The Devil's Rejects


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2005
This is not a bad movie, but isn't great either. I rented it last night, hoping that it'd be as funny and ****ed up as the first one. There was some qrotesque mutilations and other ****, but lacked something... I can't put my finger on it.

I loved Capt. Spaulding (Sid Haig) in the first one (House of 1000 Corpses ), but his role in this flick is not as funny. Otis (Bill Moseley) was pretty cool in this version, but seemed diluted.

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I agree this was worth watching for sure. I was surprised and impressed on how they were able to get you to actually start to root for the psychopathic killers as opposed to the obsessed cop that was trying to catch them and in the process went over the edge a bit.
I loved it when Tiny (Matt McGrory) came up from behind Wydell and twisted his neck like popping off a soda pop top! I screamed "YES!".

Sadly, Matt McGrory died during the making of this film. He was working on a biographical movie about Andre the Giant, too. Sad really sad... before his death in Aug of 2005 the Guiness Book of World Records 2006 as having the largest feet of any living man.

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Oh yeah ,Baby is all grown up in this one. She is killing with style ,even throws a knife to kill someone. Cutter aka Captain Spalding was kind of weak but it only made the movie funny. The part where he jacks a car witha kid in it who could not act at all! The kid was suppose to act scared ,you could clearly see him laughing ,that in tern made me laugh so its all good. This movie is in my collection right behind the first one.
Truelly enjoyed the flick. Obviously it could not hold up to the hype produced by the first one. I was impressed with Rob's willingness to kill off all of his stars. Ballsey!:cool:
I rented it a little while ago and thought it was interesting. I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I was going to. I did enjoy the character of the skinny dude with the long hair, his name escapes me at the moment but I am sure you know who I'm talking about. Spalding was also fairly funny at times. I like when he calls the woman a whore and then says "I calls em as I sees em" in his dream. Oddly enough, I liked the scene at the end of the movie where they are speeding towards the cop with Free Bird playing in the background the best. I might have to pick up the DVD to own someday, but I'm not in too big of a rush. I know you don't like me royal, so I hope I didn't taint your review :D Just playin with ya man.
Quite enjoyed the mass slaughter elements of this movie but seemed to spend the whole time waiting for it to 'start'. Not one I'd bother with again.