bump up their post count? if i want to do that id post in every thread but i dont.
Seriously. A church of Brad? Sexy? BEST DRUMMER? Riiiiiight. Some people really need to listen to other music. He's just sexy because he's in the band. John Otto of Limp Bizkit is an better drummer than him. And it seriously is.
You guys really need to stop fantasizing about someone you cant reach. "Thinking of Brad is a workout"? COME OOON PEOPLE! I thought i was hopeless. GROW UUUUUP! FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITYYYYY!!!
*shakes head* Okay I know this is kinda late but it stirred something in me so I'm gonna let fly, too... um, for the sake of clarification, it's Rob, not Brad, (D'uh), and you obviously don't read a great deal around here either because as it turns out surprisingly what I have been listening to by way of other music lately is Nine Inch Nails
With Teeth, just so you're informed. And, ask JammerG, I actually used to watch Dr Phil a while back (before discovering LPF, coincidentally) AND I am in therapy (for unrelated issues) and even my personal therapist doesn't have as many issues with it as you seem to. Basing a religion on Rob... as has been said, this is refered to as a religion because I didn't know what else to refer to it as (plus, when I originally came up with the CoB concept, I never imagined it would spill over into an actual gathering. It was just me fantasizing because I could, basically).
As for Rob being sexy because he's in the band, that definately helps and let's face it, it is a Linkin Park fan site, (D'uh, again), but I'vebeen through other band obsessions before, I think we all have on and off at some point (I was Trent Reznor's B**ch in high school, so's you know) and a mad Stone Gossard obsessor (or Pearl Jam fame for 12 years before discovering Jeff Buckley and after his untimely death *sob* Linkin Park) While no one's disputing Mr Otto's talented, talent like beauty is in the eye of the beholder as far as I'm concerned and so is people's tastes in music or rock idols for that matter. If you'd bothered to read my previous post you'd see I vehemently argue this teeny-bopper mentality of 'getting with' any band member (as if! *rolls eyes*), IT IS ALL FOR FUN and so while no one's getting hurt, why should it matter to you what we say or do here?
I agree with Chipmonk, that if you have nothing constructive to say or you simply don't agree with what we're doing/saying/posting here, don't visit, no one's forcing you to. If we frustrate you, avoid us, simple. I respect you're entitled to your opinion, but if you have nothing constructive to say, why say anything?
Remember, it is better to be thought a fool and remain silent than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. (Thanks to
The Simpsons for that philosophical quote) *grins*
We could continue this diatribe for ages yet but frankly I'm weary of it. It's all been said anyhoo... *sigh* So yeah... seeing as how you've all reached an admirably amicable agreement without me, I'll let it go at that. Opinions are like @$$holes; everyone's got one, not everyone shows 'em off (unless you're particularly fond of 'mooning' people like our dear Chazzy Chaz, apparently). But thanks for the heads-up on the whole wiping our faces before we go to bed at night save drowning in our own drool, I appreciate that sentiment. And so's you know, I've like dreamt of Rob once in 4 years, so there's no fear of me drowning in my drool. Ask JammerG who see's me on a daily occurance (as my poor housemate) I'm not as obsessed in RL as I appear to be here, (though, sometimes I wonder myself...)
*Whew!* Now, anway, I've gotten that off my chest... (c'mon, folks, you know I can't simply post small posts... I've tried! Honestly, I have!) Anyway, let's address a few other issues...
Jammer notified me regarding the Synagogue thing. To be honest I considered that from the very begining, (again, who'd have known this would have actually taken off to it's own thread!) knowing that both Brad and Rob are both Jewish, but apart from the fact I know very little about the Jewish faith (and for the sake of clarification, have no desire to convert just because my fav. band member is, sorry) and have issues with spelling the word *laughs* my biggest issue by far with the whole name change is this;
Abbreviate the Church of Bourdon and you get this: CoB.
Abbreviate Synagogue of Bourdon and you get this: SoB.
Now I don't know what connotations SoB brings to your minds, but to me it's the not-so-nice (son of a b**ch) or, conversely, *sob* as in crying. And lets face it we drool more than cry around here... (and ask our dear janitors, that's an excessive drooling problem, well, is on my part anyway *grins guiltily*) I know it's not a big issue, but seeing as how I don't have much of a life (gee, can you tell? *raises eyebrow cynically*) I refer to this 'organisation' (for want of a better word) a fair bit, and abbreviate it accordingly. Robbie's not a SoB! And he's not worth crying over, either (well, that depends) but... *shrugs*
I guess if we all come to the agreement, then it can be changed, either way it's all good. As far as I'm aware we have one or two Jewish folk amongst our ranks anyway, and while I was raised Anglican I adopted the Wiccan faith quite a number of years back, so I don't actually answer to the Christian doctrine anyway, but Church is so much easier to say than Synagogue... plus it rolled off the tongue better when you pronounce it...*laughs* Oh well, maybe we should just have a show of hands? Tell me what you'd prefer (and thanks to the wonders of Vash! We here love you Vash, you ever helpful soul you! *grins*) it will be altered accordingly if you so decree it. Not that Rob himself will ever see (but he knows now, doesn't he, Pheonix?!?) *grins uneasily* (I can see a lawsuit arising from this in the not-to-distant-future!) *laughs again*
Ah, it's all good!
And tell me, Chipmonk, did you get the picture posting issue sorted or do you still need help with that? PM me and I'll help if you like. Sweet!
Well, anyway, long enough post for now. Will go and catch my breath after this latest rant-session. BTW, someone has to tell me what's a Jewish priest called? A Rabii, isn't it? Will I become Rav the ranting Rabii from the Synagogue of Bourdon? (Hey, now you put it like that, is does have a nice ring to it, huh? *grins*) Like I said, let me know and we'll do that, sweet?
Take care peoples, yes, even you Chris, as much as you fired me up. But you're a NIN fan so I can't stay mad at you... afterall, you've obviously got taste, so, y'know... *grins* If you want to hand out candy so be it. As we all like to repeat ad nauseum around here,
"It's all good!"
*Big bear hugs* and TTYL,