THe 156 Congressmen who turned their backs on American Children



These are the 156 congressmen who turned their backs on our American
childrens healthcare.
Yet they will spend a trillion dollars of our tax dollars for generations
to come on killing in Iraq.

Our children cannot vote, but we can.


Aderholt, Robert, Alabama, 4th
Bachus, Spencer, Alabama, 6th
Bonner, Jo, Alabama, 1st
Everett, Terry, Alabama, 2nd
Rogers, Mike, Alabama, 3rd


Boozman, John, Arkansas, 3rd


Flake, Jeff , Arizona, 6th
Franks, Trent, Arizona, 2nd
Shadegg, John, Arizona, 3rd


Bilbray, Brian P., California, 50th
Calvert, Ken, California, 44th
Campbell, John, California, 48th
Doolittle, John, California, 4th
Dreier, David, California, 26th
Gallegly, Elton, California, 24th
Herger, Wally, California, 2nd
Hunter, Duncan, California, 52nd
Issa, Darrell, California, 49th
Lewis, Jerry, California, 41st
Lungren, Daniel E., California, 3rd
McCarthy, Kevin, California, 22nd
McKeon, Buck, California, 25th
Miller, Gary, California, 42nd
Nunes, Devin, California, 21st
Radanovich, George P., California, 19th
Rohrabacher, Dana, California, 46th
Royce, Ed, California, 40th


Lamborn, Doug, Colorado, 5th
Musgrave, Marilyn, Colorado, 4th
Tancredo, Tom, Colorado, 6th


Bilirakis, Gus M., Florida, 9th
Crenshaw, Ander, Florida, 4th
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln, Florida, 21st
Diaz-Balart, Mario, Florida, 25th
Feeney, Tom, Florida, 24th
Ginny Brown-Waite, Florida, 5th
Keller, Ric, Florida, 8th
Mack, Connie, Florida, 14th
Mica, John, Florida, 7th
Miller, Jeff, Florida, 1st
Putnam, Adam, Florida, 12th
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana, Florida, 18th
Stearns, Cliff, Florida, 6th
Weldon, Dave, Florida, 15th


Broun, Paul C., Georgia, 10th
Deal, Nathan, Georgia, 9th
Gingrey, Phil, Georgia, 11th
Kingston, Jack, Georgia, 1st
Linder, John, Georgia, 7th
Marshall, Jim, Georgia, 8th
Price, Tom, Georgia, 6th
Westmoreland, Lynn A., Georgia, 3rd


Sali, Bill, Idaho, 1st


Biggert, Judy, Illinois, 13th
Hastert, Denny, Illinois, 14th
Johnson, Timothy V., Illinois, 15th
Manzullo, Donald, Illinois, 16th
Roskam, Peter J., Illinois, 6th
Shimkus, John, Illinois, 19th
Weller, Jerry, Illinois, 11th


Burton, Dan, Indiana, 5th
Buyer, Steve, Indiana, 4th
Pence, Mike, Indiana, 6th
Souder, Mark E., Indiana, 3rd


King, Steve, Iowa, 5th


Tiahrt, Todd, Kansas, 4th


Davis, Geoff, Kentucky, 4th
Lewis, Ron, Kentucky, 2nd
Rogers, Harold, Kentucky, 5th
Whitfield, Ed, Kentucky, 1st


Alexander, Rodney, Louisiana, 5th
Baker, Richard, Louisiana, 6th
Boustany Jr., Charles W., Louisiana, 7th
McCrery, Jim, Louisiana, 4th


Bartlett, Roscoe, Maryland, 6th


Camp, Dave, Michigan, 4th
Hoekstra, Pete, Michigan, 2nd
Knollenberg, Joseph , Michigan, 9th
McCotter, Thaddeus, Michigan, 11th
Rogers, Mike, Michigan, 8th
Walberg, Timothy, Michigan, 7th


Bachmann, Michele, Minnesota, 6th
Kline, John, Minnesota, 2nd


Pickering, Charles W. "Chip", Mississippi, 3rd
Taylor, Gene, Mississippi, 4th
Wicker, Roger, Mississippi, 1st


Akin, Todd, Missouri, 2nd
Blunt, Roy, Missouri, 7th
Graves, Sam, Missouri, 6th
Hulshof, Kenny, Missouri, 9th


Fortenberry, Jeff, Nebraska, 1st
Smith, Adrian, Nebraska, 3rd
Terry, Lee, Nebraska, 2nd


Heller, Dean, Nevada, 2nd

New Jersey

Frelinghuysen, Rodney, New Jersey, 11th
Garrett, Scott, New Jersey, 5th
Saxton, Jim, New Jersey, 3rd

New Mexico

Pearce, Steve, New Mexico, 2nd

New York

Kuhl Jr., John R. "Randy", New York, 29th
Reynolds, Thomas M., New York, 26th

North Carolina

Coble, Howard, North Carolina, 6th
Foxx, Virginia, North Carolina, 5th
Hayes, Robin, North Carolina, 8th
Jones, Walter B., North Carolina, 3rd
McHenry, Patrick T., North Carolina, 10th
Myrick, Sue, North Carolina, 9th


Boehner, John A., Ohio, 8th
Chabot, Steve, Ohio, 1st
Jordan, Jim, Ohio, 4th
Schmidt, Jean, Ohio, 2nd


Cole, Tom, Oklahoma, 4th
Fallin, Mary, Oklahoma, 5th
Lucas, Frank, Oklahoma, 3rd
Sullivan, John, Oklahoma, 1st


Walden, Greg, Oregon, 2nd


Peterson, John E., Pennsylvania, 5th
Pitts, Joseph R., Pennsylvania, 16th
Shuster, Bill, Pennsylvania, 9th

South Carolina

Barrett, J.Gresham, South Carolina, 3rd
Brown, Henry, South Carolina, 1st
Inglis, Bob, South Carolina, 4th
Wilson, Joe, South Carolina, 2nd


Blackburn, Marsha, Tennessee, 7th
Davis, David, Tennessee, 1st
Duncan Jr., John J., Tennessee, 2nd
Wamp, Zach, Tennessee, 3rd


Barton, Joe, Texas, 6th
Brady, Kevin, Texas, 8th
Burgess, Michael, Texas, 26th
Carter, John, Texas, 31st
Conaway, K. Michael, Texas, 11th
Culberson, John, Texas, 7th
Gohmert, Louie, Texas, 1st
Granger, Kay, Texas, 12th
Hall, Ralph M., Texas, 4th
Hensarling, Jeb, Texas, 5th
Johnson, Sam, Texas, 3rd
Marchant, Kenny, Texas, 24th
McCaul, Michael T., Texas, 10th
Neugebauer, Randy, Texas, 19th
Paul, Ron, Texas, 14th
Poe, Ted, Texas, 2nd
Sessions, Pete, Texas, 32nd
Smith, Lamar, Texas, 21st
Thornberry, Mac, Texas, 13th


Bishop, Rob, Utah, 1st
Cannon, Chris, Utah, 3rd


Cantor, Eric, Virginia, 7th
Drake, Thelma D., Virginia, 2nd
Forbes, J. Randy, Virginia, 4th
Goode Jr., Virgil H., Virginia, 5th
Goodlatte, Bob, Virginia, 6th


Hastings, Doc, Washington, 4th


Ryan, Paul, Wisconsin, 1st
Sensenbrenner, F. James, Wisconsin, 5th


Cubin, Barbara, Wyoming, At Large