The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
After much discussion, here it is; The official Home of the CoB. (Thanks Vash,Twi, Pheonix and everyone else who helped!) If you're Rob-Obsessed (like me) THIS is the place to share your thoughts, pics and fascination for our favourite Drummer Boy, Rob Bourdon.

After clogging up the Rob Pics Thread (with excessive amounts of drool) and much deliberation amongst the rest of the CoB gang, we've decided to start a new thread here where we can start fresh essentially, and of course everyone's welcome!

For those uneducated few who don't yet know, this all came about as a kind of spin-off from my Journal a while back now, which I intentionally started as a kind of psuedo-Rob Shrine (because, ****, I wanted to! Plus, I couldn't think of what else constructive to do! *laughs*) I'd add pics and thoughts and general Rob-rants really, and after a few others started sharing my apparent obsession, it kind of spilled over into the Rob Pics thread. But, seeing as how we were choking precious pic-space with our usual carrying-on, PLUS we're slowly starting to build a respectable membership, a few of us thought it would be best to start a breakaway thread where we could do ALL the obsessive-compulsive Rob-Obsessing things we usually did over there right here! So, having said all that...


*Big Bourdon-Bopper Bear Hugs* to all!

I'm Rav, also known on occasion by a few other names as Reverend/High Priestess of the CoB, The Rob Obsessor, Rav-the-Rob-Ranter, Woody's Lil Drummer Gurl, Rob's Gurl and so on and so forth...

It's fair to say I'm a HUGE fan of Mr Bourdon (don't get me started), as of late have almost 1000 pics of him alone!! *yay!*

I look forward to catching up with all you fellow Rob-Obsessors and revelling in our usual madness (and drool, see that's why we have two official janitors in this place) and everyone's welcome!

Thanks, enjoy your stay and feel free to post your comments, pics and general thoughts regarding dear Mr Bourdon, but as usual please be respectful of others' opinions, etc. And remember our official motto;

"It's all good!"

Anyway, now the formalities are dispensed with, let the drooling begin!


Take care and talk to you later,


(As a sidenote, let me remind everyone I use Thumbnail viewer, so you have to click on images to see them full size. This saves a LOT of time for people running slow-@$$ computer systems like mine to actually see the images posted.)

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New member
the pics are awesome. if y'all are lucky, i might post the one i drew of him asleep shirtless. *evil laughter* *shifty eyes* those wall papers are awesome *gives jojo props* extreamly nice. lol. *drool, dies, drowns, floats to rob heaven* not all in that order of course


New member
Official members list (so far)

Okay, as far as my memory serves me, this is who we have as members to date (and their adopted 'roles' within the institution *laughs* which seems an oddly appropriate description for our humble little gathering);

Rav (me, of course) - Reverend/pastor/main obsessor/head chick




Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever - official (and much overworked) Janitor

JammerG - official towel/water Girl




StupidSoul1 - our other (overworked) janitor


Sorry if I've forgotten anyone, let me know and I'll edit. Will update it as necessary when/if new people jump on board. Remember, you don't need an official role to be part of the CoB, it's not a role-playing exercise, it's just something a few of us adopted for sheer amusement... (like most things we do here, really; serves no purpose but feels good, damnit!)

Oh, and for those of you who haven't been with us from the very begining, this is something a few of us thought up in my journal a while back (again for the sheer purpose of entertainment) as part of the whole CoB uh... "experience" shall we say...

Things you MUST do now as a member; (not really, but it's good for my amusement)


*Drink lots of water (or at least carry a bottle of it with you at all times to look as cool as Rob does, and besides that, it's good for ya, ah-ha!)


*Wear all caps backwards, that's non-negotiable


*It's not compulsory to actually play the drums or even want to, but you MUST watch/listen to/obsess over Rob's drum intro on 'Faint' (if you don't already) and consider this our congregational hymn. (Extra merit points to those of you who have/seen Rock am Ring 06/06/04, and likewise obsess over Rob's drum solo/intro to 'Don't Stay', that absolutely makes my knees go weak! *gush*) If you haven't seen it yet, consider that homework!


*Use the phrase "It's all good" as many times a day as possible where appropriate (if you don't already) and adhere to that philosophy.


*Familiarise yourself with the word; Vater. It'll come in handy if you ever meet the man in person and can fit it into a conversation *laughs* Likewise for Gibraltar, Gretsch and Zildjian (exotic names for pets, maybe? *raises an eyebrow thoughtfully*)


*Never badmouth DVS, DCSC, Matix, DrunknMunky and Replikant as standard forms of fashion, regardless the occasion.


*Appreciate the goatee in all it's forms... yes, even the 'lumberjack' look *laughs*

Jammer and I have come up with a few others since then;

One is to adopt what we colloquially refer to as "the Bourdon sniffle" for those very obsessed fans like me who take idol worship to a whole new level. Ever see Rob's video Diary entry over at LPU? If you have you'll understand what I'm refering to *laughs* (sorry Rob, you were probably just cold, y'poor ******!).

And another is expressing our every thought with nothing more than our eyebrows, funny as all ****! Try it in front of a mirror (or better yet, another person) and see if you can keep a straight face! This is hommage to Rob's unique talent with those luscious brows... looks benevolent and charming at the same time (watch Frat party and see what we mean - now that's talent!)

Uh... okay, well, shall do for now.

Take care folks and talk to y'all later!

*big Bourdon-Bopper bear-hugs*




New member
*Jammer walks into the new Church and looks around nodding "It's all Good." She says and turns to the delivery driver who is backing up to the steps. "This way," she guides the Towel truck up to the steps carefully making sure that the truck doesn't smuged or hurt the fresh paint. She gets the towels unloaded and then puts them in stacks on the end of each pew. Next she readies the ^WATER^ packing it into urns of ice just inside the entry for those who will be making their way to worship. Once finished she makes her way up to the shrine and lights a drumstick shaped candle and says her devotion.

"HAIL TO THE DRUMMER!! The one whom all others look to for rhythm and amazing Solos AND INTROS!!

HAIL TO THE DRUMMER!! The backward Cap wearing goateed one, for whom water was invented!!!


Jammer raises her hand in the "It's all good." salute and walks away, sighing in her peaceful contentment!!!



New member
Well JoJo, I looked... and I looked... I even considered 'making' a few (fake ones) but for the love of me I can't find any more pics of the man with his shirt off! *snuffle... then bawls hysterically... well, not quite, but almost! XD *

So what I did do was go through my older Rob folder and pull out a few images that show off a few of his other better features (do you have any idea how hard that is without trying to deliberately upload images we've all seen a million times before already??)... Anyway see if y'all can pick them ;)

*collapses in a fit - needs defribulation paddles*

Look at those freakin' arms! 0_0

Okay... now we're just getting cheeky! Hahaha... but seriously this post could like go on forever! Every Rob pic is a good Rob pic (for the most part).

Gawd, I'm in drooling heaven! (Haha... gross! 0_o ) But yeah, quality not so good cause I freeze-framed from WMP - oh *** bless his work out reigeme is all I'll say on the matter... *** ****, *** ****, *** dayum!

Better go... need to get my floaties on so I don't drown in this sea of drool! >.<

*Big Bourdie Bear Hugs*

Take care and talk again later my fellow Bourdonites.

~Rav :D



New member
Haha - ***, I know how that is! *picks sis up off the floor and dusts her off*

Better now?

Got this from an old thread over at Exactly what we were discussing earlier on AIM, JoJo...

I am a Bourdist. Huh. There you go. Not really a newsflash, but I never refered to myself as a Bourdist before I read that, always a Bourdonite. I guess I am both. 0_0

Thought those of you who haven't seen it before would love it. Makes me smile. Hehe. And this IS the appropriate place for it. (Or should I say, easier than scrolling back to the original CoB posts of like a year ago now... )

Yay for us Bourdists.

One thought though - does that make Rob our Robi-Lama (like Deli lama) ?


~Rav :D



New member

*hails to a picture of rob*

You sexy beast..we luf you..

*drinks 2 litres of water*

****..looking at his picture is like a workout! Aie!


crazy robster

New member
Hahaha!! Rob has founded a new religion hasn't he? We are all devoted Bourdists I guess!! Thanks sis!!! Well, time for some more pickies... Enjoy....

This is a collage I created and usually set as my desktop wall...

This is not a wall but I like it it's one of my personal favs!!!

Hope you enjoy CoBers!!! talk again soon....Jojo:)



New member
Hey, thanks SS1, JammerG, Vash, Faded_Blue, was starting to feel all alone out here... *looks around virtually empty new structure* Okay, is to be expected, place hasn't been open a full day yet... sheesh!

Anyhoo, Faded_Blue, you crack me up! The whole "Looking at Rob's pic is like doing a workout" That's so true! *laughs* I admit, gets me a bit flustered too... but, to play it safe I'll 'contain' myself for the time being, we all know how perverted I/we all can get on occasion when the mood takes us... seems to kidnap me often!

(Inner monologue:Brain to self; "Think unsexy thoughts, think unsexy thoughts, (Insert name of ugliest person you can think of here) naked on a cold day..." That ought to do it!) *yay! Cheers self-control - hey, I'm new to this!*

Well, this will be a tester then, huh? Seeing as how things are a bit slow and it's still early days, thought I'd kick off the pics as well... so here's a fan-frickin-tastic one I 'acquired' from (one of the best sites I've come across in a while for Rob pics) Don't know what kind of war this will start by naming sources, but *shrug* at least I'm giving credit where it's due (plus a little plug on the sly! *wicked grins*)


You have to tell me if it works or not, my usual source is 'cracking a darkie' at the moment (that's Australian slang for 'not working properly' or the like) See, this place is educational too! Come for the images... come away with knowledge, incredible! *rolls eyes*

Okay, well, running off again to see what else is happening in my virtual realm (over at LPU). Personally, and this is NO slight against LP in any way, but I actually prefer the forums here. I know it must be way difficult having to manage all the traffic over at the official fan site and all, but the whole place just feels... I dunno, 'impersonal' for want of a better word. *sigh* Maybe ATLien should take over for Sparkart and see if he can weave his magic there too, huh? *grins*

Anyway, take care guys/fellow Rob Obsessors/perverts!

Til later,


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New member
Direct quote from our AIM chat regarding said pictures:

RavTheRobRanter: Love #3 - see the determination/focus. From FTI - Meteora book. Awesome!tzimilikia: I think he looks a bit vicious don't you think?

RavTheRobRanter: Yeah! I adore the evil Robness! Haha...

RavTheRobRanter: The last pic - geez he looks so young huh? Awww...
Yeah... awesome! Thanks sis!!! *tackle hugs*



New member
How lazy can my sista be sometimes?! Thanks sis' date=' glad you liked them! *tackle hugs you back* ;) [/quote']Haha - Lazy aint the word for it. I'll just put it down to sheer exhaustion... from drooling! Haha 0_o



~Rav :D


New member
Hey Rav!!!Thanx you so much 4 adding me into the CoB ^_^*enters the CoB and shakes hands with every1 in there*.

Yay!!!He is sexy,and one of the best drummers ever:DGo Rob Bourdon!!!*she sings*.

Here´s a pic of Rob B for all of you to enjoy^_^:

L8rz,every1 ^_^.



New member
Well I'm gonna break a cardinal rule here and double post again - meh - sue me. 0_0 Until then... I'm gonna entertain myself in the best way I know how...

One word.



This post is all about getting up close and personal with one Mr Bourdon. Aww. Look at all the faces he pulls when he has a camera on him! :D

Okay well that oughta do for now... just... had to post something. Been a while and in all honesty I miss seeing the big lug around. *** **** it I can't wait for this new album to be released, not only for the new music and concerts but for the interviews and stuff that will follow!! Yay! More publicity!! More pickies! More videos! And MORE ROBBEH!!! Yay!!


Oh well, rant over with for now. More later.


~Rav :D



New member
*Grumbles under breath* *** damnit' date=' I HATE posts like this, intentional or not. Seems like a waste of space. I'm sure ppl only do things like this to bump up their post count... *grumbles irately again* A [i']constructive[/i] PM would have been easier, perhaps (constructive being the operative word here, yup)? *shakes head and wanders off despondently*
Anyhoo... thanks 4everLP_Shinoda *big bear hugs right back* Thanks for the pickie... unfortunately my pain-in-the-@$$ computer runs at a snail's pace so I can't actually view it until traffic eases, (which usually isn't until some ungodly hour of the morning here in Oz *sigh*) but rest assured, I'll be back, I always come back, I'm like the Arnie of LPF... *rolls eyes* (Hey, I've had like 3.5 hours sleep, okay??) and anyway, when it shows up I'll comment on it. Thanks again for sharing!!

Take care people. TTYL,



crazy robster

New member
Hey, sis!!! It's been such a long time since we last posted here....I'm afraid our lord Bourdie will be very angry.... :eek: Thanks for the pickies it was so nice seeing our teddy bear's lovely frowny face in here again!!! Well, here's what I have to contribute, at least for now...





Hahahaha!!! This pic has just cracked me up for real!!! I mean look at him! As if he says :"I'm considering the possibility of becoming a model....I got such sexy lips...Don't you agree Chaz?" and Chaz: "I just say, stop being ridiculous, we're ****** rockers man..." :D

OK CoBers that was it for now, I hope you enjoy!! *hugs*

Jojo :D :thumbsup:

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New member
I have returned from the trip from ****. woo hoo can I be the assitant obsessor? I have adopted the Rob fashion and its all good. I start drum lessons on monday (props to my brother for teaching me) oh and nice rules ravyn.


New member
Ooooh sis I love it! Hmmm, our big beautiful teddy bear! *hugs* Thanks sista!! *major droolage* If only I could find more... *sigh*


New member
WHOOOOOOOOOOO I'm here!! *eats excessive amounts of cherries* good work guys it feels like home :D

sorry to inform I can't stay long, and have not a notion as to when I'll be back, buuuuut, I was just stopping by to check deh place out :D

*hugs all rob obsessors*

hmmm *ponders* what is my duty in regards to rob-worshiping? :)

bye bye!


crazy robster

New member
Hehe...No problem my sis!! That's why Jojo's here!!! I'm here to make the CoBers happy by constantly posting new pics of our sweet Lord Bourdie!!! I have some more today...Ready???







Well, that's about it...hope you like them!! Drool to your heart's content!!!!

*hugs* Jojo :D

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New member
Wow!! what a great new place for the CoB! I could really get used to it here, and wow, look at all the water!! *drinks lots of water* o0o0o0oh so many Rob pics!! *drools* oops...well we hav great janitors so "it's all good!". can't wait to just chill here for a while...unfortunatley i can't right now, but, i will be back!! lol, catch up w/ u guys later, i'm going to go check out the LPU and see what the costs r for a membership! laterz


New member
OMFG SIS! You've done it again!

*breaks into Brittany Spears song - then slaps herself out of it!*

The last one I didn't have!!! I love it! Love u!! Thanks SSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO much for sharing with me!!! *runs up and tackle higs u to the ground* hahaha




New member
okay, i know this isnt a pic or anything but, its an interview with Rob, talking about Collision Course, that i found on and i just thought the CoB should check it out, cuz some of Rob's answers are pretty funny, and i'm sure u'll know which ones i'm talking about:

How are people responding to the project?

Great, we didn’t think the whole project would do this well. But looking at the charts, it seems to be doing very well.

What was it like to work with Jay-Z?

We were honored to work with Jay-Z. People often think Jay-Z is careless and languid. I guarantee that Jay-Z is a real professional and very creative.

Did Beyonce come round?

*laughs* Unfortunately not! I would have loved to have met her.

Didn’t Mike get jealous when he heard Jay-Z rappin those hard rhymes almost without any effort?

Jealous? No, but when you’re working with someone like Jay-Z, you know you’re working with one of the best rappers in the world. He’s the best at what he does..

Now something about you. I always see a drummer like a goal-keeper of a soccer team. He’s kind of the weird one of the team. Is that correct?

I’m not really a weirdo, but i do like the comparison with soccer. Actually a drummer should be kind of invisible. The less you actually hear him, the better. However, drummer guides the group. If he plays good, everyone thinks that’s normal, if he makes 2 little mistakes, he will be hearing about it for a long time.

Last year when you played a show in Malaysia, the authorities forbid you to jump and curse on stage. Can we still speak of a real Linkin Park live show?

Yes, of course. We obeyed the rules, because we were so fortunate to be playing a show in Malaysia in the first place.

Are you guys that calm when you’re backstage too?

A lot of stories go round about what happens backstage at a rock show. Like that there’s always a huge party going on, but actually we’re all pretty normal backstage. We don’t drink, 4 of us are married and 1 of us has children. The only thing we do backstage is play videogames.

Do you guys ever do anything exciting?

The only exciting thing that i have done this past year is sleeping in my own bed. I mean, our tour bus is awesome. We have all the comfort in the world on our bus and we even installed a little studio in the back of the bus, but still, I was happy to finally be home again.

Your fans know your tourbus very well. Are you so open to your fans or is it just a way of getting in touch with the female fans?

We’re just nice to our fans like everyone else, because they buy our albums and merchandise. Our merchandise has become a very important factor of our income and if we want our fans to buy our stuff we should be nice to them.

On the back of the album (Collision Course) it says: “witness how Linkin Park and Jay-Z made music history”. Do you really mean that?

Yes and no. What we did has been done before by other artists, but still it’s new. Also, because we have succeed in blending 2 music styles together into a new sound that sounds incredible. Because of that I think we wrote a little piece of music history.



New member
Hey guys! *huge back-breaking hugs* Glad y'all could drop in! Place just hasn't been the same without ya's! *grins* Okay, NOW it dfeels more like it used to! *sighs in relief*

Hey, Chipmonk, a HUGE thanks for the Interview, I have to confess I've never read that one (which is strange) and it freaked me out! *huge hugs to you for sharing that with us* Wow... the man's a card isn't he? (Rob, I'm talking about, of course)

Freaked me out though, am I like the last person to know this or something; is he actually *gulp* married to his g/f Susan? (Being the last known person I can recall reading about him being with to the best of my somewhat relatively limited knowledge) Last I heard, and I don't even know the source anymore, but they broke up late last year, early this one didn't they?? *looks puzzled* OMFG, I like feel like such an idiot... *laughs stupidly* It doesn't change s**t as far as I'm concerned, and won't stop me drooling any less... or more for that matter. He's still the same sweet, sexy, super-talented guy he's always been (to this obsessor at least) single, married or... uh... otherwise *blushes embarrassedly* (clears throat)

Ah well, yes, moving on a fraction, he said four married; at that stage;

Phoenix - Lyndsay

Mike - Anna

Chas - Samantha

?? - ??

Who's the fourth? Am I just dense or something?!? *looks about the silent congregation then shrugs* There's Joe and Karen (also refered to by some as 'Trista'?) and Brad and Monica (so I've been led to believe at one MSN site) *shrugs again blankly* And of course, Rob and Susan. I know it's not actually relevant to anything and ppl would freak and go 'why do we need to know?' Isn't it all supposed to be about teh music? In honesty; It is and I don't need to, I'm simply curious is all. Life goes on with or without such knowledge, I just like to keep relatively informed. As 'Obsessed' as I claim to be let me make it painfully clear I have no designs to be the so-called next Mrs Bourdon, I mean, **** ppl, get a life! *chuckles* That's fantasy land (and LP fanfic) stuff *looks surprisingly innocent*

But funnily enough I remember having a similar discussion with Viking (miss my Viking *sob*) a while back about this very subject, and simply stated; the Rob/LP obsession is just for kicks. There's a distinct line between reality and fantasy and while some fans tend to lose focus from time to time (by bagging the guy's respective partners with "I hate Sam/Anna/etc, I'm so jealous/glad they broke up so now I have my shot at Chas/Mike etc' garbage) as much as we toy with this fantasy let me make it clear to all you neigh-sayers bagging this thread/relative obsession; It's just for the fun of it!

*whew!* Preaching is really emotional and energetic stuff, huh? *grins as she wipes brow* I don't know where that whim came from, but if y'didn't know me and my love of ranting by now, then you soon will! *laughs sinisterly* See, it aint all prety pics and buckets upon buckets upon oceans of drool...

Anyways, where was I? Oh yeah... the interview! Uh, inspiring stuff, thanks for that Chipmonk! I'm glad you're with us too, you appear to be another invaluable asset to our humble little gathering! *hands Chipmonk a bottle of water*

Uh, okay. Twi *hugs* you're duty in regards to worship? *shrugs* What would you like to do? We're all laid back here, (except for me, I appear comparatively highly-strung) remember the creed, huh; "It's all good" so, y'know, do what feels good, man. *Holds up hand in the timeless 'rock-on' gesture* JammerG wanted to be towel/water gurl, don't ask me why. We had a joke about all of us descending on Rob in the locker room at the gym after his workout and *ahem* educating him in the ways of our little Church *laughs embarrassedly* so it could have come from that... *shrugs* And as for everyone else's roles, you'll have to ask them...

Pheonix, you 'lil devil you, missed you too! *more hugs* So you're following in the footsteps of our Lord huh? *grins* I'm sure he'd be chuffed to be such an inspiration! Good luck with that, hopefully you've better luck at keeping a beat than me, I'm pathetic... let's just not go there, I'm too embarrassed to even talk about it! *s******s* Uh, of course you can be the assistant obsessor. I'll edit soon enough and make it 'official', so when I'm off sick or have laryngitis from excessive ranting and carrying on, you can pick up the mantle and lead the congregation forth huh? Sweet! It's all good! *yay*

Well, this post is probably long enough (aren't mine always, though?) and the system is still slow from excessive traffic at the mo (I think everyone's clawing each other's eyes out to get their claws on the Live 8 stuff, lucky bah-stardos *is jealous*) Meh, oh well, I'll run off again and contnue my search for more pics to share with y'all and give us more to drool about. Can never have too much drool (or too many janitors as the case may be, here) *winks* Lovin' it!

Take care guys, *big Bourdon-Bopper Bear hugs* as usual and talk to you later,




New member
Aww TY sis!! *hugs, as always*

You're so sweet!

Anyways - I've been playing around with a new program and decided to make some long overdue moving icons and avatars of who else but Lord Bourdon *XD* and even made a few on *gasp* The CoB!! True!

They're for any and everyone, just wanted to share 'em, so... there ya go! It's a start. I'm bound to do more soon and I'll share them as well. In fact I know that JoJo has been playing also so we'll see what we both come up with! Finally some relief to the lack of Rob icons and such! *cheers wildly*

Well that's all I have to say. Hope y'all like!

*Big Bourdie BearHugs* (like, what else?) ;)

~Rav :D



New member
w00t!! yay. I had another CoB dream last night so check it out over at the fan fic section. lol Ravyn u were in it too but i got rob lol. glad to be back where I belong in this rob obsessed place and not in **** where my aunt thinks that LP is sucky. I was on the road yesterday and they were playing some live preformances in the radio. I was so happy to listen to them and Mr. Hahn (my cat) started meowing to it. lol. I loved it so much. I didnt get a chance to see the live8 concert. but its all good. I listened to my rock am ring cd. I have the rock am ring cd so if any one wants the track just IM me and I'll send it to u. but all hail the drummer. Oh and just so you knoe I'm taking up drumming to replace our drummer. he never showed up for practice and then quit. so he gave me his drumset and Im picking up the drums until we find a bassist. those are really easy to come by in NC alot of ppl play bass. so im turning drummer. lol. I can only imagine being as amazing as our lord. maybe when and if my band gets good enough we can play or open up for them. I would die if that ever happened. so I guess thats my preaching for today. luv all u rob obsessors. and so u kno rav, brad is married too.

crazy robster

New member
My dear sweet sista!!! Thank you for sharing these wonderful icons and also for showing me the way to create my own!!! That's why I thought you'd all (and Robbie most of all) would like to see what I've come up with so far...More Bobert gifs for you CoBers!! Enjoy! ;)

;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I'll make more that's for sure!! It's so addictive!!! Thank you sista!!!

*hugs* Jojo :D

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New member
*Grumbles under breath* *** damnit' date=' I HATE posts like this, intentional or not. Seems like a waste of space. I'm sure ppl only do things like this to bump up their post count... *grumbles irately again* A [i']constructive[/i] PM would have been easier, perhaps (constructive being the operative word here, yup)? *shakes head and wanders off despondently*
bump up their post count? if i want to do that id post in every thread but i dont.

Seriously. A church of Brad? Sexy? BEST DRUMMER? Riiiiiight. Some people really need to listen to other music. He's just sexy because he's in the band. John Otto of Limp Bizkit is an better drummer than him. And it seriously is.

You guys really need to stop fantasizing about someone you cant reach. "Thinking of Brad is a workout"? COME OOON PEOPLE! I thought i was hopeless. GROW UUUUUP! FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITYYYYY!!!




New member
Cheeze wiz, you need to calm down Chris.

This is all in good fun. We are obviously joking. We know we are never going to get him.

Btw..its bourdon! Not brad..


crazy robster

New member
Len!!! Thanks for visiting our holy church!!!! I'm sure Lord Bourdie will listen to your prayers!!! Hahaha!!! And yes, now I can see why you enjoy sig making so much! ;)


New member
bump up their post count? if i want to do that id post in every thread but i dont.
Seriously. A church of Brad? Sexy? BEST DRUMMER? Riiiiiight. Some people really need to listen to other music. He's just sexy because he's in the band. John Otto of Limp Bizkit is an better drummer than him. And it seriously is.

You guys really need to stop fantasizing about someone you cant reach. "Thinking of Brad is a workout"? COME OOON PEOPLE! I thought i was hopeless. GROW UUUUUP! FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITYYYYY!!!


u apparently dont listen to LP. Either that or you dont know the members. for starters, look at our sigs and avatars. thats rob bourdon. seccond, having unatainable crushes is part of building healthy relationships. you learn how to deal with it easier for when there are real crushes. besides its all good and its all in good fun. look at all the chester and mike boppers that are out there. do you think they need to grow up? what about those who are crushing on fred durst? besides Limp bizkit sux major ***. oh and I forgot something...hmm where is it.... ah here it is. the unspoken rule of the forums, its alright to disagree but you must respect what the other members have to say. My friend if you keep this up you wont last too long around here. Take it from someone whos been around for a year.



New member
I have my doubts about this my dear Jojo, since yesterday I accidently painted our dear Lord Bourdies hair gray-ish by accident.. *hails his Undo button*. And I think I chopped off like 35% of his left ear.. >.< (Which again I correct lol, the Clone Stamp also deserves a hail ^^)

But I shall no longer spam this holy place. :thumbsup: :)

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