
Controlling the News

The Real Control of the American Media

by Germar Rudolf

Editor's Note: Germar Rudolf is currently being tried by the
German courts for alleged hate crimes but has managed to keep up his
contacts with his many friends world-wide and has written a number of such
penetrating studies on Israeli covert activities in the United States and
world-wide. These will be published in the future

There is no greater power in the world today than that wielded
by the manipulators of public opinion in America. No king or pope of old, no
conquering general or high priest ever disposed of a power even remotely
approaching that of the few dozen men who control America's mass media of
news and entertainment.

Their power is not distant and impersonal; it reaches into every
home in America, and it works its will during nearly every waking hour. It
is the power that shapes and molds the mind of virtually every citizen,
young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated.

The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell
us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know -- or
think we know -- about events outside our own neighborhood or circle of
acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine,
our radio, or our television.

It is not just the heavy-handed suppression of certain news
stories from our newspapers or the blatant propagandizing of
history-distorting TV "docudramas" that characterizes the
opinion-manipulating techniques of the media masters. They exercise both
subtlety and thoroughness in their management of the news and the
entertainment that they present to us.

For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items
are emphasized and which are played down; the reporter's choice of words,
tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice
of illustrations -- all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly
affect the way in which we interpret what we see or hear.

On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any
remaining doubt from our minds as to just what we are to think about it all.
Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide our
thought and opinion so that we can be in tune with the "in" crowd, the
"beautiful people," the "smart money." They let us know exactly what our
attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing
those people or that behavior in the context of a TV drama or situation
comedy and having the other TV characters react in the Politically Correct

Molding American Minds

As an example, consider the media treatment of Middle East news.
Some editors or commentators are slavishly pro-Israel in their every
utterance, while others seem nearly neutral. No one, however, dares suggest
that the U.S. government is backing the wrong side in the Arab-Jewish
conflict and that it served Jewish interests, rather than American
interests, to send U.S. forces to cripple Iraq, Israel's principal rival in
the Middle East. Thus, a spectrum of permissible opinion, from pro-Israel to
nearly neutral, is established.

Because there are differences in degree, however, most Americans
fail to realize that they are being manipulated. Even the citizen who
complains about "managed news" falls into the trap of thinking that because
he is presented with an apparent spectrum of opinion he can escape the
thought controllers' influence by believing the editor or commentator of his
choice. It's a "heads I win, tails you lose" situation. Every point on the
permissible spectrum of public opinion is acceptable to the media masters --
and no impermissible fact or viewpoint is allowed any exposure at all, if
they can prevent it.

The control of the opinion-molding media is nearly monolithic.
All of the controlled media -- television, radio, newspapers, magazines,
books, motion pictures -- speak with a single voice, each reinforcing the
other. Despite the appearance of variety, there is no real dissent, no
alternative source of facts or ideas accessible to the great mass of people
that might allow them to form opinions at odds with those of the media
masters. They are presented with a single view of the world -- a world in
which every voice proclaims the equality of the races, the inerrant nature
of the Jewish "Holocaust" tale, the wickedness of attempting to halt the
flood of non-White aliens pouring across our borders, the danger of
permitting citizens to keep and bear arms, the moral equivalence of all
sexual orientations, and the desirability of a "pluralistic," cosmopolitan
society rather than a homogeneous, White one. It is a view of the world
designed by the media masters to suit their own ends -- and the pressure to
conform to that view is overwhelming. People adapt their opinions to it,
vote in accord with it, and shape their lives to fit it.

And who are these all-powerful masters of the media? As we shall
see, to a very large extent they are Jews. It isn't simply a matter of the
media being controlled by profit-hungry capitalists, some of whom happen to
be Jews. If that were the case, the ethnicity of the media masters would
reflect, at least approximately, the ratio of rich gentiles to rich Jews.
Despite a few prominent exceptions, the preponderance of Jews in the media
is so overwhelming that we are obliged to assume that it is due to more than
mere happenstance.

Electronic News & Entertainment Media

Continuing government deregulation of the telecommunications
industry has resulted, not in the touted increased competition, but rather
in an accelerating wave of corporate mergers and acquisitions that have
produced a handful of multi-billion-dollar media conglomerates. The largest
of these conglomerates are rapidly growing even bigger by consuming their
competition, almost tripling in size during the 1990s. Whenever you watch
television, whether from a local broadcasting station or via cable or a
satellite dish; whenever you see a feature film in a theater or at home;
whenever you listen to the radio or to recorded music; whenever you read a
newspaper, book, or magazine -- it is very likely that the information or
entertainment you receive was produced and/or distributed by one of these
megamedia companies.


The largest media conglomerate today is AOL-Time Warner, created
when America Online bought Time Warner for $160 billion in 2000. The merger
brought together Steve Case, as chairman of AOL-TW, and Gerald Levin, the
CEO. A brief history of the company is in order.

The four Warner brothers founded their movie company in 1907 and
had their first major success ten years later with My 4 Years in Germany. WB
incorporated in 1923 and went on to cartoon success with Porky Pig and Bugs
Bunny. In 1944, a court ruled that WB must release Olivia de Havilland after
her seven-year contract

. In 1948, WB sold its film library to MGM. In 1949, another
court ruling forced WB to sell its cinema chain, obstructing vertical
integration by a single movie-making company, while doing nothing to prevent
the Jews from establishing such integration through an ethnic collaboration.

In 1958, WB created Warner Brothers Records, which was later
renamed WEA. In 1968, Jack Warner sold his shares to Seven Arts, while DC
and All-American Comics were bought by Kinney National Services (a funeral
parlor conglomerate). Kinney turned around and bought a talent agency, then
turned around again and bought Warner-Seven Arts, becoming Warner

Warner Communications bought Elektra Records in 1970, the same
year that Jew David Geffen started the Asylum label. Time bought HBO from
Charles Dolan in 1972. Ironically, 1972 was also the year when Money
magazine began publication, while the (original) magazine Life ceased.

Ted Turner entered the major media scene in 1976 when his TV
station WTCG (Atlanta) was carried on US cable networks. In 1979, Turner
Communications Group became Turner Broadcasting System, and WTCG was renamed
WTBS. The following year, CNN became the world's first 24-hour all-news
cable network. Turner tried to buy CBS in 1985, but he was blocked when
Lawrence Tisch, bought 25% of shares. Instead, Turner bought MGM's film
library (1986). TBS merged with Castle Rock and New Line Cinema in 1994. In
1996, Turner made a career-busting faux pas by selling TBS to Time Warner.
AOL bought Time Warner in 2000.

In 2001, Gerald Levin, who had been Chairman of Time Warner and
then CEO of the merged AOL-TW, fired Ted Turner from his position during a
telephone conversation. Control of TBS temporarily shifted to Robert Pittman
, but was given shortly afterward to Walter Isaacson, who was recruited from
his former position at Time Inc., to take over the company that Ted Turner

But Levin wasn't finished with his dagger. Having backstabbed
Turner, he did likewise to his other useful dupe, Robert Pittman. Pittman
had been Levin's champion for the AOL-TW merger on the AOL side. While we
don't know for certain what Pittman's motive was, we could guess that it had
something to do with Pittman believing himself to be Levin's choice as the
new CEO at AOL-TW after Levin's retirement. But when the time came to
finalize his choice of successor, Levin bypassed Pittman and gave the
position to his long-time pet mulatto, Richard Parsons. Parsons has been
AOL-TW's CEO since May 2002. Pittman, though initially grumpy about this
treatment, has moderated his tone. A paycheck less than Parsons' paycheck is
still better than no paycheck at all.

Before the merger, AOL was the largest Internet service provider
in America, and it is now being used as an online platform for Time Warner.
Time Warner, with 1997 revenues of more than $13 billion, was the second
largest of the international media leviathans when it was bought by AOL.

Time Warner's subsidiary HBO is the country's largest pay-TV
cable network. Until the purchase in May 1998 of PolyGram by Edgar Bronfman,
Jr., Warner Music was America's largest record company, with 50 labels, the
biggest of which is Warner Brothers Records (WEA). Warner Music was an early
promoter of "gangsta rap."

AOL-TW's publishing ventures include Time-Life International
Books, Time-Life Education, Time-Life Music, Time-Life AudioBooks,
Book-of-the-Month Club (both adult and children's branches), Paperback Book
Club, History Book Club, Money Book Club, HomeStyle Books, Crafter's Choice,
One Spirit, Little Brown, Bulfinch Press, Back Bay Books, Warner Books,
Warner Vision, The Mysterious Press, Warner Aspect, Warner Treasures, Oxmoor
House, Leisure Arts, Sunset Books and TW Kids.

AOL-TW owns the following cable and satellite companies, among
others: Cinemax, Time Warner Sports, HBO (7 US and 6 international
divisions), CNN (10 divisions worldwide), Time Warner Cable, Road Runner,
Time Warner Communications (primarily a telephone service), New York City
Cable Group, New York 1 (a sort of CNN devoted exclusively to news in the
NYC area), Time Warner Home Theater, Time Warner Security (video
monitoring), Court-TV (ownership shared with Liberty Media), Comedy Central
(ownership shared with Viacom) and Kablevision (Hungary).

AOL-TW owns the following TV and movie companies: Warner
Brothers, WB studios, WB Television (Productions, Animation, and Network),
Hanna-Barbera Cartoons, Telepictures Production, Witt-Thomas Productions,
Castle Rock Entertainment, Warner Home Video, WB Domestic Pay-TV, WB
Domestic TV Distribution, WB International TV Distribution, The Warner
Channel (separate companies for Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Australia, and
Germany), and WB International Theaters in 12 countries.

The editor-in-chief of Time Warner's publishing division is
Norman Pearlstine.. AOL-TW owns the following magazines: Time, Time Asia,
Time Atlantic, Time Canada, Time Latin America, Time South Pacific, Time
Money, Time For Kids, Fortune, Life (the watered-down new version), Sports
Illustrated (plus SI Women/Sport, SI International, and SI For Kids), Inside
Stuff, Money, Your Company, Your Future, People, Who Weekly (Australia),
People en Espa
"DemocratsBetrayedAmerica" <CarbonNeutral> wrote in message...

> Are you a ****ing idiot?

If you are indicating that you disagree with the previous analysis, it is you
who is the "****ing idiot". But then again, judging from the brain-dead
concept of your posting moniker, it's already quite obvious who is the
real nut-case here.


5 companies (well, 6 really) control ALL of the media you see or hear
in the United States. Each of these makes so much money that
there is little chance of them hurting. You can view the information
on the controlling interests below. These are tough times in America
and many things about media (like conglomerates and control) seriously
need to be fixed, so that this country does not have to endure any longer
the spoon-fed lies which are leading to it's brainwashing and eventual