The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

crazy robster

New member
Hello fellow Rob-sessors!!! I know everyone's sad now that Ravy's story is finished so I came here to post some more images in an effort to console you a bit... ;) Here you go...


Isn't he simply gorgeous?


This unshaved look is my personal favorite ;)



Look in the background...look at the luckiest woman in the world... :(


This one I simply adore!!! I dunno why, I love this snap of Robbie!!!

Hope y'all enjoyed my offerings!!! Talk again soon CoBers!!! *Hugs*

Jojo :D

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New member
Hello again!

Yeah I feel strangely... vacant now it's over :( Oh well.

As far as the luckiest woman in the worl business... this post was inevitable...

Uh oh... for those of you that don't know her may I introduce Susan or as far as she has been sourced her real name is actually Vanessa Lee Evigan, Rob's long time girlfriend (apparently, I don't know, I'm taking what's been said at

(haha - couldn't resist - his flashing his sexay shoulder and you can almost imagine she's rolling her eyes at that)

And this last one isn't Susan/Vanessa. But yeah... she's lucky anyway!

Susan/Vanessa is an actress (Sorority Boys, Norm, Mel, etc) but I haven't really studied too much about her as I guess it should be. They're entitled to thier privacy. But still... this is what the real life love of one Mr rbourdon looks like... (as if we didn't know) otherwise known as the luckiest woman in the world by JoJo! I think you're right! (Its also interesting to note that Vanessa's sister, Brianna was the NUMB girl, so there ya go!)

So I guess we should stop calling her Susan... but still... I dunno who to believe, so I'll just call her Su-nessa! Haha. (Oh and it's interesting to note that Brad's wife Monica is actually Elisa! Talk about getting jerked aroun, huh?!? XD ) No, this is more of her, like you've never seen her before...

(This is Anna and Susan/Vanessa and Samantha pregnant with Draven at Trinity Kids Care charity event)

(The tall one, obviously)

Yes I know this is actually a place for US to drool about HIM but I couldn't help myself... just once this is a glimpse of what HE drools about... and OMG, this is what the world looks like through the eyes of our dear sweet Robbeh...

(The one in the red bikini - 0_0 Whoa! Go Robbie! XDD You stud muffin you... haha. ;)

(A HUGE THANKS to Linkin for all of this)

As for the teeshirts? I'd be stoked beyond belief to see that... but the cover pic for the story? I'm not sure I understand... what's that for exactly? Forgive my ignorance, still sounds awesome and dearly love to see it... Scan as soon as you can please! Pretty please?!

Well that's all I have at the moment. Take care guys!

*tackle hugs*

~Rav :D



New member
Apologies for the double post the last one was rather... long (if not depressing! *snuffle*) But anyway, this next post should lighten things up a bit. You know how I posted that pick of me a bit back 'posing' with dear Robbeh? Well, I'm at it again! XD I'm working on a piece for JoJo, I sent her a PM but this is so others can enjoy the spectacle - I hope JoJo's okay with this? 0_0 (If not say so and I'll delete this post, it's all good!)

Here at the CoB we're all for living the dream... and since I've had my moment in the sun, here's another CoB member doing the same... *** bless yas, you look so cute together!


Its a work in progress, but if anyone wants this royal treatment (forgive me, sorry, currently watching Shrek at the moment) let me know. I'll make your day too! Haha!

*squeeze hugs*

Feel the CoB love! Bless our Bourdie!


~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Sis!!!! You are the most extraordinary person on the planet!!!! You are unbelievable!!! You 've made me so proud....So happy!!!!! I'm not gonna start leaping and screaming for joy again cause I've done all this in the PM I sent you! ;) *** bless you and *** bless our Bourdie!!!!





New member
yeah the cover picture is like the front part of the story that I did here it is hopefully if it loads up...

its not working but heres something in consolation

say cheese!! heh heh

this is something i came up with a while back but hey its all good.

untill it works this is all i have to offer



New member
Awww, thanks Mel! Isn't he so cute grinning like a crazy psychopath? XD

Well, as per requested by my sista I uploaded all the pics I had from the Billboard Awards last year, most recent ones I'm sure, and while I think everyone on the planet has already seen them, I'm posting them here so we can enjoy them all over again...

And my 'editted' version below;

Like I said I'm sure everyone's seen theses somewhere at some point, maybe even one or two here, but that's what I have. Plus one each of BBB and Mike also. Satisfy your request sista??

It's all good :D




crazy robster

New member
Sure you have sista!!! Thank you!! I copied a couple of them that I didn't have (as I've already told you I'm not really good at discovering things...) Now, it's all good!!! Thanks a lot!!! *hugs* Jojo :)


New member

finally here is the cover for your story rav. from the left to right is jimmy, then me down at the bottom, then rob then, chester, fox, fribby, rav, and lastly sarah. i didnt find out what andy loooked like untill after i scanned it so finally, i will draw him in there eventually



New member
I'm gonna print that out and hang it up somewhere... that just makes me grin like... well... that other pic you posted previous XDD

But why does Robbeh look so sad? (thinks about it... then withdraws the question)

But that's just awesome! Awesome...? Not sure if that's even close, but I honestly adore it! Cross-fingers it may inspire me to write the next part (installment #3) when and if I get inspired enough. Here's hoping.

You're one **** of an artist Mel!

*stands on a chair and applauds*


~Rav :D

Edit: It's now the desktop picky on thissy here laptop of mine! It even bumped lumberjack Robbeh off! :eek:



New member
I'm double-posting again - uh oh! Haha.

Well here's what I just whipped up for my dear sista before work - one of us lucky CoBers living the dream (at least thanks to the magic of my Ulead paint program). Another happy 'montage' - this is 2 of 3. Aww. Hope she likes...?

Just adorable :D :D :D

*tackle hugs*



crazy robster

New member
Your sista likes it and leaps around again like a silly kid!!! How will I ever be able to thank you enough sista??? I wonder....Love it!!!!!! You are just amazing!!!!!!!! :) *hugs*


New member
No probs, dear sista. Just glad as always you enjoyed - and that others get a lil kick out of it too, 'eh?

*tackle hugs*

More to come.

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Hey, CoBers!!! It's been a while since I last posted pics so here I am again to make up for this!!! I've got wallpapers this time for my sweet co-Robsessors!!! Enjoy!!!!!

Well, these are a few walls that I personally enjoy seeing on my desktop!!! Drools!!!! Talk again soon!!! *hugs* Jojo:)



New member
Aww, thanks sis! Droolworthy, as always!

First one I had (but bruise on his arm always perplexes me), 2nd one I didn't have... 3rd one so sweet, though he looks like he's nodded off on the couch (thus prooving he's just a male beneath it all) and the 4th one - he's gonna rip someone's fricken head off!! XD

All in all thoroughly enjoyable! Now we've had a glimpse at what you drool at... and we get to share in it! (the dream, not the drool! :rolleyes: I've enough of my own to contend with as it is, thanks anyways! XD )

But yeah... much thanks!

*flies through the air and tackle hugs you*

(mental note to self - stop watching Final Fantasy, you can't fly moron! XD )

Hmm. May post some later in response. Never know.


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