The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
OMFG guys - you should see the new studio pics that's on site at LPU!

Rob's in almost ALL of them! *collapses* and he's pulling faces for the camera and everything - funny man!

I wish I could share them (**** at this point I wish I could save them, even for myself) but if I upload them I run the risk of having my membership revoked and that means too much to me so... sowwy...

But like yeah... honestly... if y'all ever needed a reason to join or whatever - go do it now!

*laughs at the pic of Rob pulling face over his shoulder at the camera - Smile! Grr! XD Classic!*



*goes to heaven*

~Rav :D



New member
why are you going to heavn mum, no where in your little tirade did you say you died. you cant go to heaven unless you die you know that right? neways, Jojo wish i could post more pics but alas, rav's posted a majority of them. and truuust me, rob knows all about the CoB. heh heh


New member
Yes Robbeh knows about us - as for giving a rats @$$?? - but yeah, Mel's told him to his face I believe and I have mentioned us in the last official LPU chat with the man himself a few months ago. He didn't say hello or nuthin but then he's a busy guy and let's face it in the grand scheme of things we aren't that big a deal in that rock star's affluent life... bummer. But oh well, we're allowed to dream dagnammit!


Well... I didn't die. I went to heaven to see if I could sneak in through the gates but they wouldn't let me in. I said I didn't care. The other angels all sucked. I told them about the only real angel I knew of still walking the planet under the guise of human form... and all of heaven laughed. So I gave them the finger, renounced their *** and came back again. And here I am. Pleasant story, isn't it?

*this would have been the perfect time to post that pic of Rob with the wings, but alas, my timing's off - and that's why I'm not a drummer!*

Well enough carry on,


Talk again later... my butts asleep! 0_o

Take care fellow Rob-sessors!

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Well, I don't know if Rob actually gives a rats a$$ what I do know is that all people, whether they're famous or not, are always curious about what others say about them. I'm sure Rob has at least once in his life popped in to check out what the crazy Robsessors of the Cob say and think, despite his busy schedule. We might never find out about it but I'm pretty sure he's done it!!! Rav, BTH thanks for the "Monument to the lumberjack" I take pride in having inspired you to do it!!! I'll return with a "monument to Rob's glasses" as a way to say a huge heartfelt thanks!!! Wait for it... :thumbsup:

crazy robster

New member
Ready? Rav, I suggest you sit down... ;)






This last one I think was what you had asked me for the other day Rav, remember? That montage in the blue filter...I think you wanted both pics. I gave you one, now I'm giving you the other... Hugs~ :thumbsup:

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New member
*is in shock*

I think I am in love with you JoJo! XD

YES! That last one IS the pic I was after in the blue montage that I was telling you about! And OMFG there it is! *drools slobbers and generally dehydrates herself silly - that's a pretty mental image isn't it? XD *

Thankyou so much!

As for the monument to the beard - no probs. I've prolly got about 50 of the beard but like 10 of the glasses *meh* I really haven't categorised. Prolly should though come to think of it...

But as for the proposed monument to the glasses... bring it on I say. Eagerly awaiting that drool-fest.

And the idea that Rob cares about what we say about him? I'd doubt it. Even if the man wandered in here - whether in cognito or proclaiming himself straight out - no one would believe it was him. But this thread isn't to lure him in, it's just a place to let the world know what I think of him (whether he ever knows or not) and hopefully share that POV with others like yourself and Mel and Rusu and others...

Bless our Bourdon!

Well... now I've recovered from the mental shock of finally having that one ellusive pic (good thing y'all told me to sit down first! XD ) I'll go again. But I'll be back again later with more pics and hopefully catch up with y'all again?


*big hugs @ all Bourdonites/CoBers/fellow Rob-sessors and just the generally curious*

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Well,that's when I'm in a state of bliss in my life!!! Making fellow Robsessors (especially my beloved sis) leaping for joy!!!! :thumbsup: No prob I gathered those pics just to share them with you (so that we can drool and faint together!!!) Ravy dear, the "momument to glasses" is already posted it's the one I posted previously! Anytime I find more glass or beard pics I'll do my duty don't worry bout it!! :thumbsup: Hugs as always!!!!***


New member
Oops - my bad! (re: glasses reference) Y'know I barely even noticed (that he was wearing them) Trully! XD

Well, thought I'd better help out a little too seeing as how we're in a sharing loving drooling (and not in that order, nor in any physical I-can-sue-you-with-this/sexual harrassment) sense! XD :rolleyes:

Okay... well, here's MY meagre offerings of the handsomeness in his intellectualness (is that like even a real word or did I just make that up? XD )

The last one is one of my all time fav pics of dear sweet Robbeh ever... and the fact he's wearing glasses in this one makes it worthy of posting anew! Yayness!

And here's one y'all may not have seen - not only are we talkin Robbeh in different glasses BUT in SHORTS too! *gasp*

***... I love this...


Stacks more but t'will do for now. Enjoy!


~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
.........Moments of silence cause right now I am in shock.....Where do you hide this treasure Rav? Rob in shorts playing tennis??? Couldn't have done anything better to return the favor (as you usually put it)!!! Oh My Dear ***!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek: ... Nothing more on this... I'm in shock and people who are in shock cannot speak.... ;)


New member
niiiice rav. i love the pic. it rocks. but the one with him and the tennis raquette bag is mine. and yeah he knows about the Cob, I have told him face to face a couple of times. I hope he remembers me in the least. *being I was the only chick with a CoB shirt* ne ways im off to find a piccy of something that maybe is worthy of rob


New member
Hehe - yeahhh.... certainly droolworthy innit? Look at those sexay legs! XD ****... he's always hiding behind baggy clothes (except for 'that' surfer pic where he's in the body suit... *faints* ) no fair, damnit!

But anyway, I didn't know that pic of him with the racket was yours Mel. Did you mean YOU took it?!? *gasp*

****... he should prolly know you pretty well if that were the case, cause like you've got some sweet face-to-face pics of him, and I'm like so jealous right now I'm almost choking here (not really, but sounds good none-the-less, 'eh? XD )

If you did take it then you'd know it's one in a series of at least three. I came across it a site for a charity match (I think - and being LP are such humanitarians it makes sense). The first one is him with the racket (what's that in his other hand? His phone?!? I can't tell for sure, but it seems like he's always holding it... that or a water bottle or a drumstick or a marker, his hands are rarely empty, ever notice that? XD ) The third one is him swinging said racket (posted down there below) and the second one said at the site Rob Bourdon and guest.


Someone obviously didn't do their homework... cause his guest sure isn't just another average faceless joe to me...

It's Big Bad!!

Anyhoo... that's the set. And Mel if y'all took/own these I'm jealous as all geddup... seriously *sniffles*

Well... that's it for now. Glad y'all enjoyed that JoJo. Mel, I know most of these probably arent new to you in being that we've been around for a while together now, hehe... two evil peas in a pod really >:[

But one more thing while I'm still thinking of it - you mentioned the CoB shirt? I remember like AAAAGES ago we were all discussing that and you said you had designs drafted... do you mean to tell me you actually finished them?

*gasp - double gasp*

I need to see them!

(almost as much as I need to see Robert in da flesh wearing nothing but a smile and a... nevermind :eek: I'll keep that mental picture to myself!) hehe 0_o

*tackle hugs*

Talk to y'all again laters my CoB-sistas,

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
I need to see them!

(almost as much as I need to see Robert in da flesh wearing nothing but a smile and a... nevermind :eek: I'll keep that mental picture to myself!) hehe 0_o
Carry on Rav, never keep such interesting mental pictures to yourself... ;)

I'd like to see those shirts too...Well done Phi!!! :thumbsup:


crazy robster

New member
I looove to tease you!!! Because I know what you go through everytime you see Rob...I feel the same you know that! But let it out dear! You know how bad it is when you keep it all in your chest? Express yourself! We're all pals here! I haven't quit the pic posting don't worry OK? I'll come back soon with more picckies! Hugs ;)


New member
Wow... feels weird... people usually don't encourage me to do that sort of thing around these parts (only a certain few do and they know who they are! XD ) but they also know what I'm like so there's a real reason those kinds of thoughts aren't verbally encouraged XDD

(anyone remember the Rob-abduction conversation we had here like aaaages ago, for instance...? )

But what the ****... *drools herself silly/sillier than usual... as usual*


**** it... and now I'm gonna drown in it! 0_0

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Hello guys!!! Missed me? No? You just missed my pickies? :confused: So be it I can live with that... :( Anyways...I won't let you down, today I'm posting 3 rather imposing Rob pics! I don't know I just feel this is the right word to describe what Rob looks like in them. Off we go... PS: My beloved sista, get ready for some more mental images (especially when you see the first one... ;) )



He is passionate about drumming isn't he?


And also, today I'm very happy so along with the pickies you also get lots of hugs and kisses my Rob loving sweeties!!!! Mmmmmuah!!!! Jojo :thumbsup:

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New member
Hehe, you know we miss you JoJo! But the fact you come back with picks is aweseome too XD

(That first one - ooooh... ***, put that one and the surfer one together to make a whole new mental image and make it a little closer - with less audience in the back ground, preferably no spectators at all - and I'll be a very happy camper if y'all get my drift... 0_0 )

*major droolage factor rite there*

Well I'm not sure if you have any of these, you probably do, but that's okay, I'm still going through my humble little collection and here's a few more for you to perhaps dehydrate yourself over... 0_o

Look at that smile... don't you just wanna melt...?

Looking a tad serious... sorta

Look at that chest! Ohhh... dayum!

And that's passion...

oooh *passes out*

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
That first one I didn't have!!!! Wow it's awesome, finally one big clear picture of Rob!!! That's rare!! What a smile...***, what a mental stimulator...Drooools as usual (well maybe more this time!!!) ;) Thank you thank you thank you sis!!!! Your "humble collection" turns out to be invaluable!!!!! sqeeze hugs*** Jojo :D


New member
yes i finished the shirts but they are in nothing but sharpie and whatnot. it took me a while to compleat them. but also for your story rav, i finished a cover drawing for it. My buddy harrison is gonna scan it and send it to me to post. he said he would be greatful to do the sketches for the COB shirts as well. i cant find any piccys to post but yeah none of them are new... heh heh.. but go on and more rob ness w00t
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