

john f winston

Subject: Glenda Stocks. Jan. 30, 2007.

Winifred Barton has asked me about what Glenda Stocks is
doing at the present time. I knew Glenda on the Internet a
few years in the past. If anyone knows about her present
whereabouts please let me know.


Who is LadyNada?
Glenda Marie Stocks
Photo Gallery of Glenda and BobCat
Interview with Glenda Stocks
Master LadyNada
I was born in Chelsea Naval Hospital in Massachusetts, U.S.A.
on January 19, 1959 at 1:14 p.m. ( a baby boomer), and am on
the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius, but exhibit strong
Capricornian traits. I graduated high school in our
Bicentennial year (1976) in the last all girls class of Girls'
Latin School, and was happy to have taken six years of Latin,
because the vocabulary words still help me to translate new
words, both in English and other languages. I was a plain
all american girl who continued on into college at
Northeastern University and then the University of
Massachusetts at Boston, pursuing a degree in Marketing in
Business Administration, until about 1983 when I decided to
drop out, short two classes for the degree.
Becoming a Fundamentalist Chri-tian was heavily involved
in the 8-bit computer BBS world, marketing a BBS program
(OASIS) for the old Atari computer, until that segment of
the computer industry DIED. In 1979, I became what is
commonly called, a "Born-again Chris-ian" and believed in
doctrines that would have had me labeled a "Fundamentalist".
My area of study was Eschatology, or the study of the last
days. I studied the B-ble and other related books like the
apocrypha, pseudipagraphia, Strong's concordance, and other
study aids, and became an amateur Bib-e Scholar.
My experience with Chr-stianity was marked by a personal
communication with an entity whom I knew as J--us, and with
personal inspiration from a Sp-rit that I considered the
H-ly Spi-it. These two influences began to teach me, among
other things, the discernment of sp-rts. I was taught from
within, that there are voices which speak to my mind, and
that some of the voices are not at all, my own, but belong
to other intelligences which try to influence me.
I learned by the Ho-y Spir-t to distinguish these
influences, over a period of time lasting at least 4 years,
before many of the troublesome influences had virtually
ceased picking on me.

Expanding beyond Fundamentalism

Around 1992, I became bored with Chr-stianity, because
most teachings from the accepted ch-rch, were completely
astray, according to what I had learned. I could not find
any Chr-stian books which could impart any "new" knowledge
or understanding to me. So, one day, I asked Je--s, that if
I were to read other teachings, if He and the Hol- Spiri-
would guard me that I don't fall into any false doctrines.
With that agreement, I began by reading Annie Besant's,
"The Ancient Wisdom", which is a theosophy book that
introduced me to the ideas of various planes of existence.
All throughout my reading of the book, I would gain further
understanding of certain topics, by the H-ly Sp-rit
reminding me of scri-tures that related to what I was
From there, I began reading all sorts of spiri-ual
material, all extra-Bi-lical, which finally led me to
consciously step upon my own Path. Now, no label fits me;
not Ch-istian, not n-w age, not pagan, or whatever. The
strictest definitions of these labels just don't fit me.
Nevertheless, I do consider myself a Ch-istian, because
through it all, I have remained One with Ch-ist. His voice
is still in my mind, and His love is still in my heart. As a
fundamentalist, I had built up a brick wall of "the
traditions of men" around my relationship with Jes--. That
wall was knocked down, as He and the Ho-y Spiri- taught me
MORE from within my own being.
Right now, my greatest interest lies in the study of
Sa-red Geometry, the Science of the Mind, and Particle
Physics. :) Basically, I thirst for knowledge _and_
understanding of how the Universe works.
My advice to everyone is:
Don't Worry, Be Happy!

The following is a preliminary interview in preparation
for an article in "Life Times" newsletter.
The interviewer is the editor (JW) Judi Wells. (GS)
denotes the responses from Glenda Stocks.
(JW) So many of our readers don't have access to the nets,
and have an incomplete picture of what they are all about.
I wanted to try to make the network scene make sense to
them and at the same time bring out the Glenda who is so
behind the scenes.
Glenda, how did you first get involved in the computer
networks? What were you looking for?

Bulletin Board Systems
A fellow at work told me in 1987 that if I got a modem
for my Atari home computer that I could get a lot of game
software from Bulletin Board Systems (BBS). After
purchasing a 300 baud modem and connecting it to my
computer, I began to connect via telephone to BBS' in the
Boston Massachusetts area. I soon discovered that there
were discussion areas called message bases on the BBS'. I
participated in discussions on Re-igion and later found
myself being insulted for my Chr-stian faith. There were a
few people who insisted that I should not be confident in
what I held to be the Truth. These people wanted me to
pretend that I was as unsure as they were. I decided to
start my own BBS to provide a place for Chr-stians in the
telecommunicating community of the greater Boston area, to
engage in discussions of their faith without being ridiculed.
I then began to write computer programs and got more
involved in a BBS software program called OASIS. I purchased
the source code rights to OASIS and began marketing the
BBS software to Atari 8-bit enthusiasts around the world. I
later became embroiled in bitter competition with my chief
competitor, Keith Ledbetter and his Express BBS software. I
found myself being attacked on Atari BBS' around the country
by Ledbetter's supporters. I felt that I had the superior
BBS software because I had programmed in the ability to run
external programs, including online games and user surveys.
I also had added color prompts for IBM clone users who called
Atari boards running my OASIS software. Sometime in 1991 I
became discouraged about marketing OASIS because the Atari
8-bit market was dwindling and because of the strength of
the user-base loyalty to Keith Ledbetter. I sold the rights
to OASIS to a man in Canada who had coveted OASIS all along.
With that sale, I left the Atari telecommunications scene.
Being disgruntled with the whole BBS scene, I took down my
BBS in November 1991.

Discerning the Ne- Age

About one and one half years later, in early 1993, I began
to call around to BBS' to participate in discussions on
Spirit-ality. I had been a fundamentalist Ch-istian since
1979, and in 1992 I had begun to study extra-bi-lical
writings in search of more knowledge of G-d. I started to
monitor discussion areas on the topic of "Ne- Age". My
Chris-ian teachings had told me that "-ew Age" was of the
de-il, but I was learning to think for myself and discern
what is good and what is not, with the internal help of my
personal contact with an entity whom I knew as J--us, and
the inspiration of the Ho- Spi-it. At times, discussions
in these message areas would turn to the topic of U.F.O.'s.
I was mildy interested in UFOs, but again, my Chris-ian
teaching had said that these so-called aliens were actually
dem-ns of the dev-l.
Looking for UFO I was reading a message area on the
Internet. On the Internet the discussion areas are called
"Usenet Newsgroups". I was reading the newsgroup called
alt.alien.visitors, when I would see a fellow named Don
Allen posting messages from people who claimed to be
cha-nelling information from non-corporeal beings. Although
orthodox Chri-itianity maintains that these ch-nnelled
messages are doctrines of de-ons, I decided to "test the
spir-ts to see whether they be of Go-". I found some of
these cha-nelled messages to be uplifting and not contrary
to what I knew to be of -od. I later saw a message from
someone who said that Don Allen was the moderator
(administrator) of a message area called UFO, on a network
called FidoNet. I had already been reading messages areas on
the Fidonet network, so I decided to monitor Don Allen's UFO

Meeting Walter Bartoo

While participating within the UFO discussion area, I met
Walter Bartoo. Walter and I, and a few other people were
approaching the UFO question from a spi-itual perspective. We
found ours, among the minority of viewpoints held by the
users of UFO. We were insulted and ridiculed for our ideas.
We were made into the "class clowns" or "whipping boys" of the
discussion group, as people joined together in picking on us.
After contacting Walter Bartoo by voice phone, I decided to
put up my BBS again. I restored my BBS from backup disks and
changed the theme from Chri-tianity to Spir-tuality. Within a
few weeks, I also decided to create my own network and called
it SearchNet - for people who are "searching" for answers to
life's questions. I created several message areas with
different topics for discussions, like I_UFO, CHAN-ELS, and

Part 1.

John Winston.


Subject: Glenda Stocks. Part 2. Jan. 30, 2007.

This shows how the different areas of the Internet operate.


(JW) What does being an administrator of a world-wide computer
network actually mean; i.e. what are your responsibilities?

How SearchNet NetWorked

(GS) At first I advertised the availability of SearchNet and
it's message areas, in conferences where BBS system operators
(SysOps) might become interested and join. When a SysOp joins
SarchNet, I will assign his system a SearchNet address number,
called a node number. He will then setup his system to call my
BBS to exchange packets of mail for each discussion area. In
this way, the discussions are carried to each system, on which
the users who call can communicate with other SearchNet nodes.
As administrator, my technical duties are to assign node
numbers and configure my software to collect and bundle
messages for each member BBS. I also post messages and
informational files, within the message areas, to provide
stimulus for discussion. SearchNet is a small network. At
times in the past, we had member nodes in South Africa and
Australia. We now have nodes around the Uni-ed States,
London England, and Austria. In order to connect to more
people, in 1994, I decided to add our I_UFO and CHA-NELS
conferences to the Fidonet network, which has thousands of
member BBS'. Fidonet has an application process by which
you can add discussion areas to what is called the Fidonet
BackBone. In May 1994, with their addition to FidoNet,
I_UFO and CHANNELS became truly international discussion
areas. More recently, in the summer of 1995, I created an
Internet mailing list which I combined with the I_UFO
conference. People with access to the Internet can subscribe
their e-mail addresses to I_UFO and participate in the
discussions. I_UFO is our world-wide showcase message
(JW) What motivates you to dedicate so much time and energy
to this effort? What do you get out of it?

Areas for Mutual Respect

(GS) From the moment that I started telecommunicating, no
matter what subject I was involved in, I found myself being
mistreated by other people. At first, I was insulted in
Religion forums for my confidence in Je--s C-rist. Then I
was way-laid on Atari BBS' by loyalists of Keith Ledbetter.
Next I was insulted and ridiculed for my spiritual perspective
on the UFO phenomena. I think there are other people who view
life's realities with an eye to the spi-itual, and who have
made contact within themselves with a Higher Power. I think
that these people deserve telecommunications forums where they
can converse with like-minded people, without being harassed
for who they are. I am motivated to provide forums for
discussion and informational resources for these people, as
well as code of conduct rules in the forums, to ensure that
no one is picked on for expressing his ideas. I have found
that the simple rule of enforcing polite and mature
discussion, has made the participants feel much more
comfortable about sharing their perspectives on the various
topics. ALL ideas are welcome.
I get satisfaction from knowing that I am doing something
that helps people to help themselves. By exposing people to
here-to-fore cen-ored information and viewpoints, they are
learning to think more for themselves and are more consciously
developing their OWN outlook on life. In Western society, it
is so easy to grow up developing a canned and poli-ically
correct outlook on life, such that you may find yourself
having views about many things, that you had never actually
thought about for yourself. When alternative viewpoints are
expressed, and immediately met with condescending ridicule,
other readers are apt to dismiss what was shared with little
thought. The simple difference of allowing ideas to be shared
in an atmosphere of polite and mature discussion, allows
readers to dig in, put on their thinking caps and ponder what
was said without undue distraction. I, also, learn much from
participating in these same forums.
JW) Explain the difference between Searchnet and other
computer networks.

SearchNet compared to other NetWorks

SearchNet is smaller than the FidoNet or the Internet
networks. SearchNet has less than 50 participating member
Bulletin Boards. We make up for our size by sharing our most
popular discussion areas, I_UFO and CHA-NELS, with Fidonet,
Internet and MufoNet.
CH-NNELS is combined with the Internet Usenet group called
alt.paranormal.channeling. There is, however, a little more
autonomy within Searchnet, because we are small. Fidonet has
become heavily dependent on one satelite service, Planet
Connect, which, if it were to fail, would virtually stop the
movement of mail for a time. Internet is also subject to site
failures, but is so large there may be little more than a
regional effect. Yet, with commercial communications
companies taking over the movement of internet mail, the
chances for a more wide-reaching stoppage of mail are
greater. Within SearchNet, if one node goes offline,
everyone else can still exchange mail. It is for these
reasons, that we still advise people to join SearchNet and
receive their node number assignments, even if they are
already getting our popular areas from other network
providers. As a safeguard to any future stoppage of mail,
SearchNet members would simply call up and begin getting
their mail from Searchnet.
(JW) What are the major areas of interest covered on

Topics discussed in the SearchNet Network

(GS) We have the areas of interest separated into different
discussion areas in SearchNet, but we also have another
Internet mailing list which covers EVERYTHING. The internet
mailing list is called SNET-L, and is also made available as
ONE message discussion area within SearchNet. So that, if you
are a System Operator, you could opt to carry only SNET-L, and
then get the I_UFO and CHAN-ELS areas from Fidonet, Internet or
Mufonet. Some of the topics we cover are:
UFO's, Extra-terrestrials, cont-ctees, abductees. Spiritual
quests for so-l evolvement-enlightenment Earth Changes,
dimensional shift, Second Coming. Out of Body Experiences,
Lucid dreaming, New Wor-d Order conspiracies, and coverups
Ch-nnelled messages from the non-physical realms.
(JW) What rules for continued membership have you found to be
essential? What is the code of ethics? What happens if someone
doesn't comply?

Disruptors sought to censor other views

We have not found a need to ask any SysOp member of SearchNet
to leave. Our code of conduct for posting in the message
areas, is to be polite and mature. By mature, we mean to not
waste everyone's time with too much "silliness". Joking
around a little is fine.
Basically, everyone needs to be "tolerant" of other
people's ideas whether they agree or not. If someone
habitually attacks, insults or ridicules another participant
in our message areas, then we will bar the attacker from that
discussion area. We have, unfortunately, had to bar quite a
few people from our I_UFO area, because of systematic attacks
from users of D-n Al-en's UFO area on Fidonet. Apparently
some of them were unwilling to recognize the right to exist,
of a forum for other people's viewpoints. They were bent on
disrupting our discussions, ridiculing participants and their
ideas, and harassing the moderators (administrators). Once
we determine that a person has no intentions of being polite
nor mature, we are forced to banish them from our discussion
areas. In the case of I_UFO, we have had to banish about 20
people. I have found that many people are suprised that we
have a list of banned people. It seems to me, that we are
among the few administering conferences, who are willing to
ensure that participants treat each other with common decency.
(JW) Have you ever reached the point where you felt you
just wanted to give up your involvement in the network? If
so, what happened to cause you to feel that way? What kept
you going?

Anti-Pol-tical Correctness

(GS) What I have found, at the times that I felt like
quitting, is that I am frustrated by people who think that
SearchNet areas are designed to promote a certain doctrine.
Some have gone so far as to call it a CULT. I am perplexed
as to why these people do not understand that SearchNet's
areas are a vehicle for people to share ALL ideas, not one
idea that is somehow SearchNet's idea of what is. SearchNet's
conferences and mailing lists are there to counter-act the
cult of pol-tical correctness.

Part 2.

John Winston.
Subject: New Type People Are Now On Earth. Jan. 30, 2007.

Here is some information that attempts to prove that we now
have a different type of people being born on Earth.


Mary Rodwell, RN, Vice-President of theStar Kids Project, has
written a new article on the Star Kids. This article will appear
in the February issue of UFO magazine, but you get to see a sneak
preview of it (with Mary's permission.)
- Richard Boy-an, Ph.D.
THE NEW HUMANS Root r-ce, Indigos, China's Super Ps-chics and
Star Children.
A human upgrade program orchestrated by extraterrestrial
contact; the evidence and implications.
by Mary Rodwell, RN
Principal of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network,
A new ra-e of human beings has emerged. Whilst superficially
they are undistinguishable however, they are the part of the
next wave of the bringers of light, to assist humanity with
the awakening of terrestrial consciousness.
Human beings are awakening to their innate connection to the Universe.
This is the primary role for all the NEW CHILDREN,
coming to planet earth.
Tracey Taylor, experiencer (2000)


A seven-year old boy called Boriska from the Volgograd
region began to tell his family of his life on Mars, its
inhabitants and civilization. He said he knew of Earth and
Lemuria in very specific detail. He possessed profound
knowledge and a high intellect Pravda, Sept 2004, Russia).
Boriska displayed signs of extraordinary behaviour. At two
weeks of age he was able to raise his head, spoke his first
word at four months and as a one-year-old, Boriska could
read the large print of a newspaper.
With precision and clarity, he recounted his knowledge of
Mars, planetary systems and their inhabitants. He spoke
about the gifted kids which he referred to as indigos and
of their essential role in assisting humanity during the
anticipated Earth Changes.

Is humanity changing as a species?

The new kids on the block: A global phenomenon.
Renowned prophet and healer Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) not
only spoke of a new humanity and referred to it as the 5th
Root ra-e but he also predicted that it would appear in the
years 1998 to 2010.
Metaphysicians and other gurus also share the belief and
the anticipation of this recent emergence of the new type of
human the call Indigos. They are also referred to as
Children of the New Millennium, Crystal Children, Children
of Light, Golden Children, to mention a few.
The ufology community is conducting research into the extraterrestrial
phenomenon experienced by children. Their
explorations thus far have produced such terms as the New
Humans or, more commonly, Star Children.
The profiles of the Indigo children share the same
attributes or are strikingly similar. They are highly
intelligent, creative, ps-chic, tel-pathic and posses
hea-ing and cl-irvoyant abilities.
The Indigo children also share an inherent capacity to
articulately express knowledge and awareness of deep
sp-ritual concepts, historical, anthropological and
scientific data, far beyond the capacity of even the most
learned scholars, regardless of their age, level of
cognitive development, education and numerous other
pertinent factors.
This confronting evidence has even captured the attention
and interest of the Chinese gov-rnment who are researching
children who possess exceptional human functioning (EHF),
more commonly referred to as China's Super Psychics.
Unfortunately, this research also suggests that these
children are so different that they are often misunderstood
and described as suffering from ADD (attention deficit
In this article we will explore the extraordinary
qualities and states of consciousness demonstrated by the
Indigo children and the inference of the emerging New
Despite the plethora of information and supporting
evidence, this phenomenon still manages to defy our logic
and challenges our beliefs and yet it is scientifically
Everything seems to suggest that humanity is on the
verge of an evo-utionary quantum leap. If we accept this
premise, is it not plausible that the phenomenon related
to extraterrestrial experience is equally valid and could
offer a reasonable explanation for these developments?
Metaphysicians who speak about the emerging New Humans
have professional, psychological and medical science
backgrounds. Doreen Virtue, The Crystal Children has a PhD,
and an MA and BA degree in Counselling Psychology.
The publication The Indigo Children (1999) by Lee Carroll
and Jan Tober took information from psychologists and
therapists. The research in China is sponsored by the
gov-rnment and suggests that the phenomenon is taken
seriously. Ufology researchers, too, have credible science,
medical and psychological backgrounds.
If we are changing as a species, ufology offers a
reasonable explanation.
Scientific, biological and anthropological anomalies
certainly suggest some form of intervention in the
evolution of Homo sapiens. The missing link in our
evol-tionary tree certainly indicates a primary
intervention in our genetic make-up. If this is the case,
then the New Humans may well have been orchestrated in a
similar way with genetic upgrades in our DNA. But the
present upgrade is so radical that it appears like an
evo-utionary jump start, hence the name the New Humans.
If humanity is experiencing a quantum leap in its
ev-lution, why is it happening now? Star Children believe
they are here to guide the awakening of terrestrial
consciousnes (Tracey Taylor). But how will this be
New scientific research could provide us with some of
those answers and may qualify what the Star Children seem
to understand, such as their role in the awakening of human consciousness.
It may also explain why our connections to extraterrestrials could be far
more intimate than we have
previously suspected, as well as why they are currently
so interested in us.

Extraterrestrial contact and genetic manipulation?

UFOs and their appearance in our airspace have been
systematically ridiculed as pure nonsense by gov-rnments
for years. This has been an effective strategy, despite the
evidence that one in ten people see such craft. Ridicule and disi-formation
has meant that most people will hesitate to
speak of what they have seen, let alone admit they had any
interactions with such craft. Evidence in the form of
photographs, hours of video footage and credible testimony
from airline pilots and mil-tary personnel seems to mean
nothing. Even the radar sightings which confirm this reality
are hidden from public view.
A medical practitioner, Dr Stephen Gr-er, supports a
disclosure program and owns videotape of hundreds of hours
of testimony from high ranking m-litary personal. They all
confirm that UFOs are real and that there is a systemic
and deliberate cover up by gov-rnment agencies.
Retired American Army and NATO Command Sergeant-Major
Robert D-an in the 1960s and 70s guarded COSMIC-classified
files which showed that go-ernment agencies were fully aware
that extraterrestrials and UFOs regularly penetrated our
Compelling as this is, the evidence of such craft in our
skies is really a very small part of this phenomenon. Surely
we have to ask who is controlling these craft and why are
they here? Robert De-n believes that we are very closely
connected to aliens, both spi-itually and physically, and
suggests that they are responsible for the Star Child
phenomenon. The development of a new humanity called Homo
Noeticus is a term coined by John White who studied
parapsychology and noetics (the investigation of
consciousness). Many well-known researchers such as English
author and UFO investigator Jenny Ran-les agree. She wrote
about this in Star Children: The True Story of Alien
Offspring Among Us.
It has been shown that contact experience is an
inter-generational one and that such children appear to be
more intelligent, exhibit extraordinary p-ychic and
intuitive abilities and have knowledge that they have not
consciously learnt. Ufology research shows that consistent
genetic lines play an important factor in this phenomenon.
Podiatry surgeon, Dr Roger L-ir, is renowned in ufology
for his pioneering surgery removing alleged alien implants
and his autobiographical book The Aliens and the Scalpel.
Dr Le-r included the phenomenon of Star Children in his
research. He writes that he believes that any mother that
looks at her recently born child, in comparison with
children born twenty years ago, will testify that there
is a tremendous difference. Some look upon the differences
in the New Humans and say they have to do with better
prenatal care etc. In my opinion this supposition is
Dr Lei- has based his statement not only on research
into alien implants but from his observations of children.
Comparing todays statistics on the developmental stages in
young children to forty years ago (when such records and
studies began) he discovered that the level of higher
psychological functioning in some cases was increased by
as much as much as 80%. The question is, how could this
happen? Dr -eir: suggests that the answer involves alien
manipulation of human genetics. The Aliens and the
Scalpel, p.192).

Part 1.

John Winston.
Subject: New Type People Are Now On Earth. Part 2. Feb. 1, 2007.

It has been brouht to my attention that we now have about
one and one half million Indigo children on this Earth.


Recent genetic research could qualify this starling revelation.
There are unexplainable anomalies in our genetic history and in
2003 it was discovered that 223 genes do not have the required
predecessors on our geonomic evolutionary tree. These extra
genes are completely missing in the invertebrate phrase. Therefore
scientists can only explain their presence as recent in
evol-tionary time scale, and comment that this was not through
gradual evolution, vertically on the tree of life, but
horizontally as a side ways insertion of genetic material.
Significantly these 223 genes are two-thirds the difference
between the chimpanzee and Homo sapiens and include important
psychological and psychiatric functions. How did humanity
acquire such enigmatic genes?
Dr L-ir and other researchers believe the answer may well
be extraterrestrial genetic intervention!
Dr Richard B-ylan, an American behavioural scientist,
anthropologist and clinical hypnotherapist, has studied
Star Children phenomenon and their connection to close
encounter experience. He offers a precise profile of the New
Humans and our intimate connection to extraterrestrials, or
Star Visitors as he calls them. Dr Bo-lan is secretary of
ACCET (the Academy of Clinical Close Encounter Therapists)
in the U-A, a professional body that encourages medical and
psychological professions to be involved in this phenomenon.
Boy-an is convinced that Star Children are a reality and has
created an organization to support and educate families with
these children. As president of the Star Kids Project (SKP)
he organizes workshops for Star Kids to help them and their
parents cope with their extra psy-hic and intuitive abilities.
He explains that the Star Child maybe defined as a child of
both human and extraterrestrial origin. The ET contribution
to the child's make-up may come from genetic engineering,
from biomedical technology and from tele-athic consciousness
linking. Star Kids are psy-hically and met-physically
changed as a result of their own contacts with the visitors
or ETs modifying their parent's reproductive. He also
believes that there is a link to what we now label
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), a syndrome which almost
magically appeared about 15-20 years ago when more of
these children began to be recognized.
Dr Boyl-n and Doreen Vir-ue believe that these children
are often misdiagnosed with syndromes as questionable as
ADD. One reason Dr -oylan suggests is that these kids are
just crushingly bored with the slow, pedestrian way they are
being educated and that is why they often misbehave. Doreen
Vir-ue suggests that Indigo and Crystal children can be
also diagnosed as autistic or having Asperger's syndrome.
More research is warranted to explore such possibilities.
There are numerous accounts where the cont-ctee or
experiencer recalls details of their genetic material being
harvested. Dr John M-ck, former Professor of Psychiatry at
Harvard Medical School wrote about the subject of genetic
material being taken in his book Abduction. I have covered
this important fact in my book Awakening, in the chapter on
missing pregnancies. Many of my clients, both male and
female, recall experiences when this procedure occurred.
Some women also believe that their genetic material has
been taken and altered in some way prior to their pregnancy.
They say they knew the child was different or special
because of this. What I found astonishing was that many of
these children seemed to have an awareness that they were
different. A letter to ACERN states:
Yes I have always believed I was from elsewhere, and, like
I said, I used to speak and write in a strange language in
private. Sometimes, even in front of my mum, I used to cry
because I felt so different. I would tell her not to touch
me, as it was dangerous, and I am not yours. I am one of
them. When the greys used to leave, I would get upset and
believe they had left me behind, which made me angry and
upset. I have memories of planets with golden buildings,
James Ba-il (UK).
What are these differences, apart from higher physical and
psychological functioning? Generally they are enhanced
psychic and intuitive abilities, with an awareness of
universal knowledge and even their true genetic origins.
I am not yours implies that some Star Children are aware
they are connected in some way to the extraterrestrial
beings who visit them.

Star Child qualities
Highly intelligent.
Often very creative.
Developmentally advanced in reading walking, talking, etc.
Ps-chic/intuitive abilities.
Multi-dimensionally awareness; they perceive a broader range
of reality.
Telep-thic abilities.
They sense and feel energies from people or other living
things (aura reading).
Telekinesis, etc. Moving objects with their mind energy and
Awareness of scientific, historical, anthropological and
spir-tual knowledge not consciously learnt. Sometimes called
knowledge bomb.
Awareness of past lives.
Extremely empathic to all creatures, not just humans but
animals and plants.
They can communicate with the unseen world, sp-rits and
Multi-dimensional he-ling abilities.
Manifest unusual artwork, languages and scripts.
They experience dreams where they are being taught how to
use their high sense abilities on space craft.
Dual consciousness; feeling part human and part
Have a sense of mission or higher purpose.
I started walking at 8 months, talking in sentences by 10
months, and how to read at 2 years; no one taught me. I had
friends who walked through walls, became invisible, and we
spoke te-epathically. I desperately wanted to go home.
David from Perth, Western Australia (now in his late
twenties) said about his childhood psy-hic and te-epathic
abilities: I would have t-lepathic conversations with my
sister until she told me to stop being lazy and start talking.
Some of the older Star Children are able to explain their
abilities and ET connections more precisely. Ann Andrews,
author of Abducted, wrote about her family's extraterrestrial
contacts. They live in England and have had lifelong
interactions with ETs. Jason, her youngest son, exhibits
many of these higher senses, regularly astral travels and
even he-ls individuals in this dream state.
Jason told his mother how the Star Child profile fitted
him. Jason, like many other Star Children, complains
about the bulkiness of his human body, saying how limited
it is. He was tight lipped about his experiences for a long
time because he said it was hard to trust anyone because
you never know who they are working for. He was very
serious when he asked Ann if I thought it was very strange
that after hundreds of years of slow progress we had suddenly
come on in leaps and bounds in just fifty years.
According to Jason, they (including himself) gave us the
relevant knowledge. They showed us how to split the atom and
harness nucl-ar power so that we might finally meet them as
However, he says angrily that we have turned all this
knowledge into power over others less fortunate than
ourselves, for example with atomic weapons. But when asked
about genetic engineering, Jason said it is the ETs who
choose the parents.
The children are genetically altered before they are born.
They are given extraterrestrial DNA.
Again it appears that many of the children know about their
mixed human and ET gene pool. This was demonstrated to me quite
graphically when a confused young mother told me about her
ten-year-old son. She said that whilst out walking with him one
day, her son very casually told her the actual percentage of ET
genes in every person they passed!

Part 2.

John Winston.