The Bisexual/Lesbian Trend


Destroyer of Morons
Aug 11, 2004
I have been noticing this alot. Especially the bisexual trend (moreso in teenage/young adult females than any other group). Is there a rational explanation for this occuring or is it simply attention whorism?
Outlaw2747 said:
I have been noticing this alot. Especially the bisexual trend (moreso in teenage/young adult females than any other group). Is there a rational explanation for this occuring or is it simply attention whorism?

Actually over the summer I took a sociologist class, in that class the teacher stated that studies have shown...studies that have relied on the self reporting of the individual...that a high percentage (I don't remember the precise number) I think it was around 30% of women who reported being Lesbians have chosen this lifestyle after failed relationships with men, rather then saying they felt they were that way from birth or genetically.

There was of course no corresponding information about men but I have NEVER heard of a man deciding all women are bitches and their going to **** men from now on...

This does beg the living the Lesbian lifestyle a genetic predisposition or a choice, sort of like learning to like onions over time.
Who knows.

Whenever I see women in the bar rubbing up on one another on the dance floor or pseudo making out with eachother and then each leaving with a guy at the end of the night, I chalk it up their antics to attention whorism.

From what I noticed most psuedo-lesbos/bisexuals are dumbass alternative bitches who like to play some stupid gay angle to look alternative and rebellious. Little do they know that the whole thing's a tired cliche, and not even mainstream society for the most part gives a **** if people are gay or not anymore.

The other main group of psuedo-rugmunchers are usually drunken sluts who go to trendy nightclubs where horny, drunk college students congregrate en masse and drink themselves stupid and proceed to make asses of themselves any way they can and become more excitable than a bitch in heat, and then there are the ****teasing low-lives who like to try to act sexy for all male lifeforms so they can coax them into buying them drinks all night. Unless said men are drunk and can't make a decent judgement call, are 40-year old virgins, or are 14 years old, dyking out with other girls at bars or parties won't do **** for any guy's dick, let alone get him interested in them. All it will prove is that the psuedo-lesbiens are a bunch of morons
I have tried to get my wife to bring home a "friend" and eat her ***** out but she won't.?

Suck a dick?? Hmmm... I would be confused for a while with bill gates if he gave me an unlimited spending account.
Now wait a minute smutt butt, I know your a sick **** and all, but why ask your wife to dyke out to get yourself off ?? Would you be willing to ram some guy in the ass, or let someone **** you in the ass if your wife asked you to ??

Then again... don't answer that.:rolleyes:
I have always wondered about just that.

I have NO interest in seeing two gay men together, none at all.

BUT you talk to most guys and they are all for watching two women together, in fact the only guys who say they don't want too see that, are guys who have experienced it and didn't enjoy it like they thought they would. Too be fair, the guys I have had admit that too me, one of the women was their lover.
From what I noticed most psuedo-lesbos/bisexuals are dumbass alternative bitches who like to play some stupid gay angle to look alternative and rebellious. Little do they know that the whole thing's a tired cliche, and not even mainstream society for the most part gives a **** if people are gay or not anymore.

The other main group of psuedo-rugmunchers are usually drunken sluts who go to trendy nightclubs where horny, drunk college students congregrate en masse and drink themselves stupid and proceed to make asses of themselves any way they can and become more excitable than a bitch in heat, and then there are the ****teasing low-lives who like to try to act sexy for all male lifeforms so they can coax them into buying them drinks all night. Unless said men are drunk and can't make a decent judgement call, are 40-year old virgins, or are 14 years old, dyking out with other girls at bars or parties won't do **** for any guy's dick, let alone get him interested in them. All it will prove is that the psuedo-lesbiens are a bunch of morons

And then there are some women who truely enjoy sex and can separate out the relationship from the sex to indulge more freely in group and bi encounters. These women tend to have a bit more class though, which is probably why you don't know about them.
The only thing I would have to say to people experimenting is make sure anyone you get involved with knows exactly what your intentions are. No going to a gay bar and pretending.

Also, make sure if you are involved with someone, you actually ask them how they feel about it all. You want to kiss women, don't just assume your boyfriend will be okay with it. Personally, if my boyfriend went out kissing men, I would consider it cheating, whether or not he'd actually want to be with them.
Sabella said:
The only thing I would have to say to people experimenting is make sure anyone you get involved with knows exactly what your intentions are. No going to a gay bar and pretending.

Also, make sure if you are involved with someone, you actually ask them how they feel about it all. You want to kiss women, don't just assume your boyfriend will be okay with it. Personally, if my boyfriend went out kissing men, I would consider it cheating, whether or not he'd actually want to be with them.

OMG...there really is hope for us young folks. I like this poster already.
I have met very few actually bi-sexuals....Most of those who "claim" bi-sexuality never ever seem to look at the opposite sex......For most its just a cop out of not comming out so they can keep their "straight cred"....

whooopie....I have met a very small handfull of people who look at both sexes in the lustful sense.....

and they typically just screw anything with a pulse that dresses nice...

My opinion is bisexuality is just a stepping stone to figuring out which way you actually go....the true phase....

But i am not one so i cant really speak for them...nor do i understand it....just like i dont understand straight peoples sexual desires...

whatever... :)
Vortex said:
....just like i dont understand straight peoples sexual desires...
Its called being normal. Ya know, as in not smelling farts and coping a boner?
Jhony5 said:
Its called being normal. Ya know, as in not smelling farts and coping a boner?

oohhh are soooo cute....If only you werent in the closet id **** the living crap out of you...

but have had some extensive research into what gay people do in the bedroom havent you. Here i thought it was a close guarded secret to what us fags do in the bedroom.

A fart does get me going....oh man, im rock hard just thinking about it at this moment....and im fingering myself thinking about you right now......

ok back to reality....i guess being normal is visiting a place where i could be totaly free from who i really am and bashing someone elses life with no fear of caring if you hurt someone elses feelings...... should be a rap would toooootaly make it.

Cmere and give dady a kiss...
VORTY said: should be a rap star.....

Yo ass is red like a tomater
Vortex, the anal invader
The end of your dick is the tip that you gave to your waiter.

Act like you don't know what AIDS is
You had a pile on with the boys scouts
Anally Inflicted Death Sentences

Hell ya you fittin to **** a boy like a bitch
Stuck yo finger up his ass while he suckin yo dick
On your penis
A regular stain
A dysfunctional brain
Jhony5 said:
Yo ass is red like a tomater
Vortex, the anal invader
The end of your dick is the tip that you gave to your waiter.

Act like you don't know what AIDS is
You had a pile on with the boys scouts
Anally Inflicted Death Sentences

Hell ya you fittin to **** a boy like a bitch
Stuck yo finger up his ass while he suckin yo dick
On your penis
A regular stain
A dysfunctional brain

i dont know if i should feel touched or pissed off......

either way im crying.....

I love you Jhony....a stupid ******* is a terrible thing to waste.........

i need a tissue...
Nothing personal man. We all know I'm an asshole.

You know I'm just ****ing with you. Say whatever ya want about me, I don't give a ****. Just leave my kid out of it and we're straight.

Hey....I wrote a ****ing song for you man. How can anything be more endearing, despite the content.
GF Admin said:
I have not figured out yet if you are inviting us to say things about your "Kid"... since you pointed it out and all.......
Its the only thing I take personaly. Your not gonna be a big 'ol meanie are you?:(
Would you be considered bi if you like stuck your dick in a hole in the wall and had no idea who was on the other side? Not that I would do such a brazen thing. Just went through my mind.