Hey guys, me again!
Wow *laughs* funny how quickly this place moves when you're not paying attention (as much as I should be, **** that little inconvenience called RL!)
Uh, don't know Chipmonk. If you're committed to playing and want to develop your talent on the skins, then I agree with the others; buy the drums and have you're dad buy you the LPU membership, just whatever you do get the membership. Honestly, as I've said before, I've been around a while and after a few band obsessions, LP is the only band that genuinely appear to give a rats-@$$ about their fans (more Aussie humour/slang for you, sorry), the membership package is so worth it (when it finally arrives, mine took about 12 weeks this year, I wasn't impressed, still I got it and all's forgiven now! *grins* So it's all good), even if the official fan site IMHO is a bit of a let down. I agree with whoever said it (I've a shocking memory for someone my age! oops!) LPF right here is a WAY better site. But anyway, I'm a member of both, so what am I bitchen for? *grins*
Hey Pheonix, love the collage (here y'go acdcrules04) *drooool* and congrats on the 1000+ posts mark. It's a level I aspire to one day reach *grins* yeah, and like the next 600 odd will be more-than-likely devoted to this thread/Rob, so, y'know *shrugs* it's all good there too!
Yup, will post you list after I've posted this... uh, post, today's rant, for all intents and purposes! Thanks for the help, that frees me up to drool a little more like I once used to... hold on a sec... *wipes chin* no, still drooling okay. Always happens spontaneously when I come into this thread! *chuckles* Sweet that your teacher allows you to listen to LP in class. Funny thing is LP would have been (and were) still in school while I was still in school (yes, I am that old) so I never had the oppertunity. Had I been born in the right continent, heck, the same hemisphere, we all might have been class mates (not factually possible, but I'm talking hypothesis, after all) Considering Rob's like three years my junior... and I usually have a thing against younger guys *shrugs* Oh well, it's all good. He's different. He's special. Cause he's unobtainable? Yup, that too... he's my favourite flavour of eye candy... Yours too, I see...
*we both start to drool like Homer Simpson*
Too much Rob is never enough... ***, acdcrules04, we need another bucket!! Stat!! Rob-a-licious *laughs* That's so true!
As for the tee-shirts, is this gonna be an actual hands-on event? I mean, you're gonna print one for yourself, take orders and ship them out around the globe kind of thing??? That's adventurous, but I admire your spirit. *raises brows but gets despondent she can't look as sexy as Rob does when he does it* Let us know how things develop and if I can help in some way, let me know, cool? Sweet.
Hey Twi! Long time no see, hon! *laughs* I'm honoured you were trying to get Rob to meet me, should be the other way around, but still, I'm stoked. Pity that's not actually possible (and in some ways a good thing, or we'd probably be meeting across a crowded courtroom when he sues me for any number of harrassment/defamation of character and stalking charges, to name a few!) *chuckles evilly* Hey, if the cause is just... Nice rant BTW. Keep up the good work.
o0SugaxNxSpice0o Welcome to the club! *big welcoming hugs* Haven't caught up with you for ages neither! I'm thrilled to have you on board, and yes, with your extraordinary talents (I'm getting giddy with all the Rob clips I can see as future sigs/avatars rite at this very second) you're like our technical wiz. Don't sweat the Rob pics bit, I have many people covered *laughs* (I'm not unofficially refered to around these parts as the Rob Obsessor for nothing, huh?) But feel free to contribute whetever you'd like, pics, rants or just an appreciative grunt once in a while is always nice too! Spread the big-Bourdon love here at LPF. *stands on a chair and cheers wildly* (Hey, I'm short, gimmie a break!) Anyhoo, welcome on board the ship of fools... Rob-mad as we all are! Hope you've got you're life-jacket on, with all the drool that flows through this place on a frequent basis *looks strangely innocent* you're gonna need it!
*Ahem* Okay... whatelse?
Vash Yup, I'm more than glad to have you as head of security, if you'd do us the honour? You seem pretty authoritarian no-nonsense kinda person (a level head in this place of chaos can't be such a bad thing, huh? *laughs*) So, if everyone else is in agreement, then yup, I'm all for it. Maybe you could adopt both personas? The Head of security and counsellor... one y'don't wanna f**k with, rite? *laughs* If that's all good (or unless we have another caring soul who wants to listen to us spill our guts and our problems to the rest of the forum, if not the rest of cyberspace, and fill that position??) Offer stands people... Hey, Twi, you were looking for a job... up for it??
Anyway, cool. Vash, our new Head of Security. I think there's a party of three or four under you, so you've got a small army behind you too should the need ever (*** forbid) ever arise! *cackles* CoB takes on the world! Uh... maybe later, lets do this one thread at a time, first, okay...? *grins sinisterly*
What else?
Black_Angel Thanks for the pics too *hugs* In fact, everyone take a Rob-shaped cookie *throws our sacramental cookies out to the congregation (hold up, I'm confused, what faith are we alligned to nowadays? Aw heck, we're so diverse as a group, we'll make our 'Rob Religion' just as unique, and take bits from everywhere! Yay!) It's all good! *laughs @ your Brownies comment* Good stuff. Was never into the Brownies/girl guides/supertroopers whatnot, but I'll take your word for it. But you don't get a merit badge as far as I'm aware... Dunno, depends on what you do, I guess. Get Rob here and I'll give you a car! *laughs* (as if!)
Well, that's it for now, post is like, WAY long (as per freakin' usual) so I'll post it, then post Member's list to Pheonix, then address any unresolved issues from there, sound sweet? Okay guys, take care as always, thanks for making this thread a joy to visit every day (and nights when I can't/refuse to sleep) and I'll catch up with y'all again real soon, promise.
*Big Bourdon-Bopper Bear hugs*