The Battle To Take Back LPF!


New member
Here I am on Spring Break 2010 its Saturday, March 20th, 3:42 P.M. I am planning to take back the new posts section from the spam bots...there have been many casualties but I am one post away! I will not let LPF be tarnished!!! LONG LIVE LPF!!! -FireHawk


New member
lol yeah i wish we had legit admin powers though....and i wonder how coredump (or whoever owns it) is getting profit from a place not used?
hey guys :) listening to road to revolution here and reminded me of the good old times here in LPF don't know why hehe... miss it though...

so are we going to bring this all back? it would be so much fun :)



New member
Someone made a subreddit for LPF, and I was recently given control of it. Come and say hello, would be good to have a community reunion of sorts. We got one of the old school mods on there already, and I think Josi comes on sometimes!
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