Hey guys!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHE!! *big hugs* I just know you're gonna do fine with the drums, and don't panic about trying to be like Rob, he has his own style and I'm sure as you play and develop your own skills you have your own too. As long as the basic rhythm is down the rest of it you can put down to artistic license, okay? *grins* Hope all goes well there anyway playing with your brother's band.
Oh, and as far as I know, no, Rob doesn't make house calls. Rather unfortunate but *shrugs* he'd be way too busy doing that if that were the case and have no time for the band, the tours, or himself for that matter! *laughs* And yes he has such a cute shy-boy smile. He reminds me of some mischevous boy trapped in a much larger man's body *laughs again* especially with the whole backwards cap thing... well, it's all good.
Hiya BrokenAngel, Chipmonk, acdcrules04, Twi, Faded_Blue, Hahninator, Vash, Rusu and Jammer and anyone else lurking in the proverbial shadows! *big hugs for all*
Yeah, did the test last night. I actually got two questions wrong *gasp!* One, I was 'influenced' into thinking OMFG he was married *slaps forehead* (I feel like a moron) and answered 'yes' instead of my impulsive '****, no'... and the second was that famous person he dated in high school, Sherri Appleby. *shrugs* Never heard of her before... am I alone? Someone said she was a model or something, *** knows, I'm too lazy to do a Yahoo search, so I'll just take y'all word for it on that score. And after I finished the test my comp froze... so needless to say I didn't get back online last night as I'd planned, sorry. But speaking of Rob and High School *chuckles* here's an image or two you've probably seen before but I'm gonna post anyway... Rob looking suave (s/p?) and rather dashing in his younger days...
*DROOOOL* Hehehehe...
(I'm trying a new image host site, so tell me if this doesn't work, thanks)
Hahninator sorry about the long posts but I've done that all the time, ever since I've first arrived (you should see my journal, it looks like a volume of War and Peace or something! *laughs*); I don't see the point of 20 little posts when I can say all I need to in one. *Shrug* But yeah, I ramble a bit, I can't promise I'll ever stop, but I'll do my best to curb my enthusiasm and post shorter (I'll try) okay? Hope this is better...
Okay guys, take care. TTYL, *hugs*