Maybe not the "best shirt" ever, but one of my personal favorites - abbreviated version -
"Kicking - Slashing - Tripping - Charging - 5 minute major -
anything else is just figure skating"
And on a similar note - best "button" sayings? I've quite a few pin/buttons - this thread brought them to mind. I hauled them all out, and after reading them I realized that this website membership was my destiny.
Actual buttons - on my table as we speak: (and no, I don't wear them all at once - I don't work at a lame *** kitchy chain joint)
"Works well when under constant supervison"
"I didn't say it was your fault - I said I was going to blame you"
"guns don't kill people - they just make it real easy"
"If I promise to miss you - will you go away?"
Can't sleep - clowns will eat me"
"My life is **** - But, Hey, thanks for asking"
"Yeah, that's nice - Bye bye for now"
"this was a Private **** until you walked in"
"I can't concentrate with idiots like you jabbering at me"
"I had a cat once - tasted like chicken"
"I just wander from room to room"
"Not giving a **** - even as we speak"
"No man was ever shot while doing the dishes"
"Man can not live on bread alone - unless he's in a cage and that's all you feed him"
"Live every second as if your *** is on fire"
"Trunk full of Uzis and a case of beer - let's go to Disneyland"
"Don't interrupt me - I'm on a three state killing spree"
"Who are all these people and why aren't they dead?"
"Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket?"
-----Twenty years of collecting buttons tells me...this is not a passing phase...
I may be experiencing an epiphany. ... or maybe it's just that my coffee cup is empty.
frightening thought...this is a woman who taught kindergarten for 11 years.
It's OK. I now knit. ...but then again...still can't breeze by a button display.