The All-Casino Economy


Jerry Okamura

You spent an awful lot of energy to try and make a point, but for the life
of me, I do not know what poing you were trying to make....

"Thomas Keske" <> wrote in message
> The financial linch-pins under the fingernails, inserted
> by the lynch mobs of the Washington Torture Chamber of Commerce, for
> further financing of a fully faith-based, multi-trillion dollar
> thrill-killing House Bill, have proposed to make illegal bribes to Indian
> tribes, as capital expenditures for the creation of a completely
> casino-based national economy, using extra-judicial
> fiduciary distrust to miscalculate the annual amortization
> of amoral war profits, and the variable mortality rates of our mortgaged
> futures
> Blackjack, to raise money for Iraq. Texas hold'em,
> to bring 'em on, round'em up and lock'em down. Craps, to pay for the $100
> toilet seats and thereby prevent the embarrassing stains of military
> defeats. Pokers, real hot ones, to insert
> into their ears, as our financial position goes deeper into arrears.
> Russian Roulette wheels, in order to distribute
> inequitably the war profits from our sweetheart deals.
> Our economic plan vagueness stays in Vegas.
> The President will ask his Dad for a sizeable increase in the depreciation
> deduction for his oil depletion allowance
> If his stingy old geezer Dad will just let him have the gas guzzler car
> keys, then there is no reason why the Freedom March to the Sea cannot come
> complete with a fancy new porch for Trent Lott, a chicken in every pot,
> bazookas and baked goods, cannons and canola oil,
> profit margins and oleomargarine, guns and butter-
> all without worrying about bursting the purse-strings of the speculative
> bubble.
> Massive infusions of cash for the war can be backed by airline stock
> short-selling from the World Trade Center Tower 110th floor.
> Any shortfall in our financial hub can be compensated by securing
> low-interest loans from the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club
> Any and all experts who criticize the concept of casino-based,
> dirty trickle-down economics shall henceforth be water-boarded and
> Watergated, then summarily relegated to the back pages of the Sunday
> comics, along with their Marxist economics.
> By finding another round of funding in military adventure capital,
> we can fix our arms-race interest rates firmly in place with Polygrip, to
> secure the financial position of Grandpa's debentures, and
> prop up the teetering underpinnings of our aging infrastructure.
> We will raid our rainy-day funds in order to underwrite lucrative,
> inverted umbrella loans. We will inject compensatory compressed air, in
> order to blow up our balloon payments.
> In order to make up our massive missing mortgage payments for numerous
> military monetary remunerations to vets who are not out of debt, yet, and
> who are instead ailing from Chinese water-torture trickle-down techniques
> on the forehead, we can make secret entries in our accounting books,
> when no one looks.
> If we need further to invade Iran, we can use creative deregulation of
> public sector privatization, without Congressional investigation,
> in order to inflate the estimated value of the commercial paper that our
> economy is printed on, while grabbing fistfuls of fast cash to forestall
> any foreseeable future fiscal fiasco.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Casino orchestra was, as Edward remembered to tell me, playing the
> Rakocsy march, and although it was not loud enough, at that distance, to
> drown the voice of Edward Ashburnham it was certainly sufficiently audible
> to efface, amongst the noises of the night, the slight brushings and
> rustlings that might have been made by the feet of Florence or by her gown
> in coming over the short grass. And that miserable woman must have got it
> in the face, good and strong. It must have been horrible for her.
> Horrible! Well, I suppose she deserved all that she got.
> Anyhow, there you have the picture, the immensely tall trees, elms most of
> them, towering and feathering away up into the black mistiness that trees
> seem to gather about them at night; the silhouettes of those two upon the
> seat; the beams of light coming from the Casino, the woman all in black
> peeping with fear behind the tree-trunk. It is melodrama; but I can't help
> it.
> He said that they sat, she at one end of the bench, he at the other; he
> leaning slightly towards her and she looking straight towards the light of
> the Casino, her face illuminated by the lamps. The expression upon her
> face he could only describe as
> "queer". ------------------------------------------------------------------
> But fundamental randomness is unbearable to us...
> Einstein was disturbed by this. He supposedly once exclaimed that if that
> randomness remained with us, he would rather work in a casino than as a
> physicist.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1. Particle Physics - Page 35 - Physics Banter
> NEUTRINOS IN THE CASINO Guillermo was a gambling man, another
> CIA-connected anti-communist Cuban-America entrepreneurial casino
> conservative ...
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Top Ten Things You Never Knew About Jack Abramoff - Abramoff and Kidan
> Tied to Gangland-Style Slaying - BushFellas: Casino Jack & the Republican
> Thuggees
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 6. Bartrcops JFK
> Miami mobster Santos Trafficante had helped the CIA with its plots to
> assassinate ...... So again it was payback time for George Bush. Nixon
> appointed him .
> Chicago godfather Sam Giancana had helped JFK win the 1960 election
> through skulduggery. The two men shared a mistress, Judith Campbell Exner,
> who has said she was a courier between Kennedy and Giancana.
> Miami mobster Santos Trafficante had helped the CIA with its plots to
> assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro.
> And how did the Kennedy administration respond to these affiliations? Not
> with loyalty, as the mob expected, the Kennedys launched an all-out
> campaign against organized crime. Attorney General Robert Kennedy first
> went after Teamster boss Jimmy Hoffa pulling out all the stops to
> investigate the suspected mobster and then deported New Orleans syndicate
> boss Carlos Marcello to Guatemala. Pushed around long enough, and angry at
> the president for going soft on Castro -- who had shut down its lucrative
> Cuban casinos -- the mob made someone an offer he couldn't refuse. Oswald
> was either its hit man or its patsy. Upon his arrest, the mob dispatched
> Jack Ruby to silence him.
> The Bush-Gray family partnership in the 'secret government' continues up
> through the George Bush presidency. "Gordon Gray had been appointed head
> of the new Psychological Strategy Board in 1951 under Averell Harriman's
> rule as assistant to President Truman for national security affairs. From
> 1958 to 1961 Gordon Gray held the identical post under President
> Eisenhower. Gray acted as Ike's intermediary, strategist and hand-holder,
> in the President's relations with the CIA and the U.S. and allied military
> forces
> And the canny politician always remembered who helped him get there. So
> again it was payback time for George Bush. Nixon appointed him Chairman of
> the Republican National Committee, and later ambassador to China. "By
> 1976, Ford, who succeeded Nixon after Watergate, paid his due bill. He
> picked out big job for his old crony, Bush: the CIA. But this time Bush
> would not be an underling. Now he would be head man."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 13. - Report: Abramoff Associate Said He Knew Who Killed ...
> Report: Abramoff Associate Said He Knew Who Killed Casino Founder, Adam
> Kidan, who purchased SunCruz Casinos with lobbyist Jack Abramoff in .
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 7. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: The Film. Based on the Hunter S.
> Thompson novel. Directed by Terry Gilliam. ... won't be surprised by
> "Loathing's" vomiting scenes or by the casino habitues who morph ...
> Visionary director Terry Gilliam says he's never in his life taken any
> psychedelic drugs, but just being in Las Vegas, a city he plainly detests,
> is enough to give him hallucinations.
> "It's both hallucinogenic and depressing, like many drugs," says the
> director of the long-awaited film version of "Fear and Loathing in Las
> Vegas," Hunter S. Thompson's comic account of a 1971 drug-and-booze
> drenched trip in a candy- apple-red convertible to a surreal and crass Las
> Vegas -- characterized in the book as a "savage journey to the heart of
> the American dream." The movie opens today.
> In the movie, Circus Circus is transformed into the Bazooka Circus, which,
> Depp/Thompson quoting the book in voiceover, calls "what the whole hep
> world would be doing on Saturday night if the Nazis had won the war." Of
> another hotel-casino, Gilliam says, "You're sort of in the south of
> France, until you look up and it's all pipes and tubing and ducting. But
> if you keep your eyes down at the right level, you could think you're
> somewhere on the Cote d'Azure, except that they're playing country and
> western music."
> Anyone who remembers the numerous grotesque characters that have populated
> the fringes of his films (think, for example, of Katherine Helmond's
> stretched face in "Brazil"), or who turned up in his Monty Python cutouts
> and cartoons (predecessors to today's cult hit "South Park"), won't be
> surprised by "Loathing'
> s" vomiting scenes or by the casino habitues who morph into lizards
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hunter S Thompson: Got To By The Goons
> Was the legendary writer and a thorn in the side of the US government
> pushed by government agents, or did he jump when he felt his time was up?
> The beauty of the American system of government is that, unlike a monarchy
> or dictatorship, one administration or president cannot be held
> accountable for the failings of past administrations or presidents.
> If a king were to be caught committing a murder, and removed from power,
> the system would be called into questions - the legitimacy of his heir
> would be doubted.
> However, if George W Bush was caught murdering somebody, his successor
> could easily condemn his actions and the American system would go on.
> Bush would go to jail - or at least we would be told he would go to jail -
> and we would be satisfied. American law allows for the arrest and trial of
> the president, and this installs in us a feeling of confidence, that
> nobody is above the law.
> If it turned out that Kennedy was killed by government assassins, or that
> we never really landed on the moon, Bush could easily condemn the actions
> of administrations past, and we would love him for his attack on
> corruption in our own nation.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Study Guide by Hunter S. Thompson ...
> by Hunter S. Thompson. About 46 pages (13727 words) ...
> Horatio Alger is invoked several times, mockingly, and it is Alger's dream
> of success, distorted in
> 8. Page 2 : Fear & Loathing in America
> Hunter S. Thompson predicts a 'guerilla warfare on a global scale' between
> ... and there was nothing suspicious about them when they took off from
> Newark
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 020305thompsonwarned.htm
> Hunter Thompson was working on WTC collapse story before mysterious sudden
> death, warned he'd be 'suicided'
> Toronto Globe and Mail February 26, 2005:
> Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He sounded
> scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said, particularly
> over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was something he really wanted
> you to understand, you did.
> "They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how these
> bastards think . . ."
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> . Political Friendster - Abramoff-Reed Indian Casino Scandal ...
> "Gus was Jack Abramoff's business associate and his death came after after
> a ... letter to Interior Secretary Gale Norton about a Louisiana casino
> proposal.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> . Boulis Investigation Dredges Up Big Names
> Casino Jack, as Mr. Abramoff is known, has for months been under
> investigation ... whether Mr. Abramoff has been questioned about the death
> of Mr. Boulis.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> 25. Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
> Sindona, Richard Nixon, George Bush, Mafiagipfel, Howard Hughes ...
> Richard Nixon traf sich im April in
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dense%20Matter%20Physics%206.htm
> Dense Matter Physics VI
> During a supernova process, the collapse of the stellar core raises the
> core temperature to as high as (10^11) Kelvin.
> It quickly cools to a temperature (10^9) Kelvin through neutrino
> emission.
> An important neutrino production process is the modified Urca reactions
> which involve neutrons, protons, and electrons:
> n + n -> n + p + e + v
> n + p + e -> n + n + v
> Urca is the name of a casino in Rio de Janeiro. Early pioneers of neutrino
> physics saw a parallel between nature's way of extracting energy from the
> stellar systems and the casino's way of extracting money from its
> customers, and they named the reactions after the casino. Reactions
> (53a,b) are modifications of the original Urca reactions by adding an
> extra neutron to the reaction. This increases the energy range over which
> neutrinos may be produced and thus improves the production rate.
> Our current understanding of the weak interaction theory is provided by
> the Weinberg-Salam-Glashow theory
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Climax!: Casino Royale (#1.3)"
> Continuity: At the end of the boat chase, when the Cigar Girl blows up the
> balloon, you see Bond rolling down the building; all his hair is wild and
> uncombed. When he grabs the wire and stops, his hair is nicely combed down
> and a few hairs in front are a little wild.
> Quotes:[first lines]
> Lachaise: So good of you to come see me, Mr Bond, particularly on such
> short notice.
> James Bond: If you can't trust a Swiss banker, then what's the world come
> to?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> From: "beunto untothem" To:
> Subject: behavior nuclear Casino
> Cu_rrent Price: $7.02 (5 days ago was $5)
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> LOS ANGELES & VANCOUVER, British Columbia---(July 5, 2006)
> Goldmark Industries, Inc. ( G D K I - News) is excited to announce
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> is making an aggressive move into the multi-billion-dollar
> Urban Entertainment industry. The Hip-Hop Entertainment industry
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> About Goldmark Industries, Inc ( G D K I ):
> allnames tending deformed
> wildly telling Posted
> Broadcast Ideal
> repenteth also doth refuseth to forgive
> the house beheads the tribes took unto
> tomorrow.
> Spam Assassin Report
> 0.7 ACT_NOW_CAPS BODY: Talks about 'acting now' with capitals
> 5.4 BAYES_99 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 99 to 100%
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> AAS 206th Meeting
> Soudan Mine Tour
> Cost:\$40 Expose Yourself! (to neutrinos) Tour the Soudan Underground Mine
> and Laboratory, 220 miles north of Minneapolis by bus and 1/2 mile
> underground by elevator. The Lab houses the MINOS experiment, to observe
> muon neutrino oscillations in the beam sent through the Earth from
> Fermilab, and the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search experiment. The Tour
> includes the historic portion of the Soudan mine. Costs for the bus, tour
> and lunch are included.
> Participants will pay for their own dinners at a casino stop on the
> return.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
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> view&id=494&Itemid=259
> The Detan assigned to this ship, Moelqai, is particularly powerful and
> capricious. His extra-physical being encompasses the entire vessel,
> affording him the power of clairvoyance. His visible presence suggests a
> giant, angelic Apollo, and it can usually be found in the casino.
> A string of unintentional adventures leaves Captain Cauless, the
> protagonist, desperately short of deeds and his ship stranded in an
> unfamiliar frozen wasteland. He suspects the arrogant Detan of trying to
> sabotage the cruise and destroy the vessel, though he can't imagine
> Moelqai's motivations. When alien creatures converge on the ship and
> begin to crush the hull, Cauless literally gambles with the lives of
> everyone on board to win back enough deeds to save them.
> In the meantime, the chief rescuer lies in sickbay, immobilized by
> neutrino sickness. Alex Raymond is not unconscious, however, nor
> powerless. One of the Genenhu has rigged him into an elaborate
> biofeedback system, and unbeknownst to his crewmates, this enables him to
> traverse the ship and its systems like a technological ghost.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hunter S. Thompson Flying Dog Bio Gonzo Artist Beer Brand Labels ...
> Published in 1971, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a travelogue of
> Thompson's ... In his final Gonzo act, which Hunter managed to pull off
> from the grave,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Caesars Palace
> Celine Dion headlines at classic Las Vegas resort
> Buffered from crowds on the Strip by a vast open-air plaza, this resort is
> a tribute to the opulence of Rome; the Las Vegas Convention Center and
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The financial linch-pins under the fingernails, inserted
by the lynch mobs of the Washington Torture Chamber of Commerce,
for further financing of a fully faith-based, multi-trillion dollar
thrill-killing House Bill, have proposed to make illegal bribes
to Indian tribes, as capital expenditures for the creation
of a completely casino-based national economy, using extra-judicial
fiduciary distrust to miscalculate the annual amortization
of amoral war profits, and the variable mortality rates
of our mortgaged futures

Blackjack, to raise money for Iraq. Texas hold'em,
to bring 'em on, round'em up and lock'em down. Craps, to pay
for the $100 toilet seats and thereby prevent the embarrassing
stains of military defeats. Pokers, real hot ones, to insert
into their ears, as our financial position goes deeper
into arrears. Russian Roulette wheels, in order to distribute
inequitably the war profits from our sweetheart deals.

Our economic plan vagueness stays in Vegas.

The President will ask his Dad for a sizeable increase
in the depreciation deduction for his oil depletion allowance

If his stingy old geezer Dad will just let him have the
gas guzzler car keys, then there is no reason why
the Freedom March to the Sea cannot come complete with
a fancy new porch for Trent Lott, a chicken in every pot,
bazookas and baked goods, cannons and canola oil,
profit margins and oleomargarine, guns and butter-
all without worrying about bursting the purse-strings
of the speculative bubble.

Massive infusions of cash for the war can be backed by airline
stock short-selling from the World Trade Center Tower 110th floor.
Any shortfall in our financial hub can be compensated by securing
low-interest loans from the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club

Any and all experts who criticize the concept of casino-based,
dirty trickle-down economics shall henceforth be water-boarded
and Watergated, then summarily relegated to the back pages
of the Sunday comics, along with their Marxist economics.

By finding another round of funding in military adventure capital,
we can fix our arms-race interest rates firmly in place with Polygrip,
to secure the financial position of Grandpa's debentures, and
prop up the teetering underpinnings of our aging infrastructure.

We will raid our rainy-day funds in order to underwrite lucrative,
inverted umbrella loans. We will inject compensatory
compressed air, in order to blow up our balloon payments.

In order to make up our massive missing mortgage payments
for numerous military monetary remunerations to vets who
are not out of debt, yet, and who are instead ailing from
Chinese water-torture trickle-down techniques on the forehead,
we can make secret entries in our accounting books,
when no one looks.

If we need further to invade Iran, we can use creative deregulation
of public sector privatization, without Congressional investigation,
in order to inflate the estimated value of the commercial paper
that our economy is printed on, while grabbing fistfuls of fast cash
to forestall any foreseeable future fiscal fiasco.

The Casino orchestra was, as Edward remembered to tell me,
playing the Rakocsy march, and although it was not loud enough,
at that distance, to drown the voice of Edward Ashburnham it was
certainly sufficiently audible to efface, amongst the noises of
the night, the slight brushings and rustlings that might have
been made by the feet of Florence or by her gown in coming over
the short grass. And that miserable woman must have got it in
the face, good and strong. It must have been horrible for her.
Horrible! Well, I suppose she deserved all that she got.

Anyhow, there you have the picture, the immensely tall trees,
elms most of them, towering and feathering away up into the
black mistiness that trees seem to gather about them at night;
the silhouettes of those two upon the seat; the beams of light
coming from the Casino, the woman all in black peeping with fear
behind the tree-trunk. It is melodrama; but I can't help it.

He said that they sat, she at one end of the bench, he at the
other; he leaning slightly towards her and she looking straight
towards the light of the Casino, her face illuminated by the
lamps. The expression upon her face he could only describe as

But fundamental randomness is unbearable to us...

Einstein was disturbed by this. He supposedly once exclaimed
that if that randomness remained with us, he would rather work
in a casino than as a physicist.

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1. Particle Physics - Page 35 - Physics Banter
NEUTRINOS IN THE CASINO Guillermo was a gambling man, another
CIA-connected anti-communist Cuban-America entrepreneurial
casino conservative ...
Top Ten Things You Never Knew About Jack Abramoff - Abramoff and
Kidan Tied to Gangland-Style Slaying - BushFellas: Casino Jack &
the Republican Thuggees
6. Bartrcops JFK
Miami mobster Santos Trafficante had helped the CIA with its
plots to assassinate ...... So again it was payback time for
George Bush. Nixon appointed him .

Chicago godfather Sam Giancana had helped JFK win the 1960
election through skulduggery. The two men shared a mistress,
Judith Campbell Exner, who has said she was a courier between
Kennedy and Giancana.

Miami mobster Santos Trafficante had helped the CIA with its
plots to assassinate Cuba's Fidel Castro.

And how did the Kennedy administration respond to these
affiliations? Not with loyalty, as the mob expected, the
Kennedys launched an all-out campaign against organized crime.
Attorney General Robert Kennedy first went after Teamster boss
Jimmy Hoffa pulling out all the stops to investigate the
suspected mobster and then deported New Orleans syndicate boss
Carlos Marcello to Guatemala. Pushed around long enough, and
angry at the president for going soft on Castro -- who had shut
down its lucrative Cuban casinos -- the mob made someone an
offer he couldn't refuse. Oswald was either its hit man or its
patsy. Upon his arrest, the mob dispatched Jack Ruby to silence

The Bush-Gray family partnership in the 'secret government'
continues up through the George Bush presidency. "Gordon Gray
had been appointed head of the new Psychological Strategy Board
in 1951 under Averell Harriman's rule as assistant to President
Truman for national security affairs. From 1958 to 1961 Gordon
Gray held the identical post under President Eisenhower. Gray
acted as Ike's intermediary, strategist and hand-holder, in the
President's relations with the CIA and the U.S. and allied
military forces

And the canny politician always remembered who helped him get
there. So again it was payback time for George Bush. Nixon
appointed him Chairman of the Republican National Committee, and
later ambassador to China. "By 1976, Ford, who succeeded Nixon
after Watergate, paid his due bill. He picked out big job for
his old crony, Bush: the CIA. But this time Bush would not be an
underling. Now he would be head man."
13. - Report: Abramoff Associate
Said He Knew Who Killed ...

Report: Abramoff Associate Said He Knew Who Killed Casino
Founder, Adam Kidan, who purchased SunCruz Casinos with lobbyist
Jack Abramoff in .,2933,198867,00.htm
7. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: The Film.
Based on the Hunter S. Thompson novel. Directed by Terry Gilliam. ...
won't be surprised by "Loathing's" vomiting scenes or by the
casino habitues who morph ...

Visionary director Terry Gilliam says he's never in his life
taken any psychedelic drugs, but just being in Las Vegas, a city
he plainly detests, is enough to give him hallucinations.

"It's both hallucinogenic and depressing, like many drugs," says
the director of the long-awaited film version of "Fear and
Loathing in Las Vegas," Hunter S. Thompson's comic account of a
1971 drug-and-booze drenched trip in a candy- apple-red
convertible to a surreal and crass Las Vegas -- characterized in
the book as a "savage journey to the heart of the American dream."
The movie opens today.

In the movie, Circus Circus is transformed into the Bazooka
Circus, which, Depp/Thompson quoting the book in voiceover,
calls "what the whole hep world would be doing on Saturday night
if the Nazis had won the war." Of another hotel-casino, Gilliam
says, "You're sort of in the south of France, until you look up
and it's all pipes and tubing and ducting. But if you keep your
eyes down at the right level, you could think you're somewhere
on the Cote d'Azure, except that they're playing country and
western music."

Anyone who remembers the numerous grotesque characters that have
populated the fringes of his films (think, for example, of
Katherine Helmond's stretched face in "Brazil"), or who turned
up in his Monty Python cutouts and cartoons (predecessors to
today's cult hit "South Park"), won't be surprised by "Loathing'
s" vomiting scenes or by the casino habitues who morph into

Hunter S Thompson: Got To By The Goons

Was the legendary writer and a thorn in the side of the US
government pushed by government agents, or did he jump when he
felt his time was up?

The beauty of the American system of government is that, unlike
a monarchy or dictatorship, one administration or president
cannot be held accountable for the failings of past
administrations or presidents.

If a king were to be caught committing a murder, and removed
from power, the system would be called into questions - the
legitimacy of his heir would be doubted.

However, if George W Bush was caught murdering somebody, his
successor could easily condemn his actions and the American
system would go on.

Bush would go to jail - or at least we would be told he would go
to jail - and we would be satisfied. American law allows for the
arrest and trial of the president, and this installs in us a
feeling of confidence, that nobody is above the law.

If it turned out that Kennedy was killed by government assassins,
or that we never really landed on the moon, Bush could easily
condemn the actions of administrations past, and we would love
him for his attack on corruption in our own nation.
3. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
Study Guide by Hunter S. Thompson ...

by Hunter S. Thompson. About 46 pages (13727 words) ...

Horatio Alger is invoked several times, mockingly, and it is
Alger's dream of success, distorted in

8. Page 2 : Fear & Loathing in America
Hunter S. Thompson predicts a 'guerilla warfare on a global
scale' between ... and there was nothing suspicious about them
when they took off from Newark

Hunter Thompson was working on WTC collapse story before
mysterious sudden death, warned he'd be 'suicided'

Toronto Globe and Mail February 26, 2005:

Hunter telephoned me on Feb. 19, the night before his death. He
sounded scared. It wasn't always easy to understand what he said,
particularly over the phone, he mumbled, yet when there was
something he really wanted you to understand, you did.

"They're gonna make it look like suicide," he said. "I know how
these bastards think . . ."
.. Political Friendster - Abramoff-Reed Indian Casino Scandal ...

"Gus was Jack Abramoff's business associate and his death came
after after a ... letter to Interior Secretary Gale Norton about
a Louisiana casino proposal.
.. Boulis Investigation Dredges Up Big Names

Casino Jack, as Mr. Abramoff is known, has for months been under
investigation ... whether Mr. Abramoff has been questioned about
the death of Mr. Boulis.
25. Mafia, Geheimdienste und Politik der USA
Sindona, Richard Nixon, George Bush, Mafiagipfel, Howard Hughes ...
Richard Nixon traf sich im April in

Dense Matter Physics VI

During a supernova process, the collapse of the stellar core
raises the core temperature to as high as (10^11) Kelvin.
It quickly cools to a temperature (10^9) Kelvin through neutrino

An important neutrino production process is the modified
Urca reactions which involve neutrons, protons, and electrons:

n + n -> n + p + e + v
n + p + e -> n + n + v

Urca is the name of a casino in Rio de Janeiro. Early pioneers
of neutrino physics saw a parallel between nature's way of
extracting energy from the stellar systems and the casino's way
of extracting money from its customers, and they named the
reactions after the casino. Reactions (53a,b) are modifications
of the original Urca reactions by adding an extra neutron to the
reaction. This increases the energy range over which neutrinos
may be produced and thus improves the production rate.

Our current understanding of the weak interaction theory is
provided by the Weinberg-Salam-Glashow theory

Climax!: Casino Royale (#1.3)"

Continuity: At the end of the boat chase, when the Cigar Girl
blows up the balloon, you see Bond rolling down the building;
all his hair is wild and uncombed. When he grabs the wire and
stops, his hair is nicely combed down and a few hairs in front
are a little wild.

Quotes:[first lines]

Lachaise: So good of you to come see me, Mr Bond,
particularly on such short notice.

James Bond: If you can't trust a Swiss banker,
then what's the world come to?

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AAS 206th Meeting

Soudan Mine Tour

Cost:\$40 Expose Yourself! (to neutrinos) Tour the Soudan
Underground Mine and Laboratory, 220 miles north of Minneapolis
by bus and 1/2 mile underground by elevator. The Lab houses the
MINOS experiment, to observe muon neutrino oscillations in the
beam sent through the Earth from Fermilab, and the Cryogenic
Dark Matter Search experiment. The Tour includes the historic
portion of the Soudan mine. Costs for the bus, tour and lunch
are included.

Participants will pay for their own dinners at a
casino stop on the return.
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The Detan assigned to this ship, Moelqai, is particularly
powerful and capricious. His extra-physical being encompasses
the entire vessel, affording him the power of clairvoyance. His
visible presence suggests a giant, angelic Apollo, and it can
usually be found in the casino.

A string of unintentional adventures leaves Captain Cauless, the
protagonist, desperately short of deeds and his ship stranded in
an unfamiliar frozen wasteland. He suspects the arrogant Detan
of trying to sabotage the cruise and destroy the vessel, though
he can't imagine Moelqai's motivations. When alien creatures
converge on the ship and begin to crush the hull, Cauless
literally gambles with the lives of everyone on board to win
back enough deeds to save them.

In the meantime, the chief rescuer lies in sickbay, immobilized
by neutrino sickness. Alex Raymond is not unconscious, however,
nor powerless. One of the Genenhu has rigged him into an
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Published in 1971, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas is a
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