• Thread starter Captain Compassion
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Captain Compassion

The Wall Street Journal, 2 July 2007

The next time Democratic leaders lament the decline of American
industry, please refer them to the current Congressional brawl over
auto fuel-efficiency standards. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of
their colleagues are siding with upscale environmental lobbies over
American carmakers and workers. Call it their Drive-a-Toyota Act.

Foreign automakers were cheering in June when Senate Democrats muscled
through energy legislation to raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy
(CAFE) standards, requiring that automaker fleets hit an average of 35
miles per gallon by 2020 (up from today's 27.5 mpg). GM, Ford and
Chrysler all warned Congress that this would add to their financial
burdens, making their vehicles even less competitive with those made
by Toyota, Honda and otherautomakers. The United Auto Workers warned
that even a small mileage increase could cost more than 65,000 jobs.

Yet Senate Majority Leader Reid's response was to scold Detroit for
opposing him, and to assert that if the U.S. carmakers had only signed
onto CAFE sooner they wouldn't be in their current predicament. Had
they "joined us instead of fighting us these last 20 years [over CAFE
standards], they might nnot be in the financial mess they're in
today," he said. His apparent point is that if only GM and Ford had
invested in new technology and smaller cars the way Toyota and Honda
have, they wouldn't be losing market share. This is a bizarre reading
of recent automobile history.

Detroit has made its share of mistakes, but refusing to compete with
smaller, more fuel-efficient cars isn't one of them. GM tried and
failed with its Saturn project. And one reason for that failure is
that the main competitive reality facing Detroit for a generation has
been the burden of its worker pension and health care costs. The
consensus is that those costs add about $1,500 per vehicle compared to
Japanese or Korean competitors. The best way to recoup those costs is
by making larger vehicles that earn more profit per sale than smaller
cars do. Making trucks (protected by a 25% U.S. tariff) and SUVs was
entirely rational, and failing to do so would have meant more
financial trouble earlier.

Mr. Reid also forgets that, until this decade's surging gasoline
prices, those larger, U.S.-made cars were what Americans wanted to
buy. The Ford Explorer SUV was a huge consumer hit. With gas prices as
low as 90 cents a gallon during the 1990s, U.S. drivers preferred the
safety and power of SUVs, pickups and large sedans. We don't recall
Bill Clinton proposing a 50-cent-a-gallon gas tax to spur gas
conservation, or for that matter lecturing Detroit to stop making
those vehicles.

Amid today's much higher gas prices, more Americans are choosing more
fuel-efficient cars -- a market phenomenon that will do far more to
reduce fuel consumption than any Washington mandate. As most
economists understand, mileage mandates are an inefficient way to
limit fuel use. They don't reduce the number of cars on the road, and
owning a car that gets more miles to the gallon often encourages
people to drive more miles.

If Mr. Reid truly cared about cutting gas consumption, he and his
party would increase the gas tax. But voters are already steamed about
$3-a-gallon gas, and Mr. Reid's commitment to lower carbon consumption
doesn't go as far as the personal sacrifice of losing Democratic
Senate seats.

CAFE is a way to appease the green lobby immediately, while taxing
Detroit, its workers and American consumers indirectly but
significantly over time. Technology exists to further increase fuel
efficiency, but that technology costs money. The Big Three will have
to pass those costs along to consumers, which will make their products
less competitive, while yielding a smaller profit margin on those they
do sell. Ford lost $12.7 billion last year as it is.

One Democrat who understands all this is Michigan's John Dingell, the
House Energy and Commerce Chairman who has so far refused to include
sweeping new fuel-efficiency standards in his energy bill. He prefers
the more modest, flexible standards favored by the Bush Administration
and U.S. carmakers. Ms. Pelosi has refused to budge from her plan to
pass standards like the
Senate's, however. And so the House CAFE showdown has been postponed
until the fall -- or until enough Democrats and wealthy Sierra Club
donors can beat Mr. Dingell into submission.

Journalists and greens are starting to highlight this debate as a test
of Ms. Pelosi's political manhood, saying she needs to show the
venerable Mr. Dingell who's boss. But it's more accurate to say this
debate is a test of who has more clout in today's Democratic Congress
-- the men and women who work in American factories, or the affluent
greens on both coasts who can afford to pay a premium to own a Prius
to indulge their concern about global warming.

There may come a time when the CO2 police will wander the earth telling
the poor and the dispossed how many dung chips they can put on their
cook fires. -- Captain Compassion.

Wherever I go it will be well with me, for it was well with me here, not
on account of the place, but of my judgments which I shall carry away
with me, for no one can deprive me of these; on the contrary, they alone
are my property, and cannot be taken away, and to possess them suffices
me wherever I am or whatever I do. -- EPICTETUS

Celibacy in healthy human beings is a form of
insanity. -- Captain Compassion

"Civilization is the interval between Ice Ages." -- Will Durant.

Joseph R. Darancette
"Captain Compassion" <> wrote in message
> The Wall Street Journal, 2 July 2007
> The next time Democratic leaders lament the decline of American
> industry, please refer them to the current Congressional brawl over
> auto fuel-efficiency standards. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of
> their colleagues are siding with upscale environmental lobbies over
> American carmakers and workers. Call it their Drive-a-Toyota Act.

As opposed to allowing businesses to do whatever they want to the
environment (when it hs been shown, over and over, that a dirty environment
cost more in money and lives, than the basic "cost savings" of a dirty
On Wed, 04 Jul 2007 18:20:45 GMT, "John Smith" <>

>"Captain Compassion" <> wrote in message
>> The Wall Street Journal, 2 July 2007
>> The next time Democratic leaders lament the decline of American
>> industry, please refer them to the current Congressional brawl over
>> auto fuel-efficiency standards. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of
>> their colleagues are siding with upscale environmental lobbies over
>> American carmakers and workers. Call it their Drive-a-Toyota Act.

>As opposed to allowing businesses to do whatever they want to the
>environment (when it hs been shown, over and over, that a dirty environment
>cost more in money and lives, than the basic "cost savings" of a dirty

What is more important environment are jobs?

There may come a time when the CO2 police will wander the earth telling
the poor and the dispossed how many dung chips they can put on their
cook fires. -- Captain Compassion.

Wherever I go it will be well with me, for it was well with me here, not
on account of the place, but of my judgments which I shall carry away
with me, for no one can deprive me of these; on the contrary, they alone
are my property, and cannot be taken away, and to possess them suffices
me wherever I am or whatever I do. -- EPICTETUS

Celibacy in healthy human beings is a form of
insanity. -- Captain Compassion

"Civilization is the interval between Ice Ages." -- Will Durant.

Joseph R. Darancette
"Captain Compassion" <> wrote in message
> The Wall Street Journal, 2 July 2007
> The next time Democratic leaders lament the decline of American
> industry, please refer them to the current Congressional brawl over
> auto fuel-efficiency standards. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of
> their colleagues are siding with upscale environmental lobbies over
> American carmakers and workers. Call it their Drive-a-Toyota Act.

Because American automakers suck, and rely on the FORMER cash cow of the gas
swilling SUV, supporting EFFICIENT vehicles must be supporting the Japanese.

No wonder the WSJ editorials aren't signed.

> Foreign automakers were cheering in June when Senate Democrats muscled
> through energy legislation to raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy
> (CAFE) standards, requiring that automaker fleets hit an average of 35
> miles per gallon by 2020 (up from today's 27.5 mpg). GM, Ford and
> Chrysler all warned Congress that this would add to their financial
> burdens, making their vehicles even less competitive with those made
> by Toyota, Honda and otherautomakers. The United Auto Workers warned
> that even a small mileage increase could cost more than 65,000 jobs.
> Yet Senate Majority Leader Reid's response was to scold Detroit for
> opposing him, and to assert that if the U.S. carmakers had only signed
> onto CAFE sooner they wouldn't be in their current predicament. Had
> they "joined us instead of fighting us these last 20 years [over CAFE
> standards], they might nnot be in the financial mess they're in
> today," he said. His apparent point is that if only GM and Ford had
> invested in new technology and smaller cars the way Toyota and Honda
> have, they wouldn't be losing market share. This is a bizarre reading
> of recent automobile history.
> Detroit has made its share of mistakes, but refusing to compete with
> smaller, more fuel-efficient cars isn't one of them. GM tried and
> failed with its Saturn project. And one reason for that failure is
> that the main competitive reality facing Detroit for a generation has
> been the burden of its worker pension and health care costs. The
> consensus is that those costs add about $1,500 per vehicle compared to
> Japanese or Korean competitors. The best way to recoup those costs is
> by making larger vehicles that earn more profit per sale than smaller
> cars do. Making trucks (protected by a 25% U.S. tariff) and SUVs was
> entirely rational, and failing to do so would have meant more
> financial trouble earlier.
> Mr. Reid also forgets that, until this decade's surging gasoline
> prices, those larger, U.S.-made cars were what Americans wanted to
> buy. The Ford Explorer SUV was a huge consumer hit. With gas prices as
> low as 90 cents a gallon during the 1990s, U.S. drivers preferred the
> safety and power of SUVs, pickups and large sedans. We don't recall
> Bill Clinton proposing a 50-cent-a-gallon gas tax to spur gas
> conservation, or for that matter lecturing Detroit to stop making
> those vehicles.
> Amid today's much higher gas prices, more Americans are choosing more
> fuel-efficient cars -- a market phenomenon that will do far more to
> reduce fuel consumption than any Washington mandate. As most
> economists understand, mileage mandates are an inefficient way to
> limit fuel use. They don't reduce the number of cars on the road, and
> owning a car that gets more miles to the gallon often encourages
> people to drive more miles.
> If Mr. Reid truly cared about cutting gas consumption, he and his
> party would increase the gas tax. But voters are already steamed about
> $3-a-gallon gas, and Mr. Reid's commitment to lower carbon consumption
> doesn't go as far as the personal sacrifice of losing Democratic
> Senate seats.
> CAFE is a way to appease the green lobby immediately, while taxing
> Detroit, its workers and American consumers indirectly but
> significantly over time. Technology exists to further increase fuel
> efficiency, but that technology costs money. The Big Three will have
> to pass those costs along to consumers, which will make their products
> less competitive, while yielding a smaller profit margin on those they
> do sell. Ford lost $12.7 billion last year as it is.
> One Democrat who understands all this is Michigan's John Dingell, the
> House Energy and Commerce Chairman who has so far refused to include
> sweeping new fuel-efficiency standards in his energy bill. He prefers
> the more modest, flexible standards favored by the Bush Administration
> and U.S. carmakers. Ms. Pelosi has refused to budge from her plan to
> pass standards like the
> Senate's, however. And so the House CAFE showdown has been postponed
> until the fall -- or until enough Democrats and wealthy Sierra Club
> donors can beat Mr. Dingell into submission.
> Journalists and greens are starting to highlight this debate as a test
> of Ms. Pelosi's political manhood, saying she needs to show the
> venerable Mr. Dingell who's boss. But it's more accurate to say this
> debate is a test of who has more clout in today's Democratic Congress
> -- the men and women who work in American factories, or the affluent
> greens on both coasts who can afford to pay a premium to own a Prius
> to indulge their concern about global warming.
> --
> There may come a time when the CO2 police will wander the earth telling
> the poor and the dispossed how many dung chips they can put on their
> cook fires. -- Captain Compassion.
> Wherever I go it will be well with me, for it was well with me here, not
> on account of the place, but of my judgments which I shall carry away
> with me, for no one can deprive me of these; on the contrary, they alone
> are my property, and cannot be taken away, and to possess them suffices
> me wherever I am or whatever I do. -- EPICTETUS
> Celibacy in healthy human beings is a form of
> insanity. -- Captain Compassion
> "Civilization is the interval between Ice Ages." -- Will Durant.
> Joseph R. Darancette
"Captain Compassion" <> wrote in message
> The Wall Street Journal, 2 July 2007
> The next time Democratic leaders lament the decline of American
> industry, please refer them to the current Congressional brawl over
> auto fuel-efficiency standards. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of
> their colleagues are siding with upscale environmental lobbies over
> American carmakers and workers. Call it their Drive-a-Toyota Act.
> Foreign automakers were cheering in June when Senate Democrats muscled
> through energy legislation to raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy
> (CAFE) standards, requiring that automaker fleets hit an average of 35
> miles per gallon by 2020 (up from today's 27.5 mpg). GM, Ford and
> Chrysler all warned Congress that this would add to their financial
> burdens, making their vehicles even less competitive with those made
> by Toyota, Honda and otherautomakers. The United Auto Workers warned
> that even a small mileage increase could cost more than 65,000 jobs.
> Yet Senate Majority Leader Reid's response was to scold Detroit for
> opposing him, and to assert that if the U.S. carmakers had only signed
> onto CAFE sooner they wouldn't be in their current predicament. Had
> they "joined us instead of fighting us these last 20 years [over CAFE
> standards], they might nnot be in the financial mess they're in
> today," he said. His apparent point is that if only GM and Ford had
> invested in new technology and smaller cars the way Toyota and Honda
> have, they wouldn't be losing market share. This is a bizarre reading
> of recent automobile history.
> Detroit has made its share of mistakes, but refusing to compete with
> smaller, more fuel-efficient cars isn't one of them. GM tried and
> failed with its Saturn project. And one reason for that failure is
> that the main competitive reality facing Detroit for a generation has
> been the burden of its worker pension and health care costs. The
> consensus is that those costs add about $1,500 per vehicle compared to
> Japanese or Korean competitors. The best way to recoup those costs is
> by making larger vehicles that earn more profit per sale than smaller
> cars do. Making trucks (protected by a 25% U.S. tariff) and SUVs was
> entirely rational, and failing to do so would have meant more
> financial trouble earlier.
> Mr. Reid also forgets that, until this decade's surging gasoline
> prices, those larger, U.S.-made cars were what Americans wanted to
> buy. The Ford Explorer SUV was a huge consumer hit. With gas prices as
> low as 90 cents a gallon during the 1990s, U.S. drivers preferred the
> safety and power of SUVs, pickups and large sedans. We don't recall
> Bill Clinton proposing a 50-cent-a-gallon gas tax to spur gas
> conservation, or for that matter lecturing Detroit to stop making
> those vehicles.
> Amid today's much higher gas prices, more Americans are choosing more
> fuel-efficient cars -- a market phenomenon that will do far more to
> reduce fuel consumption than any Washington mandate. As most
> economists understand, mileage mandates are an inefficient way to
> limit fuel use. They don't reduce the number of cars on the road, and
> owning a car that gets more miles to the gallon often encourages
> people to drive more miles.
> If Mr. Reid truly cared about cutting gas consumption, he and his
> party would increase the gas tax. But voters are already steamed about
> $3-a-gallon gas, and Mr. Reid's commitment to lower carbon consumption
> doesn't go as far as the personal sacrifice of losing Democratic
> Senate seats.
> CAFE is a way to appease the green lobby immediately, while taxing
> Detroit, its workers and American consumers indirectly but
> significantly over time. Technology exists to further increase fuel
> efficiency, but that technology costs money. The Big Three will have
> to pass those costs along to consumers, which will make their products
> less competitive, while yielding a smaller profit margin on those they
> do sell. Ford lost $12.7 billion last year as it is.
> One Democrat who understands all this is Michigan's John Dingell, the
> House Energy and Commerce Chairman who has so far refused to include
> sweeping new fuel-efficiency standards in his energy bill. He prefers
> the more modest, flexible standards favored by the Bush Administration
> and U.S. carmakers. Ms. Pelosi has refused to budge from her plan to
> pass standards like the
> Senate's, however. And so the House CAFE showdown has been postponed
> until the fall -- or until enough Democrats and wealthy Sierra Club
> donors can beat Mr. Dingell into submission.
> Journalists and greens are starting to highlight this debate as a test
> of Ms. Pelosi's political manhood, saying she needs to show the
> venerable Mr. Dingell who's boss. But it's more accurate to say this
> debate is a test of who has more clout in today's Democratic Congress
> -- the men and women who work in American factories, or the affluent
> greens on both coasts who can afford to pay a premium to own a Prius
> to indulge their concern about global warming.

I don't get it. What the problem with getting rid of the bloated, oversized
cars that Americans make? American car makers are drowning in their own
filth. For decades the Japanese and Europeans have made much better cars
and now all of America knows it.

Surprise, surprise.
On Thu, 05 Jul 2007 14:59:40 GMT, "Kevin Cunningham"
<> wrote:

>"Captain Compassion" <> wrote in message
>> The Wall Street Journal, 2 July 2007
>> The next time Democratic leaders lament the decline of American
>> industry, please refer them to the current Congressional brawl over
>> auto fuel-efficiency standards. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and most of
>> their colleagues are siding with upscale environmental lobbies over
>> American carmakers and workers. Call it their Drive-a-Toyota Act.
>> Foreign automakers were cheering in June when Senate Democrats muscled
>> through energy legislation to raise Corporate Average Fuel Economy
>> (CAFE) standards, requiring that automaker fleets hit an average of 35
>> miles per gallon by 2020 (up from today's 27.5 mpg). GM, Ford and
>> Chrysler all warned Congress that this would add to their financial
>> burdens, making their vehicles even less competitive with those made
>> by Toyota, Honda and otherautomakers. The United Auto Workers warned
>> that even a small mileage increase could cost more than 65,000 jobs.
>> Yet Senate Majority Leader Reid's response was to scold Detroit for
>> opposing him, and to assert that if the U.S. carmakers had only signed
>> onto CAFE sooner they wouldn't be in their current predicament. Had
>> they "joined us instead of fighting us these last 20 years [over CAFE
>> standards], they might nnot be in the financial mess they're in
>> today," he said. His apparent point is that if only GM and Ford had
>> invested in new technology and smaller cars the way Toyota and Honda
>> have, they wouldn't be losing market share. This is a bizarre reading
>> of recent automobile history.
>> Detroit has made its share of mistakes, but refusing to compete with
>> smaller, more fuel-efficient cars isn't one of them. GM tried and
>> failed with its Saturn project. And one reason for that failure is
>> that the main competitive reality facing Detroit for a generation has
>> been the burden of its worker pension and health care costs. The
>> consensus is that those costs add about $1,500 per vehicle compared to
>> Japanese or Korean competitors. The best way to recoup those costs is
>> by making larger vehicles that earn more profit per sale than smaller
>> cars do. Making trucks (protected by a 25% U.S. tariff) and SUVs was
>> entirely rational, and failing to do so would have meant more
>> financial trouble earlier.
>> Mr. Reid also forgets that, until this decade's surging gasoline
>> prices, those larger, U.S.-made cars were what Americans wanted to
>> buy. The Ford Explorer SUV was a huge consumer hit. With gas prices as
>> low as 90 cents a gallon during the 1990s, U.S. drivers preferred the
>> safety and power of SUVs, pickups and large sedans. We don't recall
>> Bill Clinton proposing a 50-cent-a-gallon gas tax to spur gas
>> conservation, or for that matter lecturing Detroit to stop making
>> those vehicles.
>> Amid today's much higher gas prices, more Americans are choosing more
>> fuel-efficient cars -- a market phenomenon that will do far more to
>> reduce fuel consumption than any Washington mandate. As most
>> economists understand, mileage mandates are an inefficient way to
>> limit fuel use. They don't reduce the number of cars on the road, and
>> owning a car that gets more miles to the gallon often encourages
>> people to drive more miles.
>> If Mr. Reid truly cared about cutting gas consumption, he and his
>> party would increase the gas tax. But voters are already steamed about
>> $3-a-gallon gas, and Mr. Reid's commitment to lower carbon consumption
>> doesn't go as far as the personal sacrifice of losing Democratic
>> Senate seats.
>> CAFE is a way to appease the green lobby immediately, while taxing
>> Detroit, its workers and American consumers indirectly but
>> significantly over time. Technology exists to further increase fuel
>> efficiency, but that technology costs money. The Big Three will have
>> to pass those costs along to consumers, which will make their products
>> less competitive, while yielding a smaller profit margin on those they
>> do sell. Ford lost $12.7 billion last year as it is.
>> One Democrat who understands all this is Michigan's John Dingell, the
>> House Energy and Commerce Chairman who has so far refused to include
>> sweeping new fuel-efficiency standards in his energy bill. He prefers
>> the more modest, flexible standards favored by the Bush Administration
>> and U.S. carmakers. Ms. Pelosi has refused to budge from her plan to
>> pass standards like the
>> Senate's, however. And so the House CAFE showdown has been postponed
>> until the fall -- or until enough Democrats and wealthy Sierra Club
>> donors can beat Mr. Dingell into submission.
>> Journalists and greens are starting to highlight this debate as a test
>> of Ms. Pelosi's political manhood, saying she needs to show the
>> venerable Mr. Dingell who's boss. But it's more accurate to say this
>> debate is a test of who has more clout in today's Democratic Congress
>> -- the men and women who work in American factories, or the affluent
>> greens on both coasts who can afford to pay a premium to own a Prius
>> to indulge their concern about global warming.

>I don't get it. What the problem with getting rid of the bloated, oversized
>cars that Americans make? American car makers are drowning in their own
>filth. For decades the Japanese and Europeans have made much better cars
>and now all of America knows it.

The Chinese are developing a car that will sell for under $9,000 and
get an honest 35 MPG. I always thought that the VW Bug was the best
car. I've owned three in my life. Simple, economic and I could drive
them where most current day cars can't go. They still make and sell
them in Mexico but can't import them into the US.

There may come a time when the CO2 police will wander the earth telling
the poor and the dispossed how many dung chips they can put on their
cook fires. -- Captain Compassion.

Wherever I go it will be well with me, for it was well with me here, not
on account of the place, but of my judgments which I shall carry away
with me, for no one can deprive me of these; on the contrary, they alone
are my property, and cannot be taken away, and to possess them suffices
me wherever I am or whatever I do. -- EPICTETUS

Celibacy in healthy human beings is a form of
insanity. -- Captain Compassion

"Civilization is the interval between Ice Ages." -- Will Durant.

Joseph R. Darancette