
Maintain oil company tax breaks
Federalize oil companies
Federalize trucking and pipelines
Seize oil inventories
Outlaw SUV's

What did the democrats do?

Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
Ignore exploration (raises prices)
Block refinery construction (raises prices)
Block offshore leases (raises prices)
Doorman wrote:
> The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:
> Cut federal gas taxes
> Standardize blends
> Open exploration
> Fast-track refinery construction
> Maintain oil company tax breaks
> Federalize oil companies
> Federalize trucking and pipelines
> Seize oil inventories
> Outlaw SUV's
> What did the democrats do?
> Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
> Ignore exploration (raises prices)
> Block refinery construction (raises prices)


> Block offshore leases (raises prices)
Doorman wrote:
> The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:
> Cut federal gas taxes
> Standardize blends
> Open exploration
> Fast-track refinery construction
> Maintain oil company tax breaks
> Federalize oil companies
> Federalize trucking and pipelines
> Seize oil inventories
> Outlaw SUV's
> What did the democrats do?
> Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
> Ignore exploration (raises prices)
> Block refinery construction (raises prices)
> Block offshore leases (raises prices)

Door jamb fails to note what Republican did in the 4 years they had
both branches.
On Jan 2, 2:24 pm, George Grapman <> wrote:
> Doorman wrote:
> > The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:

> > Cut federal gas taxes
> > Standardize blends
> > Open exploration
> > Fast-track refinery construction
> > Maintain oil company tax breaks
> > Federalize oil companies
> > Federalize trucking and pipelines
> > Seize oil inventories
> > Outlaw SUV's

> > What did the democrats do?

> > Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
> > Ignore exploration (raises prices)
> > Block refinery construction (raises prices)
> > Block offshore leases (raises prices)

> Door jamb fails to note what Republican did in the 4 years they had
> both branches.

For higher taxes; vote Democrat.
"Doorman" <> wrote in message
> The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:
> Cut federal gas taxes
> Standardize blends
> Open exploration
> Fast-track refinery construction
> Maintain oil company tax breaks
> Federalize oil companies
> Federalize trucking and pipelines
> Seize oil inventories
> Outlaw SUV's
> What did the democrats do?
> Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
> Ignore exploration (raises prices)
> Block refinery construction (raises prices)
> Block offshore leases (raises prices)

nonsense from a neocon? never!
Kirk out... wrote:
> "Doorman" <> wrote in message
> news:YWTej.42519$
>> The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:
>> Cut federal gas taxes
>> Standardize blends
>> Open exploration
>> Fast-track refinery construction
>> Maintain oil company tax breaks
>> Federalize oil companies
>> Federalize trucking and pipelines
>> Seize oil inventories
>> Outlaw SUV's
>> What did the democrats do?
>> Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
>> Ignore exploration (raises prices)
>> Block refinery construction (raises prices)
>> Block offshore leases (raises prices)

> nonsense from a neocon? never!

Recently door jamb claimed that Birmingham, where he says he lives,
has so much construction they can not find enough workers. When I posted
a news story about a huge decline in construction there he replied by
talking about the new sales tax and giving the racial breakdown of the
city. When I asked what relevance that had to his claim he quickly
departed the thread,

He also said that unemployment in Oklahoma City is almost zero. Again,
when a link showed it to be 4 percent he departed.

Door jamb also thinks that 15 million of the uninsured people here
are simply between jobs. He he never backed up that claim either.
znuybv wrote:
> On Jan 2, 2:24 pm, George Grapman <> wrote:
>> Doorman wrote:
>>> The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:
>>> Cut federal gas taxes
>>> Standardize blends
>>> Open exploration
>>> Fast-track refinery construction
>>> Maintain oil company tax breaks
>>> Federalize oil companies
>>> Federalize trucking and pipelines
>>> Seize oil inventories
>>> Outlaw SUV's
>>> What did the democrats do?
>>> Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
>>> Ignore exploration (raises prices)
>>> Block refinery construction (raises prices)
>>> Block offshore leases (raises prices)

>> Door jamb fails to note what Republican did in the 4 years they had
>> both branches.

> For higher taxes; vote Democrat.

Thanks for such a detailed listing of Republican accomplishments
during those four years.
By the way, any reason you never backed him your claim the
congressional Democrats have White and Black drinking fountains? Hint:
Saying it is a "known fact" is not a cite. Of course you also told us
that Republicans do not have sub-sets based on ethnicity. When I posted
links in the RNC site to Republican Black and Hispanic committees you
lost interest
"George Grapman" <> wrote in message
> Kirk out... wrote:
>> "Doorman" <> wrote in message
>> news:YWTej.42519$
>>> The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:
>>> Cut federal gas taxes
>>> Standardize blends
>>> Open exploration
>>> Fast-track refinery construction
>>> Maintain oil company tax breaks
>>> Federalize oil companies
>>> Federalize trucking and pipelines
>>> Seize oil inventories
>>> Outlaw SUV's
>>> What did the democrats do?
>>> Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)
>>> Ignore exploration (raises prices)
>>> Block refinery construction (raises prices)
>>> Block offshore leases (raises prices)

>> nonsense from a neocon? never!

> Recently door jamb claimed that Birmingham, where he says he lives, has
> so much construction they can not find enough workers. When I posted a
> news story about a huge decline in construction there he replied by
> talking about the new sales tax and giving the racial breakdown of the
> city. When I asked what relevance that had to his claim he quickly
> departed the thread,
> He also said that unemployment in Oklahoma City is almost zero. Again,
> when a link showed it to be 4 percent he departed.
> Door jamb also thinks that 15 million of the uninsured people here are
> simply between jobs. He he never backed up that claim either.

You are dealing with a Carny worker who gulps Ripple and sniffs spray paint.
These neocons have as much chance of getting in behind Bush as Limbaugh has
of getting into the Marines.
On Jan 2, 2:08 pm, "Doorman" <> wrote:
> The democrats, who control congress, had the opportunity to:
> Cut federal gas taxes

Federal tax on gas is 18 cents per gallon.

> Standardize blends

No comment.

> Open exploration

There is a limited amount of oil. Opening exploration wouldn't solve
things for very long.

> Fast-track refinery construction

That's up to the oil companies. They took their humongous tax cuts
and profits and did what with them? They fed their fat faces.

By the way, war profiteering is still illegal, isn't it?

> Maintain oil company tax breaks

Yeah, because these rich oil barons need to have their exit packages
go from 400 million to one billion. These companies have tons of
profits yet spend little to improve refineries or create alternative
fuel sources. Your idea is stupid, Doorman.

> Federalize oil companies

Ha ha ha. Are you kidding? You want all the republicans to come
after you for being a....COMMUNIST?

> Federalize trucking and pipelines

Are you a Socialist-Republican?

> Seize oil inventories

That is an excellent idea. Our natural resources are suppose to
belong to the common wealth and not to individuals.

> Outlaw SUV's

Heck yeah!!! Blow up every hummer it their stupid occupants.

Just kidding.

> What did the democrats do?
> Cut oil company tax breaks (raises prices)

The amount of tax...see above, 18 cents per gallon....had nothing to
do with high prices.

> Ignore exploration (raises prices)

Though the numbers vary, the amount of oil left in the earth will last
any where from fifty to one hundred years.

The solution is to find alternatives.

> Block refinery construction (raises prices)

Nonsense. Prices are up because the oil companies, like any provider
of goods, has been experimenting with prices to see how much we're
willing to spend and how does the price effect how much we consume.
They know exactly how to maximize profits. We have been telling these
companies, by our consumption, that they can charge a whole lot more
before profit maximization decreases.

> Block offshore leases (raises prices)