This morning, I was watching one of those idiotic morning shows that are supposed to cheer me up before work.
Peter Garret and some liberal fuckstick were "debating" the IR reforms.
Wound-up liberal was reciting practiced propaganda without drawing breath. Garret was pulling faces, making hand signals, rolling eyes, and finally interjected that the host should press the buzzer. It was funny as all ****.
Garret shot his robotic opponent down in flames. He knows his ****, and he produced the goods very convincingly. I heard a rumour that the churches are pulling their support of howeird's push for his buddies' profit margins.
The church boffins are predicting much gnashing of teeth, home reposessions, family breakdowns, suicides, murders, and homelessness, directly attributable to howeirds ******-up policies.
I wonder if little johnny will use his new laws of anti-terror to stifle the debate. I can see it now. Every cleric in the land camped out at a refugee enclosure, just so the high-rollers can roll even higher.
I predict a revolution. And it won't be televised, sisters and brothers...
the revolution will be live.