The Bully - A Moral Guardian?


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2006
The standard version of the bully places a large fat kid in a schoolyard physically shoving & handling a short kid with glasses in or around a schoolyard. That's about as accurate an assessment as applying the abstract noun 'racist' to a person who criticises an Italian, fully knowing that 'Italian' is not a race. Plain mischievous.

Police officers are often accused of 'bullying' when applying authority in an emotively charged social situation.Military personnel are labelled with this slur when enforcing security measures. No one calls the sweet little female in a uniform a bully when she clearly enjoys frustrating clients in a social security/council application scenario. Sometimes the real bullies are overlooked as the factual culprits just as surely as innocent persons are handed that tag unjustly. Bullying is as natural as grass. There will always be those more clever, powerful, crafty, wise or manipulative than others and the natural pecking order is established without a word uttered. Bullies are the natural elements of a society's 'immune system'. They perform the social equivalent of the scavenger and purge unwanted detritus from the system. Bullies do not believe they are bad. Just different. Religion has its own system of bullying within its ranks. Every social system has its moral guardians (bullies) - is it not time for a little insight and tolerance?
Flatearther said:
The standard version of the bully places a large fat kid in a schoolyard physically shoving & handling a short kid with glasses in or around a schoolyard. That's about as accurate an assessment as applying the abstract noun 'racist' to a person who criticises an Italian, fully knowing that 'Italian' is not a race. Plain mischievous.

Police officers are often accused of 'bullying' when applying authority in an emotively charged social situation. Military personnel are labeled with this slur when enforcing security measures. No one calls the sweet little female in a uniform a bully when she clearly enjoys frustrating clients in a social security/council application scenario. Sometimes the real bullies are overlooked as the factual culprits just as surely as innocent persons are handed that tag unjustly. Bullying is as natural as grass. There will always be those more clever, powerful, crafty, wise or manipulative than others and the natural pecking order is established without a word uttered. Bullies are the natural elements of a society's 'immune system'. They perform the social equivalent of the scavenger and purge unwanted detritus from the system. Bullies do not believe they are bad. Just different. Religion has its own system of bullying within its ranks. Every social system has its moral guardians (bullies) - is it not time for a little insight and tolerance?

Applying the same comparison, a bully will ask for your lunch money. The resulting submission benefits only the bully, not the greater society of the playground. Bullying can stem from many things. Playground bullies could be doing it for whatever psycho-analytical reason you wish to toss out there however your example of a small woman abusing her position is a better reflection of what is most common; power corrupts.

As children have less self-control and are ignorant of social norms, it is therefore more common for one with physical superiority to abuse that power. As adults we, usually, realize the many downsides to such an abuse. However we are not so restricted in our jobs. A clerk will not pass on your file, the nurse will not see you yet, the bellhop will take forever with you car; all demonstrating the person using what little power they have been given to carry out their will and selfish satisfaction.

Again looking at the Playground bully as a obvious example due to the easy recognition of abusing physical power, when we see physical power being abuse by adults (as is the case with Police officers and/or military personnel) than we are much quicker to call foul on them. Note that none of these people hold any greater social value over their own satisfaction or lack of control when abuding their power. It would seem that the virtue of control is the thing they are lacking and therefore are not upholding the principles of society.

Although they are all these people bullies, and we recognize/accept this common human trait of abuse, we expect more from those who are in a position where abuse of their power has greater consequences.
What about this thing called mobbing also known as gangstalking. There is also police sponsored gangstalking. I know this cop in Lompoc, Bill Brown, really got a stange, guilty look on his face when he was shown the website about gangstalking. He looked guilty as hell. He has to know what it is and be in on it for him to get the guilty look on his face. It told it all. Why don't they ticket these vehicles with no license plates when the California law requires both front and back plates? Why do they let them park in the red zones and run all the red lights and speed thru town 50 or 60 mph in the 30 mph zone. What about looking up navy swastika and looking at the navy buildings in San Diego that are shaped like swastikas. What about looking up Bohemian Grove and finding out about that. What about something called a Blue Box that they use to tap your phones. There is a lot of stuff going on that a lot of people are not aware of. Let's wake up, people, and challenge all this stuff.
Nice work, both of you, Eis & DP - I was trying to establish that a lot of words get thrown around without the deeper (or sometimes shallower) meaning being obvious. In the Sydney of my youth, for example, there was only one kind of guy who was a homosexual. It was the weedy little limp wristed nerd with a lisp, decorating the department store's christmas window array. Meanwhile, the footy teams were hugging & washing & kissing each other in the showers but that was just "blokes being blokes". The bully, likewise, is a similar smokescreen. Once you start digging into the word and its meaning, you start discovering some very interesting creatures in the dark corners. Mothers, sisters, priests, counsellors - and especially lawyers and others controlling ANY kind of money, practice as wolves (bullies) in drag. Bullying goes on at every level imaginable and to think we can "stamp it out" or "educate" the sociopaths is as silly as it gets.It just takes the heat off the real bullying - in established national institutions (government) that runs daily without comment or criticism, because there isn't an 'official' word for it that invites examination. Cheers!
Thank you. Yeah how do we get rid of the bullies? If they are politicians we should be able to vote them out. Why do they get to vote themselves all these high raises while everyone else has to work for peanuts or can't find a job at all. Why are the cops allowed to be such bullies? They only pick on certain individuals and the rest go free. They pick on some people for the tiniest little things and the ones speeding and running red lights and doing all sorts of other stuff get away with all of it. My friend saw a traffic cop with one of their little carts they drive and she had noticed a car parked with no plate on the front and she told the cop and they just glared at her and gave her a real dirty look and when she came back by there, the car was still there with no plate and no ticket either. Why the hell do these cops do things like this. Some people are real happy when a cop gets shot. There is a book called "L.A. Secret Police" written by Rothmiller, an ex-cop, and in it he tells all their dirty little secrets and tricks. They plant evidence on people, they lie under oath and say they saw them do something when they didn't, and they beat people up. He tells how they are taught to hate blacks and pick on them every chance they get. He sed a black man was walking home from work one night and he didn't do a thing wrong and the cops called him over to the cop car and questioned him and then told him to put his hand on the car where the window was rolled down and he took that baton and smashed the guy's hand and then made him put the other one there and he smashed that hand, too. Why do we have to put us with all this abuse by cops? It's not fair. We shouldn't have to take this crap from them. They are supposed to be working for us and they act like they are in charge and do as they damn please. They even take money from businesses in order for the business to stay in business. A friend of mine said he saw it happen. The clerk handed over a big stack of money to the cops and they walked out with it. No wonder so many businesses come and go. They don't want to have to pay the cops.
All the things you say, DP are really the symptoms of the disease. Example: I was born in Riga, Latvia and in 1944 the Soviet Army marched in and took the whole country and two of its neighbours at gunpoint. My family survived Siberia by a single day. The Soviets rounded up 35,000 of our compatriots, and took them by cattle truck to Siberia where they were simply butchered. In any historical account of this operation it would have had all manner of academic and flowery language and god knows what euphemisms used to describe it - 'ethnic cleansing', Russification, etc. But when you look at the bottom line, it comes down to very simple armed thuggery in company. My family called it criminal bullying. The only difference today is that in Russia the thugs no longer wear the uniforms. They have Gucci suits and shades and very expensive girlfriends.

The behaviour you described is a simple variation of an identical form of bullying. All that has changed is the scale of the operation. The cops you described acted precisely the way soldiers in Europe did, but they had, as do your police thugs, the authority to back their behaviour. Don't even think of 'getting rid' of anyone. It ain't going to happen. They are here forever. The important thing is to know what, who and where they are and what to do about it. An adult bullying (steering) small unruly kids into acceptable behaviour can be a true blessing. A little old guy in a white dustcoat at a carpark can turn into a real Hitler. The trick is to call their bluff and describe what they're doing so they can see you've mirrored their bullshit back in their faces. Bullies have always worked out their MO for doing business. Some do it with words, others with guns, and others with flowers and candy. It's a question of which weapon of choice & convenience. Cheers!