The Alchemist


Thomas Keske


He wrote and wrestled with figures and formulae
fixing his eyes with an expression most strange
with a possessed man's gleam, on a single goal
to learn the secrets of creating change

Ye first marriage May 12th, 1621, was the date
according to custom of the Low Countries
most requisite performed by the magistrate

The people New England held the use of a ring
to be a relique, a diabolical circle
in superstitious fear of traditions altering

Such as being a civil thing, in a fine Madness
wherewith merciful Divine Providence forgive
hath irradiated an Indian Wilderness
and shalt not suffer a Witch to live

These are the humors of the apparitions
The beginning of terrorism at Salem Village
for the transformation of intolerable conditions

Ancient town, of change or progress not capable
Behind crouched brooding, festering horror
and the mouldy, unhallowed garret gable

20. links
Danvers State Insane Asylum - Info about the amazing empty
hospital near Salem, MA ... Jan Svankmejer - alchemist of dark &
surreal animation: Laughing Squid - a resource for

The Witch-ground.-Antiquity of Witchcraft.-First Case in New
England.-Curiosities of Witeh craft.-Rebecca Nurse.-Beginning of
Terrorism at Salem Village.- Humors of the Apparitions.-
General Putnam's Birthplace.-What may be seen in Danvers


Pomfiret, Connecticut. Putnam was promnpt, resolute, and
incapable of feai —fuill of fight, and always ready.
Washington,who did not judge badly, thought him the only fit man
to make an assault on -Boston. Thoug,h uneducated, Putntam wrote
pithily, as to Governor Tryon:

"SIR, Nathan Palmer, a lieutenant in your kingo's serNvIice,
was taken in my camp as a spy;
he was condemned as a spy; andcl
hle shall be hanged as a spy.
P. S. - lfternoo).
He is lhanged."

________ T~Danvers, in whose territory

vwe have been rambling, is an
.............. agegate of several widely

1 Endicott had a grant of three hundred acres on the tongue of
land between Cow-house and
Duck rivers. The site does justice to his discernment.

2 Raised in 1837 to the memory of soldiers of Danvers killed in
the battle of Lexington.

3 The Queen's portrait by Tilt, the gold box and medal presented
by the city of London and by Congress to Mr. Peabody.

Apropos of the governor's wedding, I extract this notice of the
first mari-iage in the colony fiom his history: "May 12th, 1621,
was ye first marriage in this place, which, according to ye
laudable custome of ye Low Countries, was thought most requisite
to be performed by the nmagistrate, as beingcr a civill thing,
upon which many questions aboute inheritance doe depende," etc.

When Edward Winslow was in England as agent of the colony, and
was interrogated at the instance of Laud, Archbishop of
Canterbury, before the Lords Commissioners of the Plantations,
he was, among other things, qulestioned upon this practice of
marriage by magistiates. He answered boldly that he found
nothing in Scripture to restrict nmarriage to the clergy. He
also alleged that the plantation had long been without a
minister, and finished by citing, as a precedent, his own
marriage by a magistrate at the Statha?8ts in Holland. Morton,
who appeared as an accuser of Winslow, says,

"The people of New England held the use of a ring in marriage to
be a relique of popery, a diabolical circle for the Devell to
daunce in."
Salem Witch Trials -- America's Terrorist Attacks On Innocents
Fruits of Terrorism Are Stock In Trade
at Tehran Exhibition ... Corwin examined Tituba,
Sarah Good, and Sarah Osborne in the meeting house
in Salem Village.

It is "one of the crown jewels in the paranormal history of
Massachusetts," said Chris Balzano, of the Massachusetts
Paranormal Crossroads, one of the groups that lists Danvers as
haunted. Balzano said there isn't much information on spiritual
activity on the site because the police and the private security
agency hired by the state keep it well locked down.

"It was spooky as hell," Murch said. "The whole thing is creepy
really, just the thought of the insane asylum."

Murch is of the opinion that the hospital is haunted, if not in
the traditional sense, then by the negative energies given off
by thousands of mentally ill who suffered there.

Murch's understanding of the haunting of Danvers State is shared
to a degree by practicing Salem witches Sean Poirier and
Christian Day, co-hosts of the Festival of the Dead.

" Danvers State is definitely an epicenter of haunting energy,
largely due to the confusion of the people who were there when
they died, which is why there is such a draw" Day said during a
recent interview.

Day claims his talents lay in an innate natural ability to sense
and control spirits. To him and Poirier, witchcraft is not a
religion, but more of a honed talent.

He described it as "deified."

"There is definitely some energy up there," Poirier said. "What
people think about, we often make happen."
THE SMOKER FROM THE SHADOWS by Harry S. Robins Liber scriptus ...
Crowninshield, senior partner in the Massachusetts law firm of
Crowninshield and ... became the scene of a brief revival of the
alchemy of the Middle Ages. ...

Crowninshield, senior partner in the Massachusetts law firm of
Crowninshield and Babson, had executed the wishes of the
vanished author of the ms., operating on a retainer from my
remote relations the Sargent family, one of the last native
Innsmouth families and still a financial power to be reckoned
with, due to its domination of the marine salvage industry on
that stretch of the New England coast.

Personally compelling to me as shedding light on the mysterious
disappearance of my great uncle, the account which follows is
also of interest for its documentation of SubGenius activities
in the nineteen-thirties, before their current period of
popularity. It is not, of course, the only such record; besides
various far older historical and archaeological artifacts now
classified as secret by the Church, there exist many others of
relatively recent date. An example is the famous "Four-eyed
Dobbs" portrait of the Church's founder, unearthed lately in New
Orleans; signed by Garland Chauvin and dated 1951, it may be
seen (by appointment) in the SubGenius National Museum in San
Francisco, California.

It was in the early autumn of the year 1936 that I first
glimpsed the mocking face of the Stranger. Would that I had
never beheld the preternaturally brilliant eyes, the curiously
repellently regular features, and the gently smoking pipe
clenched between the unnaturally white and perfect teeth, the
face whose grin, at first sight genial and disarming, became, to
one who had not the instinct to lower his glance after the first
brief moment of meeting, a disturbing and sinister rictus whose
fixity asseverated the ultimate reality of nighted gulfs of
amorphous darkness and primordial, elder Chaos, whose Titan
wings enshroud and menace our pitifully unknowing planet of
mortal and innocent beings, of blue skies, flowing waters and
all that is most dear within the hearts of the sons of men.
Would that I had instead at that hour hurled myself from the
West Street bridge, where the rushing Miskatonic begins its
sally to the north, to drown the malignant knowledge of that
eldritch visage in the final comfort of true oblivion, beneath
her icy waters!

Now I must permanently remove myself from the haunts of men; I
must seek out the desolate waste places of the earth and there
dwell, until overtaken by the progressive degeneration of the
change which I can no longer deny is slowly altering me,
devouring body and spirit. But, if I may hope, perhaps I will
gladly endure the more bearable embrace of mortal death before I
succumb to the final ravages of a most loathsome and detestable

My destination was Miskatonic University in storied Arkham,
Massachusetts, where I was to meet the man who was the greatest
living authority on the enigmatic relics. Professor Ebenezer
Tillinghast had written a brilliant series of monographs; his
intimate knowledge of geology, anthropology and paleontology
illuminated his exhaustive familiarity with the place's elder
history and legendary lore. I had communicated with Tillinghast
in a series of increasingly cordial letters, following the first
tentative inquiry on my part about his authoritative
certification of the age of a certain primordial cromlech in the
Vermont hills. His reply, gracious and cordial, began our
increasingly pleasurable epistolary acquaintance. The demands of
my research neatly dovetailed with his invitation to be his
house guest in Arkham; he further offered the use of the
University library.

I quickened my steps as I walked up Garrison Street, lined with
stately rows of Dutch Elm trees. Stepping from their shade, I
reached and crossed cobbled Church Street, leaving the town
proper with its ancient rooftops, among which are still to be
seen quite a few of the older gambrel type, for the venerable
ivied brick of the University buildings. As I crossed the
Quadrangle, I beheld Tillinghast, for it could be none other
than he, descending the steps of the Faculty Club with hand
outstretched in welcome.

Ebenezer Tillinghast was tall, though afflicted with the slight
stoop which often marks the dedicated scholar. Greying and
distinguished-looking, he seemed the perfect embodiment of the
best stock New England has to offer.

My host at once made me welcome. In no time we were comfortably
seated in the oak-paneled lounge, talking as if we had known
each other all our lives. I took a glass of porter at
Tillinghast's insistence, though he, bound by his physician's
injunction, drank only hot tea from a moustache cup with his own
monogram which kept his neat pepper-and-salt brush from drooping
into the steaming liquid.

"The doctors won't allow it, Brainard -- my heart's not what it
used to be." He ran his long fingers through his iron-gray hair.
"They say I must take better care of myself. The fools! Gad, let
them know about the things that are under some of these hills
and see how their hearts stand the strain. Though I shouldn't
wonder if they referred me to an alienist if I told them. There
are some things that Science is unequipped to deal with. Science
does not remove the terror of the gods, eh?"

He told of Cyclopean ruins in the heart of the Maine woods,
beneath which stone staircases lead down to abysses of antehuman
secrets. He seemed to hint that strange intimations of cosmic
menace were suggested deliberately by the ancient builders of
the druid-like circles of standing stones atop a bare granite
summit in Acworth, across the Connecticut River in New Hampshire.

But the most eldritch of the time-blasted megaliths, Tillinghast
went on, were to be found in the lonely hill country of west-
central Massachusetts. Here were mysteries truly unfathomable,
secrets too well hidden to be exhumed, even by the most adroit
and persistent investigator.

The local inhabitants, mostly inbred and degenerated farmers,
would take pains to avoid the sites, a tradition of aversion
extending from pre- Revolutionary times. It was in that period
that the strange monuments became the scene of a brief revival
of the alchemy of the Middle Ages. The "strangers" who had
sailed with the Puritans used the uncouth heaps as their hidden
redoubts. Safe from the suspicious fanaticism of their fellows,
they extracted alloys from the complex sulphides of New England'
s rocks, by means of now long-lost techniques which have only
been partially rediscovered, which they managed to pass off to
the credulous religionists as silver and gold.

But with the years, this pragmatic alchemy slipped back into the
occultism with which it was unavoidably associated in the
beliefs of that time, and for generations afterward the stone
structures were associated with the sinister beliefs that
continued to percolate through the repressed psychic sub-stratum
of the Puritan society, every now and then escaping in such dark
forms as the Salem Witchcraft and all that went with it.

Behold, for I show you a mystery," breathed Tillinghast.

Choosing a certain stone, he pushed against it with the flat of
his hand. I wondered at his purpose as he continued to press the
wall without apparent result. Suddenly, the stone moved, grating
outward. As it did, the faint thumping became perceptibly louder.
Now the whole section of wall shuddered and began to slide
silently down into the earth.

The hidden mechanism, whatever it was, made no sound.
Ponderously, inexorably, the supposedly piled stones of the wall
sank as one into the great hidden slot, until, with a muffled
boom as of rock meeting rock, the top of the wall leveled with
the floor of the chamber. A breath of cool air blew against our
faces from the blackness of the newly revealed aperture. There
was no question that the dull, beating rhythm was more audible.
Faintly, a whistling, thin piping could be heard, sounding
vaguely like a syrinx or perhaps a pair of flutes. This anti-
music, if such it was, seemed dissonant in the extreme,
discordant, horrible. It seemed to snatch with taloned fingers
at the edges of the brain, threatening to tear it from its
moorings and sweep it away down suffocating corridors of
ultimate madness.

"Dear God-- what is it, Tillinghast?" I gasped. My subterranean
cicerone seemed to sneer as he replied. "Nothing at all,
Brainard. A mere bagatelle. Only a sound just three living
people -- and you're one -- have heard this century. Old Cotton
Mather wrote of it in the Magnalia. 'The Wonders of the
Invisible World.' Are you coming?

"Look at this," crowed Tillinghast. "Just as the Necronomicon
said. Habafropzipulops -- the herb of knowledge, beside the
Gateway. I deciphered the coded formula in Wormius's Latin
edition, after sixteen years of study. I opened the wall for the
first time this last summer. But now, with you as my witness and
confederate, we will both pass into a world undreamed of by

As I watched in dismay, he crammed the powdery, dry leaves into
his mouth. A dreamy, abstracted expression formed on his face as
he rhythmically chewed. His jaw moved up and down in awful
synchronization with the reverberations from below, and a
greenish juice or sap ran from the corners of his mouth down his

"Tillinghast," I entreated, "come away! This is madness!"


In A Fine Madness (1966), a double frontal lobotomy is performed
on the eccentric New York poet Samson Shillitoe (Sean Connery).

In an episode of Justice League, (A Better World) an alternative
version of Superman uses his heat vision to lobotomize Doomsday,
the Joker, and other villains in Arkham Asylum.

In the movie One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Nurse Ratched has
the rebel patient Randall McMurphy lobotomized after he attacked
her in anger.

In the movie Population 436, people wanting to leave "the most
perfect place on Earth" are lobotomized.

Session 9 (2001) takes place in Danvers State Hospital, a mental
asylum historically known for performing lobotomies. Several
characters are lobotomized with a medical implement.

The Sensibilities of Our Forefathers

"The detestable and abominable sin of buggery with mankind or
beast, which is contrary to the very light of nature."

The Colonial Period, 1607-1776

I. Plymouth Colony 1620-1691

In 1629, five "beastly Sodomitical boys" were discovered on a
ship bound from England to Plymouth. They were not prosecuted in
Plymouth, but sent back "to be punished in Old England as the
crime deserved. The penalty for sodomy in England at this time
was death.

In 1636, Plymouth Colony adopted a set of laws3 that included a
sentence of death for sodomy and buggery, although the law made
no mention of gender, unlike the male-only English law.

In 1637, two men in Plymouth, John Allexander and Thomas Roberts,
were tried for "lewd behavior and unclean carriage"
They engaged in frottage with each other, apparently frequently.
Allexander was sentenced to be "severely whipped" and "burnt in
the shoulder with a hot iron" as well as banished from the
colony. Roberts also was "severely whipped" and returned to his
master. The death penalty was not exacted because the two did
not actually engage in sodomy.

In 1697, the above colonies were united into Massachusetts. New
laws were enacted, including one against sodomy

The language of Leviticus was modified slightly, but the reach
of the law covered only male-male contacts between humans. The
death penalty was retained

A prosecution and apparent death sentence for a violation of
this law took place in 1712 man known only as Mingo was indicted
on a charge of "forcible Buggery." He apparently was tried
almost immediately and he was found guilty. Mingo may have been
hanged a couple of weeks later, but the evidence is not clear.

The next change in the sodomy law was made in 1805 when the
death penalty was reduced to solitary confinement for up to one
year, followed by hard labor for up to 10 years

1943, the Massachusetts legislature enacted a law
requiring the filing of a mental health report on any persons
arrested for sodomy, before they could receive bail
Massachusetts enacted a psychopathic offender law in 1947. This
law did not make it clear that these evil individuals actually
had to commit a crime in order to trigger the operation of the
law. In fact, any person knowing of such a person could file a
petition in the probate court to have proceedings instituted The
court could order a commitment, and the person so committed was
to be held until full recovery from the psychopathy.73 The
breadth of this law made it possible for any Gay man or Lesbian
to be committed by the local homophobe.

6. summary, 1912: Steinach Alters Sexuality with Hormones A Hypertext Introduction to Modern Gay History. ...
century employed techniques from shock therapy to castration to
lobotomy to
2. The Brain Butchery Called Psychosurgery

The Brain-Butchery Called. PSYCHOSURGERY. by Lawrence Stevens,
J.D.. Most people think psychosurgery, or lobotomy, is not done

Make The Butchery your family's butchery.

With both our Danvers and Newbury
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every family meal should be a memorable one!
Come on in and one of our knowledgeable staff members will help
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20. Firehouse Forums - Firefighting Discussion - Free beef roasts!

Fire rips through Danvers Butchery.

By PAUL TENNANT. Staff writer.

DANVERS -- A two-alarm fire heavily damaged the Danvers Butchery,
a well-known meat retailer, on Donegal Lane early this morning


Only when the smell of him burning reached her did she finally
break her paralysis. She screamed, feeling as if her throat
would give out, then scrambled to her feet to run away from the
burning man, away from that dreadful hole in the building,
looking for something, anything that would explain what was
going on. She ran around the corner and right into Mr. Danvers,
the Dragon Lady's boss. There was a cut across his head and his
hair was sticky with blood but he was calm. He grabbed her by
the shoulders, shook her. "Jennifer!" he yelled. "Come on,
Jennifer! Are you OK?"

For a moment she could not answer, could not find her voice. At
last she croaked, "I think so there's this man there he burnt up
and what's happening here?"

He shook her by the shoulders again. "It's a bomb or something.
We've got to get out of here. I'm going to go see if I can find
anybody else, you go on. Get out of the building, fast as you

Instinctively she started toward the elevator. He grabbed her by
the arm and pulled her back. "No, the stairs, take the stairs.
Just run, keep going."

She watched him run down the hall and soon he was gone,
disappearing into a cloud of debris and dust. She stood for a
moment, unsure of what to do, and now as if by magic she could
hear things. From everywhere screams and groans. Crumbling
plaster and breaking glass. And a deeper groaning, far more
bearable than the groans of the people but far worse in its
implications. The groan of a building that has had more damage
than it can stand, is ready to come down.



The Covenant

Plot: Four young men who belong to a supernatural legacy are
charged with stopping the evil force they released into the
world years earlier. Another great force they must contend with
is the jealousy and suspicion that threatens to tear them apart.

Q: Can you tell us a bit about your characters in the movie?

Steven Strait: Yea...umm... I play a character named Caleb Danvers.
I guess we can classify him as the leader of out small pack. Umm?
he is a guy with a lot of responsibilities outside of school...
taking care of his parents... alcoholic mother... father has over
used his powers and has become very frail and making decisions
for the group. I guess you can say he is a bit more mature for
his age.

characteristic of witches was their reputation for forms of
religious and moral deviance. Any past transgressions in these
areas may have made them more susceptable to charges of
witchcraft. While most were certainly not hardened criminals,
some had been named in ecclesiastical courts for offences such
as non-attendence of church, Sabbath-breaking fornication and
even adultery. Some male witches had been suspected of

1711: The colony passes a legislative bill restoring the rights
and good names of those accused of witchcraft and grants 600
pounds in restitution to their heirs. 1752: Salem Village is
renamed Danvers. 1957: Massachusetts formally apologizes for the
events of 1692.


"Camenker is, in fact, part of a network of anti-sex-ed parents
organized through Pilgrim Family Institute, a Danvers-based
resource center that's connected to Focus on the Family, 'with
the purpose of strengthening traditional Christian values within
the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,' according to its literature"
(Galst, 1993, p. 27).

The two co-directors both continued to insist that they were
only a local organization without official ties to the Christian
Right political establishment. Yet their signed cover letter was
stapled to a package of right-wing documents distributed at the
meeting, including one sheet that claimed that there was a
conspiracy by sex groups (namely Planned Parenthood and SIECUS,
aka Sex Information Education Council of the United States),
militant homosexuals, and Communists to subvert America's
schools. The article quoted a 1955 statement by Whittaker
Chambers before the House Un-American Committee accusing Isadore
Rubin (a founding member of SIECUS) of being "a known communist."

"The Newton program was designed to be even-handed and objection-
proof. It talked about abstinence as the only sure way to avoid
sexual transmission of HIV. It talked about the benefits of
marriage. It addressed condom-failure rates. There was even a
clause that allowed parents to keep their children out of the
program if they found it objectionable (Galst, 1993, p. 27).

At this meeting the public opinion was overwhelmingly supportive
of the school board's plans for the AIDS curriculum. Students
from the high school proved to be convincing speakers for the
reality-based education.

Dr. Jonathan Mann, formerly head of the WHO's Global Programme
on AIDS and now a resident of Newton, also testified on behalf
of the new AIDS curriculum at the meeting, saying the only cure
was education. Conservatives later complained on talk shows that
the school board meeting was stacked against them. The Christian
talk show host complained to her listeners:

"Frankly, parents' rights are being superseded by the government
and by the state. And in this state, it's just this real
snivelling sort of look-down-your-nose attitude. I resent that
very much. But we'll be in-your-face kind of parents groups.
Let's just let them have it between the eyes"
(Graf, 1993, p. 27).


Chase Collins: I'm going to make you my Wee-yotch!

Chase Collins: Come to save little Ms. Muffet, have you?

Aaron Abbot: What the hell are you staring at, f ?
Chase Collins: That thing between your legs.
It's like a penis, but smaller.

[Tyler jumps off cliff, and Caleb yells] Caleb Danvers: TYLER!
Pogue Parry: Come on Caleb. It's not like it's going to kill us. Yet.

[At the end, during the battle]
Chase Collins: You ready to say "uncle"?

Caleb Danvers: I'm ready for you to go to hell.

[when teacher says Stephen King] Reid Garwin: Dreamcatcher is
the s .

[seeing a girl in a short skirt, slapping a twenty on the table]
Tyler Sims: Blue. Cotton.

[slapping down a twenty] Reid Garwin: Pink lace.

[slapping down a twenty] Pogue Parry: Boys, that girl hasn't
worn panties since she was twelve.

[a gust of wind blows the girl's skirt up, revealing no panties.
Pogue walks off with the money, smirking, and hands it to the
bartender] Pogue Parry: Keep the change, man.

[snaps towel against Tyler's backside] Reid Garwin: SAY MY NAME!


Caleb Danvers? Ipswich Colony?
New film touts dubious ties to North Shore

By Steve Landwehr

IPSWICH, Mass. ? They morph, they fly, they refuse to die. They'
re the Sons of Ipswich, and they're shape-shifting their way
onto a movie screen near you. Judging by the reviews, self-
respecting Ipswich residents may curse this brush with notoriety.

Screenwriter J.S. Cardone dipped into local history and lore for
the plot of the recently released teen horror flick "The
Covenant." The superheroes at the center of the story are direct
descendants of four fictional Ipswich families who formed a
covenant of silence to protect their magical powers during the
witch hysteria that swept the region in 1692.

According to the plot, there were originally five families in
the covenant, but one of them irked the others and was banished,
its bloodline seemingly extinguished forever, or at least until
now. The film's dramatic tension is supplied by the mysterious
lone survivor, who is itching for revenge.

Cardone appears to have a better grasp of local geography than
history. The lead male character is named Caleb Danvers,
although there was no Danvers in 1692. Caleb's love interest,
Sarah Wenham, also has an unlikely surname, though her first
name has an interesting historical tie. Sara Good, who was
raised in Wenham, was hanged for being a witch in 1692.

"There's nothing like a good, historical movie," Marilynne Roach
said with a chuckle. Roach spent 27 years researching and
writing "The Salem Witch Trials: A Day by Day Account of a
Community Under Siege."


Caleb Jacob: Very biblical i know (although i am not at all
religious) I think they flow really nicely, and it is hard to
decide a middle name for Caleb which is my all time favourite
boys name. It shortens into Cal which i think sounds lovely, and
I also link it with john Stienbecks novel Easten of Eden, and
James Dean playing the role in the film. I just think its a
beautiful name.

Character's Full Name & Nicknames // Caleb Jacob Danvers; has
gone by Cale and a few other interesting nicknames

Sexual Orientation // Heterosexual; a 2 on the Kinsey Scale. Get
him drunk enough, and something could happen, but who knows.

Family History // Caleb is one of the legendary Sons of Ipswich,
descending from the Danvers line of the Covenant. Because of
this, he is imbued with The Power (though he would have anyways,
being the eldest male child), like many of his relatives in the
past. Each and every Danvers child since the creation of the
Covenant has been male, with the exception of one. The
unfortunate thing about his family is that several of the men--
including his own father--have given in to the addictive nature
of The Power, and have prematurely aged. In most of those
instances, his relatives died. One of his relatives, Theodore
Danvers, is credited to having helped bring the city of Ipswich
to its current state today. Not only was he an important person
in helping create the city of Ipswich, but his wife gave birth
to his daughter, Eleanor, the only girl to have been born into
the Danvers line. She later became Eleanor Spenser, and is the
founder of the Spenser Academy. 10 individuals from the Danvers
clan have sat on the Massachussetts Supreme Court because of
their sheer skill in public speaking and social dealings.

The Catholic faith is not my faith, but rather the faith of my
grandmother (who has returned to thee). Legend says (actually my
grandaunt) that my grandmother was playing one day as a child in
the garden and saw an angel calling her. Since that day,
everybody in my (father's side of the) family has been Catholic.

Here's my problem. I need some lerigion to provide my life with
some sort of instructional guide book. To make sure that I am
mentally sound in all ways from here to the end. But the dogma
and catechism of the church is ridiculous in this day and age.
It's not only outdated, but anybody with a tertiary level
education is just not buying it any more. The church elders are?
only human and therefore occasionally terrible role models. And
don't tell me to join another church because I find protestant
churches either mentally/financially exploitive or plain scary.

Here's my problem. I need some lerigion to provide my life with
some sort of instructional guide book. To make sure that I am
mentally sound in all ways from here to the end. But the dogma
and catechism of the church is ridiculous in this day and age.
It's not only outdated, but anybody with a tertiary level
education is just not buying it any more. The church elders are?
only human and therefore occasionally terrible role models. And
don't tell me to join another church because I find protestant
churches either mentally/financially exploitive or plain scary.

What do I got to do?? All I keep getting is thy ^%#@! answering
machine. I can't keep leaving messages.

C. Caleb

Know You Bird

written by caleb on Saturday, 25 November 2006 at 12:47 pm

I've not had much time to update my blog with the details of my
recent trip to Suzhou. Today, I'm in the NLB@Woodlands and have
wireless access, so here's more funny shite from Merry China.

A female young malay production worker had gone hysterical, and
there was a group of people trying to calm her down in the sick
bay. She was moaning and screaming as if tormented by unseen
beings, which is very interesting because the Malays believe
that Hysteria is a form of posession of the supernatural variety.
15. caleb storms' Journal
.... my site and click on the psychic link.
Thanks Caleb ... 11:33 AM - wild child. Added Black T-Shirts for
the wild child series. ... for the 5 animal prints, the 12 Deadly

18. Crazy Bloggin' Canuck: Supernanny Sucks
Somehow on Supernanny, the devil child did not stare blankly at
the parents ... Caleb is not interested in it unless he can
break it so we have not had many!1praUxPp89WS_Db...
48. Caleb... The Man for the Times
The spirit which would prompt us to neglect one of the least of
them is of the devil and ... This is the mark of the genuine
child of God, the true Caleb? that he can sing

32. Hammer, Caleb (Pinkerton agent)
.... CALEB HAMMER. Real Name: Caleb Hammer. Identity/Class: Human
(Old West era ... When an epileptic child being held hostage by
the fugitives suddenly had

Marvel Premiere#54 (fb) - BTS) - Caleb ended his studies as a
minister and became an agent of the Pinkerton Detective Agency
.. Danvers Asylum
Pinkerton that runs this danvers asylum wouldn't be alive to say.
It was a natural-born leader. But it was an art, that a man who
looked twice in their conduct than they, laughing at their ... [Found on MSN Search]

W Oct 10 (Spenser) Book I of The Faerie Queene
W Oct 17 (Spenser) Book III of The Faerie Queene

W Nov 7 (Donne) Funerall Elegie and the First and Second Anniversaries, Divine
Poems, Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (the selections in your
text), "A Sermon of Commemoration of the Lady Danvers, Late Wife
of Sir John Danvers," and Death's Duell

W Nov 14 (Jonson) The Alchemist and
Conversations with William Drummond of Hawthornden

W Nov 21 NO CLASS Thanksgiving

Finals Week FINAL EXAM Study, study, study
13. What type of alchemist would you be? - Anime Forum dot Com
Trans-nuclear Alchemist. Heh, using alchemy to create nuclear
explosions. Excellent. Of course, actually using the power in
batte would be out of the .


Summers, Anthony and Robbyn. "The Ghosts of November."
Vanity Fair. December 1994.

Thornley, Kerry. Oswald. Chicago: New Classics House, 1965.

Thompson, Josiah. Six Seconds in Dallas.
New York City: Berkley, 1976.

Trask, Richard B. Pictures of the Pain. Danvers, MA:
Yeoman Press, 1994.

Twyman, Noel H. Bloody Treason: The Assassination of John F.
Kennedy. Rancho Santa Fe, CA: Laurel Publishing, 1997.

Vankin, Jonathan. Conspiracies, Cover-ups, and Crimes.
New York City: Paragon House, 1991.

Weisberg, Harold. Oswald in New Orleans.
New York City: Canyon Books, 1967.


The Chimes at Midnight

You have to hand it to La Famiglia Arbusto, they do know how to
extract the maximum from even the most grizzled and faded

Ripped up Romney to a fare-thee-well....his cynicism, his
craveness, his naivete' all fodder for the Chimes at Midnight.

Mused continually over whether we are faced with ideologues
or voluptuaries.

And Caleb Jacoby, lets not forget that poor rhetorical prop of a

Good willin' and the creek don't rise, we will do it all again
next year.

The ghost Pundit...

History teaches us that the great and the neurotic who wish to
be great are sometimes tormented by the shades of that which
they most fear. Leon Trotsky was said to have glimpsed Mexican
mariachi singers on the edge of the vast proletarian crowds in

The irony here is, the Jeff Jacoby's of 1936, 1950 and 1962
HATED Roosevelt, Truman, and Kennedy. FDR was branded as a sick
demented dictator, Truman was called a boorish drunk, Kennedy
was a spineless commie dupe.
if Jacoby had been a writer in an of those epochs, rest assured
he'd a unloaded on the above mentioned presidents with all the
brutality he once reserved for John Kerry and Bill Clinton. Alas
though, with the Iraqi resistance shelling the Green Zone and
blowing up our chow halls, Jeff needs all the imaginary friends
he can dream up for this seemingly unending shitstorm.

Does he have a single opinion that hasn't been vetted for
maximum conservative blast effect?

This is an excerpt from author's thesis entitled, "Edward Taylor's
Rosa Alchemica: Rosicrucian Metaphor and Puritan Conversion in
the Preparatory Meditations." The author's research
concentrates on the influence of Rosicrucian ideals upon Edward
Taylor, a Puritan poet, philosopher and pastor of 17th century
New England. The Puritan clergy strongly identified with the
Israelites' exodus from Egypt which echoed many similarities to
their own persecution in England. The prominent Mather family,
who produced several members of the clergy, possessed
Kabbalistic texts and were no doubt inspired by the Kabbalah's
mystical imagery. The tree of life and its centrality in
Rosicrucian literature more than likely contributed to the
Mathers' interest in Rosicrucianism and led to the addition of
Rosicrucian and alchemical literature to the Mather library.

The extent of the influence of Winthrop's library escapes exact
assessment, and it is difficult to ascertain whether Taylor
would have had access to Winthrop's holdings. Ironically, Taylor'
s grandson, Ezra Stiles, president of Yale University, recorded
in his diary in 1787 a legend concerning John Winthrop, Jr.'s
prowess as an alchemist, displaying an interest in alchemy which
his grandfather may have stimulated (Wilkinson 33). In addition,
Ezra Stiles chose Taylor's copy of the alchemical treatise,
Metallographia, to write a short memoir dedicated to Taylor
indicating perhaps a fond memory connected with Taylor's
enthusiasm for alchemy (Stanford 508).


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Alchemy is comparable to the Great Sun of the Ages which ever
shines bright in the infinite sky. It is not the fault of the
Sun if we cannot see it; it is due to own lack of vision. Yet
the Sun ever shines bright for those who have eyes to see, and
in seeing the Sun we become enlightened!

Now the word Alchemy is an Arabic term consisting of the article
"al" and the adjective "khemi". Aleister Crowley, the eminent
Golden Dawn Magician of the 20th century, stated that this word
means "that which pertains to Egypt," and that a rough
translation of it would be "The Egyptian Matter."

The ancient Chinese were performing Alchemy as early as 500 B.C.
But the science of Alchemy in China was originally a spiritual
system, dedicated to a mystical end; it was later in the course
of history that it took on other forms, whereas in ancient Egypt
the Art of Alchemy originated as a metallurgical craft. The
teachings of Alchemy as a spiritual science can be found in the
sacred writings of the Chinese Sage Lao Tze, who was the founder
of the Grand Philosophy of the Tao. Alchemy plays a vital part
in esoteric Taoism. It is, in fact, the secret tradition of
Taoism, its inner teaching as opposed to its outer philosophy.

There is a legend which claims that Alchemy was originally the
Sacred Art of the Sons of God mentioned in Genesis before the
Great Flood. These were the "Fallen Angels" or "Fallen Stars" of
God who mated with the women of earth and taught them their
Sacred Craft. There is another legend based on Genesis which
states that Abraham was the founder of Alchemy, as well as of
the Qabalah; that the Wisdom of Alchemy was transmitted to his
son Ishmael who was born from Hagar, so that the Arabs and Sufis
are the true holders of the sacred keys of the alchemical Art;
whereas the Qabalah, which was transmitted to Abraham's son
Isaac, who was born by Sarah, became the sacred tradition of the
Jewish people.

Alchemy is called the Royal Art (Ars Regia). Of this there are
three basic types. These are Artisinal Alchemy, the Outward Work;
Mystical Alchemy, the Inward Work; and Sexual Alchemy, which,
after a certain manner, partakes of both these methods of


Nowadays we can frequently hear about the idea of transmutation
in connection with the problem of long-lived wastes from nuclear
power plants. The word comes from the jargon of the medieval
alchemists, by which they meant the transformation of different
materials to gold. Alchemy is behind the times but the word has
got a new sense from the modern science

However, as this idea popped up as early as in the heroic age of
nuclear energy, transmutation could be the solution of this
problem at the same time. Namely, if we succeeded in
transforming long-lived isotopes in the waste into a short-lived
or stable form, the necessary storage time could be
significantly decreased. Thus the newest meaning of
transmutation is the transformation or incineration of
radioactive waste. Today it is partly theory only, but ? thanks
to the intensive and more and more productive research ? not a
pseudo-science, as alchemy, and not even science fiction but a
plan realizable in the near future or in laboratory conditions
even now.


Statement of Hisham Zerriffi, Senior Scientist
May 24, 2000, National Press Club, Washington DC

Let me begin by telling you what transmutation is and how its
proponents say it will solve the problem of nuclear waste
management. Transmutation simply means transforming one element
or isotope into another. In the context of nuclear waste
management, the goal is to transform long-lived radioactive
materials into short-lived radioactive materials. If it were
possible to do this for all of the long-lived radionuclides,
this would make the management of nuclear waste easier because
it would reduce the amount, and the radioactivity, of waste
requiring long-term geologic isolation. Some early transmutation
proposals even suggested that a deep geologic repository could
be avoided altogether. Transmutation is also supposed to solve
the problem of proliferation by using the weapons-usable
materials, particularly the plutonium contained in the spent
fuel from current nuclear reactors.


and the Hidden Imam who vanished into a cave, perhaps in Samarra,
perhaps in Yemen, who lives beyond the Isthmus of Similitudes in
the midst of the sea of Images, on an island all of emerald,
with trees of' emerald and flowers of green beryl, palaces of
jasper and jade - the young man dressed in black, who appears in
dreams to alchemists, who initiates in dreams...

and Ovays al-Qarani, hermit of the Yemen who met the Prophet -
but only in dreams - who upheld the Household of All - who
appears to the masterless ones in dreams and initiates them into
the Order of the Ovaysiyya.

Ahmad Ghazzali, Fakhroddin Iraqi and Awhadoddin Kermani, the
three poets of Witness Play or 'contemplation of the Beardless';

Shaykh Husayn Kashefi, nay patron alchemist-saint of Herat;

Lal Shabazz Qalandar, the `Red Hawk' of Sindh, shaykh of the
Lawless dervishes and hasheesheen;

the Egyptian Fatimid 'Anti-Caliph' Hakim, who wrote treatises on
alchemy and ordered that day be turned to night and night to day
in Cairo, who vanished into the desert;

Sunan Kalidjaga, who brought esoteric Islam to Java and invented
the Wayang Kulit Shadow Puppet play, based on the Hindu epics;

What follows is almost more story than scholarly text - the idea
of `fiction' will help provide an appropriate bezel for our
shadowy confusion, hyperbole and rhetoric, palpable orientalismo,
scandalous and unfounded assertions. This text may push itself
toward the edge of discourse, in danger of a Humpty-Dumpty-like
crash into totally arbitrary semantics (`words mean what I want
them to mean!'). As one of the Persian poets (Salman Savaji)

Who does not know my bad reputation?
like a bath-tub fallen off the roof!

Picture 4: "1968 Cousin Gail," a simultaneous family sighting.
My cousin, Gail Wilkins, was a nurse at the time and was driving
home late in the evening through Wenham MA. She saw a gigantic
cylindrical object while driving along Linebrook Road. In my
regression with Joe Nyman in 1997, it was uncovered that I was
actually taken aboard a ship which had been launched from that
same cylindrical mother ship a few miles from it in Danvers
Massachusetts "1968 age 10" (Picture 5).

The two who were carrying me placed me in some transparent tank
resembling a bathtub filled with a cool and almost light as air
breathable liquid which was picking up cool-dim blue-green glow
from the room. I was immersed but barely panicked as I was
reassured I was in no danger and could breathe normally.

At MUFON conferences, I felt like a wet-behind-the-ears lad
while a wealth of disclosure was blatantly being ignored. So I
rolled up my sleeve and showed the NH director, Peter Geremia,
the triangular scar which at this point in time was beginning to
heal over and the geometry was softening and the scar area was
getting smaller though it was still very plain. Even so, I was
left in an agonizing need of support. MUFON should absolutely
have a serious experiencer support facet or at least a sweeping
and comprehensive network for this.

There is a picture for this called: "The Curtain." Somehow it
didn't make it onto the site.

6. MU Alpha Chi Sigma; Delta Chapter
.... national chemistry fraternity as well for our chapter here
at MU. If you have any questions feel free to email our master
alchemist. Thanks for visting!

The design, fabrication, and demonstration of a hand-held
microchip-based analytical instrument for detection and
identification of proteins and other biomolecules are reported.

The overall system, referred to as muChemLab, has a modular
design that provides for reliability and flexibility and that
facilitates rapid assembly, fluid and microchip replacement,
troubleshooting, and sample analysis. Components include two
independent separation modules that incorporate interchangeable
fluid cartridges, a 2-cm-square fused-silica microfluidic chip,
and a miniature laser-induced fluorescence detection module. A
custom O-ring sealed manifold plate connects chip access ports
to a fluids cartridge and a syringe injection port and provides
sample introduction and world-to-chip interface.



CD (Chemical Detection). Two gas-phase systems, one hand-held
and one autonomous, can be used for the detection of chemical
warfare agents and a selection of toxic industrial chemicals,
explosives, and organic solvents.

A stationary gas-phase system is currently deployed in the
Boston subway system and has performed more than 100,000 tests
with no false positive readings. This autonomous system performs
analyses every two minutes around the clock.


9. Romney Equates Blast To 2000-Pound Bomb - News - TheBostonChannel .

Blast Rocks Danvers Romney Views Damage Residents Forced Out ...
Levels Danvers Businesses, Homes; November 22, 2006: Residents
Talk About Blast, Effects ...


Marston's early habits had, unhappily, been of a kind to
aggravate, rather than alleviate, the annoyances incidental to
reduced means. He had been a gay man, a voluptuary, and a
gambler. His vicious tastes had survived the means of their

Mrs. Marston's heart was touched.

My poor mademoiselle," she said, at last, "you are so very, very

Mademoiselle said nothing; she lowered her eyes, and pressed the
poor lady's hand.

Apparently to interrupt an embarrassing silence, and to give a
more cheerful tone to their little interview, the governess, in
a gay tone, on a sudden said -

"I mean - what I mean is this, madame; you date unhappiness ? if
not its beginning, at least its great aggravation and increase,"
she answered, dejectedly, "from the time of my coming here,
madame; and though I know you are too good to dislike me on that
account, yet I must, in your eyes, be ever connected with
calamity, and look like an ominous thing."

You have not seen the catastrophe of the tragedy yet," said
Marston, with a stern, stony look, made more horrible by a
forced smile and something like a shudder. "I wish I could tell
you - you, Doctor Danvers - for you are honourable and gentle-
hearted. I wish I durst tell you what I fear; the only, only
thing I really do fear. No mortal knows it but myself, and I see
it coming upon me with slow, but unconquerable power. Oh, God ..
dreadful Spirit - spare me!"

Again they were silent, and again Marston resumed ?

"Doctor Danvers, don't mistake me," he said, turning sharply,
and fixing his eyes with a strange expression upon his companion.
"I dread nothing human; I fear neither death, nor disgrace, nor
eternity; I have no secrets to keep - no exposures to apprehend;
but I dread ... I dread ..."

It would not be easy to describe Dr. Danvers' astonishment at
this unaccountable explosion of fury. He was resolved, however,
to bear his companion's violence with temper.

At supper, Marston was apparently in unusually good spirits. Sir
Wynston and he chatted gaily and fluently upon many subjects,
grave and gay. Among them the inexhaustible topic of popular
superstition happened to turn up, and especially the subject of
strange prophecies of the fates and fortunes of individuals,
singularly fulfilled in the events of their after-life.


Jenglo is a nurse at a hospital near Danvers, and was on duty
when the ink plant exploded. After her shift, she went over to
Danvers High School to help care for residents of the New
England Home for the Deaf - evacuated after the explosion:

I tried to wheel one man to a spot at a table, and the woman
next to him pulled him back. Then, she started pointing at her
ring finger where there was a huge, gold band and a solitaire
diamond band. I asked an interpreter what was going on, and she
said, "They're married. His wife doesn't know where you're
taking him."

Report from the blast zone
By adamg on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 8:19pm.

Alfred Nylund lives near the ink plant. He reports:

.... My windows were blown in and there was a weird glow outside
like dusk, or a solar eclipse, only with an eerie red tinge.
Just across the river, where the chemical plant once stood,
there rose 300 feet into the sky a mushroom cloud. It's no
wonder that people thought that this was the end of it all...
World War III, and they ARE nuking small town America, just like
"The Day After" said they would! Only no Steve Guttenberg
running around like an idiot.

Closer to the blast zone, these wandering people were the
walking wounded. It was a surreal experience.

Danvers resident Dan Kennedy doesn't get the fire chief's
refusal to let federal chemical investigators on the explosion

.... Those of us who live in Danvers deserve an explanation as to
why the CSB isn't being allowed in.

On Blue Mass. Group, Ernie wonders that the chief might be

Insane building destruction in Danvers
By adamg on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 4:35pm.

In searching YouTube for videos of this morning's explosion, I
ran across Tyler LaVite's video on the demolition of the Danvers
Insane Asylum, built in 1874 but mostly torn down this year to
make way for a residential development

Arkham Asylum's Vacation!

Linda Danvers took a deep breath of air trying desperately to
steady her nerves. There was no need to worry; it was just her,
alone in her house, in front of the mirror.

Joker gasped, as his henchmen hid in a corner of the truck.
"Goons, nutjobs. Nutjobs, goons."

Tired workers mixed chemicals, checked machinery and moved
stocks of Revere preparing them for sale. Those not working lay
in a foetal position near the doors.

"Have to get out." They babbled, "But it's so big out there. So

The tall gaunt figure cackled as he watched activities from his
office on the second floor, "Agoraphobia, the fear of open
spaces. Perfect for creating slaves who are to afraid to flee."

No, but enough people do so that everyone who doesn't will still
smell it, still come in contact with my specially coded fear
chemicals." Scarecrow slapped his hands and rubbed them together
in glee, "This will really work."

From behind him the vat wall burst spilling chemicals everywhere.
Using the distraction the cops struggled free and dashed away
from the flood of chemicals, the workers following seconds
behind them.

Everyone watched the Scarecrow run into the night, screaming as
he left a trail of bellowing smoke.

Crawling on his belly through the corn field, the golden stalks
bending and swaying around him. He covered his head and
whimpered. Looking up he saw the night sky twinkling with stars
but by the time that visual information reach his brain the
chemicals coursing through his body twisted his perception.
2. Arkham Asylum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lovecraft's Arkham Sanitarium may have been inspired by the
Danvers State Insane Asylum (aka the Danvers State Hospital) in
Danvers, Massachusetts.
5. Tethered Cow Ahead of a nuclear submarine. ...

A highlight of the film comes soon after with Arkham and Jill
duking it out, ... the abduction of dairy cattle and the
stealing of a nuclear submarine.
13. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Arkham Asylum
.... and sundry things I've created in comics over the years, I'm
afraid Arkham Asylum isn't one of them ... was the villainess
Ion, a nuclear physicist-turned-evil-ionized-cloud-of

2. Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab Perfume Oils: A Picnic In Arkham: The ...
He was in the changeless, legend-haunted city of Arkham, with
its clustering ... The Daemon Sultan, Seething Nuclear Chaos ...
that last amorphous blight of

Behind everything crouched the brooding, festering horror of the
ancient town, and of the mouldy, unhallowed garret gable where
he wrote and studied and wrestled with figures and formulae when
he was not tossing on the meager iron bed. His ears were growing
sensitive to a preternatural and intolerable degree, and he had
long ago stopped the cheap mantel clock whose ticking had come
to seem like a thunder of artillery. At night the subtle
stirring of the black city outside, the sinister scurrying of
rats in the wormy partitions, and the creaking of hidden timbers
in the centuried house, were enough to give him a sense of
strident pandemonium. The darkness always teemed with
unexplained sound - and yet he sometimes shook with fear lest
the noises he heard should subside and allow him to hear certain
other fainter noises which he suspected were lurking behind them.

He was in the changeless, legend-haunted city of Arkham, with
its clustering gambrel roofs that sway and sag over attics where
witches hid from the King's men in the dark, olden years of the

A shadowy, unapproachable forest of maple, birch, dogwood,
cypress and pine softened by a garland of New England
wildflowers: bergamot, columbine, rue anemone, blue violet,
creeping phlox, bloodroot, toadflax, and pixie moss.

The Daemon Sultan, Seething Nuclear Chaos

Azathoth is the blind, idiot god who sits on a black throne at
the center of Chaos. His scent is high-pitched and screeching,
both impenetrably dark and searingly bright with the clarity of
madness: tangerine, saffron, vetiver, black amber and cedarwood.

A venerable New England university, whose vast library holds
many rare, diabolical and obscure arcane works, including one of
the few surviving legitimate copies of the Necronomicon. Home to
innumerable scholars of the esoteric and the occult
16. Nuclear War
.... Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition. Arkham Horror. Tigris &
Euphrates ... a "major world power" and attempts to gain world
domination through the strategic use of propaganda or nuclear
weapon [Found on Yahoo! Search]

First Witch: Round about the cauldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.
Toad, that under cold stone
Days and nights has thirty-one
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot.


Noise is hugely reduced if the helium enters the pot in the
superfluid phase At Berkeley, The Josephson guys did this by
inserting several feet of the capillary into the pot, coiling it
around the bottom

The capillary is soldered to the end of the siphon that is
inside the vacuum can. After that, most of its length is coiled
around a gold-plated copper post and soft-soldered in place.
This post is then clamped to the gold-plated surface of the pot,
which thermally sinks the capillary (and its contents) to the
2. Slayers Reflect : Episode 3
"It does not take a nuclear alchemist to realize that," Zel
mocked. "First, we have the extremely convenient map, in
addition to the other extremely
10. fullmetal-alchemists's deviantART Journal
Nuclear Alchemist Dark Elf Alchemist Tainted Wish Alchemist
Winged Alchemist Diamond Alchemist Vengeful Alchemist Crescent
Alchemist Illusion Alchemist


By rashly announcing the GNEP, President Bush is jumping the gun
by at least a half-century, and downplaying realistic clean-
energy alternatives in favor of a nuclear alchemist's dream with.


In 1720 there lived in a turreted house at North and Essex
Streets, in Salem, a silent, dark-visaged man,--a reputed
chemist. He gathered simples in the fields, and parcels and
bottles came and went between him and learned doctors in Boston;
but report went around that it was not drugs alone that he
worked with, nor medicines for passing ailments that he
distilled. The watchman, drowsily pacing the streets in the
small hours, saw his shadow move athwart the furnace glare in
his tower, and other shadows seemed at the moment to flit about
it--shadows that could be thrown by no tangible form, yet that
had a grotesque likeness to the human kind. A clink of hammers
and a hiss of steam were sometimes heard, and his neighbors
devoutly hoped that if he secured the secret of the philosopher's
stone or the universal solvent, it would be honestly come by.

But it was neither gold nor the perilous strong water that he
wanted. It was life: the elixir that would dispel the chill and
decrepitude of age, that would bring back the youthful sparkle
to the eye and set the pulses bounding. He explored the
surrounding wilderness day after day; the juices of its trees
and plants he compounded, night after night, long without avail.
Not until after a thousand failures did he conceive that he had
secured the ingredients but they were many, they were perishable,
they must be distilled within five days, for fermentation and
decay would set in if he delayed longer. Gathering the herbs and
piling his floor with fuel, he began his work, alone; the
furnace glowed, the retorts bubbled, and through their long
throats trickled drops--golden, ruddy, brown, and crystal--that
would be combined into that precious draught.

And none too soon, for under the strain of anxiety he seemed to
be aging fast. He took no sleep, except while sitting upright in
his chair, for, should he yield entirely to nature's appeal, his
fire would die and his work be spoiled. With heavy eyes and
aching head he watched his furnace and listened to the constant
drip, drip of the precious liquor. It was the fourth day. He had
knelt to stir his fire to more active burning. Its brightness
made him blink, its warmth was grateful, and he reclined before
it, with elbow on the floor and head resting on his hand. How
cheerily the logs hummed and crackled, yet how drowsily--how
slow the hours were--how dull the watch! Lower, lower sank the
head, and heavier grew the eyes. At last he lay full length on
the floor, and the long sleep of exhaustion had begun.

He was awakened by the sound of a bell. "The church bell!" he
cried, starting up. "And people going through the streets to
meeting. How is this? The sun is in the east! My God! I have
been asleep! The furnace is cold. The elixir!" He hastily
blended the essences that he had made, though one or two
ingredients were still lacking, and drank them off. "Faugh!" he
exclaimed. "Still unfinished-perhaps spoiled. I must begin again."
Taking his hat and coat he uttered a weary sigh and was about to
open the door when his cheek blenched with pain, sight seemed to
leave him, the cry for help that rose to his lips was stifled in
a groan of anguish, a groping gesture brought a shelf of retorts
and bottles to the floor, and he fell writhing among their
fragments. The elixir of life, unfinished, was an elixir of


Under the name of Eliza Wharton for a brief time lived a woman
whose name was said to be Elizabeth Whitman. Little is known of
her, and it is thought that she had gone among strangers to
conceal disgrace. She died without telling her story. In 1788
she arrived at the Bell Tavern, Danvers, in company with a man,
who, after seeing her properly bestowed, drove away and never
returned. A graceful, beautiful, well-bred woman, with face
overcast by a tender melancholy, she kept indoors with her books,
her sewing, and a guitar, avoiding the gossip of the idle. She
said that her husband was absent on a journey, and a letter
addressed to "Mrs. Eliza Wharton" was to be seen on her table
when she received callers. Once a stranger paused at her door
and read the name thereon. As he passed on the woman groaned, "I
am undone!" One good woman, seeing her need of care and defiant
of village prattling, took her to her home, and there, after
giving birth to a dead child, she passed away. Among her effects
were letters full of pathetic appeal, and some verses, closing

"O thou for whose dear sake I bear
A doom so dreadful, so severe,
May happy fates thy footsteps guide
And o'er thy peaceful home preside.
Nor let Eliza's early tomb
Infect thee with its baleful gloom."

30. Thought Hammer : Arkham Horror [FFG VA-09] -
Thought Hammer : Arkham Horror [FFG VA-09] - The Classic Game of
Lovecraftian ... The town of Arkham, Massachusetts is in... ...
Nuclear Misfunction Dice
42. Clayface - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Although he didn't give her up, he kept her in Arkham Asylum,
saying "we're both too polite to ... into teaming up against
Batman and Robin, as a diversion while Zarbor stole Earth's
nuclea [Found on MSN Search]
3. Batman
He labeled the union of Batman and Robin the "wish dream of two
homosexuals living ... RealAudio: Batman responds to allegations
that he and Robin are gay.
71. TheBatSquad.Net
.... criminal mastermind after realizing he'd hijacked a docked
nuclear ship. Knowing he had to be Janus, Batman appealed to
Dent's good side and got him back to Arkham. [Found on MSN Search]
2. Is Batman Gay?
In truth the idea of Batman and Robin being gay really evolved
from the Batman television show. Few of the viewers had any idea
that Batman adopted Robin
69. The Unofficial Joker Biography
.... nuclear missile attack. The latter action got him
incarcerated in the ultra-high security prison the Slab, which
won't be anywhere near as escapable as Arkham

60. Arkham :: V de Vendetta :: April :: 2006
.... Arkham. V de Vendetta ... al escribirla porque pensarkham.
61. arkhamhouse: The Sand Dwellers
Arkham House Catalog. Going Out of Print. New from Arkham House!
Books by Bond ... with secret government military installations,
malignant alien beings and the threat of nuclear


"Danvers State Luv"

32 years old
United States

Dude you so have to haunt the residents of Avalon Danvers.
It would be kinda gay if you didn't

Curiouser and Curiouser

Old Asylums are awesome. Not only do they tell thier own stories
but they leave you with stories to tell of your own! I live in a
town with an old asylum and every year im there when they give
tours hoping ill see something new! I havent been disappointed

Posted by: Mrs. Gay at February 16, 2004 02:27 AM

i live near danvers state and i go there sometimes

Textually and subtextually, Anderson's characters/settings from
Session 9 remind me a little bit of Charlie/Hotel Earle from
Barton Fink and Jack Torrence/Overlook Hotel from The Shining.
They're all hard working blue-collar guys, in this case asbestos
workers, and their new gig happens to be the abandoned Danvers
State Hospital in Massachusetts, just outside of Boston/Salem.
Run by Gordy Fleming (Mullan), Hazmat Elimination Company
consists of employees Phil (Caruso - still trying to make it in
Hollywood), Hank (Lucas), Mike (Gevedon), and Gordy's nephew
Jeff (Sexton). Every character bears a cross - Gordy's stress
comes from a new baby, problems with his wife, and the threat of
bankruptcy. Phil's girlfriend has been stolen by Hank, who is
constantly on the lookout for an exit plan from a life in
asbestos removal. Mike is a failed lawyer looking to get back
into the game, and Jeff is the typical teen who happens to have
extreme nyctophobia. The former insane asylum makes an amazing
backdrop for the goings-on, it's creepy in tone and in its bat-
like structure, and it has a history involving lobotomy and the
housing of patients committed for things like "mortified pride"
as well as your classic MPD case, one of which Mike discovers
among abandoned documents. Specifically, a case related to Mary
Hobbes, whose secrets are revealed through the playing of a
group of nine reel-to-reel tape recordings. As the week
progresses (each new day thrown up in subtitles like in The
Shining), each character shows signs of cracking under stress,
and Hank's disappearance starts a disintegration of trust that
spells bad news for everyone in the end. The final nail in the
coffin of the employees of Hazmat is driven by Mary's alter-ego
Simon, and in the movie's chilling final reveal, we learn that
it is Simon who is the real center of the piece, and it's not
for the reasons you think it is.


Tour the grounds of Danvers State Mental Hospital!

Currently, visitors are allowed to tour the grounds (but not the
inside... too dangerous!) of Danvers State Mental Hospital. The
second and fourth Tuesday of every month (until further notice),
Danvers State Mental Hospital will be open to the public from
10:00 am - 12:00 Noon. No entry to buildings is allowed. To
Register call Mary Bogdan, Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
at 978-365-7352.

Writer/director Brad Anderson, known for whimsical romantic
comedies like Next Stop, Wonderland, was inspired by the
astonishing, creepy visage of an abandoned mental hospital in
Danvers, MA, to make the intense psychological horror film
Session 9.

Genre: Horror, Thriller, supernatural

Pittsburgh's premiere source for renting and buying alternative,
non-hit driven home entertainment specializing in International,
American independent, gay & lesbian, documentary, music and
adult DVDs
4. The Countess: More Wingnuttery About Gay Marriage Stealing Kids ...
Baskerville is no scholar if he comes up with the idea that gay
people will steal children from straight people so that's a
threat to fatherhood. ...

10. Matthew Shepard Online Resources - Hate Speech -
American Family Association

Gays recruit children ... Just as we must oppose murder,
stealing, and adultery! ... Gays give children AIDS

11. I like this quote from The Columbian -

.... that gays couples are stealing children away from
heterosexual adoptive parents. According to the National
Adoption Center, however,

12. Matthew Shepard Online Resources -
Religious Right Hate Speech ...
Why, let them steal the innocence of our children?"
- Paul Volle, Chairman, Christian Coalition of Maine,
"The Gay Agenda," October 1998


Old Postcard: A Witch Stealing Children
A witch stealing away children from a late-nineteenth century
postcard in the Peabody Essex Collections (courtesy of Peabody
Essex Museum)

Title Page, Cotton Mather's Magnalia Christi Americana, 1702.
London: Printed for Thomas Parkhurst, at the Bible and three
crowns in Cheapside, 1702.

assisted by the Holy Author of that Religion, I do with all
conscience of Truth, required therein by Him, who is the Truth
itself, report the wonderful displays of His infinite Power,
Wisdom, Goodness, and Faithfulness, wherewith His Divine
Providenee hath irradiated an Indian Wilderness."
2. The Mirror of Alchemy - The Witches Way - All are Welcome Here
The Witches Way is a large Witchcraft website dedicated to the
old ways, witches, and pagans.

Even with the death of New England's last known practicing
alchemists in the third decade of the 19th century, the torch
did not completely die out. Less than one hundred years later,
H.S. Lewis, Imperator of the fledgling American organization,
the Ancient and Mystical Order Rosea Crucis (AMORC), claiming
European recognition and authority for its activities, is
reported to have preformed a public transmutation of zinc into

Continuing their search for the Red Stone from 1917 to 1920, the
Ingaleses felt they had achieved success and shared their
results with members of their "renewal club," possibly made up
of investors who supported their alchemical research.
Redstone - United States Nuclear Forces

The REDSTONE was a highly accurate, liquid propelled, surface-to-
surface missile capable of transporting nuclear or conventional
warheads against targets at ...
Weihai China

The preparatory work of Red stone hilltop nuclear power plant in
Rushan is starting to build with the total investment of 60
billion yuan involved. ... - 19k

Red stone hilltop nuclear power plant launches to build


The preparatory work of Red stone hilltop nuclear power plant in
Rushan is starting to build with the total investment of 60
billion yuan involved.

It will generate electricity toward the end of the country's
12th Five-year Plan period (2011-2015).

Rushan is selected as the site of nuclear power plant, thanks to
the equable geological condition, low population density and
better freshwater resources, which are the good foundations and
integrated advantages for facilitating nuclear industry.

4. The Rare Isotope Accelerator: An Alchemist's Dream Machine

The Rare Isotope Accelerator: An Alchemist's Dream Machine.
Donald F. Geesaman Director of Physics Division Argonne National


The Accelerator was the athanor, the furnace in which the prima
materia would be transformed. He seemed to get this right away,
a quantum alchemist in ... [Found on Google, MSN Search]

I also thought of Dante's Divine Comedy, here under the
carefully restored Illinois prairie. This was not the Inferno -
there was too much hope here. Perhaps my mountain-loving guide
was the poet Vergil, Dante's guide to Purgatorio, the place of
circular purification. This was reinforced by our tour of the
Circular Accelerator, or "Tevatron," where particles sped round
and round at ever-faster speeds before blasting each other to
bits in collisions. Kroc told of antiprotons held captive in
great circular containers, circling until they met their end in
a subatomic blaze of energy. Tiny souls, all of them, swirling
in Purgatory until they ascend to Quantum Paradise
Proefschrift: Anarchic Alchemists: Dissident Androgyny in Anglo

Hoofdstuk vier toont aan dat in het werk van Godwin, Brown en
Poe de alchemist de. functie op zich neemt van antipatriarchale
The Task Force - In Your Community - Marriage Information Resource
Anti-Gay Marriage Measures in the U.S. as of November 2006 ...
"Creating Change" (TM) is a trademark of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force and may not be ...
Issue Change Management - Internet Alchemy
Rss ... of changing when no one else is looking,
creating a sense of instability. ...

Jane Teresa Anderson's Dream Network -
Dream Alchemy Affirmation ...

The way to change unconscious beliefs is to use the right language.
Jane Teresa has developed this method of creating
dream alchemy affirmations based on ...

i) The Poet as Maudit
The poet as a doomed outcast, rejected by the mass of humanity

ii) The Poet as Alchemist

To explain the analogy between the poet and the alchemist let's
look at quotation 7:

"Des poetes illustres s'etaient partage depuis longtemps les
provinces les plus fleuries du domaine poetique . Il m'a paru
plaisant, et d'autant plus agreable que la tache plus
difficile, d'extraire la beaute du Mal. Ce livre,
essentiellement inutile et absolumment innocent, n'a pas
ete fait dans un autre but que de me divertir et d'exercer
mon passione de l'obstacle."

Central to the mediaeval alchemist and to Baudelaire's
conception of the poet is the idea of transformation or

The translated title then becomes Flowers from Evil or Flowers
out of Evil. The poet transforms evil, suffering, sickness -
`mal' is a tricky word to translate too - into a thing of beauty.
