The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Maybe I ate too much seaweed crackers lately (don't ask) but I don't quite get the question. Meh, I'm vague. I lose the plot all the time. Most of the time its cause I'm distracted by all these different trains of thought at once but then sometimes I get so easily distracted that I can't....

.... oh look, a moth's trying to comit hurry-curry against my computer screen. *giggles like a dizzy schoolgirl* How trippy was that?

Hmm. *Insert Rob frowny face icon here* What was I talking about again? Oh yeah. Mystery, I don't know how to rationalise this place let alone explain it in simple terms. It just is. It's Robness. Droolage, post pic-whoring, the occasional (and often) flights of fantasy followed by more drooling and temple idolatry worship. It's all good.


****. Just as well I have a 'day' job or else who knows how much further into the dark depravity of Robsession this may take me... willingly, of course ;) Every step of the way. Having said that we here at the CoB applaud you for spreading the Bourdie love and sending his message out across the wild and untamed lands that is LPF. You should be commended ;) That goes to all Rob-fic writers. I (and our Lord) appreciate your invaluable contributions. We may be small in number but we are a ppl united under a common and worthy cause (**** - missed my calling as a televangelist I reckon, I could be just as famous! Haha) But yeah. Oh yeah, train of thought derrailed again. My apologies. Contrary to popular belief I do not control the rant, the rant controls me - kinda like Bourdonemia, hey sis? ;) You just never know when it's gonna strike...


Sorry if I couldn't give you a straight answer. I already forgot the question

\m/ (9_9) \m/



New member
*Hails to a picture of Rob*

Heylo, everybody. I am back in the Church of Rob. I am a security guard?!

Yess, thank you for that position Rav!*hugs*



New member
Don't worry Rav, after around 1:00 am of sleepness I came up with a plan for what I was going to do to show my love to CoB, but I figured that it would take a while, because I still need to update. I haven't updated since I left my trip last week.

But don't worry the more we spread the word of Rob around LPF the more we spread the word of his greatness. And he will be KING! *evil laughter, cough* Okay, I really need a good nights sleep... but I can't he is a drug... a very nice drug!



New member
and i thought I was bad. >< you can always bounce ideas off of me if you want or PM me and all. im up for it
Thanks Phi I really like that. I think I have a good idea for what I'm going to do, but once I'm up to writing that chapter. I'm going to PM you of the idea okay, more like PM you the chapter before anyone else gets it.

.... Rob drug... just had to say that.


crazy robster

New member
Yay for Mystery!!!! This is what a real CoBer should do!!! Always try to spread the Bourdie love and the word of his greatness!!! Congratulations my friend!!! Let me give you a squeeze hug!!!!


New member
Yay for Mystery!!!! This is what a real CoBer should do!!! Always try to spread the Bourdie love and the word of his greatness!!! Congratulations my friend!!! Let me give you a squeeze hug!!!!
*hugs you back* The love from other Rob fans makes me so happy!



New member
Rob as a drug?

Well, we've had Essence of Rob/au de toile (sp) of Rob, Holy (Bourdon) Water, Rob-bots (his Chanuka/Xmas clones - who could forget that Christmas list? XD), Bourdonemia, Bourdon Bourbons, why not Bourdaine? Bourdoin? Roboin? RobBourphetamines? Bourdonajuana? ****, even sounds addictive! 0_o

And feel the love in this room would ya? Haha.

Hi, my name is Rav and I'm an addict.

(everyone - "Hi Rav.") Hahaha. *** I'm an idiot. Don't everyone back me up at once! o_O Lord its all good...



New member
Take all those Brad drugs and you have created an underground drug system. I guess that's what you call it? LOL I like that... you aren't an idiot your a creative mind that makes people smile. I can think of a couple of times when you made my day... twice over. And if anyone can tell I'm usually silly... I feel like Brad when no body laughed at his jokes during the Breaking the Habit special... I think that was him... have to rewatch the DVD again.

.... Rob Drug... I've been saying that all day



New member
Jammer comes in and checks out the church, Shakes head and begins to clean up all the thick clear liquid laying in pools on the floor. Where the F**k are all our janitors??? She picks up soiled towels and the empty bottles and restocks the Urns... she sits back and looks up at the Heavenly figure in the Stained glass window at the back, Rob, wings and sunset!!! Jammer begins to drool, never realising before just how awesome he is!!! Rusu, SS1! help total drool fest happening here!!! Jammer grabs a Towel and skulls a bottle of water to replace what she has lost.

Totally lost in her dreams of the divinity before her she doesn't notice that Ravyn has entered the church. "ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!!"

Jammer shakes her herself out of her revelry (S/P?)... She smiles secretively at Ravyn and goes up to light a candle.

"ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!! The one who keeps the rhythm!

ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!! He who has great fine and gross motor skills!!!




New member
Haha - ooh, that's sweet, ty! *hugs*

Rob drug.

You know I was thinking about this at work earlier (I'm a cook, it aint all that mentally taxing!) that even though Rob (and many of us in general) don't condone drugs in any way, shape or form, that believe it or not there is actually a drug out there on the streets right now that has Rob all over it, has been around for years and is so obvious I don't know why I didn't think of it before.

Give up?



Ecstasy (Ec"sta*sy) (?), n.; pl. Ecstasies (#).


pl. ec·sta·sies

Intense joy or delight.

A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond rational thought and self-control: an ecstasy of rage.

The trance, frenzy, or rapture associated with mystic or prophetic exaltation.

Slang MDMA.



Middle English extasie, from Old French, from Late Latin extasis, terror, from Greek ekstasis, astonishment, distraction, from existanai, to displace, derange : ek-, out of ; see ecto- + histanai, to place; see st- in Indo-European roots



Rob Bourdon

(I made that up - sounded good but huh? XD)



(Disclaimer - I want to add that in no way am I intending to offend or insult any one in anyway that has suffered in some form or another with the real drug of the same name, nor that making light of it is necessarily funny... it is what it is, so sorry).

As for being silly - I don't know anyone worthy to be deemed 'normal' so you're in good company, for sure ;)

Good to have you aboard :D



New member
Jammer comes in and checks out the church, Shakes head and begins to clean up all the thick clear liquid laying in pools on the floor. Where the F**k are all our janitors??? She picks up soiled towels and the empty bottles and restocks the Urns... she sits back and looks up at the Heavenly figure in the Stained glass window at the back, Rob, wings and sunset!!! Jammer begins to drool, never realising before just how awesome he is!!! Rusu, SS1! help total drool fest happening here!!! Jammer grabs a Towel and skulls a bottle of water to replace what she has lost.

Totally lost in her dreams of the divinity before her she doesn't notice that Ravyn has entered the church. "ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!!"

Jammer shakes her herself out of her revelry (S/P?)... She smiles secretively at Ravyn and goes up to light a candle.

"ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!! The one who keeps the rhythm!

ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!! He who has great fine and gross motor skills!!!

ALL HAIL THE DRUMMER!!! The Heavenly one over whos skills shape and form we worship!!!


Jammer Thrusts her left hand up in the air doing the "It's All Good" sign!!!

she hugs Ravyn s******s and leaves... Time to go cheffing


crazy robster

New member
Haha!! *lol* Isn't this freakin' awesome? Oh my Rob sister that was so hilarious, but also very true... Is there a better personification for ecstasy than Rob himself?? BUT!!!! I feel that I should add something here... As you very well pointed out ecstasy is a Greek word... the ancient Greeks called it ecstasis...Therefore my assertion that Rob is Greek is perfectly grounded!!! Yay!!! Rob is Greek like me!!! *is proud* S'agapao manari mou!!!! Sorry that was a greek outburst of joy!!! Bless our Bourdie!!! *hugs you all* ;)


New member
*lol* Glad you liked that sis...

As for Rob being Greek? I dunno. I dunno what he is other than **** fine eye candy, to be sure. A-Grade eye candy at that. Man should have a warning label tattooed on his **** cheek or something - Caution! Excessive exposure may cause blindness, paralysis, chest pains, bladder weakness, muscle spasms, trembling, fever, hysteria, psychosis, dizzy spells, excessive drooling, mania, delusions, slurred/disrupted speach, restlessness, hypertension, and in extreme cases - DEATH! Heart failure

Handle with care


crazy robster

New member
Hahaha!!! Yeah, that's the ideal description for Robbeh!! Robbeh rules!! My sister rules too!!! *squeeze hugs while we both drool uncontrollably* LOL


New member
How can one man make so many feel so good?

... Because it's Rob of course, and all of us cannot establish that more than once. I mean he does have church dedicated to him... I wonder if he reads this stuff.

Isn't Rob Jewish?



New member
Rob Bourdon QuizA 15 question Music quiz. Based on Millionaire, so questions go from easy to hard. - 4k

try this its a rob quiz. I scored a perfect on this.
*laughs* To be honest now that I've read about this test I'm not sure I wanna take it! What do you mean to tell me Rob's married? WTF??? *raises a sceptical brow* No one told me... that's it, I'm not drooling any more! Or any less for that matter... watch me, here I go, like a geiser *droooools* Oh I don't care really, he's as obtainable as he was like five minutes beforehand anyway, so, y'know, as I like to say It's all good... Still love our Bourdie... *gush*
But to be honest if I don't get a perfect 100% on this test I think I'm gonna beat myself so senseless that I'll officially resign from the CoB, after all, I should know these things, right? *looks nervous* Oh well... I'll take the test and get back to you on how I fared later on tonight (it's 2:08 in the p.m. here and Jammer and I not long got back from the mural painting/luncheon. More about that in my journal later).

Of course brokenangel, you are most welcome here! *hugs* Either Phe or I will update the list in the next few days so you and your official role, (which you've so graciously bestowed upon yourself and the rest of our blessed congregation) will be added on then, sweet?

Hey Vash *big comforting hugs* Hope you feel better soon, man. Get well, take care and if you need anything (don't ask me how I'll manage to squeeze a big hearty cup of chicken soup into the A:\ of my comp. for you but I'll try, damnit!) don't be afraid to ask!

Hey Twi thanks for the presents, *drools excessively* man, where's acdcrules04?? Or Rusu or SS1 for that matter?? This place is starting to look like some vertiable quagmire round here! *laughs* Oh well, it's my mess, I'll clean it at some point... maybe...

Faded_Blue you are welcome (for security position) *hugs*

Hey Jammer yes, thanks for the attentative way with which you go about your towel/water gurl obligations *laughs* Yes, and the whole candle-lighting and chant/catch-cry has really taken off, feels like a heretic form of 'Amen' adapted for our disfunctional little congregation, huh? *laughs again* *** I love this place... (just don't expect me to commit the same way when you finally establish your Shinoda Shinto-ist Temple later on *laughs* I'll wander in and have a look from time to time, but as for worship? *shakes head* I have room for one deity in my cosmos and his name is Rob (that's not as in Thomas BTW, but even he has his good points *laughs*) Anyway... long live Bourdonism. *Raises hand in the 'Rock On' salute*

Man, it's all good...

Um... that's about it for now. I'll be back later (of course I'll be back later! I'm always here at some point - usually when no one else is *sob* But I'm still stoked to see you all maintaining this place and keeping it alive and kicking... I love you guys (strictly in a non-Michael Jackson kind of way, hey, is that like in bad taste? Can I say that without getting into trouble? *looks puzzled* Will soon find out I guess!) Anyway, take care and I'll be back later to do the test and uplood more sali-... salicit-... salicitacious (?!?) pics of our dear sweet Lord... *sighs wantonly* (I don't care if he's married or not, he's still a slice of human perfection, dagnammit! If we're gonna start cloning people for the so-called 'perfect race', start there!! *points a finger at Rob as she raises a sceptical brow then laughs*) Okay, I'm going before I really get myself into trouble...

See you round guys and TTYL,

*Big Bourdon Bear hugs*


(Edit: YAY! Look at that! My 500th post! I'm half way there!! Woo-hoo!! *jumps around all excitedly splashing in puddles of her own drool*)


crazy robster

New member
Yes my dear he is Jewish! And I think he does read this stuff, he knows about the CoB, Phi told him about it during Meet and Greet once! Cool huh? :D


New member
awww don't beat yourself up over that stupid test!!! it was ghey ^^HEY! can i be in charge on the Hymn books!? :D
Sure! *hugs* Abso-freakin-lutely! *hands over the Tab books to all LP songs* Let's start with these and see where we go from there... oh, have to place 'em up somewhere high though, all this drool can ruin the pages, make them stick together and like... *grins* Anyways... *runs off blushing*


New member
I"m still here, i swear, oh holds bucket for Rav. i just havn't found the perfect thing to rant about, dont' worry i'll find it!!


New member
Yes my dear he is Jewish! And I think he does read this stuff' date=' he knows about the CoB, Phi told him about it during Meet and Greet once! Cool huh? :D [/quote']
In the words of some South Park epsiode... that is sooo kick ***! And I was right, I don't want to make fool of myself when I write stuff about them in fanfiction. I have a pet peev about information in fanfiction. Actually, its due to the fact of staying in the Sailor Moon and Inuyasha fanfic community for a few years... that's one long crazy story


New member
And if you feel the need to scroll back a few (many) pages there's the transcript from the official LPU chat with him during Feb where I myself mentioned the CoB - and I know he read it cause he replied to my question. Yes Mr Robert Gregory Bourdon himself (or rbourdon as his username says). He knows about us. I know for a fact he knows. I just dont know for sure if he's ever actually curious enough to log on and check it all out for himself. Anything's possible I guess *shrugs* There's a lot of fans out there for him to scour. Lord knows what he'd think if he ever did. *rolls eyes*

I can think of at least one word that comes to mind - litigation XD

*laughs* To be honest now that I've read about this test I'm not sure I wanna take it! What do you mean to tell me Rob's married? WTF??? *raises a sceptical brow* No one told me... that's it, I'm not drooling any more! Or any less for that matter... watch me, here I go, like a geiser *droooools* Oh I don't care really, he's as obtainable as he was like five minutes beforehand anyway, so, y'know, as I like to say It's all good... Still love our Bourdie... *gush*
But to be honest if I don't get a perfect 100% on this test I think I'm gonna beat myself so senseless that I'll officially resign from the CoB, after all, I should know these things, right? *looks nervous* Oh well... I'll take the test and get back to you on how I fared later on tonight (it's 2:08 in the p.m. here and Jammer and I not long got back from the mural painting/luncheon. More about that in my journal later).

Of course brokenangel, you are most welcome here! *hugs* Either Phe or I will update the list in the next few days so you and your official role, (which you've so graciously bestowed upon yourself and the rest of our blessed congregation) will be added on then, sweet?

Hey Vash *big comforting hugs* Hope you feel better soon, man. Get well, take care and if you need anything (don't ask me how I'll manage to squeeze a big hearty cup of chicken soup into the A:\ of my comp. for you but I'll try, damnit!) don't be afraid to ask!

Hey Twi thanks for the presents, *drools excessively* man, where's acdcrules04?? Or Rusu or SS1 for that matter?? This place is starting to look like some vertiable quagmire round here! *laughs* Oh well, it's my mess, I'll clean it at some point... maybe...

Faded_Blue you are welcome (for security position) *hugs*

Hey Jammer yes, thanks for the attentative way with which you go about your towel/water gurl obligations *laughs* Yes, and the whole candle-lighting and chant/catch-cry has really taken off, feels like a heretic form of 'Amen' adapted for our disfunctional little congregation, huh? *laughs again* *** I love this place... (just don't expect me to commit the same way when you finally establish your Shinoda Shinto-ist Temple later on *laughs* I'll wander in and have a look from time to time, but as for worship? *shakes head* I have room for one deity in my cosmos and his name is Rob (that's not as in Thomas BTW, but even he has his good points *laughs*) Anyway... long live Bourdonism. *Raises hand in the 'Rock On' salute*

Man, it's all good...

Um... that's about it for now. I'll be back later (of course I'll be back later! I'm always here at some point - usually when no one else is *sob* But I'm still stoked to see you all maintaining this place and keeping it alive and kicking... I love you guys (strictly in a non-Michael Jackson kind of way, hey, is that like in bad taste? Can I say that without getting into trouble? *looks puzzled* Will soon find out I guess!) Anyway, take care and I'll be back later to do the test and uplood more sali-... salicit-... salicitacious (?!?) pics of our dear sweet Lord... *sighs wantonly* (I don't care if he's married or not, he's still a slice of human perfection, dagnammit! If we're gonna start cloning people for the so-called 'perfect race', start there!! *points a finger at Rob as she raises a sceptical brow then laughs*) Okay, I'm going before I really get myself into trouble...

See you round guys and TTYL,

*Big Bourdon Bear hugs*


(Edit: YAY! Look at that! My 500th post! I'm half way there!! Woo-hoo!! *jumps around all excitedly splashing in puddles of her own drool*)
Thanks Rav, that means a lot to me. I greatly appreciate the thought. Congrats on the 500.



New member
yeah go ahead and blame me for it. i hold no qualms about it in my mind. lol. no what so ever. but how could you have a church about a dude and not have said hotty not know about it? that would be like blashpemous. XD


New member
No... just be glad you know that he knows about this... I bet there are a few superstars that don't know they have shrines to themselves. Or better yet, would love to have a shrine dedicated to them.
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