Dr. Jai Maharaj

The Cold War Mindset

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The disclosure yesterday by Pentagon officials that an
American aircraft carrier, United States Ship Nimitz, was
"buzzed" over the weekend by a Russian Tu-95 Bear Bomber is
a reminder of the dangers of the world in which we live.
The Navy scrambled four F/A-18 "Hornet" fighter jets over
the Pacific and intercepted the Russian bomber, escorting
it out of the area. The Pentagon's American Forces Press
Service reported that 22 Japanese jets also scrambled in
response to the incident.

What struck us in respect of all this was the comments of
the vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General
James Cartwright of the Marines, who told the Senate Budget
Committee, "Now what we are concerned about is, 'What are
the indications of this return to a Cold War mindset?'. . .
What are the implications of that activity, and how do we
best address that?"

It is something to think about. One of the things about the
Cold War at the time is not everyone thought it was a real
war and not everyone thought it was a "good war" and not
everyone thought we were going to win; indeed, there was
talk of peaceful coexistence between the West an its
adversaries. This went on for decades, but when victory
came, and those living in the communist bloc were freed,
people began to feel more comfortable with the proposition
that there was a right side in the war and we were on it.
The vigilance of our military and covert services began to
look ever more heroic.

The latest incident, coming just weeks after American
warships in the Persian Gulf were challenged by boats of
the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, highlights the challenges
facing American forces on the high seas, challenges that
were met for years and years during the Cold War. If
Russia, led by a former KGB lieutenant colonel named
Vladimir Putin, is returning to a Cold War mindset,
America, too, must be on guard. There's a broad bipartisan
consensus on this; even Senator Obama, the most dovish of
the presidential candidates, wants to expand the American
military. "Obama will increase the size of ground forces,
adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines," his
Web site declares.

Our top politicians are mostly aware of the threats America
faces, as is the military leadership. It is important that
the absence of major terrorist attacks on American soil not
invite a drift into a comfortable peacetime mindset. We
aren't calling for a return to backyard bomb shelters, but
if our potential enemies are back in war mindsets, and
America is in a peace mindset, it raises the potential of a
disastrous mismatch.

More at:

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

Hindu Holocaust Museum

Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy

The truth about Islam and Muslims


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On Feb 14, 9:12 am, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> The Cold War Mindset
> Editorial
> Wednesday, February 13, 2008
> The disclosure yesterday by Pentagon officials that an
> American aircraft carrier, United States Ship Nimitz, was
> "buzzed" over the weekend by a Russian Tu-95 Bear Bomber is
> a reminder of the dangers of the world in which we live.
> The Navy scrambled four F/A-18 "Hornet" fighter jets over
> the Pacific and intercepted the Russian bomber, escorting
> it out of the area. The Pentagon's American Forces Press
> Service reported that 22 Japanese jets also scrambled in
> response to the incident.
> What struck us in respect of all this was the comments of
> the vice chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, General
> James Cartwright of the Marines, who told the Senate Budget
> Committee, "Now what we are concerned about is, 'What are
> the indications of this return to a Cold War mindset?'. . .
> What are the implications of that activity, and how do we
> best address that?"
> It is something to think about. One of the things about the
> Cold War at the time is not everyone thought it was a real
> war and not everyone thought it was a "good war" and not
> everyone thought we were going to win; indeed, there was
> talk of peaceful coexistence between the West an its
> adversaries. This went on for decades, but when victory
> came, and those living in the communist bloc were freed,
> people began to feel more comfortable with the proposition
> that there was a right side in the war and we were on it.
> The vigilance of our military and covert services began to
> look ever more heroic.
> The latest incident, coming just weeks after American
> warships in the Persian Gulf were challenged by boats of
> the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, highlights the challenges
> facing American forces on the high seas, challenges that
> were met for years and years during the Cold War. If
> Russia, led by a former KGB lieutenant colonel named
> Vladimir Putin, is returning to a Cold War mindset,
> America, too, must be on guard. There's a broad bipartisan
> consensus on this; even Senator Obama, the most dovish of
> the presidential candidates, wants to expand the American
> military. "Obama will increase the size of ground forces,
> adding 65,000 soldiers to the Army and 27,000 Marines," his
> Web site declares.
> Our top politicians are mostly aware of the threats America
> faces, as is the military leadership. It is important that
> the absence of major terrorist attacks on American soil not
> invite a drift into a comfortable peacetime mindset. We
> aren't calling for a return to backyard bomb shelters, but
> if our potential enemies are back in war mindsets, and
> America is in a peace mindset, it raises the potential of a
> disastrous mismatch.
> More at:
> Jai Maharaj
> Om Shanti
> Hindu Holocaust Museum
> Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophyhttp://www.hindu.org
> The truth about Islam and Muslims
> o Not for commercial use. Solely to be fairly used for the educational
> purposes of research and open discussion. The contents of this post may not
> have been authored by, and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the
> poster. The contents are protected by copyright law and the exemption for
> fair use of copyrighted works.
> o If you send private e-mail to me, it will likely not be read,
> considered or answered if it does not contain your full legal name, current
> e-mail and postal addresses, and live-voice telephone number.
> o Posted for information and discussion. Views expressed by others are
> not necessarily those of the poster who may or may not have read the article.
> FAIR USE NOTICE: This article may contain copyrighted material the use of
> which may or may not have been specifically authorized by the copyright
> owner. This material is being made available in efforts to advance the
> understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic,
> democratic, scientific, social, and cultural, etc., issues. It is believed
> that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as
> provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title
> 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without
> profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included
> information for research, comment, discussion and educational purposes by
> subscribing to USENET newsgroups or visiting web sites. For more information
> go to:
> If you wish to use copyrighted material from this article for purposes of
> your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the
> copyright owner.

Building Anti-ballistic missile systems near Russian border,
Organizing colour revolutions in Russian neighbouring states to keep
them anti-Russia,
Slamming Russian elections without sufficient cause,
Funding NGOs in Russia which try to undermine the state's authority
and spread discontent,
Bringing Nato to the borders of Russia.

Are these not cold-war mindsets that precipitated the Russian

My view on this subject is that the WASP countries deliberately
provoked Russia in order to justify their antipathy towards it. And I
can bet that the 'intellectual' bastards in the Pentagon are the ones
who plan all of this with the next 50 years of conflict in their minds.
On Feb 13, 11:12 pm, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> The Cold War Mindset
> Editorial
> Wednesday, February 13, 2008
> The disclosure yesterday by Pentagon officials that an
> American aircraft carrier, United States Ship Nimitz, was
> "buzzed" over the weekend by a Russian Tu-95 Bear Bomber is
> a reminder of the dangers of the world in which we live.
> The Navy scrambled four F/A-18 "Hornet" fighter jets over
> the Pacific and intercepted the Russian bomber, escorting
> it out of the area. The Pentagon's American Forces Press
> Service reported that 22 Japanese jets also scrambled in
> response to the incident.
On Feb 14, 10:36 am, wrote:
> On Feb 13, 9:18 pm, "" <> wrote:
> > Building Anti-ballistic missile systems near Russian border,

> Moskow is ringed by two (2) rings of divisional strength ABM forces..
> Why should moskow complain about one Polish site with twelve
> missiles.. to protect all of Europe?
> > Organizing colour revolutions in Russian neighbouring states to keep
> > them anti-Russia,

> If you ask Ukrainians or Georgians whether the US organized their
> national opinion, you would be laughed out of the room.
> > Slamming Russian elections without sufficient cause,

> Political assassinations, show trials, and street beatings of freedom
> supporters constitute 'sufficient cause' to criticize.
> > Funding NGOs in Russia which try to undermine the state's authority
> > and spread discontent,

> Of course.. who needs Amnesty International, British cultural
> exhibitions, or Mormons to threaten the russian state, anyway.
> > Bringing Nato to the borders of Russia.

> Brought to russia's border by those nations themselves.
> Do you have problems with national sovereignty... other than russian?
> > Are these not cold-war mindsets that precipitated the Russian
> > reaction?

> No.. these are all products of lying russian propaganda or habitual
> russian psychosis.
> > My view on this subject is that the WASP countries deliberately
> > provoked Russia in order to justify their antipathy towards it.

> Of course, comrade...
> The wasps' telekinetic powers yanked those russian bombers right over
> the US aircraft carrier.
> > And I
> > can bet that the 'intellectual' bastards in the Pentagon are the ones
> > who plan all of this with the next 50 years of conflict in their minds.

> If you want to talk about real military bastards.. you need to review
> russia and wwII.
> Grozny is a more recent example.

Yeah ask those original Indians, who the Aussies have the GUTS to
apologise to, at least!
On Feb 14, 10:36 am, wrote:
> On Feb 13, 9:18 pm, "" <> wrote:
> > Building Anti-ballistic missile systems near Russian border,

> Moskow is ringed by two (2) rings of divisional strength ABM forces..
> Why should moskow complain about one Polish site with twelve
> missiles.. to protect all of Europe?

Why did the USA complain about missiles in Cuba? USSR had sufficient
nuclear missiles to destroy the USA anyway, so why bother about Cuba?

> > Organizing colour revolutions in Russian neighbouring states to keep
> > them anti-Russia,

> If you ask Ukrainians or Georgians whether the US organized their
> national opinion, you would be laughed out of the room.

The reality is that a majority of either of those countries can side
with Russia in a heartbeat if western agit-prop stops. Viktor
Yuschenko and Yulia together account for less than half of all
Ukrainian votes even now.

> > Slamming Russian elections without sufficient cause,

> Political assassinations, show trials, and street beatings of freedom
> supporters constitute 'sufficient cause' to criticize.

I didn't see you protesting when Al Gore lost to W even after winning
more votes. The fraud in Florida that W's brother engineered was
ignored even by the US supreme court. Now, THAT is corruption.

> > Funding NGOs in Russia which try to undermine the state's authority
> > and spread discontent,

> Of course.. who needs Amnesty International, British cultural
> exhibitions, or Mormons to threaten the russian state, anyway.

Who is AI accountable to? Does it agitate against Guantanamo? CIA
secret prisons? Genocide in Iraq?

> > Bringing Nato to the borders of Russia.

> Brought to russia's border by those nations themselves.
> Do you have problems with national sovereignty... other than russian?

Missiles were brought to Cuba by the Cubans themselves.
Do you have problems with national sovereignty?

> > Are these not cold-war mindsets that precipitated the Russian
> > reaction?

> No.. these are all products of lying russian propaganda or habitual
> russian psychosis.

The only psychosis visible these days is the WASP psychosis that has
killed a million innocent Iraqis and displaced 4 million more since

> > My view on this subject is that the WASP countries deliberately
> > provoked Russia in order to justify their antipathy towards it.

> Of course, comrade...
> The wasps' telekinetic powers yanked those russian bombers right over
> the US aircraft carrier.

Does the US own the oceans too now? And the skies above them?

> > And I
> > can bet that the 'intellectual' bastards in the Pentagon are the ones
> > who plan all of this with the next 50 years of conflict in their minds.

> If you want to talk about real military bastards.. you need to review
> russia and wwII.
> Grozny is a more recent example.

The Russians defeated Hitler. Chechnya death toll was in thousands,
while Iraq death toll is over a million.
On Wed, 13 Feb 2008 21:36:24 -0800 (PST), wrote:

You have to bear in mind that the Kremlin goon calling himself
Karlamov, Ostap Bender et al has to justify his retainer.

>On Feb 13, 9:18 wrote:
> On Feb 13, 9:42 pm, wrote:
>>On Feb 13, 9:36 pm, wrote:
>>>On Feb 13, 9:18 pm, "" <> wrote:

>>>If you want to talk about real military bastards.. you need to review
>>>russia and wwII.

>>You have to forgive Lorad's being a bit over-emotional: he still can't
>>recover from his side's loss in WWII. News of Hitler's death hit him
>>especially hard.

> Crawl back up pootey-poots butt, won't you?

He definitely won't. Do you have a problem with that? Then you have to
live with it.
Cry baby!

VM. wrote:
> On Feb 14, 10:36 am, wrote:
>> On Feb 13, 9:18 pm, "" <> wrote:
>>> Building Anti-ballistic missile systems near Russian border,

>> Moskow is ringed by two (2) rings of divisional strength ABM forces..
>> Why should moskow complain about one Polish site with twelve
>> missiles.. to protect all of Europe?


Moscow is complaining because the US is planning a presence in Poland,
which will act to make Russias' interference in Poland more difficult.
The missiles are just a pretext. On the US side the missiles are also
a pretext. They say these missiles are to defend against rougue launches
from NK or Iran (?). But it's only so that they can get a presence in
the area.
> Why did the USA complain about missiles in Cuba? USSR had sufficient
> nuclear missiles to destroy the USA anyway, so why bother about Cuba?

Because the missiles in Cuba were only a minute or two from possible
targets. But also in the background was the irritant of having Russian
forces and influence so close.
>>> Organizing colour revolutions in Russian neighbouring states to keep
>>> them anti-Russia,

These 'revolutions' were/are anti dictatorship and anti corruption.
If there is an anti Russian component, it is because Russia is seen
as being somehow connected with the existing corruption or dictatorship
>> If you ask Ukrainians or Georgians whether the US organized their
>> national opinion, you would be laughed out of the room.

Of course. Otherwise the people would demonstrate anti US sentiments.
> The reality is that a majority of either of those countries can side
> with Russia in a heartbeat if western agit-prop stops. Viktor
> Yuschenko and Yulia together account for less than half of all
> Ukrainian votes even now.

Well Yuschenko and Tymoshenko are just two individuals. So of couse
they're less than half the votes. :)
However the political blocks they lead did win the latest election.
So they are at least the plurality of the votes, _even_ _now_.
There would be a great deal less turmoil in Ukraine if Russia stopped
its' agit-prop. That's for sure.
>>> Slamming Russian elections without sufficient cause,

>> Political assassinations, show trials, and street beatings of freedom
>> supporters constitute 'sufficient cause' to criticize.

> I didn't see you protesting when Al Gore lost to W even after winning
> more votes. The fraud in Florida that W's brother engineered was
> ignored even by the US supreme court. Now, THAT is corruption.

Corruption it may be. But it is within the US and has nothing to do
with the Russian elections. It's irrelevant, and your arguement
is just sour grapes.
>>> Funding NGOs in Russia which try to undermine the state's authority
>>> and spread discontent,

>> Of course.. who needs Amnesty International, British cultural
>> exhibitions, or Mormons to threaten the russian state, anyway.

> Who is AI accountable to? Does it agitate against Guantanamo? CIA
> secret prisons? Genocide in Iraq?

I believe that it does.
>>> Bringing Nato to the borders of Russia.

>> Brought to russia's border by those nations themselves.
>> Do you have problems with national sovereignty... other than russian?

> Missiles were brought to Cuba by the Cubans themselves.
> Do you have problems with national sovereignty?

No they were delivered by the Russians. In Soviet ships. :)
>>> Are these not cold-war mindsets that precipitated the Russian
>>> reaction?

>> No.. these are all products of lying russian propaganda or habitual
>> russian psychosis.

> The only psychosis visible these days is the WASP psychosis that has
> killed a million innocent Iraqis and displaced 4 million more since
> 2003.
>>> My view on this subject is that the WASP countries deliberately
>>> provoked Russia in order to justify their antipathy towards it.

>> Of course, comrade...
>> The wasps' telekinetic powers yanked those russian bombers right over
>> the US aircraft carrier.

> Does the US own the oceans too now? And the skies above them?

Why no! What ever leads you to make that accusation?
>>> And I
>>> can bet that the 'intellectual' bastards in the Pentagon are the ones
>>> who plan all of this with the next 50 years of conflict in their minds.

>> If you want to talk about real military bastards.. you need to review
>> russia and wwII.
>> Grozny is a more recent example.

> The Russians defeated Hitler. Chechnya death toll was in thousands,
> while Iraq death toll is over a million.