the cultured alias...LOL!



alias wrote:

"I think the reason Frank gets so upset by this is because he lives off

his wife and daughter who love to trick the johns down round the Mexican

border. Without them, poor old Frank would be homeless.

Your wife asked me if I would stroke her but I declined as I don't do

dogs. Then she screamed that I am a Linux loving commie atheist loser

and went running out into the street naked repeating that over and over

again. You know, like you do on this newsgroup.

Would you tell your scuzzy wife to stop emailing me and asking to suck

my ****?

Have you stopped fu?king your daughter yet ... LOL!

Frank, what happened in your childhood that makes you lie so much? Did

your mother have sex with you or was it your father or do you even know

who your father was?

Let me know when you're in Paris so I can go to San Diego and **** your

wife and daughters.

Frank's a lame pervert who ****s his son and daughter is trying to make

some sense and failing miserably.

Have you stopped ****ing your half son yet? "


Oh and then the stupid piece of **** actually threatens to come into my

home at 3AM for the purpose of perpetrating physical violence on my family.

He is a vile disgusting **** sucking sheep-****ing son of a cheap whore!