The Dark Knight - First 5¾ Minutes


New member
Yeah it looks like a DVD rip (really high quality anyway) actually but then again my friend has it and he always gets that **** I have no idea where either I swear to *** their is like a secret movie downloading cult he is in...seriously two 300GB harddrives full of movies lol

And yeah it is out there he has it...maybe its not torrent IDK...but he has it



Active Members
Yeah it looks like a DVD rip (really high quality anyway) actually but then again my friend has it and he always gets that **** I have no idea where either I swear to *** their is like a secret movie downloading cult he is in...seriously two 300GB harddrives full of movies lol
And yeah it is out there he has it...maybe its not torrent IDK...but he has it

honestly I think he has the Gotham Knight movie which is an animated one.

Or he has some really good contacts to movie people



New member
I think he has some good contacts cause he said it is ridiculously good and was talking about Ledger and such. I will get a hold of him and have him seen screen shots or something (of parts like not in trailier) or maybe have him upload it lol


Active Members
I think he has some good contacts cause he said it is ridiculously good and was talking about Ledger and such. I will get a hold of him and have him seen screen shots or something (of parts like not in trailier) or maybe have him upload it lol
well...he might be fooling you

but back to the movie..

I think the first 6 minutes look pretty promising already...

the last Batman was pretty cool...and i guess this one will even be better

can't wait to see it.

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