The End of The World

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Okay so we have read a whole bunch of stupid stories in our lifetime. We have encountered some of the dumbest individuals in history. And most people in charge are ust plain stupid. Would complete and utter stupidity affect the existance of mankind or even the world in such a negative way that either may become virtually nonexistant? What are your ideas? Would it be a rather slow painful trip to nothingness or rapid annihilation?

IMO, I say as many stupid people are around today and as these stupid people are having more children and thus increasing our population, humans themselves will wipe themselves out in a very ridiculous but disasterous fashion. Whether it be a nuclear incident, overcrowding, or disasterous effect on the environment.



New member
Posted by Outlaw2747:

Would it be a rather slow painful trip to nothingness or rapid annihilation?
Whats interesting about armegedon is the way its meaning has changed over the last century. 100 years is a very short amount of time in the overall course of human history. The industrial age came about and we saw weapons being manufactured the likes of which have never been. Once the world had a peek at the hydrogen bomb/atom bomb the realisation that mankind could end his own existence came to be. Armagedon was before, held in the biblical sense. Once the dawn of the nuclear age came we then had the technology to destroy life on a global scale.

Kids these days don't seem to know about the nuclear situation during the cold war. It was during this time that the fear of armagedon was very heavy in the air. How many of you remember that made for t.v. movie "The Day After"? I was like 9 or 10 and back then that **** was scary. It was scary because it was a real scenario of annihilation that could play put in hours. It seems the fear of nuclear war is downplayed and seldom mentioned in the media. Ironicly these days, with nuclear technology becoming so common place, the threat is higher than ever. India, Pakistan, china.

We havn't even seen the century mark come for these relativly new weapons of mass destruction, it hasn't even been 100 years and look at whats happening. The wars of the future will likely move from common terrorism, to efforts to dis-arm Countries that wish to develope nukes.

What is even scarier is the real chance that Jihad will turn this direction by way of the dirty bomb. Just one dirty nuke set off in the U.S. would bring a domino effect across the globe. These radical extremist don't care to sacrifice millions for their cause.

And it hasn't even been 100 years yet.



New member
Yea, that is pretty **** scary. There are one too many nukes just floating around to be honest. But even without nukes, we are doomed. One thing that could very well do us in is overpopulation. Eventually we will weed ourselves out along with various other species. Even after our total destruction, we will leave a huge scar on the earth that could probably never heal.


New member
Another theory I could come up with...perhaps we won't even live long enough to destroy ourselves? What about the theory about the sun burning out or it actually going through a red giant stage? But that won't happen for millions of years. Asteroid impact could be another likely one...Wikipedia is one my my favorite websites, it has even more crazier theories...

There is also a separate entry on the end of just humankind. But they kinda go hand in hand. I believe it is safe to say none of us will be around long enough to see the end our our species or planet.



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If Axel Rose makes a huge comeback, then the end is truely near

back to the topic at hand :D



New member
I think we will all get nuked, if I'm lucky, my house will be GROUND ZERO when the bomb hits, ******* vaporize my *** off the face of the Earth, no pain that way.





New member
I think we will all get nuked, if I'm lucky, my house will be GROUND ZERO when the bomb hits, ******* vaporize my *** off the face of the Earth, no pain that way.

Not to mention any warning....Then you wont even have to stress about the when and where of it!



New member
Not to mention any warning....Then you wont even have to stress about the when and where of it!
Oh no, I want at least a half hour warning so I have enough time to rape my neighbor. :D





New member
Oh no, I want at least a half hour warning so I have enough time to rape my neighbor. :D .

Good point...only for me ill need Colin Farrell's address...

but reality...i wouldnt want to know it was comming unless there was something i could do about it realistically. I think the human race will be the end result of this planet..just we have so many ways to choose from as we are doing it slowly already, and can do it very quickly as well.....

Or maybe it will just be one person that will end it......I dont want to Name names, but his his initials are G(eorge) B(ush)



New member
Good point...only for me ill need Colin Farrell's address...
but reality...i wouldnt want to know it was comming unless there was something i could do about it realistically. I think the human race will be the end result of this planet..just we have so many ways to choose from as we are doing it slowly already, and can do it very quickly as well.....

Or maybe it will just be one person that will end it......I dont want to Name names, but his his initials are G(eorge) B(ush)
Nostradamus said the name of this 3rd anti-christ is MABUS, I translate that to mean "THE (MA)N" "(BUS)H"




New member
So much easier to turn that into 'Usama'

Plus it'll help sway the masses of people who subscribe to the Weekly World News for anything more then a larf into voting for imbeciles and the like. Funny, isn't the anti-christ supposed to be the one misleading the masses?......Now what form of man un-justly given near *** like powers and the FULL means to destroy the earth would do such a thing!? :confused:

PS: Phreak, godbless for putting the Astroids ship on there, i can now welcome my Bush induced death (Although not the knida Bush induced death i'd prefer..) :D



New member
I think we will all get nuked, if I'm lucky, my house will be GROUND ZERO when the bomb hits, ******* vaporize my *** off the face of the Earth, no pain that way.

I think there might be a govt. program that is set up for that. Submitt your address and they put you down as a voluntary weapons of mass destruction absorbsion site. Not only do you recieve a nice tax break (after you absorb said bomb) but you also recieve a chance to be on the popular T.V. show, "Pimp my nuked the **** up house".



New member
I think there might be a govt. program that is set up for that. Submitt your address and they put you down as a voluntary weapons of mass destruction absorbsion site. Not only do you recieve a nice tax break (after you absorb said bomb) but you also recieve a chance to be on the popular T.V. show, "Pimp my nuked the **** up house".
As long as PAIGE HEMMIS is there, I'M IN !!




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New member
Nostradamus said the name of this 3rd anti-christ is MABUS, I translate that to mean "THE (MA)N" "(BUS)H"
Perhaps MABUS was meant to be an acronym? Nostradamus was kinda cryptic.






Oh, and Gentilhomme, it's Osama. ;)



New member
Does anyone know where you can get the movie "The Day After"? I was just thinking about that movie a few weeks ago. I remember watching that when I was a kid as well, and **** yes it was scary.
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