The conspiracy to murder people in the NE.. a cold front hs passed! gee we might get 24 hours of cle



----- Original Message -----
From: "mcs" <>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 11:41 PM
Subject: The largest killing fields are in this country in the NE

> bush and many politicians has effectively allowed many millions if not
> hundreds of thousands to get sick before their time in the ne mostly
> liberals from pollution with the help of the media who is silent taking
> ads
> for health care instead. Before you retire or live in NE read this and
> send
> to as many people as you know who may not be reading newsgroups....
> ask anyone past fifty the most important lessons they have learned in
> life.
> My mission is to tell anyone and everyone who wants to listen all I know
> about air pollution and how and where to be safe for individuals and
> families,
> write me at
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "rick" <>
> Newsgroups:,pa.politics,nj.politics
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2007 9:55 PM
> Subject: Mass poisoning on east coast going on strong Immigrants will
> eventually feel the brunt of it
>> "steve" <> wrote in message
>> Between Crime and fear of crime and pollution and the fear of
>> illness,many
>> in the ne
>> see inclusion to mean problems that will bring lots of people together in
>> pollution crime and chaos and that which produces jobs and illness the
>> fastest while getting more people to pay the energy companies. .
>> sane policies and children were never to be protected.
>>> I go out everyday and can't believe what I am breathin.. the air is
>>> like I am in some kind of nightmare and fog and one only has to compare
>>> to
>>> other cities and GET THIS to health of people in clean air to see the
>>> contrasts and what is really happening. Many in NE are busy buying house
>>> improvements and when they see others like them en mass they assume
>>> everything is great and if they don't hear the news complain they think
>>> they are treated equally like other people in the US.. NOT it
>>> global warming, more co2 and more cars and policy makers who are paid
>>> off,
>>> whatever we are doing too little to late especially those in NE as
>>> Harvard
>>> Professor Schwartz said, the NE is going to have one of the worse
>>> pollution problems in the entire world... You know what our news people
>>> call warning level air? Beautifiul because they know only a small
>>> percent
>>> of people left here mostly immigrants get their news from the internet
>>> or
>>> real links... Everyday our
>>> pollution and air quality is worse then 75 percent of Us but even thats
>>> not as important as much as quantifying at which point the quality of
>>> air
>>> causes illness but obviously many here don't care. If we are fifteeth
>>> worse or best, I don't care, I want to see how that plays out in
>>> consequences and victims of people paying energy and Arabs more money
>>> then
>>> everything in their life combined only to be poisoned from the pollution
>>> and lost health these same companies do little to clean up from their
>>> toxic afteraffects. I should say many here who are left don't care.. If
>>> moderate or worse air causes the 60,000 or more deaths each year from
>>> pollution Philly and other eastern cities downwind would be a city that
>>> would be one of the worse precipators of illness and death in which to
>>> live
>>> > Weeks of close to or at warning level air. Months of air practially
>>> > without one or two full good days of air and it seems to be getting
>>> > incredibly worse. A cold front passed and while Washington state gets
>>> > clean air practically everyday.. even after a cold front passes we
>>> > still
>>> > didn't stay in good for very long and had to breathe damaging air the
>>> > epa wrongfully calls moderate? Why politicians are paid off,a nd only
>>> > millionaires get elected to office. Energy companies and pharmacies
>>> > want
>>> > to see you poisoned.. All this spells jobs and control and profits for
>>> > the richest percent at your families expense..The largest conspiracy
>>> > to
>>> > kill and make ill from energy diesel and pollution without policy
>>> > makers
>>> > warning people or protecting those in harms way.. The studies that
>>> > show
>>> > just moderate amounts cause illness is somehow , missed by politicans
>>> > and media .What kind of people who are educated and given the choices
>>> > chooses to come here ? Not many and for great reasons. Philly does
>>> > have
>>> > some good things but without doing anything about crime and the price
>>> > paid by not catching the bad guy and having so much of it in our area,
>>> > and the fear , and the pollution and the families having nothing to
>>> > look
>>> > forward except fears says so much about compromises one has to have to
>>> > live here. What kind of person decides to stay or can constantly get
>>> > past these negative assuming they care about health and long life and
>>> > with good people?

>> How can .this be a good life? You have to be high or want to be
>> high to accept this in this area. Someone on phillyblog said, the air
>> filter turned black , was from inside my home. If I was allowed
>> access to Philly blog, I I would answered about intakeducts and outtake
>> ducts and the air from my black filter was a good example
>> from the air outside my house,, but freedom? freedom ends, with truth
>> often enough in the US.which is why yahoo took their message boards off
>> and I get thrown out of Phillyblog.. Too insecure to accept diverse view
>> points.
>>> In something I call a nightmare.. and which I can't believe,, or city of
>>> the
>>> dead, the level of blackness on my air filter
>>> from one month of air that seldom reached good has to be seen to be
>>> believed and for people to breathe this level constantly and have
>>> politicians and news do virtually nothing and then complain about me
>>> instead shows why we lose population and have worse crime, murders and
>>> pollution in some categories and many professionals leave and low
>>> housing prices..Why is it up to me to show the worse stats to prove
>>> harm and when I do it then becomes a personal attack? Wow do surprises
>>> ever end. When someone tells me we are not the worse only maybe fifth or
>>> one study, tell me why thats not as important as finding
>>> what the consequences of that bad air is? . To think that
>>> people have to breathe this air for years and are not protected is
>>> almost unbelievable. If your objective and your not into name
>>> calling and you love your family, you would be amazed at what this air
>>> in this city brings your family, I have the experience, I have seen the
>>> links , and I have rationalize the total things from years of living
>>> here
>>> and I am suggesting and pleading for families who are sane to leave now.
>>> Don't be the only sane person who isn't taking drugs, drinking , boozing
>>> ,
>>> smoking or planning to kill or rob someone on your street. After all
>>> assumung you don't do all that , you can't expect people who are smart
>>> to
>>> want to live here with air that has caused the most asthma med
>>> prescriptions in any US city and number of deaths . With air that is
>>> stagnate and lethal and with consequences that will completely take you
>>> out with illness before your time. Other cities people live in clean air
>>> often and people get out and are happier.... Here its a daily struggle
>>> to
>>> exist and who in the heck can blame the people? The politicians and
>>> media
>>> and lawyers who couldn't add up the asssociation has left this city
>>> without sane and smart professionals who desire to better it. Instead we
>>> are left with more and more dysfunctional and people who know no better
>>> because govt and media refused to protect people. Today code red, day
>>> before orange rated air , every day without good air is almost too
>>> firghtening to assume someone has studied it... Less qualities has
>>> destroyed people.

>> Many on east coast get commerical after commercial for meds and
>> hosptials and clinics and studies and power chairs and why not? What
>> is left good to look forward to when you get up and you have no good
>> air to breathe or make you healthy? This is akin to a small 9/11 or
>> holocuast.

>> I invite any interested politician or movie star
>>> to see what is happening here. Its more then just birds dying, bees
>>> dying, trees dying, higer co2, most asthma, commercial after
>>> commerical for health care, almost no good days of air
>>> philadelphia we only had one full day of clean air close to 45 days (
>>> maybe one) . its a
>>> poisoning,
>>> with more depression and asthma and more and more violence. Its one
>>> of
>>> the worse places to ever live and one day realize your life is over
>>> after being with mean spirited people and paying more and more to
>>> groups
>>> set up to take advantage of you after your
>>> poisoned, hospitals and clinics and pharmacies and media who takes the
>>> ads
>>> from medical care and energy companies and car and diesel companies..
>>> One
>>> only has to
>>> conclude what the effects are from people breathing this every month.I
>>> dare comparisons if you don't want to believe me or all the links i
>>> left.
>>> Look around , get smart. see how few athletes from this area are in long
>>> distance top ten, see how few conditioned athletes train here or want to
>>> play here. Most play and leave and for good reason. .See all the people
>>> who are sick or need asthma meds in this area, compare the lung
>>> fucntion,,the stress tests between people , look at the links this city
>>> is
>>> a dead zone. No taxes can undo your lost health or productivity.

>>> I am absolutely sure people and kids are losing their life often
>>> without any choices way more then people who are allowed clean air. Is
>>> this what the constitution encourages? Protection from undue harm/? I
>>> don't think so
>>> the only place practically I am allowed my right to freedom of speech
>>> is on craigs list and some select newsgroup servers like Google but stay
>>> tuned that may change.. other places kicked me off their site or turned
>>> me away from newsgroups. Like yahoo which elminated message boards
>>> after news stories,... the powers that be often don't like to hear
>>> free speech , and freedom of expression based on reality because power
>>> depends on control and power to convince even if its wrong. advice We ae
>>> suppose to be fighting for others tohave freedom of expression, while
>>> often we have anything but...what hypocrisy but its worse then that, we
>>> are murdering our own citizens and laywers and researchers and media is
>>> silent.. I depend on people to pass
>>> this around please!!! IPlease email this to others. am not exaggerating
>>> when I say the air in this
>>> region is almost like breathing very dangerous air or toxic substances
>>> every day or every other day. More and more days here especially on
>>> east coast people in our area are living in conditions that get less
>>> and less clean air and more and more air close warning level air. Call
>>> it
>>> global warming , I call it just so darn pollutied its not fair. Not only
>>> do people here end up paying energy companies more money then almost
>>> anything in their life combined, they then have to pay for treating
>>> condition they get more of then most because politicians and same energy
>>> companies couldn't use this record wealth to protect you ... This cycle
>>> of
>>> paying for energy to poison you is about all you can count on in this
>>> area
>>> and of course people in denial

>> You
>>> only have to have "moderate" rated air to begin seeing studies showing
>>> damage and harm . The Major media and politicians ignore it and worse
>>> try to ignore those that care to do more about it or complain.. Some
>>> weather
>>> people even call the air beautiful when very polluted. Go to epa
>>> website airnow to monitor the air for yourself and to see another
>>> horrible stat for phil, how often our children have to live in
>>> this.compared to others. The people with clean air, get great money for
>>> their houses they worked hard for, they get clean air, healthier lives
>>> and
>>> if comparisons could be had many many benefits compared to the hate, and
>>> animosity and drug gangs and people going to one doctor to another while
>>> home prices are not high and people are moving. My friend was in San
>>> Francisco and they hardly saw one sign to move. Here there are thousands
>>> of homes for sale. Maybe someone is listening to me. What type of person
>>> buys a home after all this is for them? This city is the living of the
>>> dead.
>>> More and more our families are exposed to fewer and fewer days of
>>> clean air with my contention that the consequences are ignored, not
>>> because the damage is minimal but because the damage might scare
>>> people out of here / and people won't buy their drugs and homes . The
>>> consquences besides just lousy heavy air, is underminding other things
>>> like optimism and health in the process. Our press is coopted by
>>> pharmacy industry and our media are paid whores for people who allow
>>> you to get poisoned and only accept millions of dollars in ads for
>>> drugs and doctors and hosptials to treat you after your poisoned.- not
>>> why
>>> you need the meds. people need it more
>>> here then anyplace in the US .No facts about pollution or our cities
>>> most depression and asthma ratings ...or warning you about the level
>>> of the pollutants in air. Remember that before you say hi to these
>>> people in media and politicians, grill them on the effects of pollution
>>> for your children and why the smartest and best always choose clean
>>> air cities and why we are losing the best and brightest to illegals and
>>> immigrants and dysfunctional people .. The clean air cities are
>>> striving,
>>> many here are being left behind
>>> in education, in run down crime and polluted streets and IN FEAR or in
>>> cahoots with others in crime.

>> . Who do you think
>>> are the ones who are left if nothing is done to corect things ? The
>>> people
>>> who strive on
>>> dysfunction and smoking and drugs and dont' care about things ordinary
>>> Americans care about or those too old or sick to do anything about
>>> it.
>>> (can you follow these links , if not cut and
>>> paste)
>>> I can go on and on including a newer study that shows the harm from
>>> If your not part of the solution your part of the problem.
>>> I want to hand out flyers, and need volunteers to help print out
>>> flyers and to distribute them. contact me at
>>> We are especially living in condtions with soot and fine particulate
>>> pollution from coal out west, those links before this line, point out
>>> are
>>> so dangerous. We are
>>> living in conditions where we are smoking an equivalent of a pack of
>>> cigarettes from
>>> just breathin the air..... yet nothing is done. epa is coopted by
>>> energy and republicans get record earnings and don't care about its own
>>> citizens.. while up to 60,000 die. I contend of most major cancers and
>>> heart disease and ...
>>> illness, pollution is a contributing factor.
>>> > pass this on to as many people on the east coast .It seems like if
>>> > scientists, researchers, gov, did
>>> > comparisons between peoples
>>> > health based on the
>>> >>> type of pollution their cities got and everything else was the same
>>> >>> like
>>> >>> diet, the people who consistently get moderate or worse (not
>>> >>> good)pollution are in worse health for any number of
>>> >>> categories.Obviously
>>> >>> the ratings epa use are not adequate or worse blindly harming people
>>> >>> by
>>> >>> making people think moderate is not dangerous when in fact it VERY
>>> >>> well
>>> >>> may
>>> >>> be causing people to lose their health faster. The conspiracy to
>>> >>> allow
>>> >>> this to go on without adequately warning people or diminishing the
>>> >>> threat,
>>> >>> or showing such studies, or not allowing harmed people to sue epa or
>>> >>> polluters or defaulting at least to safer air while we get the
>>> >>> result
>>> >>> of the consequences.
>>> >>> shows that a, there are millions of people that are not protected
>>> >>> from
>>> >>> the
>>> >>> dangers of pollution in America, b, that the measures to reduce
>>> >>> pollution
>>> >>> are not matched by the extent of the damage relevant to potential
>>> >>> danger,
>>> >>> thus making the policy to lower pollution useless in some areas, and
>>> >>> c,
>>> >>> and those unprotected people not only usually lose their health
>>> >>> faster
>>> >>> in
>>> >>> any number of categories of ailments, but they then have to pay for
>>> >>> conditions that basically they are not responsible for getting and
>>> >>> usually
>>> >>> they can't sue for . The media calls all this basically global
>>> >>> warming
>>> >>> and
>>> >>> energy reduction and or don't report it. instead of the conspiracy
>>> >>> to
>>> >>> not allow rules to do more
>>> >>> faster to protect people equally like others from clean air states,
>>> >>> that don't get this pollution
>>> >>> are protected. Why don't the media do more? Because they are eagerly
>>> >>> taking the money from the companies and pharmacies that treat you
>>> >>> after
>>> >>> people are poisoned, like from cancer clinics and heart hospitals
>>> >>> and
>>> >>> old
>>> >>> age homes, and pharmaceuticals especially for asthma and nebulizers
>>> >>> and
>>> >>> power chairs. Its almost surreal to listen to the lies the news
>>> >>> casters
>>> >>> call beautiful days of good air.Yes sometimes they say gorgeous and
>>> >>> good
>>> >>> air when the particulate rates are approaching warning level. This
>>> >>> is
>>> >>> the
>>> >>> lies and protection that begets big money while politicians remain
>>> >>> silent.
>>> >>>> Ever see a reporter ask Bush why he is not concerned about rules
>>> >>>> that
>>> >>>> make
>>> >>>> polluters and energy earn more money while many people suffer and
>>> >>>> are
>>> >>>> not
>>> >>>> allowed to sue or can't move? Ever see a reporter ask Bush if we
>>> >>>> could
>>> >>>> see a penny fon the
>>> >>>> ground rom space in the 1960s how we can't defeat or track a group
>>> >>>> of
>>> >>>> terrorists who don't have planes or coordinated communication
>>> >>>> system?
>>> >>>> Ever see a reporter ask if we are worried about terrorists why do
>>> >>>> we
>>> >>>> allow
>>> >>>> so many people from terrorist countries into this country?
>>> >>>> Discrimination
>>> >>>> is not
>>> >>>> good, but when only those people are a threat to blow up people
>>> >>>> enmass,
>>> >>>> and constantly conspire to try, one
>>> >>>> might ask why millions or close are allowed to come over and then
>>> >>>> worry
>>> >>>> afterwards of the potential danger?
>>> >>>> You think there are no conspiracies? Yahoo took the message boards
>>> >>>> off
>>> >>>> because too much free information , that which we tell other
>>> >>>> countries
>>> >>>> to
>>> >>>> have is not really prudent. I was on a blog about my city and when
>>> >>>> I
>>> >>>> talked
>>> >>>> about pollution I was off.. There goes the hypocrisy of freedom.of
>>> >>>> speech.
>>> >>>> You think reporters would talk about pollution, the descrepency
>>> >>>> between
>>> >>>> rich
>>> >>>> and poor, the tens of thousands who are murdered and nothing much
>>> >>>> is
>>> >>>> ever
>>> >>>> done about it or why its never a coordinated effort to do more
>>> >>>> about
>>> >>>> yet
>>> >>>> we
>>> >>>> criticize those countries that have people killing each other
>>> >>>> there?
>>> >>>> You don't believe in conspiracies ?
>>> >>>> Since I lost my health to pollution, I had my real estate taxes go
>>> >>>> up,
>>> >>>> had
>>> >>>> my
>>> >>>> taxes reviewed by Irs and made to pay money although we are
>>> >>>> apealling,
>>> >>>> and
>>> >>>> pay more money to treat conditions that are not my fault without
>>> >>>> any
>>> >>>> free
>>> >>>> press to go over why?
>>> >>>> You don't believe in conspiracies in the US are you sure?
>>> >>>> Incidentally in case you were not aware,, yahoo often knew what you
>>> >>>> were
>>> >>>> writing before you even sent it and could adequately block it if it
>>> >>>> went
>>> >>>> against govt or own rules for whatever the hell reason!!!!! Thats
>>> >>>> how
>>> >>>> advanced intelligence is now but I am sure your not going to
>>> >>>> believe
>>> >>>> that... The only two sites that I know where there is no
>>> >>>> censureship
>>> >>>> so far or
>>> >>>> very little is craigs list and news groups.. Talk about freedom!
>>> >>>>In There are many links
>>> >>>>between
>>> >>>>pollution and harm and some places are getting much more of this
>>> >>>>toxic
>>> >>>>mess
>>> >>>>then others and nothing is being told to the people affected or
>>> >>>>nothing more is
>>> >>>>being done to diminish it in those areas. Shameful! we have fears
>>> >>>>murders, sirens and asthma meds lower housing costs and politicians
>>> >>>>and morgues and victims and people who don't care... getting high
>>> >>>>and
>>> >>>>in denial...
>>> >>>------------------------------------------------------------------------